Floating Power Plant

Floating Power Plant

Produktion af halvledere til vedvarende energi

Bandholm, Lolland 10.294 følgere

Reliable renewable energy. Join and help us fight climate change

Om os

Founded in 2004, Floating Power Plant (FPP) is a pioneering clean-tech company revolutionizing renewable energy with its unique, patented floating platforms that harness wind and potentially wave power - paired with the power of hydrogen. As the only company worldwide to have developed and operated an offshore-proven combined floating wind and wave energy device that has successfully delivered power to the grid, FPP is setting new standards in sustainable energy innovation. With offices strategically located in the United Kingdom, Spain, and Denmark, and a global network of strategic and working partners, FPP is positioned to meet the rising global demand for renewable energy solutions. Our technology not only maximizes energy yield by tapping into abundant offshore resources but also offers a scalable and efficient path toward reducing carbon emissions and achieving energy independence.

Produktion af halvledere til vedvarende energi
11-50 medarbejdere
Bandholm, Lolland
Floating wind power, Wave power, Renewable hybrid, Low Cost of Energy (LCOE), sustainable energy, Floating Wind, Hydrogen, Power-to-X, Renewable Energy, Electrolysis, Offshore, Floating, Decarbornisation, Electrification, Energy transition, Energy Security og Energy Quality


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    Birketvej 13

    Bandholm, Lolland, DK

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    Vallensbæk, 2625, DK

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  • Summit house

    4-5 Mitchell street

    EH6 7BD Edinburgh, GB

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Medarbejdere hos Floating Power Plant


  • 🌊💡 Danske maritime iværksættere skal være frontløbere i den grønne omstilling! Vi er stolte af at se vores teknologi fremhævet som et eksempel i den nye rapport fra OCEAN FLAGSHIPS. Rapporten sætter fokus på det enorme potentiale i den blå økonomi og på behovet for flere maritime startups, der kan drive udviklingen af bæredygtige løsninger. 🚢 Danmark står som en søfartsnation i front, og Det Blå Danmark udgør hele 37,4 % af vores eksport. Men rapporten viser også, at kun 1,2 % af nye startups herhjemme arbejder med blå løsninger. Det skal vi ændre på! 🌍 Ifølge OECD - OCDE og International Energy Agency (IEA) skal op mod halvdelen af CO₂-reduktionerne frem mod 2050 komme fra teknologier, der endnu ikke er udviklet. Her spiller iværksætteri en central rolle – især inden for den maritime sektor, hvor vi ser et globalt vækstpotentiale på 300 %. I Floating Power Plant arbejder vi målrettet på at udvikle og kommercialisere bæredygtige løsninger, der kombinerer grøn innovation med styrken fra havet. Vi er beærede over at blive anerkendt som en del af denne dagsorden og håber, at vores arbejde kan inspirere andre startups og aktører til at tage del i den blå omstilling. 📢 Det er tid til handling. Lad os sikre, at vi forbliver førende i udviklingen af grønne, maritime teknologier. Sammen kan vi skabe vækst og bidrage til de globale klimamål. 👉 Læs mere i rapporten og bliv inspireret til at tænke blåt #DetBlåDanmark #GrønOmstilling #BlåØkonomi #Iværksætteri #Bæredygtighed #MaritimInnovation

  • We are thrilled to announce the expansion of our End User Advisory Board with three esteemed members from Repsol, ESB, and a significant global player in the oil and gas industry. This strategic enhancement bolsters our flagship P-Demo project, revolutionizing the offshore renewable energy sector with the world's first floating wind platform integrating onboard hydrogen production and storage. Read more about how this collaboration will drive innovation and support our commitment to delivering renewable energy on demand. Join us in shaping the future of energy #RenewableEnergy #Innovation #Sustainability #FloatingWind #HydrogenEnergy #CleanEnergy #FloatingPowerPlant

