Innovayt A/S’ coverbillede
Innovayt A/S

Innovayt A/S

Virksomhedskonsulent og -tjenester

Frederiksberg, Capital Region of Denmark 4.192 følgere

Your partner in innovation funding | European and national soft and hard funding for companies, research, and innovation

Om os

Innovayt is an innovation consultancy that helps clients, ranging from companies and government agencies to universities and research institutes, to drive global progress through innovation. The innovation projects that we are involved in relate to several sectors, requiring insights into everything from green energy and sustainability to life sciences and health tech. Our core expertise lies in identifying relevant funding opportunities, defining effective funding strategies, and preparing high-quality funding applications, but our services further range from assisting contract negotiations and managing funded projects to training effective proposal writing and analysing research and innovation policies. In other words, we support clients in various aspects and throughout the entire innovation cycle. More detailed, we work mainly with European, Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish funding programmes, such as Horizon Europe, Eurostars, EU Innovation Fund, EUDP, Innobooster, SkatteFUNN, Innovasjonsprosjekt i Næringslivet, and much more. We also make it a priority to nurture a strong team that thrives at work. Besides our extensive expertise and experience in innovation funding, our key to success is our internal collaboration and team spirit. Do you have an innovative idea? Let’s talk innovation funding!

Virksomhedskonsulent og -tjenester
51-200 medarbejdere
Frederiksberg, Capital Region of Denmark
Innovation Funding, Innovation Finance, Soft Funding, Grants, Hard Funding, Investments, Funding Strategy, Funding Applications, Grant Applications, Credit Applications, Proposal Writing, Business Plans, Project Management, Corporate Innovation Strategy, R&D Project Financing og Innovation Policy and Evaluation


  • Primær

    Nordre Fasanvej 215

    Frederiksberg, Capital Region of Denmark 2000, DK

    Se ruten
  • Avenida João Paulo II, nº 30

    Braga, 4715-034, PT

    Se ruten
  • Forskningsparken

    Gaustadallén 21

    Oslo, 0349, NO

    Se ruten
  • Rua da Lionesa, 446

    ADM – G35

    Leça do Balio, Porto, 4465-671, PT

    Se ruten
  • Ole Maaløes Vej 3

    Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark 2200, DK

    Se ruten

Medarbejdere hos Innovayt A/S


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