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“Das hier ist ein Projekt für die Zukunft – nxtAIM.“ So äußerte sich heute Bundesminister Robert Habeck beim Event im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz: Autonomes Fahren und KI: Deutschlands Weg zur Mobilität der Zukunft. Innovationskraft, Kooperation und #generativeKI für #autonomesFahren. Das Projekt nxtAIM will in den nächsten drei Jahren zukunftsweisende KI-Entwicklungen im Bereich des autonomen Fahrens realisieren. Rund 3000 Personen nahmen im Live Stream am heutigen Dialog und der folgenden Pressekonferenz teil. Fotos: (C) BMWK / Andreas Mertens

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Data4AI - Storage in the era of Large-scale AI computing for nxtAIM Developing AVs is a time-intensive and complex process that requires best-in-class data and AI training infrastructure. Companies developing software-defined vehicles need to accelerate time-to-market and minimize costs without sacrificing safety. Data- driven development is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is data collection and integrity, as data needs to be collected accurately and consistently to drive accurate decisions. It is perfect to see that FZ Jülich is part of the #nxtAIM project. Forschungszentrum Jülich is one of the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Europe and the team are top experts in Large-scale data handling. The configuration of the Juelich Storage Cluster (JUST) is continuously evolving and expanding to integrate newly available storage technology. Currently the 6th generation of JUST consists of 11 IBM Storage Scale 6000 systems and 2 IBM ESS3500 systems. The software layer of the storage cluster is based on IBM Storage Scale (GPFS) and is fully NVIDIA SuperPOD certified. More technical details see:

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