OMT - Odense Maritime Technology

OMT - Odense Maritime Technology


Innovation. Expertise. Experience

Om os

We are the premium maritime consulting firm in Europe. HOW to deliver affordable maritime defence while creating maritime jobs in buyer’s countries is our focus. OMT was established in 2010 as a carve-out from the A.P. Møller Maersk shipyard in Denmark – Odense Steel shipyard. Together with our sister company Valcon, the premium operations consulting firm in Europe, we strive to deliver maritime footprints in the countries we operate in.

51-200 medarbejdere
Technology and Product Development og Procurement and Sourcing


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    Odense, 5000, DK

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  • 🌊 SAVE THE DATE 🌊 Sign up for the OMT MARITIME DESIGN CUP 2025! 👉 In collaboration with Dansk Sejlunion, we're proud to repeat our successful event for a fourth consecutive year. Get on board on May 16 for a fun-filled day where you can try your hand at racing with other students who share an interest in maritime design. Read more in the event below. #omtpeople #event #maritimedesigncup #sailing #getonboard #teamwork #students #engineer #navaldesign #dtu #sdu #au #university

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  • OMT CHRISTMAS LETTER ✉️ As 2024 draws to a close, we reflect on an extraordinary year for OMT. Over the past 12 months, we’ve continued to deliver on navy projects worldwide, solidifying our position as a global leader in naval ship design and production. With 16 frigates currently under construction across four countries, our impact is both widespread and significant. A key milestone this year is the latest addition to our product family: a next-generation mothership frigate already under construction. This innovative platform is designed to host unmanned systems underwater, on the surface, and in the air—demonstrating our commitment to staying ahead of evolving naval needs. Our success stems from dedicated investments in a product family-oriented product system that allows customization for individual customers while maintaining cost efficiency. This approach has proven invaluable, especially in the current global security landscape. Throughout 2024, the worsening security situation has prompted many governments to prioritize rapid and low-risk procurement, often in collaboration with allies. There’s a clear preference for adaptable, proven solutions over risky projects built from scratch. This trend aligns with OMT’s philosophy of delivering configurable, scalable products that meet urgent demands without compromising innovation. Innovation remains at the heart of what we do. Our latest mothership frigate accommodates enhanced drone capabilities, and the fourth-generation frigate includes cutting-edge technology to optimize drone deployment further. Concepts like the SmartHatch, unveiled at Euronaval, highlight how we continue to add value to proven designs, ensuring they remain relevant in an ever-changing battlefield. Read more about SmartHatch here: Product development is not easy, and it can’t be done alone. From our collaboration with the national Danish sailing team, we have learned that you can only become a top sailor if you train with other very good sailors. In OMT, we have adopted this principle. We must be good together—together within the OMT organization and together with our skilled partners. At OMT, we are also proud to be growing as a company. As we expand, we remain committed to inviting the next generation to join the maritime industry, inspiring fresh talent to shape the future of naval technology with us. We look forward to continuing this journey with our trusted partners and welcoming new talent to our growing team as we sail into 2025 and beyond. Best Wishes, Kåre Groes Christiansen

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  • SMARTHATCH SOLUTION NO. 3 - OPEN TO THE SKY ⚓ The last solution to unfold, solution no. 3: Open to the Sky.   Vessels with SmartHatch provide mission modules with additional access to the sky. Access to the sky enables combatants to deploy hidden Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with vertical take-off and landing capability, or even support containerized missile systems.   For example, UAVs can be deployed to provide real-time targeting data and conduct surveillance. Meanwhile, missiles can be readied to intercept incoming threats or engage targets using the data relayed by the UAVs.   These additional access points demonstrate how SmartHatch can create new opportunities across all mission profiles whilst also enhancing unpredictability - a critical advantage in modern warfare. For inquiries or collaboration opportunities, feel free to contact us. #SmartHatch #LaunchAndRecovery #NavalInnovation #UnmannedSystems #MaritimeTechnology #DefenseSolutions #NavalForces #SealiftCapacity #CombatReady #NavalEngineering #FutureOfNavalOperations #MaritimeSolutions #InnovationAtSea