  • 🌍💡 As 2024 draws to a close, we at Floating Power Plant are filled with gratitude and optimism. Join our CEO, Anders Køhler, in a reflective journey through a year of remarkable progress and promising developments in green technology. 🎥👇 1️⃣ Increased Support: This year witnessed a surge in global funding, initiatives, and incentives. The green energy sector has thrived thanks to forward-thinking government policies and private investments, allowing us to secure crucial grants and further our mission. 🌱💼 2️⃣ Technological Breakthroughs: While challenges persist, 2024 saw continued advancements in the floating wind and hydrogen industries. The energy sector's commitment to enhancing efficiency and execution remains unwavering as we push the boundaries of what's possible. ⚙️🌬️ 3️⃣ Policy and Cooperation: Stronger climate targets and international cooperation have never been more essential. We're encouraged by the steps taken towards a sustainable future and remain dedicated to playing our part in these global efforts. 🌏✨ Let's celebrate these milestones and keep pushing forward for a greener, more sustainable planet. What are you thankful for this year? Share your thoughts and let's inspire each other! #GreenEnergy #Sustainability #FloatingPowerPlant #Innovation #FutureIsClean 🚀🌿

  • We’re thrilled to announce that Anders Køhler, our CEO, is representing Floating Power Plant at the prestigious Tech Tour Energy & Decarbonisation 2024 investment program in Essen, Germany today! This event provides an incredible platform to: ✅ Showcase innovative ideas and technologies to a global audience of investors and strategic partners. ✅ Build connections with industry experts and venture capital leaders. ✅ Enhance visibility within the Tech Tour community and beyond. Anders will share how we are shaping the future of renewable energy, energy storage, and decarbonization through cutting-edge innovations. We’re excited about the opportunity to present, connect, and forge new partnerships that align with our mission to make renewable energy available whenever and wherever it is needed. 💬 Are you attending the conference? Let’s connect and explore opportunities to collaborate! #TechTour2024 #EnergyTransition #Decarbonisation #Innovation #Networking

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  • We’re excited to share the penultimate video from our cutting-edge testing campaign at Aalborg University, now live on our YouTube channel! In this video, Morten Kramer, Discipline Lead for Data and Testing, dives into how we bridge the gap between mathematical models, physics, and real-world experiments. From using the equation of motion to analyzing forces, we showcase how we collect and utilize data to compare experiments with simulations. 📊✨ Here’s what you’ll learn: ✅ How we adjust and refine numerical models and physical experiments to ensure alignment. ✅ The innovative additions and corrections we apply to achieve precise verification. ✅ Why accurate simulations lead to more reliable, competitive platforms for wind energy. This process is at the heart of making our renewable energy solutions smarter, more efficient, and ready to reshape the future of clean energy. 💡🌍 🔗 Watch the full video here: https://lnkd.in/dPdqyw4m 🎥 Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more updates on our groundbreaking work - and for the upcoming final video: A virtual tour! Follow us here on LinkedIn to stay updated on future innovations. Together, we’re pioneering the future of offshore renewable energy! 💨🌊 #RenewableEnergy #FloatingPowerPlant #WaveEnergy #OffshoreWind #OceanTech #EngineeringInnovation #CleanEnergySolutions #NumericalModeling #HybridEnergyPlatforms #EnergyTransition #GreenTech #SustainableEnergy #SimulationVerification #MathAndPhysicsInAction

    Floating Power Plant - Comparing with Simulations


  • ⚡ We are at the Danish Offshore Technology Conference 2024! Today, the North Sea's future takes center stage as we discuss its immense potential in driving the green transition. Floating Power Plant is proud to be part of this critical conversation. 📌 Join us at 11:40 for the panel discussion: Striking a balance between economic, social, and environmental pressure A panel of experts - including our CEO, Anders Køhler, will dive into these pressing topics: ✅ Competing interests vs. collective strategies ✅ Surplus wind, energy security & market mechanisms ✅ Integrating PtX and CCS amidst risks and uncertainties Let’s explore how we can maximize benefits with minimal losses as energy projects in the North Sea grow. 💬 Are you here? Come say hello and join the dialogue – together, we can shape a sustainable future for offshore energy. #OffshoreEnergy #GreenTransition #NorthSeaPotential #Energytransition #FloatingPowerPlant #DanishOffshoreTechnologyConference

