❔ ER VERDENSMÅLSFOND II GULD OG GRØNNE SKOVE ❔ I dag deltog IFU’s vicedirektør Søren Peter Andreasen sammen med Pensams adm. direktør Torsten Fels i Guld og grønne skove på DR - Danmarks Radio P1 med Lars Trier Mogensen som vært. Her blev den nye Verdensmålsfond II debatteret med fokus på, hvordan vi i et dansk privat-offentligt samarbejde kan styrke investeringer i udviklingslande samtidig med, at danske pensionskunder kan få øget deres opsparing. Det unikke ved fonden er, at staten gennem IFU reducerer risikoen for de private investorer, fordi de får førsteret til afkast og en tabsgaranti fra EU-på mere end en halv milliard kroner. Det er nemlig netop den højere risiko, der gør, at private investorer ofte holder sig væk fra investeringer i udviklingslande. Men der er brug for privat kapital, hvis vi skal indfri verdensmålene, understøtte den grønne omstilling og skabe bedre levevilkår i udviklingslande. Offentlige penge er ikke nok. Det foreløbige kapitaltilsagn er på 2,7 mia. kr. og målet er at nå 5 mia. kr. i 2025. Du kan nedenfor høre mere om fonden, og hvordan den kan gøre en forskel. Indslaget er cirka 35 min. inde i programmet.
Om os
IFU – the Investment Fund for Developing Countries is a Danish impact investor contributing to green, just and inclusive societies as well as supporting the Sustainable Development Goals. We provide risk capital to companies operating in developing countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and parts of Europe. Investments are made on commercial terms in the form of equity, loans and guarantees. Prioritized sectors are Green energy & infrastructure, Financial services, Healthcare and Sustainable food systems. IFU has co-invested in over 1,300 companies in more than 100 developing countries and emerging markets. Contracted investments total EUR 31 billion, of which IFU has contributed EUR 3.6 billion. Annually IFU makes around 25 -30 investments and has on average an active portfolio of 200 investments. IFU’s head office is located in Copenhagen supplemented by regional representation in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe. IFU operates as fund manager for public-private partnerships like the Danish SDG Investment Fund, which is to invest in commercially viable projects supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG Fund is established in cooperation with the Danish State and several of the largest Danish Pension Funds and private investors. Total capital under management is EUR 2.1 billion.
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Eksternt link til IFU
- Branche
- Finansielle tjenesteydelser
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 51-200 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen K
- Type
- Statslig myndighed
- Grundlagt
- 1967
- Specialer
- Risk capital, Business advisory services og impact investment
Fredericiagade 27
Copenhagen K, 1310, DK
Medarbejdere hos IFU
Fleming Voetmann
Vice President, External Relations & Sustainability @ VELUX | MIT Sloan Executive x Kellogg | Board Member
Natalia Svejgaard
Investment Director at IFU
Klaus Nissen
Data Management | Business Intellegence | IT Management | Innovation | Change Management | Project Management | ERP | CRM | Start Up | RFID | HR |…
Theo Ib Larsen
Vice President - Impact Partnerships, IFU
♀️IFU MAKES GENDER-LENS INVESTMENT INTO TEA SECTOR IN MOROCCO♀️ IFU invests💰EUR 12.3 million in Imperium Holding as part of a EUR 25 million equity round. The investment will drive the company’s ambitious growth plans, expand production capacity, and enhance employment opportunities for women in Morocco. Imperium Holding, a global leader in luxury tea and infusion packaging, employs 1,300 people, of whom 86 per cent are women. This investment formalizes a partnership between IFU, the El Baroudi Family, Proparco, and Si Advisers ("Si"), with a plan to double the capacity of Imperium’s core products and create an additional 850 direct new jobs. 🌐“We are proud to be part of a joint investment making it possible for Imperium Holding to expand their activities and production and thereby create new jobs. Not only will the investment foster economic growth and increased employment, but it will also underscore IFU’s and Imperium’s joint commitment to gender equality by creating more opportunities for women in Marrakesh’s labour force,” said Youssef Shelbaya, Investment Manager at IFU🌐 👇Read the full story in comments Frédérique MASI I Ameel Somani I Hamza EL BAROUDI I Mohamed El-Baroudi I Ali-Wafa Merchich #SDG #verdensmål #impactinvesting #dkpol
