Join us at NeurIPS 2024 ! December 10–15, 2024 in Vancouver, Canada. We're thrilled to announce that two significant contributions from nxtAIM consortium members will be presented at this leading conference on Neural Information Processing Systems! NAVSIM: Data-Driven Non-Reactive #AutonomousVehicleSimulation and Benchmarking by Daniel Dauner, University of Tübingen. Words in Motion: Extracting Interpretable Control Vectors for Motion Transformers by Ömer Şahin Taş, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik. We look forward to contributing to ongoing advancements in #AI. Explore the #nxtAIM publications:
Research Services
NXT GEN AI METHODS - Generative methods for perception, prediction and planning
About us
The project will utilize the massive potential of generative methods to develop new approaches for the development of autonomous driving functions. Foundation models for driving data will emerge as an outstanding result for industry implementation. nxtAIM is a project initiated and developed by the VDA Leitinitiative autonomous and connected driving and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
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- Industry
- Research Services
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
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- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2024
Employees at nxtAIM
"The global competition is evolving extremely dynamically. That's why we need an optimal interplay of research, cooperation, and regulatory frameworks in Germany and Europe, so that we remain what we are: world leaders." Markus Schäfer, Mercedes-Benz AG emphasized this at the high-level event at Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz. Image: BMWK / Andreas Mertens
“The future of mobility is autonomous." Project coordinator Jörg Reichardt, Continental gave an insightful presentation on the nxtAIM project and addressed important aspects in the discussion of #AutomatedDriving. "However, for the vision of autonomous #mobility in the future to become a reality, in addition to technical excellence, another condition must be met: If the person behind the wheel is to truly relinquish their responsibility, that responsibility must be assumed elsewhere. Given enough computing power, #generativeAI methods can be relatively easily scaled and trained on massive datasets without specific functional relevance. They can be used in the areas of perception, #SensorData generation, behavior prediction of road users, and route planning. In function development, the industry is no longer limited by the amount of real-world driving #data collected; instead, nearly unlimited new traffic and driving data can be generated synthetically. This opens up entirely new possibilities for training, testing, and validating driving functions, especially in rare and critical traffic situations, and allows for a gradual expansion of the previously limited Operational Design Domain (ODD)." Image: © BMWK / Andreas Mertens
“Das hier ist ein Projekt für die Zukunft – nxtAIM.“ So äußerte sich heute Bundesminister Robert Habeck beim Event im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz: Autonomes Fahren und KI: Deutschlands Weg zur Mobilität der Zukunft. Innovationskraft, Kooperation und #generativeKI für #autonomesFahren. Das Projekt nxtAIM will in den nächsten drei Jahren zukunftsweisende KI-Entwicklungen im Bereich des autonomen Fahrens realisieren. Rund 3000 Personen nahmen im Live Stream am heutigen Dialog und der folgenden Pressekonferenz teil. Fotos: (C) BMWK / Andreas Mertens
Wir freuen uns über das große Interesse an der wirtschaftspolitischen Diskussionsrunde zu generativer #KI und #autonomes Fahren morgen Montag, 07.10.2024. Die Veranstaltung wird ab 9:15 Uhr gestreamt: Gut 60 Minuten wird entlang dreier Themenblöcke zum Zukunftsfeld #autonomes Fahren diskutiert: #Generative KI, die strategische Ausrichtung der Branche sowie die wirtschaftspolitische Bedeutung für den Standort Deutschland. Durch die interessante und vielseitige Veranstaltung führt Svea Eckert. Mit dabei Mercedes-Benz AG; Continental; AVL; Bosch Mobility; Valeo Deutschland; Forschungszentrum Jülich; BIT-TS; Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) e.V.; Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Autonomes Fahren und KI: Deutschlands Weg zur Mobilität der Zukunft
nxtAIM im Dialog mit Robert Habeck Autonomes Fahren und KI: Deutschlands Weg zur Mobilität der Zukunft. Hochrangige Vertreter aus der Automobilindustrie diskutieren mit Bundesminister Robert Habeck die Innovationskraft der deutschen Leitindustrie in den zukunfträchtigen Bereichen #KI und #autonomesFahren. Anlass ist das von der #VDA Leitinitiative autonomes und vernetztes Fahren initiierte und vom BMWK geförderte Leuchtturmprojekt #nxtAIM – Generative Methoden für Perzeption, Prädiktion und Planung. Das Projekt unterstreicht Deutschlands Spitzenplatz in diesem Technologiebereich und stellt gleichzeitig einen Paradigmenwechsel für die Entwicklung KI-basierter, autonomer Fahrfunktionen dar. Event: Montag, 07.10.2024 ab 9:15 Uhr Live Stream : Es diskutieren: Gilles MABIRE, Continental, Markus Schäfer, Mercedes-Benz, Marcus Bollig, VDA, Astrid Lambrecht, FZ Jülich, Cornelia Denk, BIT TS, Mathias Pillin, Bosch, Jens Poggenburg, AVL, Holger Schwab, Valeo
Bringing projects together. nxtAIM was presented at the STADT:up midterm presentation, – Solutions and Technologies for Automated Driving in Town: an urban mobility project. STADT:up, also a project of the VDA Leitinitiative, develops continuous automated driving and sustainable, intermodal mobility concepts for the city. This opens up enormous potential for future urban traffic: automated driving offers the opportunity to significantly increase road safety and utilise the existing infrastructure much more efficiently. Explore more at Images: Stadt:up
Discover the newly relaunched nxtAIM website. Visit and explore new content and design. We are pleased to announce the relaunch of our website with updated features. Discover the nxtAIM project and research initiative, providing detailed overviews, project facts and partners. Explore our publication section, featuring project developments and results. Stay informed with latest articles, #research papers, and videos on #generativeAI and #AutomatedDriving trends.
nxtAIM at the TACHELES conference on the topic of #GenerativeAI. What does Generative AI truly bring to L4/L5 driving? Are we overlooking essential aspects? What does Generative AI mean for the safety promise of the German and European automotive industry? nxtAIM works on generative methods for perception, prediction, and planning, so it was interesting to explore discussions regarding these questions at the conference on automated and connected driving. nxtAIM Project Coordinators Jörg Reichardt from #Continental and Ulrich Kreßel from #Mercedes-Benz joined the event on June 18, 2024, in Karlsruhe. The TACHELES Conference, initiated by the FZI Research Center for Information Technology and under the patronage of the Ministry of Transport Baden-Württemberg, showcased the impressive potentials but also the pitfalls for autonomous and connected driving. The day was filled with enlightening presentations and interactive workshops. #AutonomousDriving #TACHELESConference #AutonomesFahren Fotos: Paul Gärtner
The nxtAIM project received 1.35 million core-hours in the Jülich Supercomputing Centre at Forschungszentrum Jülich. nxtAIM got an awesome reviewer’s feedback: “Hardly anything to improve, excellent proposal”. Congratulations to the nxtAIM team. A great starting point for the project and first step to create foundation models for driving data which will lead to massive improvements in the development of autonomous driving functions. #GenerativeAI #automateddriving #supercomputing