Titelbild von Mainlevel ConsultingMainlevel Consulting
Mainlevel Consulting

Mainlevel Consulting


Eschborn, Hesse 1.391 Follower:innen

Promoting positive change in projects, organisations and societies based on evidence, agility and innovation.


We aim at making a difference by enabling organisations to increase the impact of their interventions and reduce the complexity of programme implementation with our expertise in monitoring, evaluation and digitalisation. Mainlevel provides an innovative approach to digitalisation and to monitoring & evaluation to a wide range of organisations in the development, academic, humanitarian and private sectors. We conduct evaluations, establish learning-oriented monitoring & evaluation systems and develop targeted digital solutions that help our clients to: - manage complex programmes based on solid evidence; - improve collaboration between stakeholders; - efficiently collect and learn from robust data; - manage knowledge and turn it into action. Our team of skilled consultants supports your interventions with short-term assignments, long-term technical assistance and IT development.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Eschborn, Hesse
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Development Co-operation, Monitoring & Evaluation, User-friendly IT- Solutions, Capacity Development, Change Management, ICT4D, Digitalisation, Digital tools for development and humanitarian sector, Evaluation und Impact evaluation


Beschäftigte von Mainlevel Consulting


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    1.391 Follower:innen

    🚀 Innovation in Evaluation: More Than Just Buzzwords Following up on our introduction of Mainlevel’s current focus topics, we would like to engage you in a discussion of something that really matters to us: innovative evaluation methods. When we think of innovation, we often link it to business or technology. The Cambridge Dictionary defines innovation as a new idea, design, or product, but it also includes new methods or new ways of using them. So, how does this apply to evaluation? ✅ Some innovations in evaluation involve new technologies like AI or big data. ✅ Others bring together existing ideas in a more coherent and systematic way (methodological bricolage—more on that soon! 😉). ✅ Some borrow from other disciplines, integrating interdisciplinary approaches. ✅ And some innovations rethink the role of evaluators, drawing from practice and embracing transdisciplinarity and decolonial perspectives. More than ever, there’s a growing focus on how evaluation itself can drive continuous learning, better implementation, and smarter planning. If we fail to innovate as evaluators, we risk producing conclusions and recommendations that don’t keep pace with rapid change and uncertainty. This is exactly the argument made by the UNDP’s Innovation Facility Manager in a Global Evaluation Initiative podcast on transforming M&E through innovation. 🎙️ 🎧 Listen to the full 27-minute episode here: https://lnkd.in/dQynJeB4 (perfect for your commute! 😉) #Evaluation #Innovation #M&E #AI #Interdisciplinarity #Learning #UNDP #Transformation

    Transforming M&E for Uncertain and Complex Contexts: The UNDP’s Innovation Sandbox Approach | Powered By Evidence | The GEI Podcast

    Transforming M&E for Uncertain and Complex Contexts: The UNDP’s Innovation Sandbox Approach | Powered By Evidence | The GEI Podcast


  • ✨ Get to know our topic leads! ✨ With the new year in full swing, we’re excited to share our key focus areas for the year ahead. Impact measurement, monitoring, and evaluation span across diverse sectors, utilizing a variety of methods for data collection and analysis. By reflecting on our strengths, passions, and expertise, we’ve identified key topics that we are committed to actively pursuing. We’re thrilled to introduce them to you today! ➡️ ICT4D: Digital transformation is at the heart of Mainlevel’s DNA, and we’re committed to taking it even further. If you’re interested in discussing our expertise in strengthening and evaluating digital initiatives, connect with our topic lead, Daniela Arregui Coka—we’d love to hear from you! ➡️ Sport4Development (S4D): Physical activity, play and sport have great potential to be used as cross-cutting themes and as accessible tools for personal and social development in different sectors. If you’re interested in exploring the opportunities and challenges of S4D, connect with our topic lead, Katrin B.—we’d love to exchange ideas! ⚽ ➡️ PrivateSector4Development: With years of experience advising development programs in partnership with businesses, we’re ready to take PS4D to the next level. Our topic lead, Tatjana Mauthofer, is actively seeking new collaborations to drive the conversation on impact measurement and the “S” in ESG. Let’s connect and make a difference together! ➡️ Innovative methods: To drive innovative and robust evaluation approaches, we must embrace new methods and tools, stay ahead of trends, and leverage both internal and external expertise. Our topic lead, Dr Heribert D., is on the lookout for best practices and cutting-edge evaluation designs to create M&E processes that are both empowering and effective. Let’s collaborate and push the boundaries of impact measurement! In the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing valuable resources, insights, and updates on our key focus areas. We also look forward to engaging conversations—let’s catch up over a cup of tea and explore new developments together!

