Vedvarende energi og miljø

Human-centered monitoring. Occupant-centered automation. Because buildings are made for people.

Om os

We are a dynamic start-up, created as a spin-off company of DTU. Our mission is to achieve great environmental quality in indoor spaces. How do we do that? We do that by: 1) Extensively monitoring buildings through our platform, finding faults, and correcting them. 2) Asking occupants' about their own perception of the indoor environment through our mobile app FEEDME 3) Controlling the engineering system of buildings accordingly to the feedback of the occupants through our 3D AI Try out our demo at

Vedvarende energi og miljø
2-10 medarbejdere
Indoor Climate, Buildings Monitoring, Occupants tracing, Building's Control, Energy Optimisation, Flexibility in Buildings, Demand-Side Management, AI for fault-detection og Model Predictive Control of Buildings


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    Vendersgade 74

    Fredericia, 7000, DK

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Medarbejdere hos CLIMIFY


  • 🌟 Climify er med på Indeklimaets Temadag 2025 – Kom og mød os! 🌟Hvordan skaber vi et sundt og behageligt indeklima i eksisterende bygninger, uden at sprænge energibudgettet – og samtidig overholder alle krav fra danske og EU-direktiver? Det er præcis dét, vi i Climify arbejder med, og på Indeklimaets Temadag d. 30. Januar er vi klar til at dele vores erfaringer med dig. 💡 Hvad kan du forvente hos os? Vi hjælper dig med at: ✅ Måle og overvåge nøgleparametre som CO₂, temperatur og luftfugtighed – alt i realtid. ✅ Sikre, at dine bygninger lever op til gældende lovkrav og standarder. ✅ Skabe bedre komfort for dem, der bruger bygningerne, samtidig med at du sparer energi og reducerer CO₂-udledning. 🎤 Hør Davide Cali på scenen kl. 09:45! Vores direktør, Davide Cali, og Pawel Wargocki fra DTU vil holde et oplæg, hvor de besvarer spørgsmålet: "Hvad er fornuftige indeklimaparamenter, og hvordan overvåges det om bygningen overholder det?" Pawel kommer ind på, HVORFOR, der er et behov for at monitorere bygninger. Herefter dykker Davide ned i, HVORDAN Climify’s teknologi gør det nemt at skabe bygninger, der både føles gode og lever op til kravene. Det bliver konkret, relevant og inspirerende! 📅 Indeklimaets Temadag 2025 📍 Teknologisk Institut, Gregersensvej 1, 2630 Taastrup 🔗 Læs mere her: Event Link Vi glæder os til at møde dig! Kom og få en snak med os om, hvordan vi kan hjælpe dig med at gøre compliance og komfort til en helhedsløsning. 💚 #IndeklimaetsTemadag2025 #Indeklima #Bæredygtighed #FeelTheComfort #Climify

    Se profil for Vagn Holk Lauridsen, grafik

    Teknologisk Institut

    Kære alle! Husk indeklimaets temadag den 30. januar Der skal altså renoveres mange bygninger i de kommende år for at forbedre og effektivisere både energiforbrug og indeklimaet. Det kan imidlertid være en udfordring. På temadagen præsenterer vi eksempler på gode løsninger fra nøgleinteressenter, der deler deres praktiske erfaringer med at tackle de udfordringer, som kontorbygninger står overfor. Derudover præsenterer vi resultater fra flere forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter. Her sætter vi fokus på renoveringer af bygninger og styringsstrategier, der gør det muligt at optimere og sikre et sundt, komfortabelt og energirigtigt indeklima. Vi bliver lige omkring 100 deltagere :-) Som bonus kan du denne dag komme indenfor til et kig i vores nye undervisningslaboratorie Tilmeld dig her:



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    Se profil for Davide Calì, grafik

    CEO & Co-Founder at CLIMIFY - Senior Researcher at DTU with focus on the built environment.

