Democracy X’ coverbillede
Democracy X

Democracy X

Offentlig politik

Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 2.958 følgere

Vi ganger tidens vigtigste udfordringer og løsninger med demokrati i krydsfeltet mellem teknologi, samfund og bæredygtig

Om os

Democracy X besidder viden og kapacitet til at kunne støtte samfundets aktører i at løse de store udfordringer inden for demokrati, teknologi og klima. Vi er etableret som erhvervsdrivende fond for at gøre en forskel for samfund, borgere og klode. Vores ydelser skal finansieres, men pengene går alene til løn, drift og udvikling – vi skal ikke levere overskud til nogen. Det er vores erfaring og analyse, at vi skal gange de store samfundsudfordringer med demokratisk inddragelse for at lykkes. Vi arbejder missionsdrevet med at udvikle mangeårige programmer på tre store samfundsudfordringer: 1. Overskridelsen af de planetære grænser, 2. Den teknologiske acceleration, 3. Behovet for demokratisk oprustning.

Offentlig politik
51-200 medarbejdere
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark
Analyser, Politikudvikling (høring, politikerpaneler), Rådgivning (procesdesign), Facilitering, Oplæg, Kurser, Citizen and Stakeholder Engagement, Technology Assessment, Foresight, Borgerinddragelse, Interessentinddragelse og RRI


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    Sorøgade 6

    Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 2100, DK

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  • Arnold Nielsens Boulevard 68A

    Hvidovre, Denmark 2650, DK

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Medarbejdere hos Democracy X


  • Exciting news!  🌍  Democracy X Foundation is proud to contribute to the development of the new online training on citizen participation in collaboration with the EU academy and the Competence Centre on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy. This free, online training is designed for public officials, civil servants, and government professionals at all levels, offering basic, advanced, and train-the-trainers courses to build skills in citizen participation. 📅 The first edition is open from 26 March – 8 July 2025, and registration opens today, 26 February! 🪢 Sign up and be part of strengthening participatory democracy in Europe:! #CitizenParticipation #DeliberativeDemocracy #EUAcademy #PublicEngagement

    Se profil for Elisa Vecchione

    Policy Analyst at Joint Research Centre, European Commission, working on citizen engagement, deliberative democracy and science for policy. Former member of the JRC Scientific Committee.

    For some time now, Paulo Rosa Alessandro Ciofini Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Nelson Ribeiro and I have been working behind the scenes of the Competence Centre of Participatory and Deliberative Democracy to bring the new online training on citizen participation to you! I am happy to share that the first edition of the training is now coming on stage and will be available in the EU Academy from 26 March to 8 July 2025! 🌠! Who is the training for? 📚 The training is designed for public officials, civil servants, and government professionals working in local, regional, and national public administrations, as well as future trainers. What level of competence does it address? 👁️🗨️ If features three levels of competence in the field of citizen participation (basic, advanced and train-of-trainers) that align to different goals in terms of knowledge use and skills, and offer different training commitment and duration. Where is the training happening? 💻 Our first edition will be hosted and moderated online in the EU Academy platform. It will be offered in English and is completely free of charge. Is registration open? ⏳ Registration is opening tomorrow 26 February for the three levels of competence (basic, advanced and train-the-trainers) and will close at different times: - for the basic: on Monday 17 March, 2025. - for the advanced: on Monday 7 April, 2025 - for the ToT: on Monday 28 April, 2025 ⚓ To learn more about eligibility, course duration, and structure, visit our dedicated Community of Practice (CoP) webpage

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  • 🌿 Empowering Youth to Shape the Future 🌿 At Democracy x & GreenSCENT Project, we know the power of young voices in shaping a sustainable future. Over the past two years, we've collaborated with incredible European youths through our Youth Design Assemblies, creating impactful tools like the GreenAIR Air Quality App and a Citizen Journalism web tool. But this is just the beginning. We’re thrilled to share our Youth Design Assembly Guide, a step-by-step methodology that merges Design Thinking and Deliberative Mini-Publics, empowering YOU to engage young people in co-designing innovative solutions. 💡 What can the Youth Design Assembly method do for you? ✅ Deepen your understanding of your target group ✅ Improve your product, policy, or educational material ✅ Build motivation and spark action ✅ Foster a lasting, engaged community 📑 Download the guide now and start shaping solutions with youth, for youth! 👇 📹 For a shorter sneak peak, watch our new video illustrating how you can benefit from the Youth Design Assembly method in your work: 

  • ♻️ We are exited to host the next greenSME Sustainability Insights event: Product life cycles and sustainable manufacturing in the textile industry!   Join the online event to experience: 🪡🧵 A case presentation on DILLING's customer-oriented repair universe, by Lea Tae-Mee Søndergaard Nielsen from DILLING. 🪡🧵 5️⃣ x R: A short introduction to the five R s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair and Remanufacture. 🤝 Opportunities to meet others from the greenSME community working with sustainable manufacturing.   🗓️ Join us online January 14th – 13:00-14:00 CET 🔗 Sign up:   The event is online and free of charge.