  • We're proud to announce that we will continue our partnership with Dansk Sejlunion, a collaboration that strengthens our shared ambitions to enhance Danish sail sport and improve recruitment within the maritime industry. Read more about this exciting partnership below 👇

    Se organisationssiden for Dansk Sejlunion, grafik

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    Dansk Sejlunion er stolte af at forlænge samarbejdet med OMT 🤝 Det er med stor glæde, at Dansk Sejlunion nu kan offentliggøre, at partnerskabet med OMT - Odense Maritime Technology fortsætter de kommende fire år! Med forlængelsen af aftalen fortsætter OMT som partner for Dansk Sejlunion og det danske sejlerlandshold. Dermed fastholdes ambitionen om at styrke dansk sejlsport og samtidig skabe grundlag for bedre rekruttering til de maritime erhverv. En rekruttering, der skal muliggøre den grønne omstilling af det blå Danmark og udviklingen af de skibe, der skal passe på Danmark. OMT har spillet en afgørende rolle i at muliggøre de resultater, vi har opnået med både Sejlerlandsholdet og dansk sejlsport som helhed de senere år. Vi er derfor rigtig glade for, at vi nu fortsætter det stærke partnerskab, der bidrager til udviklingen af både sejlsport og det maritime erhverv 💪 Læs den gode nyhed lige her: 👉

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  • OMT - Odense Maritime Technology genopslog dette

    As 2024 draws to a close, we at OMT reflect on some of the highlights of the year. One event that stands out: Our successful Teambuilding Day in September at Middelfart Marina ⚓   At OMT, our company values of Joy, Integrity, Competence, and Performance are at the core of how we do things. They were central to our day in Middelfart, which included an inspiring talk by Olympic sailor, Anne-Marie Rindom, value-driven workshops, and a thrilling race on the water in teams.   This day was more than just an opportunity to bond – it was a chance to put our values into action, sharpen our focus on who we are, and solidify what we stand for.   Take a look at the video below for a glimpse of how we collaborate at OMT - Odense Maritime Technology 🌊 #Teambuilding #OMT #BetterTogether #Sailing #CoreValues

  • As 2024 draws to a close, we at OMT reflect on some of the highlights of the year. One event that stands out: Our successful Teambuilding Day in September at Middelfart Marina ⚓   At OMT, our company values of Joy, Integrity, Competence, and Performance are at the core of how we do things. They were central to our day in Middelfart, which included an inspiring talk by Olympic sailor, Anne-Marie Rindom, value-driven workshops, and a thrilling race on the water in teams.   This day was more than just an opportunity to bond – it was a chance to put our values into action, sharpen our focus on who we are, and solidify what we stand for.   Take a look at the video below for a glimpse of how we collaborate at OMT - Odense Maritime Technology 🌊 #Teambuilding #OMT #BetterTogether #Sailing #CoreValues

  • SMARTHATCH SOLUTION NO. 2 – LAUNCH AND RECOVERY ⚓   The unfolding of SmartHatch continues, and this week we’ll look into solution no. 2 and 3 – starting with no. 2: Launch and Recovery.   The SmartHatch integrated lifting devices enhance launch and recovery capability on platforms, bringing tomorrow's combatants to the frontline as motherships for unmanned systems.   SmartHatch combatants provide sealift capacity for unmanned systems directly to the theatre. For example, during a Mine Countermeasure (MCM) mission, a SmartHatch-equipped vessel can launch and recover unmanned vehicles to survey and neutralize underwater mines.   This capability ensures that unmanned systems can be rapidly deployed and retrieved, even in challenging maritime environments, thereby extending the operational reach and effectiveness of naval forces. #SmartHatch #LaunchAndRecovery #NavalInnovation #UnmannedSystems #MaritimeTechnology #DefenseSolutions #NavalForces #SealiftCapacity #CombatReady #NavalEngineering #FutureOfNavalOperations #MaritimeSolutions #InnovationAtSea