    🔥🚀 We're incredibly proud to be a partner in 𝗗𝟰𝗛𝗲𝗮𝘁 – the pioneering district heating project led by the Danish Technological Institute with support from EUDP - Det Energiteknologiske Udviklings- og Demonstrationsprogram. D4Heat is set to transform the efficiency of Denmark's district heating systems by using data-driven diagnostics to automatically detect and resolve faults in heating installations, paving the way for lower energy consumption, cost savings, and a big step forward for the green transition! 🌱♨️ Here’s why this project matters: 🔹 Over half of Denmark’s heating installations contain faults, causing energy inefficiency and higher bills.  🔹 D4Heat will use advanced machine learning and pattern recognition to detect these faults based on data from heat meters and building diagnostics. 🔹 Lowering operating temperatures across the district heating network could save Denmark up to 700-800 million DKK annually! As part of this consortium,CLIMIFY is excited to contribute alongside partners like Center Denmark, Aalborg University, Kamstrup, DEAS A/S , and others. Together, we’re developing solutions that support both energy suppliers and building managers, demonstrating how automated fault detection and data analytics can make energy use more efficient and affordable. This journey, running from August 2024 to July 2027, will set the stage for industry-wide innovation, with open-source tools and datasets for the future of district heating. 🌍🔧 For more on the project’s mission and impact, check out the press release here: --- Project Partners: Danish Technological Institute Center Denmark Aalborg University Kamstrup DEAS A/S Aalborg Forsyning Billund Varmeværk Frederiksberg Forsyning A/S Kalfor kalundborg Varmeforsyning CLIMIFY #D4Heat #EnergyEfficiency #DistrictHeating #GreenTransition #MachineLearning #SmartData #CLIMIFY

    Se organisationssiden for Center Denmark, grafik

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    'Projekt datadrevet diagnostik og digitalisering af fjernvarmen' ♨️📅   Eller sagt på en anden måde: 𝗗𝟰𝗛𝗲𝗮𝘁 - det nye banebrydende fjernvarmeprojekt lanceret af Teknologisk Institut med støtte fra EUDP. Målet er at forbedre energieffektiviteten i fjernvarmenettet ved automatisk at finde og rette fejl i fjernvarmeinstallationer. Det betyder mindre energispild, lavere varmeregninger og et vigtigt bidrag til den grønne omstilling 🌱   Center Denmark leder Arbejdspakke 2 (WP2) og forestår udviklingen af den digitale infrastruktur, der skal gøre dataanalyse og -deling muligt for hele fjernvarmesektoren.   Læs pressemeddelelsen her:

    Data-drevet diagnostik skal optimere energieffektiviteten i fjernvarmeanlæg | Teknologisk Institut

    Data-drevet diagnostik skal optimere energieffektiviteten i fjernvarmeanlæg | Teknologisk Institut

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    Se profil for Davide Calì, grafik

    CEO & Co-Founder at CLIMIFY - Senior Researcher at DTU with focus on the built environment.

    Speaking in the Robert Schuman Room in the Berlaymont building doesn’t happen every day! 😊 Today, I had the honor of participating in the first meeting of the Data for Energy (D4E) initiative under the Smart Energy Expert Group, discussing the future of the EU’s energy and building sectors. In my intervention, I focused on three key concepts:    1.   🔗 The Need for a Universal Ontology for Interoperability: A standardized ontology, like the Brick schema, is crucial to harmonize data across building systems. Without a widely adopted EU standard, building management systems face significant interoperability challenges, limiting seamless integration and optimization of energy use.    2.   💡 Transforming Building Control Through Digitalization: Current systems often rely on complex, user-based interactions. We need to shift toward predictive, comfort-driven control that combines measurements from Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), smart wearables, and direct human feedback. For example, controlling indoor environments through wrist temperature data and human feedback can lead to significant energy savings and greater occupant comfort compared to standard user setpoint control. This shift can enhance both user comfort and energy efficiency—though it must be achieved within the boundaries of GDPR and privacy regulations.    3.   ♻️ Addressing Obsolescence in the Built Environment: While buildings are built to last centuries, digital and IoT solutions can become obsolete in just a few years. How do we avoid creating waste in this sector? A simple comparison: a speaker from the 1990s can still be integrated into a modern HiFi system, yet a smart speaker from just 8 years ago may already be unsupported by its original cloud platform, becoming unusable. These discussions mark an important step toward creating resilient, future-proof, and energy-efficient buildings across the EU. Huge thanks to Stavros Stamatoukos and Mark Van Stiphout for the invitation and for organizing such a productive workshop. Excited to be part of this journey toward sustainable digital transformation! 🌍 #SmartBuildings #Digitalization #EnergyEfficiency #Interoperability #Sustainability #EU #DataForEnergy #DTU