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  • 🌿 Empowering Youth to Shape the Future 🌿 At Democracy x X & GreenSCENT Project, we know the power of young voices in shaping a sustainable future. Over the past two years, we've collaborated with incredible European youths through our Youth Design Assemblies, creating impactful tools like the GreenAIR Air Quality App and a Citizen Journalism web tool. But this is just the beginning. We’re thrilled to share our Youth Design Assembly Guide, a step-by-step methodology that merges Design Thinking and Deliberative Mini-Publics, empowering YOU to engage young people in co-designing innovative solutions. 💡 What can the Youth Design Assembly method do for you? ✅ Deepen your understanding of your target group ✅ Improve your product, policy, or educational material ✅ Build motivation and spark action ✅ Foster a lasting, engaged community Download the guide now and start shaping solutions with youth, for youth! 👇 🔗 For more inspiration, check out Chapter 8 of the book The European Green Deal in Education by our GreenSCENT partners available here: Let’s create a greener, more inclusive tomorrow together! 🌍 #Sustainability #YouthEngagement #DesignThinking #GreenSCENT #EducationForChange  

  • Se organisationssiden for Democracy X

    2.958 følgere

    🌿 Empowering Youth to Shape the Future 🌿 At Democracy x & GreenSCENT Project, we know the power of young voices in shaping a sustainable future. Over the past two years, we've collaborated with incredible European youths through our Youth Design Assemblies, creating impactful tools like the GreenAIR Air Quality App (by 4sfera Innova) and a Citizen Journalism web tool (by ENGINEERING). But this is just the beginning. We’re thrilled to share our Youth Design Assembly Guide, a step-by-step methodology that merges Design Thinking and Deliberative Mini-Publics, empowering YOU to engage young people in co-designing innovative solutions. 💡 What can the Youth Design Assembly method do for you? ✅ Deepen your understanding of your target group ✅ Improve your product, policy, or educational material ✅ Build motivation and spark action ✅ Foster a lasting, engaged community Read all about it in the recent GreenSCENT blog post and start shaping solutions with youth, for youth! 👇 🔗 Let’s create a greener, more inclusive tomorrow together! 🌍 #Sustainability #YouthEngagement #DesignThinking #GreenSCENT #EducationForChange 🙌 Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO Ellinogermaniki Agogi 4sfera Innova Barcelona Supercomputing Center Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences ECQA Agorize ENGINEERING –Ingegneria Informatica Spa 🙌

  • As part of the European I-CHANGE project, Democracy x hosted two workshops in September on Citizen Science 👩🔬 and Theories of Change 🔁 in the sustainable transition 🌱 A combination of project members, stakeholders 🤝 and experts 💡  provided insights into local adoption of Citizen Science in the I-CHANGE Living Labs 🌍 located around Europe, Israel, and Burkina Faso, local data collection schemes 📊 and emerging ways of changing habits 🔁. Read more about the workshops here and watch (or rewatch) the workshops through the links below 🎥 👇 I-CHANGE Dialogue Event: Life in a Changing Climate [16.09.2024]: I-CHANGE Dialogue Event: Changing Habits in a Changing Climate [17.09.2024]:

  • 💡 Lærerige dage med internationale fagfæller! 🌍 I sidste uge havde vi æren af at byde europæiske og amerikanske kollegaer fra European Parliamentary Technology Assessment (EPTA) velkommen hos os i København📍. EPTA-netværkets årlige møde er en helt særlig lejlighed, hvor medlemmer fra regeringsråd, forskningsinstitutioner og uafhængige fonde udveksler erfaringer, deler metoder og får inspiration fra ligesindede fagfæller, der alle brænder for teknologivurdering og videndeling 💭. Nysgerrighed, dyb interesse og et stort ønske om at lære og inspirere hinanden var gennemgående for alle tre dage, som foregik under årets tema 👉 “Past, Present, Future”. Sammen reflekterede vi over hvad vi kan lære af fortiden, aktuelle tendenser og udfordringer i vores samtid og de fremtidige perspektiver for teknologivurdering i politikudvikling og samfundet generelt🔍. Det fantastiske ved EPTA-netværket er, at ingen af medlemsorganisationerne arbejder helt ens – forskellighederne er vores fælles ståsted for evig læring og samarbejde ✨. Tak til alle deltagere for et inspirerende møde – vi glæder os allerede til næste år! 🙌

