Vier Studierende gingen der Frage nach: Welchen Einfluss hat OTTO auf Biodiversität und Ökosysteme? 🤔 Beim #InnovateTheAlps Hackathon 2024 hatte ein internationales Team von Studierenden 48 Stunden Zeit, eine Lösung zu finden. Anschließend präsentierten sie uns ihre spannenden Ergebnisse. Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei den Studierenden aus Hongkong, Pakistan, Indien, Georgien und Deutschland sowie bei den Organisatoren ALPIONEERS bedanken. Die Ergebnisse und die neu eröffneten Perspektiven haben uns begeistert. 🤩 #alpioneers #hackathon #innovatethealps #ottochemie
Thank you ALPIONEERS and Magdalena Daxenberger ❤️. I was lucky enough to be part of the Innovate the Alps Hackathon from 8-10 November and to innovate with companies from the Bavarian regions. Together with cool team members Niklas Melzer Steven Liu, Abdul and Hari- I had the chance to spend a weekend working on an idea to improve biodiversity with the help of AI and ML technologies for the Bavarian company OTTO-CHEMIE. Long story short, besides working hard on innovative ideas, I really enjoyed exploring the Bavarian Alps region. I met many smart and motivated young people, went on a 1.5-hour hike (which was my first hiking experience and I was the slowest person in the row 😎), attended yoga sessions, and tasted delicious Bavarian dishes (the hotel even had its own cows, so I assume the food was natural 😊). I didn’t even know that the Bavarian Alps were so close to Munich and so easy to reach. I suppose I’ll travel there quite often! ❤️