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  • This week, CLIMIFY participated in the ELEXIA Project meeting in Athens, hosted by CORE Group. Together with partners across Europe, we're implementing tools to drive energy efficiency in pilot cities like Høje-Taastrup Kommune, Denmark, Bergen, Norway, and Sines, Portugal. The discussions focused on optimizing energy systems to support Greece’s ambitious transition to renewable energy and reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels. ELEXIA is key to unlocking sustainable energy solutions for the green transition across Europe. #energysystems #climateadaptations #sustainability #horizoneurope

    Se organisationssiden for NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, grafik

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    The ELEXIA Project is an EU Horizon Europe project led by Peter Breuhaus, NORCE and anchored under the EU Green Deal & the EU Strategy for Energy System Integration. The project aims to find the most efficient and optimal energy solutions, following up needs for green transition and a high demand for clean energy. This week researchers from Greece, Spain, Portugal, Finland, United Kingdom, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Poland and Norway have gathered in Athens, Greece. At the partner CORE Group's offices, we are implementing action plans for integrating different tools. These tools are developed to help out three pilots: Dokken in Bergen, Norway, Høje-Taastrup, Copenhagen, Denmark and Sines, Portugal.  The discussions also include the current situation in Greece regarding energy demand and the reduction of greenhouse gases. Greece is dependent on imported oil and gas, most of which comes from the Middle East and Russia. Greece also imports a significant amount of natural gas, mainly from Russia and via LNG (liquefied natural gas) from other countries. Greece also uses lignite, but phasing out of lignite, together with investments in wind and solar energy, is the key to this transition. Greece's goal is to increase the share of renewable energy to over 60 % of the country's electricity production by 2030, with an ambition to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The results from ELEXIA will help Greece and other countries in getting knowledge in the green transition process. In the movie you will meet Dimitris Lokas, CORE who tells about CORE, their participation in ELEXIA and the statements from three of our other experts that explain what ELEXIA is for them. Meet Jean-Nicolas Louis, VTT, Carlos Madina, TECNALIA Dennis Lange, DIH. ELEXIA is now halfway through the project period of four years. CORE Group with Dimitris Lokas, Ralou Tatari, and Maria Maniati were hosting the workshop. #energysystems | #climateadaptations | #sustainabiliy | #horizoneurope | | European Commission | EERA - The European Energy Research Alliance | European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) | EDP Renewables | DTU - Technical University of Denmark | DTU Wind and Energy Systems | VTT | TECNALIA Research & Innovation | Center Denmark| Høje-Taastrup Kommune | Bergen kommune | Electricity Maps | BIR | Wings IT Solutions | CLIMIFY | VEKS | ENFOR A/S | BKK | Eviny | APS Adm. dos Portos de Sines e do Algarve | amc TECH | Durham University |

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    Se profil for Davide Calì, grafik

    CEO & Co-Founder at CLIMIFY - Senior Researcher at DTU with focus on the built environment.

    We at CLIMIFY were so glad to take part in the #Investor x #Startup Bikeride: What an excellent opportunity to build valuable connections and exchange ideas. We look forward to upcoming events and initiatives from PropTech Denmark. Big thank you 🙏 to Laura Katzensteiner and the rest of the team for a great organization!