🚀 THE DANISH SDG INVESTMENT FUND II HAS REACHED FIRST CLOSE 🚀 Today, IFU and four Danish pension funds PKA, PFA, P+, Pensionskassen for Akademikere+ and PenSam has signed the Danish SDG Investment Fund II. First close amounts to 💰 DKK 2.7 billion with a total target of 💰 DKK 5 billion in second close during 2025. “This a great day, where we together with four forward-looking pension funds are launching the Danish SDG Investment Fund II, which can help inspire new solutions to complex challenges. Private investors are often reluctant to invest in developing countries due to the high risk involved, and this is a huge challenge, if we are to realise the Sustainable Development Goals. This task cannot be carried out with public funds alone, and we therefore need to remove part of the risk to attract private risk capital. With the Danish SDG Investment Fund II, we are showing a path to public-private partnerships that can make a significant difference in places in the world that need it most,” said Lars Bertram, CEO of IFU. The Danish SDG Investment II is unique at is uses public funds as a lever to reduce the risk for private investors by providing a preference return and a loss guarantee for the private investors increasing their incentive to invest in developing countries. #verdensmålsfondII #impactinvesting #SDG
🍃 NEW IFU GUARANTEE HELPS UNLOCK MORE THAN USD 10 BILLION CLIMATE FINANCE - IN ONE DEAL 🍃 IFU is issuing a 💰 USD 100 million guarantee to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) groundbreaking Innovative Finance for Climate in Asia and the Pacific Initiative (IF-CAP). The guarantee is issued on behalf of the Danish State and is expected to alone mobilize approx. USD 450 million in new climate finance to developing countries. “IFU is very pleased to issue this guarantee on behalf of Denmark. The collaboration demonstrates IFU’s dedication to partnering with global organizations to tackle the most pressing environmental challenges, and aligns with our strategic objective of mobilising private capital for sustainable economic development in emerging markets and developing economies,” said Søren Peter Andreasen, Deputy CEO, IFU. IF-CAP is a partnership between ADB and Denmark, Sweden, UK, US, Japan, and South Korea. The total guarantee from the six countries is USD 2.28 billion, which is expected to unlock more than USD 10 billion in new capital for climate finance, and is likely one of the largest climate finance deals in the world this year. 👇 Read the full story in comments #impactinvesting #SDG #dkpol #COP29
💪 SEMINAR ON DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION IN NAIROBI, KENYA 💪 Values as gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in our investees are a core priority to IFU as they contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals and strengthen the businesses both economically and strategically. Together with Sex & Samfund / Danish Family Planning Association (DFPA), we have invited IFU’s portfolio companies in Southern and Eastern Africa to a seminar on how to strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). “We are really looking forward to hosting this seminar with DFPA, as it will provide new important and useful learnings on the implementation of values that are at the core of IFU’s priorities. Moreover, we hope that the seminar will foster discussions on potential solutions to implement DEI change management in our African-based investees,” said Birgitte Bang Nielsen, Sustainable Director in IFU. Experts, some who already implemented DEI change management, will share their insights on diversity, equity and inclusion, and there will be talks on strengthening women entrepreneurs, sexual and reproductive health at work, and a practical framework for mitigating gender-based violence. #verdensmål #SDG #dkpol