  • SMARTHATCH SOLUTIONS NO. 1 – LOAD AND UNLOADING ⚓ At OMT, we’re committed to advancing modularity and adaptability of future naval ships. Our SmartHatch solution offers enhanced flexibility and efficiency, setting new standards for modern warships. Warships with SmartHatch are standalone combatants, ready to adapt to a variety of operational needs.   Equipped with advanced lifting devices, SmartHatch provides self-geared access to the mission deck, enabling naval ships to load and unload payload modules at any harbour with a suitable quay height. We’re excited to continue unfolding the potential of the SmartHatch concept and its applications. For inquiries or collaboration opportunities, feel free to contact us. #Innovation #NavalTechnology #SmartHatch #MaritimeSolutions

  • We are proud that our Chairman, Poul Skadhede, participated in the largest-ever Danish business delegation to Ukraine. This remarkable trip showcased how Denmark and Danish companies are supporting Ukrainian industry through “The Danish Model”, which shall serve as inspiration for others.   Key outcomes of the trip: 🔵 A new FAST TRACK for Danish investments in Ukraine. 🔵 Guarantees with a total potential of DKK 2.5 billion for Danish companies entering the Ukrainian market. Want to know more? Read below and follow the links. A big thank you to everyone involved for making a difference! 🌍👏

    Jeg er stolt. Virkelig stolt. Den største danske erhvervsdelegation har netop besøgt Ukraine. Jeg er virkelig stolt. Dansk erhvervsliv gør det fremragende. Hver dag bringes Danmark fremad. Job og vækst skabes. Nye markeder udforskes. Søndag aften stod jeg på nattoget i Polen mod Kyiv. Med var store, mindre og meget store danske virksomheder. Den største danske erhvervsdelegation til Ukraine. Alle med interesse for det ukrainske marked, men også med en meget klar holdning til behovet for flere investeringer i Ukraine. Med var bl.a. CEO for Carlsberg Group, Jacob Aarup-Andersen, Keith Svendsen, EVT, APM Terminals, CCO Simon H. Galsgaard, DSV - Global Transport and Logistics, EVP Anders Dam Vestergaard, VELUX og Chairman Poul Skadhede, OMT - Odense Maritime Technology Togturen tager små 11 timer. Det giver god tid til at lære hinanden bedre at kende, tale om turen, alvoren og mulighederne. Det er det, der gør mig stolt. Danmark er et lille land med en meget åben økonomi. Vi lever af at være de første, de hurtigste og de bedste. Men vi lever også af vores omdømme. I Ukraine taler de om “Den Danske Model” som et forbillede for andre landes investeringer i ukrainsk forsvarsteknologi og ved de garantistillelser, som ukrainerne har set skabe vækst og job med vores garantier til dansk og ukrainsk erhvervsliv via Danmarks Eksport- og Investeringsfond Danmarks omdømme er stærkt. Uden for vores grænser bæres det i høj grad også af dansk erhvervsliv. Det blev igen bekræftet på turen til Ukraine. Resultatet af turen var især to ting: En ny ukrainsk FAST TRACK for danske virksomheder, der vil investere i Ukraine. Det kan du se mere om her: Dernæst nye garantier for danske virksomheders entre på det ukrainske marked. 2,5 mia. kr. er det samlede potentiale, hvis garantierne udnyttes. Læs mere om det her: Du kan se mere om turen hos DR her: Tak til alle for at tage stilling. Tak for jeres deltagelse. Tak for jeres investeringer - og togturen 😎 🙏 Her er lidt billeder fra togturen.

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  • 🛥 MEET Florian Jantke 🛥 On this snow-decked Friday, we would like to introduce another great addition to OMT, Florian, who has been with us since mid-August. His primary location is at the Copenhagen office. Read more below 👇 "Hello, I’m Florian, and I’ve recently joined OMT as a Mechanical Engineer in the Outfitting Department. I graduated in 2019 with a Master of Science in Renewable Energies, specializing in Ocean Energies, following five years of experience as a Mechanical Engineer in designing and installing equipment for wave energy converters in Sweden and Portugal. Since I’ve always been fascinated by the ocean, I am excited to advance my maritime engineering knowledge, inspired by the collaborative spirit and professional excellence at OMT." A warm welcome to Florian! #omt #omtpeople #engineer #maritime #employee #employment #team #bluedenmark #career

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