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  • 🌍 ¡Únase a nuestra red mundial de expertos! 🌍  Aunque trabajamos con un equipo muy unido de consultores internos, dependemos en gran medida de expertos regionales que aporten un profundo conocimiento local y nos ayuden a contextualizar nuestros hallazgos. Por eso hemos creado una red de consultores de confianza en los últimos años. Ahora estamos listos para expandirnos, ¡y USTED podría ser la persona perfecta! 🤝 😍  Si tiene pasión en contribuir a nuestro trabajo en monitoreo, evaluación y aprendizaje (MEA) en cooperación al desarrollo o sectores relacionados, ¡nos encantaría conocer-le!💚  Cuéntenos algo más sobre si:  🔹¿Cuál es su área de especialización?  🔹¿Dónde vive?  🔹¿En qué idiomas trabaja?  🔹¿Cuál es su sector?  ¡Complete nuestra encuesta a continuación y asegúrese de compartir esta convocatoria con otros colegas que puedan estar interesados(as)! ✨  https://lnkd.in/enB_xJZP  #RedDeConsultoría #CooperaciónDesarrollo #MEA #ExpertosLocales #ConsultoresGlobales #Impacto #Únete #DesarrolloInternacional #ExpertosRegionales #OportunidadesDeColaboración  

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  • 🌍 Присоединяйтесь к нашей глобальной сети экспертов! 🌍  Хотя мы работаем со сплоченной командой штатных консультантов, мы в значительной степени полагаемся на региональных экспертов, которые обладают глубокими знаниями местных особенностей и помогают нам интерпретировать наши выводы. Именно поэтому за последние несколько лет мы создали надежную сеть консультантов. Теперь мы готовы к расширению - и ВЫ можете стать идеальной кандидатурой! 🤝  Если вы хотите внести свой вклад в нашу работу в области мониторинг, оценка и обучение (МОО, MEL по-английски) в сотрудничестве в целях развития или в смежных секторах, мы будем рады познакомиться с вами! 💚  Расскажите нам больше о себе:  🔹 В какой области вы специализируетесь?  🔹 Где вы работаете?  🔹 На каких языках вы работаете?  🔹 В какой сфере вы работаете?  Заполните наш опрос ниже и не забудьте поделиться этим призывом с коллегами, которым это может быть интересно! ✨  https://lnkd.in/enB_xJZP  #ConsultingNetwork #DevelopmentCooperation #MEL #LocalExperts #GlobalConsultants #Impact #JoinUs #InternationalDevelopment #RegionalExperts

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  • Junte-se à nossa rede global de especialistas! 🌍  Embora trabalhemos com uma equipe unida de consultores internos, dependemos muito de especialistas regionais para trazer conhecimento local aprofundado e nos ajudar a contextualizar nossas descobertas. É por isso que criamos uma rede confiável de consultores nos últimos anos. Agora estamos prontos para expandir - e VOCÊ pode ser a pessoa certa! 🤝 😍  Se você tem interesse em contribuir com nosso trabalho em monitoramento, avaliação y aprendizagem (MAA) na cooperação para o desenvolvimento ou em setores relacionados, gostaríamos seu contato! 💚  Conte-nos mais sobre você:  🔹Qual é sua área de especialização?   🔹Onde você mora?   🔹Em quais idiomas você trabalha?   🔹Qual é o seu setor?  Responda à nossa pesquisa abaixo e não se esqueça de compartilhar esta chamada com outro(a)s colegas que possam estar interessado(a)s! ✨  https://lnkd.in/enB_xJZP  #ConsultingNetwork #DevelopmentCooperation #MEL #LocalExperts #GlobalConsultants #Impact #JoinUs #InternationalDevelopment #RegionalExperts #CollaborationOpportunities  