    Se organisationssiden for PropTech Denmark, grafik

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    Day one at TechBBQ 2024 was packed with insights and innovation! Here's our top 3 takeaways: 1️⃣ Collaboration is (as always) Key: The #Investor x #Startup Bikeride was an excellent reminder that building relationships is just as important as building products 🚴♂️ It is a true pleasure to connect on a whole new level! 2️⃣ UrbanTech in the Spotlight: The #UrbanTech #Pitch Competition showcased innovative ideas that are transforming our cities, from smart building solutions to sustainable urban living. The future of proptech looks more exciting than ever! 🌆🏗️  Congratulations to Acembee on the win - and to runner-ups AI Energy and Insutex 3️⃣ Innovation is Thriving: From inspiring keynotes to exciting product demos, the energy here is undeniable. The future of proptech is digital, sustainable, and customer-focused – and the pace of change is accelerating! ⚡ Oh, and we’re just getting started. Looking forward to more inspiring moments on day two! 💡 Looking to get in touch with PropTech Denmark? Find us in the Brella app or here on LinkedIn! ConTech Lab - en del af Molio, WE BUILD DENMARK, TechBBQ, BLOXHUB, Realdania, VELUX, Lone Feifer, Kim Illum, Michael Ambjorn, Sofie Venndt, Laura Katzensteiner, Kajsa Sjunnesson, Ella Faurschou Aaby, Stine Grønnegaard

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    Se profil for Davide Calì, grafik

    CEO & Co-Founder at CLIMIFY - Senior Researcher at DTU with focus on the built environment.

    Excited to be at TechBBQ in Copenhagen today! At CLIMIFY we’re pioneering solutions that make buildings smarter, more sustainable, and people-friendly. From data-driven digital twins to real-time indoor climate monitoring and feedback, we’re transforming how buildings operate, reducing energy waste and CO2 emissions, while improving comfort and well-being for occupants. If you’re curious about how we’re shaping the future of buildings through smart automation, let’s connect and chat! #TechBBQ #Sustainability #SmartBuildings #ClimateTech #PropTech #GreenInnovation

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    Se profil for Sophie Ryle Bech, grafik

    You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - R. Buckminster Fuller

    BÆREDYGTIG LIVSSTIL - EKSPERIMENT Bolig - Energiforbrug: El ⚡ 📈 Yndlings energi-datanørd Torben Kirk Wolf har hjulpet mig med denne øvelse. Nu glæder det elforbruget i min lille hytte. Mit strømforbrug for et år: 4.492 kWh  Pr kWh koster 0,132kg CO2 Altså: 4.492 x 0,132 = 593 /3 (personer)= 197,7 kg CO2/år Jeg er netop skiftet til Modstrøm Danmark A/S øm som leverandør efter et skrækkeligt halvandet år med Velkommen. Modstrøm laver nogle vidunderlige nyhedsbreve med fokus på grøn strøm og hvad vi forbrugere selv kan gøre for at reducere energiforbruget i hjemmet. Torben siger: En LED-pære skal brænde i 48 timer for at forbruge strøm for 2 kr. Så der er ikke meget at hente. Men ALT det i hjemmet som skal varme op, bruger meget strøm: El-kedel, ovn, komfur, tørretumbler, vaskemaskine, opvasker. Her kan du virkelig spare på strømmen og bruge uden for peak hours. Og så har jeg en affugter i kælderen som slår til når der er fugtigt. Det projekt kunne man kigge på at lave en anden løsning til. Tips! Aldrig vaske/tørretumble ml kl 17-20. Så tvinger du nemlig producenterne til at lave sort strøm, fordi de også skal levere til alle dem der står og laver aftensmad 🥫 🍜. Man kan jo også køre bål til aftensmaden... Du kan låne en elmåler for at gå ned i detaljen for hvilke devices trækker hvilken strøm. Link i kommentar.

