
Scandlines is a modern and innovative ferry operator with a green vision for the future. We have a proud culture based on a strong German-Danish cooperation and a maritime history dating back to 1872. Scandlines operates two ferry routes with high capacity and frequency. Six of our ferries are hybrid ferries, and two are furthermore fitted with an innovative rotor sail – and that contributes to making our ferries greener. Our core business is to provide an efficient and reliable transport service for both passengers and freight customers. The focus for all our activities – on board the ferries as well as in our BorderShops – is to give our customers a great experience. With 39,000 departures on seven ferries, Scandlines in 2023 transported close to 6.4 million passengers, over 1.6 million cars and over 700,000 freight units on the routes Puttgarden-Rødby and Rostock-Gedser.

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Traffic machines, Individual transportation solutions, Consumer-driven ferry operator und Operating vessels


Beschäftigte von Scandlines


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    In November, senior managers of Scandlines’ Operations department met in Puttgarden to discuss topics related to the ferry operations. Among other things - HSEQ Manager Søren Laurberg gave an update on Health & Safety - Naval Architect Rasmus Nielsen gave an update on bigger project such as the new zero direct emissions ferry and the electrification of the two German ferries operating the Puttgarden-Rødby route - Operations Excellence Manager Nicolai Træde Vestergaard gave an update on the expansion of the terminals in Puttgarden and Rødby as well as the automation of check-in The day also included a lot of knowledge sharing between captains, chief engineers and other operations staff. “The Route Management meetings are always a highlight of the annual cycle of the Operations team, where all senior managers of the operational units meet to evaluate the past six months, discuss the company's strategy and how to translate it into operational goals and not least talk about big and small matters. It is a great pleasure to experience the commitment and to be challenged by - and to challenge - the fantastic Operations teams to always strive to become even better at working in a safe, customer-friendly, environmentally and cost-conscious way,” says Scandlines COO Michael Guldmann Petersen. #scandlines ⛴️ #teamwork #commitment

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    Bag kulissen på Scandlines hybridfærgen Copenhagen i børnehøjde Nu kan du komme til søs og se en Scandlines-færge fra en b(j)ørnevinkel. Det sker i TV2-serien Kæmpemaskiner, hvor Bamse Broom tager børn med til steder, de nok normalt ikke kommer. På en dejlig sommerdag var tv-stjernen Bamse Broom ombord på Copenhagen for at lave optagelser i serien Kæmpemaskiner. Nu ligger der to episoder fra Copenhagen klar på TV2 Play. I episoderne undersøger Bamse Broom skibets funktioner på både broen og i maskinen. Men inden det hele gik i gang, fik tv-stjernen en varm velkomst af supervisor Faris Masinovic. På broen tog kaptajn Martin Holm Lundeborg sig kærligt af den nysgerrige bamse, som endda fik lov til at låne kaptajnens flotte kikkert. I maskinen hjalp dualofficer Magnus K W S Mikkelsen Broom med at starte en af motorerne og kontrollere oliestanden. Under en tur på dækket oplevede Bamse Broom det imponerende rotorsejl – og han var tæt på at falde på snuden af overraskelse under den optagelse. 👉 Du kan se de to programmer her (kræver abonnement): #scandlines ⛴️ #bamse 🧸 Jeppe Hansen

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  • Unternehmensseite von Scandlines anzeigen, Grafik

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    Scandlines scorer bedst i undersøgelse om klima-image 💪 Scandlines' innovative tekniske løsninger og fokus på at fortælle omverdenen om rederiets grønne tiltag samt investorer, der er villige til at investere i grøn teknologi. Det er nogle af de faktorer, der spiller ind på, hvilket klima-image Scandlines har hos danskerne. I begyndelsen af november vandt Scandlines en tysk innovationspris for den kommende ombygning af hybridfærgerne Deutschland og Schleswig-Holstein til plug-in-hybridfærger og et par dage senere en Ferry Shipping Summit-pris for den nye elfærge Futura. Begge priser er konkrete beviser på, at Scandlines' indsats for en mere bæredygtig skibsfart bliver anerkendt. ”Med den gode placering i klima-image-undersøgelsen har vi nu fået et bevis for, at også den danske befolkning bemærker vores indsats. Undersøgelsen viser nemlig, hvor godt vores grønne kommunikation fungerer, og at vores budskaber bliver husket og værdsat af offentligheden,” siger Head of Corporate Communications Anette Ustrup Svendsen. Undersøgelsen er lavet af det anerkendte analyseinstitut Voxmeter A/S. Den bygger på en løbende måling baseret på 13.000 interviews om året med danskere på 18 år og derover fordelt nationalt repræsentativt. Hertil kommer 3.000 interviews om året med virksomhedsledere. ”Vi er i adskillige år gået forrest i denne transformation og har siden indsættelsen af dobbeltender-færgerne på Rødby-Puttgarden halveret CO2-udledningen. Og vi har sat os meget ambitiøse mål med emissionsfri drift på Rødby-Puttgarden i 2030 og på Gedser-Rostock i 2040. Ombygningen af Deutschland og Schleswig-Holstein er et stort skridt på den vej. Et andet vigtigt skridt er, at vi nu undersøger muligheden for at bruge mere miljøvenlige brændstoffer på Gedser-Rostock,” siger COO Michael Guldmann Petersen." 👉 Læs mere om rapporten, og se rangeringen over samtlige søfartsselskaber: #scandlines ⛴️ #voxmeter #klima