🍃 IFU INVESTEE RECEIVES AWARD AT AFRICA SUSTAINABILITY FUTURE AWARDS 🍃 Nithio, an IFU investee, has received the Highly Commended Award in the Financing Access to Clean Energy category at the African Sustainable Future Awards hosted by the Financial Times, FT Live, and The World Bank Group’s MIGA. “We congratulate Nithio with their well-deserved award. IFU is proud to support their efforts in creating access to clean energy that can assist underserved households and businesses in Africa to become more resilient to climate change and to provide them with opportunities for better living conditions,” said Thomas Hougaard, SVP, Head of Green Energy and Infrastructure in IFU. In 2023, IFU invested EUR 10 million in Nithio's Facility for Inclusion, Adaptation, and Resilience, which finances companies that build climate resilience and support a just energy transition. Africa is the continent most vulnerable to climate change, yet it receives only 3 per cent of the global climate finance flows. With the investment from IFU, Nithio can accelerate their investments in companies providing solar systems and solar power to households and small enterprises. Thereby, the investment makes a perceptible impact in Africa’s transition to sustainable energy. #verdensmål #SDG #dkpol
🍃 IFU PÅ VEJ TIL AT REJSE VERDENSMÅLSFOND II 🍃 Verdensmålsfond II er på vej. Den bygger videre på den første Verdensmålsfond, som IFU etablerede i 2018 i et banebrydende samarbejde med række store danske pensionsselskaber og private investorer. Målet med den nye Verdensmålsfond II er et samlet kapitaltilsagn på 💰 5 mia. kr., der skal investeres i den private sektor i udviklingslande med det formål at understøtte den grønne omstilling, bidrage til bedre levevilkår og samtidig skabe afkast til investorerne. ”Vi er i dialog med mange potentielle investorer til Verdensmålsfond II. Det gælder både store danske pensionsselskaber, private investorer og familiekontorer, der alle ser positivt på muligheden for både at bidrage til en bedre verden og samtidig få et afkast, der reflekterer risikoen,” siger Lars Bertram Bo Bertram, CEO i IFU. ⬇ Reduceret risiko for private investorer Høj risiko er den største barriere for private investorer, når de kigger på investeringer i udviklingsøkonomier. Men med Verdensmålsfond II kan de private investorer opnå et afkast, der reflekterer risikoen. IFU bidrager således med 40 % og de private investorer med 60 % af den samlede kapital. Det kombineres med, at de private investorer får førsteret til afkast på op til 6 %. Derudover er et nyt element i Verdensmålsfond II en unik EU-garanti, der dækker tab for de private investorer i fonden på op til 535 mio. kr. Endelig er IFU med mere end 1.300 investeringer i over 100 lande Danmarks mest erfarne investor i udviklingslande, der er vant til at håndtere risici på vanskelige markeder. ⬆ Verdensmålsfonden har vist sin værdi Den første Verdensmålsfond er nu fuldt investeret i 27 selskaber i Afrika, Asien og Latinamerika. De selskaber, fonden har investeret i, beskæftiger omkring 40.000 fuldtidsansatte, har genereret 5,3 mia. kr. i lokale indkøb, 3 mia. kr. i lønninger til virksomhedens ansatte samt 1 mia. kr. i selskabsskatter, hvilket fx har en direkte positiv indvirkning på lokale levevilkår og velfærd. Derudover har investeringerne foreløbigt bidraget til årlig behandling af 2,4 millioner patienter, hjulpet omkring 100.000 småbønder i Indien og Uganda med at omlægge til økologisk produktion samt installeret mere end 1.800 megawatt vedvarende energi. Energianlæggene producerer i dag, hvad der svarer til 13 % af Danmarks årlige grønne energiproduktion. 👇 Læs den fulde historie via link i kommentar eller se filmen om, hvad en verdensmålsfond kan udrette. #verdensmål #SDG #dkpol
Verdensmålsfonden der leverer værdi
🍃 NEW SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTED 🍃 IFU has appointed members to our Sustainability Advisory Board for a new two-year term. The role of IFU’s Sustainability Board is to discuss, advise and exchange views and insights on relevant and important sustainability issues related to IFU’s business conduct as well as the development of policies and procedures, thereby adding value and improving impact in the investments. The Sustainability Advisory Board represents an important element in IFU’s ongoing dialogue with national and international organisations assisting IFU in staying informed on the global sustainability agenda including expectations from for example NGOs and local community groups. We welcome the following new and reappointed members and are looking forward to our cooperation. The members are: New members: Kent Jensen, Danish Trade Union Development Agency Jacob A. Sterling, Preferred by Nature Sofia Said Birch, AP Pension Frances Iris L., Danfoss Christian Rosenholm, GIIN Anne Smith Petersen, Plan Børnefonden Birgitte Søgaard Holm, self-employed Existing members to continue: John Nordbo, CARE Kristine Mærkedahl Jensen, Sex & Samfund Elin Wrzoncki, DIHR Jacob Fjalland, WWF We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the departing members for their valuable contributions in the previous period. Mads Bugge Madsen, Danish Trade Union Development Agency Jeppe Kromann Haarsted, FLSmidth Gitte Dyrhagen Husager, DanChurchAid Nanna Callisen Bang, Etisk Handel Danmark