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    Se profil for Bruno Adam, grafik

    Sustainable Building Tech

    🚀 One year ago, I embarked on an exciting journey with Climify as a student assistant while writing my thesis. My goal was to dive deep into indoor environmental quality and buildings data, applying my freshly acquired ML knowledge to forecast heat stress. Despite initial challenges, including limited data and my own learning curve, I continued the journey I started during my thesis with Climify, driven by a passion to make a meaningful impact. 🔍 With Climify, I have been driven by the belief that Machine Learning and data can revolutionize building operations by identifying defects, learning from patterns, and forecasting parameters. This pursuit aims to address critical issues in the building industry like performance, comfort, and energy efficiency gaps, often caused by the rebound effect and inadequate monitoring. 🌟 Reflecting on my journey, I am amazed at how I have transitioned into the professional world. This year has been pivotal in developing my interests, continuous learning, and passion for breakthrough innovation. 🙌 A special thank you to my manager, Davide Calì , for the immense trust and freedom he has given me. His motivational words have been invaluable, especially during challenging times. I am also grateful to have an amazing colleague Marin Holi , whose wealth of knowledge has greatly contributed to my development. I am deeply grateful for their unwavering support. 📈 This year at Climify has been about building a strong foundation with a robust backlog of future developments to enhance our product for current and future customers. We are committed to harnessing the power of data analytics, statistics, and machine learning to revolutionize the indoor climate field and the broader building industry by connecting indoor climate to energy and beyond. 🔗 I invite you to follow our latest updates from our main research project, RePUP, which sets the framework for our research and development strategy. Stay tuned for more exciting developments! #MachineLearning #DataAnalytics #BuildingIndustry #IndoorClimate #Innovation #ResearchAndDevelopment #Climify #RePUP

    Recently, we marked a significant milestone as we celebrated one year since the start of the RePuP project, with notable progress to report.   We've successfully installed sensors to monitor indoor environmental quality parameters in two schools, an office building, and five residential homes. Additionally, a thermal comfort model for statistical analysis of the collected data has been developed and is currently undergoing testing. We've also selected the hardware for collecting feedback from building occupants.   During our 1-year meeting, we conducted three insightful workshops on:   Comfort Guarantee led by Jan Kloppenborg Moller, where we explored mathematical approaches to analyze collected data, identify clustering opportunities among different users, and forecast preferences.   Feedback to Users (leaders Peder Bacher & Angela Simone), focusing on developing dynamic comfort models that adapt to environmental variables and personal parameters.   Debugging of Buildings’ HVAC led by Rune Korsholm Andersen and Bruno Adam, where we examined effective fault detection methods.   We look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts and driving further progress in the RePuP project! #HumanCentric #Indoor Environment #EnergyEfficiency #IoT #ModelPredictiveControl #HumanWell-being #DesignSolutions #ClimateAdaptation #SmartBuildings #SustainableBuidlingPerformance Davide Calì, Marin H., Georgi Pavlov, Jørn Toftum, Mariya Bivolarova, Matthias Van Hove, Jens-Emil Syrach Brehmer, Ricardo Forgiarini Rupp Shahab Tohidi, Per Banke

  • Reflecting on a Year of Collaborative Success with RePUP: Real-time Performance Upgrade of Buildings 🌟 As we celebrate one year since the RePuP project began, we at CLIMIFY are proud to lead such a dynamic and talented consortium. The collaboration and collective effort of every partner have been pivotal in reaching our first major milestones. 📊 Over the past year, we've made significant strides: We installed advanced sensors across two schools, an office building, and five residential homes to closely monitor indoor environmental quality. We developed and are currently fine-tuning a thermal comfort model aimed at improving the accuracy and relevance of our data analysis. We selected and deployed innovative hardware for gathering essential feedback from building occupants. 🛠️ Our recent annual meeting was enriched with workshops on Comfort Guarantee, Feedback to Users, and Debugging of Buildings’ HVAC systems, led by esteemed experts including Jan Kloppenborg Moller, Peder Bacher, Angela Simone, Rune Korsholm Andersen, and Bruno Adam. These sessions have been instrumental in shaping our project’s direction and enhancing our methodologies. 🌍 At CLIMIFY, while we steer the project, it's the synergy and shared vision of all consortium members that truly drive progress. We are excited to continue this journey, fostering sustainable and smart building practices that emphasize human well-being and energy efficiency. Thank you to everyone involved for your dedication and innovation. #HumanCentric #IndoorEnvironment #EnergyEfficiency #IoT #ModelPredictiveControl #HumanWellbeing #DesignSolutions #ClimateAdaptation #SmartBuildings #SustainableBuildingPerformance 👥 Heartfelt thanks to our team members and partners: Davide Calì, Marin H., Georgi Pavlov, Jørn Toftum, Mariya Bivolarova, Matthias Van Hove, Jens-Emil Syrach Brehmer, Ricardo Forgiarini Rupp, Shahab Tohidi, Per Banke, Thomas Vain, Jan Kloppenborg Moller, Peder Bacher, Angela Simone, Rune Korsholm Andersen, Peter Bonvang and Bruno Adam.