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  • Last Friday, we participated in Science Week at the Parque Científico Tecnológico, where we had the opportunity to showcase our innovative technology to the public. We highlighted why Floating Power Plant solutions are essential for remote islands like the Canary Islands and discussed the benefits of our P-DEMO project. Oscar spoke about the importance of conducting basin tests to validate numerical models and de-risk our technology before moving to commercial-scale demonstrations in real sea environments. These steps are vital to ensuring the success and reliability of our solutions. A big thank you to everyone who attended and engaged with us. We're excited to be at the forefront of renewable energy innovation and look forward to driving sustainable change together. #FloatingPowerPlant #RenewableEnergy #Innovation #ScienceWeek #CanaryIslands #PDEMO #Sustainability #CleanEnergy #OceanEnergy #Technology #EnergyTransition

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  • Exciting to be at Ocean Energy Europe today! 🌊 If you're attending the conference, don't miss the opportunity to hear from our very own Chris McConville, Head of Commercial and Operations at Floating Power Plant. Chris will be presenting not once, but twice! 📅 New Horizons: Off-grid solutions and renewable islands ⏰ Time: 9:30 am - 10:45 am 📍 Location: Auditorium 📅 Wave Showcase – From the Tank to the Ocean ⏰ Time: 11:15 am - 12:45 pm 📍 Location: Auditorium In these sessions, Chris will delve into our innovative SEAWORTHY-project and share insights on how Floating Power Plant is pioneering the future of renewable energy production and storage with our unique floating wind and wave energy technology. This is your chance to get an exclusive sneak peek into how we're shaping the renewable energy landscape. We believe these projects will make a significant impact, and we'd love to share our vision with you. We hope to see you there! #OceanEnergyEurope #RenewableEnergy #FloatingPowerPlant #SEAWORTHY

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  • A (confidential) European energy player, has stepped forward in our innovative venture. We have signed a Letter of Intent to Invest, underscoring their commitment to infuse a substantial portion of a double-digit million euro amount and lead a crucial upcoming equity capital raise. This partnership extends beyond financial investment; our new leading shareholder is a potential future customer, which not only affirms financial support but also validates our unique value proposition to those with deep market insight. Stay tuned as we continue to revolutionize the integration of renewable energy technologies! #RenewableEnergy #Investment #FloatingPowerPlant #WindEnergy #Hydrogen #WaveEnergy #Sustainability #Innovation

    Se organisationssiden for KapitalWatch, grafik

    6.400 følgere

    En indtil videre hemmeligholdt europæisk energiaktør har meldt sig som ledende investor i den danske projektudvikler og energivirksomhed Floating Power Plant og har underskrevet en hensigtserklæring om at tilføre en væsentlig del af et tocifret milllionbeløb i euro og agere som ledende investor i en kommende rejsning af livsvigtig egenkapital i den lollandske virksomhed. 260 private aktionærer har gennem en årrække troet på virksomhedens teknologi med at integrere en kombination af havvind, produktion af brint og i nogle tilfælde bølgekraft. "Den nye investor kommer ikke med alle pengene, men investoren går forrest og vil facilitere, at vi kan lukke en stor transaktion formentlig i første kvartal 2025 på et betydeligt tocifret millionbeløb i euro,” siger adm. direktør Anders Køhler, Floating Power Plant.

    Hemmelig europæisk storinvestor på vej ind i dansk energiselskab

    Hemmelig europæisk storinvestor på vej ind i dansk energiselskab


  • 🌊 Exciting Collaboration Announcement! 🌊 We are thrilled to welcome Rie Emilie Hansen as she embarks on her 9th-semester exam project at Aalborg University, partnering with us at Floating Power Plant (FPP). Rie will explore the innovative potential of leveraging our unique platform for offshore ammonia production. At FPP, we have dedicated years to developing offshore green hydrogen production, viewing hydrogen as an energy carrier and a vital feedstock for various industrial applications. Taking this a step further, the concept of producing ammonia—a higher-value commodity—directly offshore presents a compelling opportunity. This approach allows energy-intensive processes to occur right at the source of abundant offshore wind resources, eliminating transmission costs and minimizing energy losses. We look forward to the insights and advancements Rie will bring to this promising initiative! #GreenHydrogen #RenewableEnergy #EnergyTransition  

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