Beitrag von Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Luthers Team in #Myanmar hat kürzlich im Rahmen des MADE-Projektes der EU einen Vortrag zum #Arbeitsrecht in Myanmar gehalten. Etwa 150 TeilnehmerInnen von mehr als 50 Unternehmen, hauptsächlich aus der #Textilindustrie, haben den Vortrag besucht. Wir bedanken uns sehr für das Interesse!

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📢 Luther's team in #Myanmar recently gave a lecture on #employmentlaw in Myanmar as part of the EU's MADE project. 🗣️   Around 150 participants from over 50 companies, mostly from the #textile industry, attended the conference. We're thrilled by the interest generated!   👉 In 2013, the SMART Factories Programme was launched to address issues such as child labor, workplace safety, fair wages, and respectful relationships at work. It also introduced international best practices such as the first solar PV rooftop systems and rice husk pellet boilers in the industry. Today, the SMART Factories program is being carried out by multiple teams of over 20 trainers, engineers, and assessors through the MADE project, covering topics such as social compliance, employee relations, chemical management, energy efficiency, and workplace nutrition.   Learn more about the MADE project at: 👉   Alexander Bohusch #ESG #TextileIndustry #Sustainability #EU #EnvironmentalSocialGovernance #Luther #LutherLawFirm

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