👀 An alle #Wissenschaftlerinnen, die #sichtbarer werden möchten! 👉 Im Metavorhaben „Innovative Frauen im Fokus“ (meta-IFiF)-Projekt Prof:inSicht wurde ein Konfigurator entwickelt, der Wissenschaftlerinnen dabei unterstützt, ihre persönliche Sichtbarkeitsstrategie zu erarbeiten. Zusätzlich bietet die Plattform wertvolle Informationen rund um das Thema Sichtbarkeit und setzt sich mit möglichen Bedenken auseinander. ➡️ Hier geht´s zum Konfigurator / Plattform: https://lnkd.in/eM-t74T7
Inclusion, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD), RWTH Aachen University
Hochschulen und Universitäten
Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen 647 Follower:innen
Das IGaD unterstützt und berät alle Hochschuleinrichtungen bei der Integration von Gender- und Diversity-Perspektiven, begleitet die Entwicklung bzw. Umsetzung entsprechender Maßnahmen und leistet dadurch einen unverzichtbaren Beitrag zu einer offenen Hochschulkultur, in der man der Vielfalt von Menschen positiv begegnet und ihre jeweiligen Potenziale wertschätzt. Die selbstverständliche Grundlage der Arbeit der Stabsstelle bildet die Kooperation mit allen Akteurinnen und Akteuren, die in gender- und diversityrelevante Prozesse eingebunden sind.
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- Hochschulen und Universitäten
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- 5.001–10.000 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen
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- Beratung & Zusammenarbeit mit den Fakultäten, Gender Consulting für Forschungsanträge, Diversity Aktivitäten/Diversity Portal der RWTH, Inklusion & Barrierefreiheit an der Hochschule, Forum Diversity, Antidiskriminierung & Antirassismus, Professorinnenprogramm des Bundes und der Länder III, Supporting and implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research - SPEAR, Flexible Career Management (FCM) for female Postdocs, TANDEM Mentoring Programme (TANDEMstud, TANDEMdok und TANDEMplus), Themenreihe "Hochschule im Wandel", Deutscher Diversity Tag und Tage der Vielfalt
Templergraben 55
Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen 52056, DE
Beschäftigte von Inclusion, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD), RWTH Aachen University
📢 NEW: Gender Equality Index 2024 Thematic Focus: Tackling Violence Against Women, Tackling Gender Inequalities Violence against women remains a stubborn barrier to equality, and the cost of inaction is too high to ignore. Our latest Index Thematic Focus explores: 🔍 The latest data on violence against women and societal attitudes ⚖️ A cutting-edge review of legal and policy frameworks at the EU level 📊 A new composite measure for violence against women 📉 The correlation between societal attitudes on violence and gender equality levels 🚨 The findings are clear. No EU country is free from violence against women. Eradicating it requires stronger policies, accountability, and action. 📥 Read more: https://lnkd.in/dHP-WGzj #EIGE #GenderEquality #GenderEqualityIndex #EndGBV
❗ Die Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission, das Deutsche Humboldt-Netzwerk und L'Oréal Deutschland haben eine gemeinsame Ausschreibung „For Women in Science 2025“ für exzellente „Early Career“ Wissenschaftlerinnen in den Naturwissenschaften bzw. MINT-Fächern veröffentlicht. “For Women in Science Germany" promotes four female early-career scientists working in Germany each year - with an award worth 25,000 Euros. Closing date for applications: 10 March 2025 ➡️ More information: https://lnkd.in/g6m59vcF
🎬 #Weltfrauentag 2025: Filmvorführung „Die Gleichung ihres Lebens“ in Kooperation! Die bewährte Filmkooperation, bestehend aus Inclusion, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD), RWTH Aachen University, GSB und Filmstudio, zeigt am 11.03.2025 um 20:15 Uhr in der Aula der RWTH anlässlich des Weltfrauentages 2025 den Film „Die Gleichung ihres Lebens“: https://lnkd.in/e6YKtajm
