Our shared vision: a world without chick culling! Thanks for sharing ASPCA
Major news in the #eggindustry, as Hendrix Genetics announces they have signed a contract to bring an in-ovo sexing machine to the U.S. early 2025. In ovo sexing is an innovative new technology that could revolutionize the welfare of chicks born into the egg industry, by eliminating the currently widespread practice of male chick culling. Hendrix-ISA is the 2nd hatchery company in the U.S. to offer egg brands an alternative to male chick culling, and the 1st to offer it for white eggs. Hendrix’s milestone agreement with Respeggt Group, a developer of in ovo sexing technology, will arrive in Nebraska in early 2025. Hendrix provides chicks for Kipster, a Certified Humane® egg brand recognized by the ASPCA’s Shop With Your Heart® program. NestFresh Eggs, another Certified Humane® egg brand recognized by the ASPCA, will be the first egg brand to offer in-ovo sexed brown eggs and Kipster will be the first to offer in-ovo sexed white eggs. “Hendrix-ISA is the first hatchery to offer this animal welfare solution to both white and brown egg brands – putting the end of male chick culling in sight for the U.S. market,” said Nancy Roulston, Senior Director of Corporate Policy and Animal Science, ASPCA Farm Animal Welfare. “The ASPCA applauds Hendrix-ISA for its leadership in choosing Respeggt in-ovo sexing technology and empathy to address this issue.” For more information on Hendrix’s plans to implement this technology to meet consumer demand for eggs produced without chick culling, see their press release here: https://lnkd.in/ej78jVvs #inovosexing #farmanimalwelfare #malechickculling