🎉 Die Mentalee Challenge beginnt heute! 🎉 Bist du bereit, Körper und Geist fit zu machen? 💪🧠 So funktioniert’s: 1️⃣ Hol dir die App aus dem Google Play Store! 📲 2️⃣ Trainiere deinen Körper & Kopf. 3️⃣ Erreiche 100.000 Punkte! 4️⃣ Motiviere deine Freunde & Familie, mitzumachen. 🤝 5️⃣ Challenge-Ende ist am 30. April. ⏳ Starte noch heute und werde Teil der Challenge! 🔥 ➡️ Jetzt herunterladen: https://buff.ly/4hyXU5l #MentaleeChallenge #KörperUndGeist #FitBleiben #GemeinsamStärker _____ 🎉 The Mentalee Challenge starts today! 🎉 Are you ready to train your body and brain? 💪🧠 Here’s how it works: 1️⃣ Get the app from the Google Play Store! 📲 2️⃣ Train your body & brain. 3️⃣ Reach 100,000 points! 4️⃣ Motivate your friends & family to join. 🤝 5️⃣ The challenge ends on April 30th. ⏳ Start today and be part of the challenge! 🔥 ➡️ Download now: https://buff.ly/4hyXU5l #MentaleeChallenge #BodyAndMind #StayFit #StrongerTogether
Krankenhäuser und Gesundheitseinrichtungen
Heidenheim an der Brenz, Baden-Württemberg 177 Follower:innen
Damit Gedanken in Bewegung bleiben
App zur Demenzprävention.
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- Heidenheim an der Brenz, Baden-Württemberg
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Leibniz-Campus 9
Heidenheim an der Brenz, Baden-Württemberg 89520, DE
Beschäftigte von Mentalee
Noch 3 Tage bis zum Start der #MentaleeChallenge25! 👑 Wir feiern heute die Veröffentlichung unserer Mentalee Challenge App im Play Store! 👑 Holt euch die App mit folgendem Link: https://buff.ly/4hyXU5l Bereit euch vor! Teilt den Beitrag, folgt uns für Tipps & Tricks und lasst uns gemeinsam die Challenge bewältigen. ______ Only 3 days left until the start of #MentaleeChallenge25! 👑 Today we celebrate the release of our Mentalee Challenge App in the Google Play Store! 👑 Get the app with the link: https://buff.ly/4hyXU5l Get Ready! Share the article, follow us for tips & tricks and let's do the challenge together.
Noch 5 Tage bis zum Start der #MentaleeChallenge25! ______ Only 5 days left until the #MentaleeChallenge25 starts! #dementia #googlePlayStore #challenge #Mentalee
Alle 2-3 Minuten wird in Deutschland eine Person mit Demenz diagnostiziert. – (Stand 2023), Experten erwarten in den kommenden Jahren einen Anstieg. Wusstest du, dass mentale Aktivität das Risiko eines kognitiven Abbaus verringern kann? 🏆 Lass uns gemeinsam für eine bessere Zukunft zu kämpfen ✨. Mach mit bei der #MentaleeChallenge25 und setze ein Zeichen! Für jeden Nutzer, der eine persönliche Bestleistung von 100.000 Punkten bis zum Ende der #MentaleeChallenge25 am 30. April 2025 (23:59 Uhr GMT+1) erreicht, spendet das Mentalee Team an Alzheimer-Stiftungen.* ------ Every 2-3 minutes 1 person in Germany get diagnosed with dementia. - (Data from 2023), Experts expect increase in the next years. Did you know staying mentally active can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline? 🏆 Let’s challenge ourselves for a brighter future ✨. Join the #MentaleeChallenge25 and make a difference! For every user reaching a personal high score of 100,000 points during the #MentaleeChallenge25 by the end of April 30th 2025 (23:59 GMT+1), Mentalee Team will donate to Alzheimer foundations.* *Begrenzt auf die ersten 100.000 Nutzer, die 100.000 Punkte erreichen. *Limited to the first 100.000 users, which reach 100.000 points. #dementia #demenz #germany #AlzheimersAwareness #DementiaSupport #MentalHealthMatters #CognitiveHealth ___
Announcement Something BIG is coming to keep your mind sharp and your body active. 🏆 Are you ready to take on the #MentaleeChallenge25? Launching January 31. Stay tuned! ___________________________________ Ankündigung Etwas GROßES kommt, um deinen Geist scharf und dein Körper aktiv zu halten. 🏆 Bist du bereit, die #MentaleeChallenge25 anzunehmen? Start am 31. Januar. Bleib dran!