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  • Unternehmensseite von Scandlines anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Scandlines hybrid ferry Copenhagen, which is operating the Rostock-Gedser route, has just completed a scheduled shipyard stay. At the shipyard, the Copenhagen crew worked side by side with externals and there was a lot of activity on board. During the yard stay, the rotor sail - the 30 metre high cylinder - was checked for any cracks and loose bolts in the areas of the sail that we cannot access during the monthly checks. To do this, the technician has to be hoisted up inside the sail, which requires special equipment and training as a commercial climber. Checking the rotor sail was not the only task that required some agility. During the stay at the shipyard, the main bearings of the engine were changed - during this work, one person lies inside the engine, while two others help from outside. The crew also cleaned boilers, replaced the UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) - a power supply that provides a backup supply to vital ship equipment in the event of a failure in the main power supply - and a number of other tasks. With the help of external contractors, the Azimuth thrusters and the centre propeller were overhauled and the port box coolers, which dissipate the heat generated during the operation of a generator, were replaced. In addition, the underwater hull of the ship was painted. Everything went according to plan and so quickly that Copenhagen was able to leave the shipyard five hours ahead of schedule. The ferry is now back on the Rostock-Gedser route. 👉 For more information about the ferry: Scandlines employee Maria Svava Winther snapped the photo of the two hybrid ferries with the characteristic rotor sails together in the harbour of Danish Gedser when Copenhagen returned. A rare sight. #scandlines ⛴️ #teamwork #shipyard

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  • Unternehmensseite von Scandlines anzeigen, Grafik

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    In our sustainability report, we have committed to ferry operations with zero direct emissions by 2040. On the Rostock-Gedser route, we are already combining three technologies: traditional diesel operation, battery operation and wind power ⛽ 🔋 🌬️ However, the goal of emission-free ferry operation on the Rostock-Gedser route requires us to utilise another technology. Scandlines is therefore in dialogue with Caterpillar MaK about the possibility of converting our existing MaK diesel engines on the ferries to run on e-methanol. Using e-methanol, which is produced from renewable sources, CO2 emissions can be reduced by 95 per cent under ideal conditions 💪 Exciting times ahead - we are looking forward to this collaboration 🤗 #scandlines ⛴️ #caterpillarmak #emethanol

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    Exciting News! Scandlines and Caterpillar Motoren sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)!   Scandlines and Caterpillar Motoren have signed a MoU to investigate the use of methanol on MaK-powered ferries. They will exchange information on methanol solutions to reduce CO2 emissions in ferry operations. Scandlines has successfully enhanced the efficiency of its ferries for many years using various technical solutions and has extensive experience in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.   The signed MoU includes project planning for converting MaK M 32 C powered ferries from diesel to Methanol dual fuel applications. This initiative marks another significant step for both parties towards more sustainable ship propulsion. Caterpillar considers green methanol, which is produced from renewable sources, as a promising alternative to traditional fuels.   Stay tuned for more updates!   #MaK #Caterpillar #MoU #Scandlines

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  • Unternehmensseite von Scandlines anzeigen, Grafik

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    I sidste uge havde vi arbejdsmiljøseminar på færgen Kronprins Frederik under overskriften ’Ulykkens detektiver’. Omdrejningspunktet var sikkerhed – et emne der har høj prioritet overalt i rederiet. Når vi er samlet fra mange forskellige afdelinger for at tale om sikkerhed, lærer vi nyt og drager nytte af hinandens forskellige kompetencer og erfaringer. Det styrker sikkerheden for både vores kunder og os selv. I alt 100 medarbejdere deltog i dagen, der blandt andet involverede opklaring af fiktive ulykker. Til at runde dagen af havde vi besøg af Søs Egelind, der med sit morsomme og kærlige indspark fik smilet frem hos alle. #scandlines ⛴️ #sikkerhed 🦺 #arbejdsmiljøseminar

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    Lernen Sie unsere Mitarbeiterin kennen: Maike Grunwald, die als Marketingkoordinatorin bei Scandlines in Rostock arbeitet. Vom Fenster aus kann Maike fast den beiden Scandlines‘ Schwesterschiffen „Berlin“ und „Copenhagen“ beim An- und Ablegen zusehen. "Die Hybridfähren, die mehrmals am Tag über die Ostsee fahren, sind hier in Rostock weitläufig bekannt. Dass ich jetzt das Umfeld eines deutsch-dänischen Arbeitgebers beruflich erleben kann, macht mich stolz. Ich mag, dass wir irgendwie wirklich dort arbeiten, wo andere Urlaub machen. Zumindest besser gesagt, wo sie ihren Urlaub beginnen: Nämlich auf der Ostsee mit unseren Fähren." 👉 Träumst du auch von einem Arbeitsplatz mit Meerblick: #scandlines#marketing #urlaub 🏝