    Recently, we marked a significant milestone as we celebrated one year since the start of the RePuP project, with notable progress to report.   We've successfully installed sensors to monitor indoor environmental quality parameters in two schools, an office building, and five residential homes. Additionally, a thermal comfort model for statistical analysis of the collected data has been developed and is currently undergoing testing. We've also selected the hardware for collecting feedback from building occupants.   During our 1-year meeting, we conducted three insightful workshops on:   Comfort Guarantee led by Jan Kloppenborg Moller, where we explored mathematical approaches to analyze collected data, identify clustering opportunities among different users, and forecast preferences.   Feedback to Users (leaders Peder Bacher & Angela Simone), focusing on developing dynamic comfort models that adapt to environmental variables and personal parameters.   Debugging of Buildings’ HVAC led by Rune Korsholm Andersen and Bruno Adam, where we examined effective fault detection methods.   We look forward to continuing our collaborative efforts and driving further progress in the RePuP project! #HumanCentric #Indoor Environment #EnergyEfficiency #IoT #ModelPredictiveControl #HumanWell-being #DesignSolutions #ClimateAdaptation #SmartBuildings #SustainableBuidlingPerformance Davide Calì, Marin H., Georgi Pavlov, Jørn Toftum, Mariya Bivolarova, Matthias Van Hove, Jens-Emil Syrach Brehmer, Ricardo Forgiarini Rupp Shahab Tohidi, Per Banke

  • CLIMIFY genopslog dette

    Proptech Symposium 2024 🌇💫 Theme: De-risking the future Reflecting on an enlightening day at Proptech’s Symposium 2024, where the real estate industry leaders converged to explore the future of property technology. Equally impactful was talks about anticipating future trends 🔮   We need to develop robust mental models for accounting in major shifts like migration, biodiversity crisis, wars, and climate change, whilst questioning the data and data-models for foresight. They will not provide us with correct answers about the future 🤷♀️ As we move forward, it’s clear that challenging our assumptions and embracing data-driven insights will be paramount. Grateful for the opportunity to engage with such thought-provoking discussions listening to speakers like Elisabeth Hermann Frederiksen Ole Schrøder Rasmus Juul-Nyholm Davide Calì Finnur Pind Henrik Kølle Petersen Rikke Rønholt Albertsen Budha Bhattacharya Lasse Jonasson Nikki Greenberg and many more 💫 Ps. Could you imagine a more beautiful venue for getting to know new people and getting smarter? Thanks to the entire PropTech Denmark team for organizing, and for all the amazing people we ran into for great discussions about future tech and how to stay on top on the development; Michael Ambjorn, Laura Katzensteiner, Sofie Venndt, Kajsa Sjunnesson, Rasmus Jølck, Martin Andreas Petersen, Lisa Mallner, Jesper Ring, Charlotte Søgaard, Taline Yerganyan, Palle G Dinesen, Ernst von Stegmann und Stein, Katrine Anna Larsen .. and and and..  #ProptechSymposium #DataDrivenDecisions #FutureTrends #derisking #biodiversity #SustainableFuture 

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