Reflections on SLUSH 2024 & MAKE Fair What an incredible experience SLUSH 2024 has been! From connecting with inspiring founders to exploring the latest in health tech, it was a fantastic opportunity to represent Mentalee among global innovators. We generated some amazing contacts there and at the MAKE fair in Schwäbisch Gmünd in September. After being invited to the MAKE in Heidenheim last year, we couldn’t miss out this year! We had so much fun showcasing our gaming app and engaging with everyone who stopped by, especially families. Thank you to all who joined us to learn more about our work in dementia prevention! #SLUSH2024 #MAKEfair #healthtech #startupjourney #dementiaprevention #innovation
Niedersachsen rockt die Slush 2024❄️🚀 Nach drei intensiven Tagen auf der #SLUSH ziehen wir Bilanz: 5.500 Start-ups, 3.300 Investoren sowie rund 4.000 weitere Teilnehmende aus der ganzen Welt - und wir mittendrin mit rund 50 Start-up Begeisterten aus ganz #Niedersachsen 💪🏼 The hottest place to be is slushy #Helsinki 🔥🧊 Unsere #Highlights waren: 👉🏻der Gemeinschaftsstand der AHK Finnland mit rund einem Dutzend weiteren Partnern wie u. a. der Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen – NBank und Niedersachsen.next Startup 👉🏻die German Pitching Stage als Bühne und zentralen Anlaufpunkt für das deutsche Startup Ökosystem 👉🏻 die Insights der Gründerinnen und Gründer auf den vier großen Bühnen und die Möglichkeit des individuellen Matchmakings 👉🏻 der #Investorenday und die zahlreichen Einzelmeetings, durch die wir unser Netzwerk deutlich ausbauen konnten 👉🏻 der Austausch innerhalb der #Niedersachsen Delegation mit dem Höhepunkt des Niedersachsendinners. 💐Unser besonderer Dank gilt der AHK Finnland für die großartige Organisation und Gastfreundschaft sowie unseren Kollegen aus der Start-up Förderung der #NBank und dem Team von hannoverimpuls GmbH. Auch ein herzliches Dankeschön an die mitgereisten Start-ups aus Niedersachsen: Allogenetics, coapp, CompositeEdge GmbH, Crowd Ukraine, Histomography, Inhale+, INLEAP Photonics GmbH, LBR Manufacturing, Mentalee, MovePayment, Noise2zero GmbH, Sightwise GmbH, StopCrime GmbH, VRalive GmbH, WG Match, BIOWEG ,eco:fibr GmbH, Flexxter GmbH, Lomavis | Social Media Tools, Nature Robots, Novo AI, OKAPI:Orbits, Splinde, VisioLab, voraus robotik GmbH
Mentalee at SLUSH 2024 Svenja and Lea will be representing Mentalee at SLUSH 2024 as part of the Lower Saxony delegation. We’re grateful for the support of our mission in dementia prevention. #SLUSH2024 #innovation #healthtech
CEO & Co-founder at Mentalee | Innovating Dementia Prevention | Medical Doctor & Cognitive Neurology Researcher | Former Open Water Swimmer
My sister Lea and I will be heading to SLUSH 2024! We’ll be representing Mentalee as one of 15 teams selected for the Lower Saxony delegation. A huge thank you to our sponsors: Investitions- und Förderbank Niedersachsen – NBank, the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transport, Building, and Digitalization of Lower Saxony within the startup.niedersachsen initiative and hannoverimpuls GmbH. I’m looking forward to connecting with other innovators - if you’ll be there, let’s meet up and explore ways to collaborate and make an impact in health tech! #SLUSH2024 #startupjourney #healthtech #innovation #dementiaprevention
Mentalee at The GUILD Academy! In September, Mentalee was selected as a winner of the GUILD Academy to go to San Francisco for an additional one week in-person program.