✒ EU GUARANTEE WILL SUPPORT INVESTORS IN IFU's NEW DANISH SDG INVESTMENT FUND II ✒ The European Commissioner for International Partnerships, @Jutta Urpilainen, the Ambassador of Denmark to the United States, Jesper Møller Sørensen, and Deputy CEO of IFU, Søren Peter Andreasen, today signed a new EU-guarantee (EFSD+) of 💰 DKK 535m / EUR 71.7m. The EU-guarantee is groundbreaking as it will provide downside risk protection for investors in the Danish SDG Investment Fund II, which sets itself apart among impact investment funds focused on developing countries by mobilising private capital for equity investments in private sector companies with positive green and social impacts. “The Danish SDG Investment Fund II is an excellent example of how we can use public funds as a lever for mobilising private capital that can support the green transition and improve the livelihood of people in developing countries. To reach the global goals it is imperative that we engage private capital, and we are very pleased to assist IFU in this endeavour by issuing a guarantee, which will de-risk the capital invested by private investors in the new fund,” said Jutta Urpilainen. The guarantee serves as a loss guarantee for the private investors in the Danish SDG Investment Fund II. This is a new instrument that in combination with a preferred return for the private investors will reduce risk and make greater investments in developing countries more attractive. “We are very pleased to have received this new EFSD+ guarantee. It is very important in creating comfort for the private investors in the Danish SDG Investment Fund II following a period of economic uncertainty. It facilitates IFU’s ambition to raise a total of DKK 5 billion in the fund for sustainable private sector investments in developing countries and contributing to closing the financial gap for the Global Goals,” said Søren Peter Andreasen. European Commission #EFSD+ #SDG
✒ NEW INVESTMENT SUPPORTS LARGE AGRICULTURAL EXPANSION IN SOUTHERN AFRICA ✒ Verdant Orchards, a leading agribusiness in Southern Africa, is building high-value, perennial orchards that positively impact the local communities and the environment. IFU has decided to invest 💰 USD 15 million in the company supporting a strategic expansion across its plantations in Mozambique, Zambia and South Africa. "This successful fundraising round was made possible thanks to the strong backing from IFU and Fedgroup and complements the long-term support we’ve received from Verdant Frontiers. Their combined investment into Verdant Orchards, not only strengthens our capital base but also accelerates our strategic growth towards becoming a leading player in Southern African agriculture,” said Barry Hawke BSc (Agric), MBA, CFA, Chief Investment Officer, Verdant Orchards. Verdant Orchards is growing citrus, avocado and macadamia, and the proceeds from the investment will be used to expand all three farms currently operated. In total, it is expected that an additional 1,600 hectares of orchards will be added by mid-2026 creating around 400 new full-times jobs on top of the 870 full-time equivalent jobs already created, thereby supporting the local economies as well as export earnings in the three countries. The investment will also support the building of packhouses in Zambia and Mozambique. Moreover, close to 4,000 hectares will be set aside to increase biodiversity and sequestering of greenhouse gasses. "We are proud to support Verdant Orchards in this transformative project. Agriculture is a critical sector for economic growth and food security in Africa, and we believe that the projects in Mozambique, Zambia, and South Africa will create lasting positive impacts on both local economies and international markets," said Peter Hardgrove, Senior Investment Manager, Sustainable Food Systems at IFU. Read more about Verdant Orchards at verdant-orchards.com and IFU at ifu.dk #impactinvesting #SDG #southafrica