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  • 🌍 Rejoignez notre réseau mondial d'experts ! 🌍  Bien que nous travaillions avec une équipe soudée de consultants internes, nous comptons beaucoup sur les experts régionaux pour apporter une connaissance locale approfondie et nous aider à contextualiser nos résultats. C'est pourquoi nous avons construit un réseau de consultants de confiance au cours des dernières années. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes prêts à nous développer - et VOUS pourriez être le(la) candidat(e) idéal(e) ! 🤝 😍  Si vous êtes passionné(e) par l'idée de contribuer à notre travail en matière de suivi, évaluation et apprentissage (SEA) dans le domaine de la coopération au développement ou dans des secteurs connexes, nous serions ravis de vous connaitre ! 💚  Parlez-nous un peu de vous :  🔹Quel est votre domaine d'expertise ?   🔹Où êtes-vous basé(e) ?   🔹Dans quelles langues travaillez-vous ?   🔹Quel est votre secteur d'activité ?  Répondez à notre enquête ci-dessous et n'oubliez pas de partager cet appel avec d'autres collègues qui seraient intéressé(e)s ! ✨  https://shorturl.at/qTH09 #Réseaudeconseil #Coopérationaudéveloppement #Expertslocaux #Impact #Rejoigneznous #Développementinternational #Expertrégional 

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  • 🌍 Calling local evaluators and MEL experts! 🌍 We’re reaching out to our network to further expand our trusted database of local / regional consultants. If you bring in-depth local knowledge and expertise in MEL or related fields, we’d love to hear from you! Tell us more about yourself: 🔹What's your area of expertise? 🔹Where are you based? 🔹What languages do you work in? 🔹What's your sector? Complete our quick survey below and share this call with your colleagues.🤝✨ https://lnkd.in/enB_xJZP #ConsultingNetwork #DevelopmentCooperation #MEL #LocalExperts #GlobalConsultants #Impact #JoinUs #InternationalDevelopment #RegionalExperts #CollaborationOpportunities

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  • 🏀⚽ Sport is a fundamental human right, to be enjoyed by everyone, everywhere! 🌍 In collaboration with the African Union Sports Council and GIZ’s Sport for Development in Africa (S4DA) programme, Mainlevel is proud to support the digitalization of the AUSC’s #monitoringsystem. Our mission: to develop an efficient, user-friendly digital M&E system tailored to the AUSC Strategic Plan 2024–2028, helping to strengthen the Council’s capacity to measure sport’s contribution to Agenda 2063’s aspirations of "The Africa We Want". 🚀 The result? A digitalized monitoring system (ERP reference included!) that will enhance the AUSC’s ability to deliver on its mandate and promote sport as a tool for development across Africa. Thanks to the AUSC and S4DA for the excellent collaboration! 🙌 💡 Want to know more about the project? Watch the video to discover how the AUSC is working with its 5 development regions and 55 member countries to promote sport for development across Africa! https://shorturl.at/wKL2d #SportForDevelopment #AUSC #S4DA #DigitalTransformation #MonitoringAndEvaluation #TheAfricaWeWant #MainlevelImpact

    Sport is a fundamental human right to be enjoyed by everyone.


  • ✨🎄 Ending 2024 on a golden note! 🎄✨ As we wrap up the last 12 months, we’re feeling so grateful for all the incredible moments this year brought us. Last week, we celebrated together with a beautiful Christmas party filled with joy, music, and a deliciously rich Italian dinner. 🍝✨ 🌟 Now, with the holidays around the corner, we wish you a merry time with your loved ones! 🌟 May your start to the new year be as bright and golden as the moments we’ve shared in 2024! ✨ Please note: Mainlevel and Reframe Data will have company holidays from today until 6th January. For urgent matters, you can reach us at info@mainlevel.de. #HappyHolidays #GoldenMoments #Grateful

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  • 🎧 2024 Wrapped: Mainlevel Edition 🎉  It’s that time of year again—just like Spotify Wrapped is showcasing your top tracks, we’re here to share our highlights from 2024!  This year, we turned up the volume on impact—going from ✨ 𝑬𝒗𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏-𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕-𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆 ✨ to ✨ 𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒊-𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈-𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒐✨ and beyond!  We’re thrilled to share all the ways we made our work count in 2024. From empowering partners to innovating solutions, the key figures below tell the story we’re so proud of.  A special shoutout to our colleagues at Reframe Data for making the year sound even better— your contributions hit all the right notes! 💚  Here’s to another year of making data sing and driving meaningful change. 🎶 

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