CEO & Co-founder at Mentalee | Innovating Dementia Prevention | Medical Doctor & Cognitive Neurology Researcher | Former Open Water Swimmer
A Huge Milestone with the GUILD Academy! I’m thrilled to share that after participating in an eight-week intensive entrepreneurship course led by the incredible Anne Cocquyt at The GUILD Academy, we were among the 10 winners out of over 100 projects! Thanks to the DWIH (German Center for Research and Innovation (DWIH) San Francisco), I had the opportunity to join the academy in person in San Francisco. I had the privilege of hearing from amazing entrepreneurs and experiencing firsthand the different stages of startup development in Silicon Valley. Highlights included visits to Stanford University's d.school and University of California, Berkeley's Berkeley SkyDeck . A big thank you to everyone for the great exchange of ideas, and I truly hope to stay in contact with all of you. Special thanks to Anne Cocquyt for leading such an inspiring program and for the picture! #startupjourney #entrepreneurship #siliconvalley #guildacademy #innovation
With your help, our crowdfunding campaign successfully prepared us for a clinical study. We’re proud to announce partnerships with Universitätsmedizin Göttingen Clinic for Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, Clinic for Geriatrics, and Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE).
CEO & Co-founder at Mentalee | Innovating Dementia Prevention | Medical Doctor & Cognitive Neurology Researcher | Former Open Water Swimmer
Progress, Challenges, and Partnerships! With the success of our crowdfunding campaign, we were able to prepare everything for a clinical study. This study could have significantly advanced dementia research, and I’m deeply grateful to everyone who donated and supported us in this endeavor. Unfortunately, during that time, the Medical Device Regulations were constantly evolving. The rules required us to go into the study with a finished product, which we didn't have yet. Despite this setback, we remained committed to moving forward in the best way possible. We were able to establish partnerships with key institutions like the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen Clinic for Psychiatry & Psychotherapy (Prof. Dr. Jens Wiltfang and PD Dr. Dr. Björn Schott), UMG Clinic for Geriatrics (Prof. Christine von Arnim), and the Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE) (Prof. Dr. André Fischer). On top of that, we’ve gained interest from health insurance companies like Techniker Krankenkasse - TK who see the potential in Mentalee’s mission. Thank you to all who have supported us along this journey! #dementiaprevention #healthtech #startupjourney #clinicalresearch #innovation #thankyou
Awards and Recognition! Mentalee has been recognized with the State of Lower Saxony Start-Up Scholarship (2021) and the Federal Ministry of Economics Start-Up Scholarship (2022/2023). These awards helped drive our progress forward.
CEO & Co-founder at Mentalee | Innovating Dementia Prevention | Medical Doctor & Cognitive Neurology Researcher | Former Open Water Swimmer
Building the Foundations for Mentalee! Looking back, it’s incredible how far Mentalee has come. We started by conducting customer surveys, laying the groundwork to establish our product journey and find the right product-market fit. We began working on our branding and officially set our sights on Mentalee as the name that would carry our mission forward. With support from the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen - Start Up Consulting (Martin Stammann, Daniel Eichenberg & Josephine Thums), we received valuable regulatory and company advice, helping us write our very first idea paper. This step paved the way for two incredible achievements: State of Lower Saxony Start-Up Scholarship (2021) Federal Ministry of Economics Start-Up Scholarship (2022/2023) Additionally, we earned a spot in the SNIC Batch, giving us even more momentum as we discovered Mentalee’s potential. #startupjourney #entrepreneurship #healthtech #dementiaprevention #innovation