Why Men Also Benefit From Gender-Sensitive Medicine: Although biological differences between the sexes exist, they have historically received little attention in medical research. Dr. @Sandra Kraemer (1st picture) and Dr. Elisabeth Zechendorf from Uniklinik RWTH Aachen are working to change this. 👍 While severe chest pain, intense tightness in the chest, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweats accompanied by pale skin are recognized as typical symptoms of a heart attack – these symptoms primarily reflect how men experience the condition. Women, in contrast, may also experience chest pain but are more likely to report pain in the upper abdomen, non-specific back pain, shortness of breath, or profound fatigue. These distinctions are not limited to symptoms alone; they extend to the cellular level. Dr. Elisabeth Zechendorf and Dr. Sandra Kraemer are conducting in-depth research on these differences within the Department of Operative Intensive Care Medicine at Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, focusing on gender-sensitive medicine. As members of the Gender Medicine Working Group, they aim to establish a framework that accounts for both biological and sociocultural differences between the sexes in medical research, diagnosis, and treatment. At the institutional level, there is increasing recognition of the importance of this work. In July 2023, the German Council of Science and Humanities recommended that gender research be further promoted. Read more: ➡️ https://lnkd.in/dGZe222u 📸: Judith Peschges #medicine #gender #research
🔬 Frauen in der Wissenschaft: Unsichtbare Barrieren und die Kraft von Vorbildern In einem aktuellen Bericht hat zdfheute die Barrieren beleuchtet, die Frauen in wissenschaftlichen Karrieren begegnen. 👉 Besonders in den MINT-Fächern sind Vorurteile und strukturelle Barrieren noch immer Realität – das zeigt der Beitrag am Beispiel der Informatikerin Selin Aydin. Sie berichtet, dass sie sich im Studium immer wieder besonders beweisen musste – als ob sie eine Vorreiterrolle hätte. Wichtig sind ihrer Erfahrung nach Netzwerke, in denen sich Frauen austauschen, sich gegenseitig unterstützen und einfach merken, dass sie nicht allein sind. 👉 Fehlende Ermutigung, stereotype Vorurteile und strukturelle Hürden erschweren Frauen den Weg in technische Berufe, bestätigt auch Christina Büsing, Professorin für Kombinatorische Optimierung und macht gleichzeitig deutlich, dass die Familienplanung für viele Frauen eine besondere Herausforderung darstellt. 👉 Christina Rouvray, Projektleiterin von meta-IFiF, erläutert, dass frühkindliche Bildung, gesellschaftliche Prägung und der Einfluss der Eltern Frauen oft davon abhalten, technische Fächer zu wählen. Umso wichtiger sind Vorbilder – nicht als unerreichbare Ausnahme-Karrierefrauen, sondern als realistische Role Models, die nah an der Zielgruppe sind und in ihren Kompetenzen als erreichbar wahrgenommen werden. ▶ Den ganzen Artikel von zdfheute (Natalia Bieniek) lesen Sie hier: https://lnkd.in/eazyWTRQ ▶ Hier geht’s zum Instagram-Beitrag von zdfheute: https://lnkd.in/e3KwT-R9 #InnovativeFrauenSichtbarMachen
Inclusion, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD), RWTH Aachen University hat dies direkt geteilt
The 2024 Brigitte Gilles Prize recognizes two initiatives The Brigitte Gilles Prize, named in honor of RWTH’s first Equal Opportunity Officer, recognizes initiatives that significantly improve conditions for women in academia, including their studies, teaching, and research at the university. 🙌 ✔️ Embracing Diversity in Project Management The course “Embracing Diversity in Project Management,” led by Junior Professor Sakura Yamamura, provides master’s students in “Georesources Management” and “Engineering Geohazards” with an opportunity to engage with gender and diversity issues from both academic and practical perspectives. At the same time, the course highlights the broader societal relevance of these topics. A particularly notable aspect of the course is its strong representation of women students, fostering a sense of empowerment through mutual support and motivation. By integrating innovative methods from anti-discrimination and diversity training, the course raises awareness of social justice and inclusion. Through interactive tutorials, students explore critical themes such as gender diversity, implicit bias, and discrimination in professional settings. The selection committee praised the course as a best-practice model