Don't forget! Join us tomorrow, Wednesday, 18 September, 11am-12:45pm CEST for the SOCIO-BEE final event. We will share the technological developments carried out over the course of the project, as well as the countless engagement strategies deployed to facilitate these communities (our ‘hives’), to favour an effective change in their way of understanding and dealing with hashtag #airpollution. We will also share, as a final reflection, the lessons learned during these 36 months and recommendations for working with hashtag #citizenscience methodologies to foster the assembly of these communities. If you work or have worked on similar projects, are interested in hashtag #airquality monitoring or plan to work with communities using citizen science methodologies to bring about hashtag #behaviouralchange, join us and participate in this event.
H2020 project aiming to empower individuals to change their behaviour in favour of the environment (grant 101037648)
Wearables and droneS fOr CIty Socio-Environmental Observations and BEhavioral ChangE (SOCIO-BEE) is a project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037648. SOCIO-BEE aims to empower communities to adopt more sustainable behaviours in favour of the environment, specifically reduction of air pollution. The engagement of the community occurs through Citizen Science, where everyone can experiment and be part of monitoring air pollution in their cities. Using bee hives as a metaphor, we have identified the different players and their roles: Queen bees, worker bees, drone bees, larvae, honey bears are all involved and have important roles in the beehive. There will be three different testing sites (Ancona, Marousi and Zaragoza) where beehives of different population groups will monitor air pollution using low-cost sensors, wearable and different technologies.
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In case you missed it, be sure to check out the recording of our latest webinar, 'Enhancing air quality sensor networks for citizen science,' with talks by Horizons EU projects We COMPAIR, FunSNM & SOCIO-BEE. #airquality #citizenscience #sensors #standardisation
SOCIO-BEE: Enhancing air quality networks
After three years of hard work, the SOCIO-BEE project is coming to an end. Join us Wednesday, 18 September, 11am-12:45pm CEST for this important wrap-up. We will share the technological developments carried out over the course of the project, as well as the countless engagement strategies deployed to facilitate these communities (our ‘hives’), to favour an effective change in their way of understanding and dealing with #airpollution. We will also share, as a final reflection, the lessons learned during these 36 months and recommendations for working with #citizenscience methodologies to foster the assembly of these communities. If you work or have worked on similar projects, are interested in #airquality monitoring or plan to work with communities using citizen science methodologies to bring about #behaviouralchange, join us and participate in this event.
Don't forget! #Citizenscience involves public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge. Despite its potential, producing citizen science collected data that is perceived as trustworthy enough to be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and influence hashtag #policymaking remains a challenge, in part due to issues involving hashtag #data accuracy and hashtag #standardisation. Join SOCIO-BEE on Thursday, 5 September @ 11:00 CET for a webinar, featuring three short talks on the lessons learnt and recommendations from leading EU Horizon projects, We COMPAIR, FunSNM and SOCIO-BEE, to improve the reliability of air quality CS hashtag #sensor networks. The session will conclude with a discussion among the speakers and the audience. This webinar is open to anyone interested in hashtag #airquality sensor networks and citizen science. When: Thursday, 5 September, 11:00-12:30 CET Where: Zoom Register:
#Citizenscience involves public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge. Despite its potential, producing citizen science collected data that is perceived as trustworthy enough to be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and influence #policymaking remains a challenge, in part due to issues involving #data accuracy and #standardisation. Join SOCIO-BEE on Thursday, 5 September @ 11:00 CET for a webinar, featuring three short talks on the lessons learnt and recommendations from leading EU Horizon projects, We COMPAIR, FunSNM and SOCIO-BEE, to improve the reliability of air quality CS #sensor networks. The session will conclude with a discussion among the speakers and the audience. This webinar is open to anyone interested in #airquality sensor networks and citizen science. When: Thursday, 5 September, 11:00-12:30 CET Where: Zoom Register:
The SOCIO-BEE Tool Kit is online! This comprehensive guide will help you design, implement, manage & take part in an #AirQuality project using the SOCIO-BEE tools and methodology. #CitizenScience #sensors
In case you missed it, be sure to check out the SOCIO-BEE / CitiObs workshop, ‘Pathways to increase the uptake of citizen science generated data by local policy makers’, with a key note speech by Rosamund Adoo Kissi Debrah of the Ella Roberta Family Foundation. The workshop explored ways to leverage the impact of #citizenscience-generate data, particularly in the realm of #airquality, on local policy-making. Rosamund Adoo Kissi Debrah from Ella Roberta Family Foundation gave a keynote talk on, ‘The importance of personal stories in creating global change’, followed by presentations from the EU Horizons SOCIO-BEE and CitiObs projects. Participants then took part in interactive sessions aimed at exploring strategies to overcome challenges facing citizen science projects related to accessibility, scalability and data quality.
SOCIO BEE Pathways to increase the uptake of citizen science generated data by local policy makers
Join SOCIO-BEE for an online workshop dedicated to exploring how to leverage the impact of #citizenscience-generated data, particularly in the realm of #airquality, on local policy-making. Rosamund Adoo Kissi Debrah from the Ella Roberta Family Foundation, will give a keynote talk on, ‘The importance of personal stories in creating global change’, and you will hear about the experiences accumulated by the EU Horizons SOCIO-BEE and CitiObs projects. Following this, participants will have the opportunity to engage in interactive sessions aimed at exploring strategies to overcome challenges facing CS projects related to accessibility, scalability and data quality. When?: Thursday, 4 July, 12:00-14:00 CET Where?:
SOCIO-BEE and the Ancona municipality visited Università della Terza Età to introduce the project to a group of seniors interested in #citizenscience. We look forward to working with them to monitor local #airquality!
We’ll be at #ECSA2024! Drop by our workshop ,The challenges of #citizenscience informed policy uptake: The case of #AirQuality monitoring’ for some collaborative brainstorming and problem solving. Where: BOKU, Vienna, Austria When: 5 April, 10:00-12:00