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  • Se organisationssiden for Democracy X

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    💭Hvad har havnelogistik, sundhedsvæsnet og mediebranchen til fælles? .............. ⁉Det er tre sektorer hvor arbejdet er forudset at blive signifikant påvirket af brugen af kunstig intelligens. Arbejder du i en af ovenstående sektorer og er du en af dem der følger interesseret med i udviklingen af AI indenfor dit felt, en der allerede bruger AI i dit daglige arbejde, eller har du indflydelse på, hvilke AI-værktøjer, der skal bruges på din arbejdsplads? Så er det dig vi leder efter til vores workshop om udviklingen af et nyt AI-system, der er ved at blive udviklet i THEMIS 5.0 projektet. 📅 Dato: mandag d. 2. december 2024 ⏰ Hvornår: kl. 14:00 – 18:00   📍 Hvor: Democracy x. Sorøgade 6, 2100 København Ø 💼 Deltagere: Ansatte og studerende i mediebranchen, sundhedsvæsnet og havnelogistikbranchen. 📝Tilmeld dig via linket! 👇 Hvorfor skal du deltage? 🌍 Du bidrager aktivt til et af samfundets mest debatterede emner med dine personlige erfaringer og viden 💡 Samskabelse af THEMIS 5.0-systemet, herunder feedback på mock-up, forslag til forbedring af design og brugerkrav 🤝 Mulighed for at netværke med andre som interesserer sig for eller arbejder med AI på arbejdsmarkedet. Workshoppen afholdes som del af det EU-finansierede projekt THEMIS 5.0 (Grant Agreement No.101121042)

  • Se organisationssiden for Democracy X

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    DEMOCRACY X MORGENMØDE:   Kan kommuner blande sig i, om borgerne spiser klimavenligt?    Er du interesseret i, hvad et socialt tippepunkt er, og hvordan kommuner systematisk kan stimulere borgernes adfærd i en bæredygtig retning? Så kom til Democracy X Morgenmøde 23. oktober og hør om de første danske erfaringer med sociale tippepunkter fra to borgmestre (Line Barfod og Maja Højgaard), der allerede er i gang. Vi holder morgenmødet hos Meyers Madhus, og kok og entreprenør Claus Meyer kommer fortæller om sin madmission, og hvordan den skal blive til virkelighed på danskernes tallerkener. Hør som kommune eller anden aktør, hvordan I selv kommer i gang – og vær med til lancering af vores rapport, der beskriver de første danske erfaringer og teorien bag sociale tippepunkter. 👉 Læs mere og tilmeld dig via vores hjemmeside:    DEMOCRACY X støtter samfundets aktører i at løse de store udfordringer med demokrati, teknologi og klima. Morgenmødet giver eksempler på hvordan. Tip endelig andre kommuner og aktører, mødet kan være interessant for.

  • Se organisationssiden for Democracy X

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    Join us and I-CHANGE for two interactive online Dialogue Events where we explore how Citizen Science can support sustainable transitions locally! At the first event we explore the value of Citizen Science, while the theme of the second event is centered on how to create action through Citizen Science initiatives. 📅 Date: 16.09.2024 and 17.09.2024   🕒 Time: 14.00 - 16.30 CET both days Sign up for the first event, Life in a Changing Climate, here: Sign up for the second event, Changing Habits in a Changing Climate, here:

    Se organisationssiden for I-CHANGE

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    🗣 We are inviting you to join the #ICHANGE interactive digital event where we will discuss our learnings and explore alternative ways of understanding and creating change. Join the conversation and help us tackle key questions: 🔹  Does knowledge change behaviour? 🔹 How do we make for a more just transition? 🔹 What are alternative ways of understanding and creating change? 👉 This event is open to everyone, and you will have the opportunity to participate in your native language. 📅 Date: 17.09.2024 🕒 Time: 14.00 - 16.00 CET 🔗 Discover more: . #WeChange #Environment #Sustainability #NetZero #GlobalWarming #CitizenScience #LocalAction #ClimateAction #CarbonFootprint #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #HorizonEU #EUGreenDeal #EUfunded #EUresearch #ResearchImpactEU

    • Changing Habits in a Changing Climate

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