for future programming. Moreover, it contributes to a lasting cultural shift within the university by actively promoting awareness of gender equity and diversity. ✔️ Aachen Physics Days The Aachen Physics Days initiative is designed to encourage female high school students with an interest in physics by providing hands-on research experience. During the event, participants work in small groups on research projects and present their findings at the conclusion of the program to an audience of fellow participants, friends, and family. The program aims to foster enthusiasm for physics and support participants in exploring academic and career opportunities in STEM fields. The inaugural Aachen Physics Days in 2024 welcomed 29 students from across Germany. The selection committee commended the program’s grassroots approach and its role in addressing gender disparities in physics. Particularly noteworthy was the fact that the event was organized independently by a dedicated team that successfully mobilized resources without relying on external funding. This demonstrated the team’s strong commitment and initiative. In the Outstanding Theses category, the jury recognized two exceptional works: Jason Moss’s master’s thesis, “Happily Queer Ever After – The Portrayal of Gender and Sexuality in Disney’s Movie Animations,” and Martin Zupp’s bachelor’s thesis, “Empowerment, Gender, and Development: Analyzing the Empowerment Approach in the Agenda 2030.” The jury highlighted the societal relevance and exceptional quality of both theses, deeming them equally deserving of recognition. 👍 📸: Heike Lachmann #gender #diversity #STEM #women #EqualOpportunity Inclusion, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD), RWTH Aachen University
Inclusion, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD), RWTH Aachen University hat dies direkt geteilt
🌍✨ Advancing Gender Equality in #STEAM: Insights from the 4th #EELISA Roundtable This week, Scarlet Yunji Song, alumna of the ENHANCE Alliance and student at RWTH Aachen University, took part as a panelist in the 4th EELISA Roundtable for the International Day of #Women and #Girls in #Science (IDWGS). This important discussion brought together voices from #EELISA, #ENHANCE, and #EUt+ to explore the impact of European University Alliances on gender equality in STEAM education. Scarlet addressed prejudices against women in technical fields and how universities can support #female #leadership. ✨ Her thoughts on the session: "Honored to be a panelist for the IDWGS Roundtable! It was inspiring to discuss how universities can improve STEAM strategies and tackle gender inequality. I was especially impressed by the diverse challenges across Europe, such as maternity leave policies, and proud of #RWTH's support for female students. Grateful to #ENHANCE and #EELISA for this opportunity to drive change within and beyond the EU!" Thanks to #EELISA for hosting this great event and special thanks to Scarlet Yunji Song for representing the ENHANCE Alliance! 🚀 📸 : EELISA ENHANCE Alliance: RWTH Aachen University, Technische Universität Berlin, Politechnika Warszawska, Politechnika Gdańska, Chalmers University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), ETH Zürich, Delft University of Technology #ENHANCEAlliance #EELISA #IDWGS #GenderEquality #STEAMEducation #WomenInScience
RWTH-Professorin Verena Nitsch über "bunte Vielfalt in Forschung, Technik und Ingenieurswissenschaften" RWTH Aachen University #diversitymatters #vielfaltleben https://lnkd.in/eg4EYXSZ
💡 New "She Figures Report" now online! https://lnkd.in/eHF4CUhw
This International Day of Women and Girls in Science, discover the latest insights on the state of gender equality in the European Research and Innovation landscape. She Figures, the EU’s leading data source on gender equality in R&I, has just been published. It highlights not only the progress made but also the specific challenges that remain to close the gender gap. It’s time to act. Let’s continue working towards greater gender equality in science! 🔗 Download the full She Figures 2024 report here: https://lnkd.in/eUiP28mX #SheFigures #WomenInScience #GenderEquality #UnionOfEquality #InternationalDayOfWomenAndGirlsInScience