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  • Unternehmensseite von Scandlines anzeigen, Grafik

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    Siden 2001 har Scandlines haft sin egen fuldmissionssimulator i lokaler på havnen i Puttgarden. Ved hjælp af skærme skabes en virkelighedsnær situation, der minder meget om, når medarbejderne står på broen på en af Scandlines' færger. "Så meget at det faktisk er muligt at blive søsyg, selvom man godt ved, at man står i et rum med fast sokkel under," fortæller Adnan Nuspahic, der er uddannet både kaptajn og maskinmester og også har rollen som instruktør i simulator-undervisningen af rederiets officerer. Scandlines indsætter snart den nye elfærge Futura på Rødby-Puttgarden-ruten. Allerede nu er rederiets officerer ved at træne alskens scenarier om bord på en computersimuleret udgave af den nye færge. 👉 Læs mere om forberedelserne i journalist Benita Dreyer-Andersens artikel i Søfart - Danmarks maritime fagmedie #scandlines#simulator #emissionsfri

    Søsyg på en fast sokkel: Scandlines-officerer træner til ny fragtfærge

    Søsyg på en fast sokkel: Scandlines-officerer træner til ny fragtfærge

  • Unternehmensseite von Scandlines anzeigen, Grafik

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    Am 22. November gibt Scandlines-Mitarbeiter Kevin Clausen ein Benefizkonzert an Bord der Scandlines Hybridfähre „Schleswig-Holstein“. Der Kartenverkauf durch den Tourismus-Service Fehmarn hat bereits am 25. Oktober begonnen, und es gibt noch Tickets. Manchmal haben Scandlines-Mitarbeitende noch andere Talente als die, die sie tagtäglich in ihrem Beruf einsetzen. Kevin Clausen, der im Alltag in Puttgarden auf Fehmarn als Scheduler arbeitet, hat im Juli dieses Jahres seine erste eigene Single als Singer-Songwriter herausgebracht. Seit mittlerweile zwölf Jahren ist der Heiligenhafener nebenberuflich im Musikgeschäft tätig. Nun gibt er unter dem Titel „Kopf aus – Herz an“ am 22. November auf der Scandlines Hybridfähre „Schleswig-Holstein“ ein Konzert zu Gunsten des Wünschewagens des ASB in Schleswig-Holstein und des Deutscher Kinderschutzbund Ortsverband Heiligenhafen. Scandlines Deutschland GmbH unterstützt diesen guten Zweck, indem wir auf den Gewinn dieser Veranstaltung verzichten, die durch den Verkauf von hoffentlich 100 Tickets entstehen. Auf dem Konzertprogramm steht sowohl sein eigenes Lied als auch Coverversionen von bekannteren Musikern wie Johannes Oerding, Ed Sheeran und vielen mehr. „Ich freue mich wahnsinnig darauf an Bord einer unserer Fähren mit meiner Musik aufzutreten. Das ist mal eine ganz andere Perspektive als die aus meinem Büro in Puttgarden. Ich bin echt dankbar, dass Scandlines diese Initiative unterstützt, und dass der Kartenverkauf gut vorrangeht. Mir ist es wichtig, dass wir mit den Einnahmen zwei Organisationen unterstützen, die viel Gutes bewirken“, so Kevin. 👉 Die Tickets sind hier auf der Seite des Tourismus-Service Fehmarn erhältlich: #scandlines#musik 🎵 #fehmarn 🏝

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  • Unternehmensseite von Scandlines anzeigen, Grafik

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    In 2020, Scandlines took a very interesting step on the green journey towards zero direct emissions operations. We installed a rotor sail on the hybrid ferry Copenhagen operating the Rostock-Gedser route between Germany and Denmark ⛵ Ramus Nielsen, Naval Architect at Scandlines, has been part of the entire journey and was involved in the preparations, installation and evaluation of the rotor sail. In the podcast, Rasmus explains why Scandlines decided to become one of the first companies to install wind power, what have been the results to date, what impacts the new technology has had on our operations, crews and business, and what is his vision for the future. 👉 Register for free to listen to the podcast: 👉 More information about Scandlines' rotor sail:   #Scandlines ⛴ #windtechnology #rotorsail

    Profil von Ariane Morrissey anzeigen, Grafik

    Journalist & Senior editor @ Bunkerspot and

    Meet my new (audio) baby🎙️ Today we’re launching the First Movers podcast series, where I interview maritime companies that were among the first to take the plunge on decarbonisation. But rather than focusing on big headlines and announcements, I am asking what happens in the months and years that follow – in short, how is it going for first movers once alternative fuels or green technologies are installed on their fleet and part of their operations? For this first episode in our series, I am joined by Rasmus Nielsen of Scandlines to find out what results they have achieved - and what challenges they have experienced - since the company installed rotor sails on two of their ferries back in 2020 and 2022. Rasmus reflects on how they solved technical teething issues, but also on the broader challenges faced by first movers who pioneer technologies before regulation and rules are fully ready. He explains why being a first mover paid off in their case, and argues that new regulation such as FuelEU and EU ETS will be key drivers for other companies to follow suit. You can listen to the full interview on the podcast here:

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