Team Sonnenwagen Aachen

Team Sonnenwagen Aachen


Aachen, NRW 3.587 Follower:innen

Students of the RWTH and FH Aachen designing and building a race car purely powered by the sun.


Sonnenwagen Aachen is a team of students from Aachen. Every two years we design, develop and build a unique racecar, which can be powered by nothing but solar energy. With those solar cars ("Sonnenwagen") we participate at different races all over the world. The most important being the World Solar Challenge in Australia. During this event we drive 3000km across the Australian desert and try to reach the finish line as the first of ~50 other solar cars. In 2022 we achieved a double-win at the European Solar Challenge, which is the biggest solar race in Europe, and won the Italian Solar Challenge. In Australia we won the Award for the Best Newcomer in 2017 and finished as 6th in 2019.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Aachen, NRW
World Solar Challenge, racing, Fahrstrategie, Aerodynamik, Leichtbau, solar energy, aerodynamics, european solar challenge, driving strategy, solarcar und racing car


Beschäftigte von Team Sonnenwagen Aachen


  • Watch our documentary ’Sonnenwagen - Future Mobility’ in English! ☀️

    Profil von Thomas Pohl anzeigen, Grafik

    Mit bewegenden Bildern Menschen bewegen | Unternehmensfilme mit Wirkung | Filmemacher & Regisseur

    Overwhelmed by the many positive reactions to our film ‘Sonnenwagen - Future Mobility’, we were motivated to ‘go one better’. That's why we went back to our studios and created this international/English version of our documentary. In doing so, we also asked ourselves whether this format could perhaps become even more part of the corporate video narrative. After all, everyone can ultimately benefit from the need for real stories. The committed projects and the people who work on them, the companies that support such campaigns and, of course, the audience that is provided with exciting storytelling. You can find the complete film on YouTube here: Many thanks to Covestro for the great support. And many thanks to the Team Sonnenwagen Aachen for their great work. #covestro #sonnenwagenteam #futuremobility #filmproduction #sonnenwagen #worldsolarchallenge #departmentstudios #futuremobility #documentary #rwthaachen #solarauto #mobilität #zukunft #marenurner #rangayogeshwar #Energy #rwthaachen #teamsonnenwagen #unternehmenskommunikation #videoproduction #corporatevideo #teamsonnenwagenaachen

  • Team Sonnenwagen Aachen hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Thorsten Dreier anzeigen, Grafik

    Chief Technology Officer of Covestro

    Innovation trifft Nachhaltigkeit: Bei meinem Standort-Besuch in Brunsbüttel bekam ich mal Gelegenheit zu einem etwas außergewöhnlichen Termin für einen Chief Technology Officer: Ich durfte im aktuellen Sonnenwagen-Modell Platz nehmen und mich mit dem engagierten Team Team Sonnenwagen Aachen austauschen. Was für eine tolle Möglichkeit! Die talentierten Studierenden der RWTH Aachen und FH Aachen zeigen eindrucksvoll, wie Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit Hand in Hand gehen können. Mit ihrem Solarauto Adelie demonstrieren sie nicht nur technisches Know-how. Sie zeigen auch, wie junge, kreative Köpfe unsere Mobilität der Zukunft gestalten können. Als Technologievorstand von Covestro bin ich stolz darauf, dass wir dieses außergewöhnliche Projekt als Hauptsponsor unterstützen. Unser Beitrag geht dabei weit über finanzielles Sponsoring hinaus: Wir stellen innovative Materiallösungen bereit und steuern Expertenwissen bei. Die Sonnenwagen-Tour führt Adelie derzeit zu Standorten von Covestro in ganz Europa. Die Kolleginnen und Kollegen in Brunsbüttel waren begeistert von dem Besuch der Studierenden und das Interesse an dem Team und seinem Solarauto war überwältigend. Projekte wie der Sonnenwagen inspirieren uns bei Covestro, weiter an nachhaltigen Lösungen zu arbeiten und die Kreislaufwirtschaft voranzutreiben. Sie zeigen, dass mit Kreativität, Engagement und den richtigen Partnerschaften eine nachhaltigere Zukunft möglich ist. Ich bin gespannt, welche Innovationen das Team Sonnenwagen in Zukunft noch hervorbringen wird. Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Mobilität von morgen! #Innovation #Nachhaltigkeit #Sonnenwagen #Covestro #ZukunftderMobilität

