🚀 superangels ranked Top 10 among the most active VCs 🚀 We’re beyond grateful and #superproud to be named among the top 10 most active VCs in the latest startupdetector rankings! #superangels launched just 1.5 years ago, and we could never have imagined reaching this milestone so quickly. It feels like only yesterday when we kicked things off with our incredible group of superangels in 2023. Fast forward to today: 56 joint investments and a 3.5x multiple on the 2023 cohort later, we’re overly excited for what’s to come in 2025. Rest assured: We are just getting started! 🔥 But is was never all about “quantity“ only - yes, early stage investing is also about doing many deals in order to be successful. But it is also about doing the best deals in the market. If you combine both, this is where the magic happens 🦄 We achieve this quality at scale thanks to our our secret sauce: Our hand-picked #superangels, tirelessly sourcing the best deals in the market. This ranking is truly about them. To every single one of you: THANK YOU. You are the heart of what we do, and this achievement is yours 💙 Finally, a heartfelt thank you to our trusted LPs for their unwavering belief in our vision to redefine Venture Capital by relying on the power of swarm intelligence through our network 🕸️ #venturecapital #redefined #investwiththebest #businessangels #superangels CC 🌟 Anna Alex, Dr.-Ing. Claudia Nagel, Prof. Dr. Roland Fassauer, Stefan Menden, Katja Ruhnke, Conny Hörl, Jan Dzulko, Martin Ostermayer, Björn Jopen, Manuel Bönisch, Sebastian Johnston, Volker Rofalski, Marc Müller, Rudy Rüdiger Fajen, Dr. Axel Brunn, Daniel Bronk, Johannis Hatt, Marc Schuler, Florian Huber 🌟 😇 Franzi Majer 😇 Alexander Brand 😇 Florian Gottschaller
Hier sind die neuesten Zahlen 👇 über die aktivsten VCs in Deutschland. Wir haben wieder das gesamte Handelsregister durchsucht und alle Startup-Investments von VCs zusammengezählt. Das sind mehrere Hundert Stunden an manueller Arbeit, zusätzlich zum Tech Stack, der uns dabei hilft. Das Ergebnis? Diese Quartalübersicht. Enjoy! In eigener Sache: Willst als VC alle Startups mit Angel-Runde sehen, die aber nicht in der Presse stand? Mach einen Free Trial unserer Datenbank! Bist du Founder, aber für VCs noch zu früh? 8.000+ Business Angels aus Deutschland gibt's bei AddedVal.io. CC: HTGF | High-Tech Gründerfonds, Bayern Kapital, IBB Ventures, NRW.BANK, HV Capital, Tengelmann Ventures, b2venture, Brandenburg Kapital GmbH , superangels 😇 , UVC Partners, Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (ISB), capacura und alle anderen :)