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  • Team Sonnenwagen Aachen hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Covestro anzeigen, Grafik

    268.472 Follower:innen

    Our Chief Commercial Officer Sucheta Govil visited the Team Sonnenwagen Aachen at the Zolder racetrack to experience their innovative spirit first-hand. 🌞🚗 Her admiration for the team's commitment and passion was evident, as she shared inspiring words on the impact their work has made on her. 👇Watch the video to see why this project resonates so deeply with her and how it aligns with future mobility goals and our vision for a sustainable future.  

  • Team Sonnenwagen Aachen hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Covestro anzeigen, Grafik

    268.472 Follower:innen

    Our Covestro Sonnenwagen is on tour! 🗺 Together with the Team Sonnenwagen Aachen, we kicked off the #Sonnenwagen Europe Tour at our site in Antwerp last week. Since then, the solar-powered racer has been on the move visiting our Covestro sites across Europe and showing how sustainable mobility is made possible through our materials 💪💚 🌍 Stay tuned as we take you along on the journey. Next stop: Tarragona! 🇪🇸 Take a closer look on our impressions from the fantastic kickoff in Antwerp 👇 A big thank you to all the colleagues who joined us on site 🙏 #FutureMobility #SonnenwagenOnTour #SolarJourney

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  • Today, "Die Sendung mit der Maus" and 20 children visited us at our workspace in Aachen. Many of us grew up watching this science TV show, so we were thrilled to have the Maus visit us and make a childhood dream come true. A big thank you to the Maus, the WDR, and especially to all the children for your curious questions. We hope that some of you will become future Team Sonnenwagen members and continue shaping the future of mobility! You can already watch a short clip of the Maus visiting us in the ARD Mediathek. The link is shared in the comments below.

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  • We’ve completed the iLumen European Solar Challenge 2024! After 24 hours of smooth racing with no issues, we secured second and third place🥈🥉 We’re incredibly proud of our performance, especially since we didn’t have to make any unplanned stops and were able to follow our strategy throughout the entire race. Our new team worked together flawlessly, and this experience has made us even more excited for the next Bridgestone World Solar Challenge in 2025🏁 We also want to take a moment to congratulate Innoptus, the Belgian team, not only for winning today’s race but for achieving the triple crown by winning all three major solar car races in a row. We’re already looking forward to competing with you again next year at the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge! Last but not least, we want to congratulate Solarcar SFZ-Friedrichshafen, a German team full of innovative young minds who are still in school. We are so impressed with your performance at your first race! Keep up the amazing work and stay motivated to shape the future of mobility, because that’s what the iLumen European Solar Challenge and our project is all about☀️

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  • With a classic Le Mans start, where all drivers enter their cars simultaneously, we smoothly kicked off the race. Every two hours, our drivers will switch until the race concludes tomorrow at 1 pm. The team that completes the most laps by then will be crowned European Champion. Since no solar energy can be harvested during the night, each team is allowed up to three battery charges, making strategic planning crucial for success. We are excited for the next hours to come!

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  • Today is a big day for us! Not only does the 24-hour race kick off, but we’re also celebrating our birthday—Team Sonnenwagen Aachen turns nine! It all started in 2015 when a group of students, inspired by a documentary about the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, decided to take part in the race. In 2017, we made our debut, and since then, we’ve competed two more times. Our biggest achievement so far came in 2022, when we won the iLumen European Solar Challenge. Now we’re back, ready to defend our title as European Champions!

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