Orskov Yard

Orskov Yard


Frederikshavn, Northern Jutland 7.575 følgere

Committed to our customers for more than 60 years.

Om os

We are delighted to welcome you to Orskov Yard’s official company page on LinkedIn At Orskov Yard, we welcome all types of ships into our docks for maintenance and repair. On this page, you will find updates and news from the yard. You will see pictures of current projects, stories from everyday life in the shipyard and find all the information about the Orskov Yard you need. Orskov Yard is located in Frederikshavn, Denmark, in the heart of Scandinavia and at the northern tip of the European continent, with easy access by sea, air and road. See more at www.orskov.dk

201-500 medarbejdere
Frederikshavn, Northern Jutland
Steelworks, Interior and Insulation workshop, Electrical works, Piping and refrigeration, Engine service, Mechanical works, Lifting appliances, Project management, Engineering, Rig service, maintenance and upgrade, Shipyard, Shiprepair, conversions, Floating dock og Dry dock


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    Havnepladsen 16

    Frederikshavn, Northern Jutland 9900, DK

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Medarbejdere hos Orskov Yard


  • Another record-breaking financial year at Orskov Yard 📈 We have just published our annual report for 2023/24, setting a financial record for the third consecutive year. For the first time, profit after tax exceeded DKK 100 million, reaching DKK 103 million compared to DKK 71 million the year before. Our turnover has increased from DKK 781 million to DKK 808 million driven by an increasing demand for ship services, repairs, and conversions, particularly in offshore wind and oil/gas sectors. A favorable market, which is driven by increased investments in renewable energy within the offshore sector, has boosted Orskov Yard's growth. Many offshore service vessels are upgraded and converted to support wind farm operations, resulting in high levels of activity at Orskov Yard. We have also set a record for apprenticeships in 2023/24. We now employ 32 apprentices, representing 16% of our blue-collar workforce and surpassing our goal of 10%. This reflects our commitment to cultivating future talent in the maritime industry. Over the past four years, Orskov Yard’s net revenue has grown by more than 50%, thanks to timely and strategic investments. This positive development creates a basis for new investments at the yard, including a new 60-ton rail-mounted crane, additional office facilities and more quay space. We are currently exploring a potential investment of more than DKK 500 million in a new dock capable of accommodating vessels up to 250 meters in length to further expand our capacity at the yard. If realized, this investment will create up to 200 new jobs in the shipyard area. Frederikshavn's strong and internationally recognized maritime cluster already employs more than 1,600 people, including 235 who are employed at Orskov Yard. #OrskovYard #shipyard #shiprepair #dkbiz

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  • Se organisationssiden for Orskov Yard, grafik

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    Anerkendelse af enestående talent på Orskov Yard 🌟    I dag har vi fejret to af vores lærlinge på Orskov Yard: Anders Volkmann Nielsen og Oliver Thomsen. Begge har modtaget Ann Birgitte og Niels Ørskov Christensen’s Familiefond’s Lærlingepris.       Ann Birgitte og Niels Ørskov Christensen’s Familiefond er medejer af Orskov Yard, og lærlingeprisen gives som en anerkendelse af en lærling, der har udvist dedikation, engagement og færdigheder under sin læreperiode på Orskov Yard. Sammen med æren har begge prisvindere desuden modtaget en økonomisk belønning på 40.000 kr.       Maritim smedelærling Anders Volkmann Nielsen blev indstillet til prisen for at være hårdtarbejdende, læringsparat og pålidelig. Med sin positive indstilling, stærke ansvarsfølelse og holdånd er Anders en dygtig og værdifuld del af teamet.    Skibsmontørlærling Oliver Thomsen blev indstillet for sine praktiske færdigheder og hurtige forståelse af opgaverne. Han har vundet sine kollegers respekt for sin rolige karakter, stærke arbejdsmoral og diskrete, men smittende humor.       Hos Orskov Yard er vi stolte af at pleje talent og fejre engagement, der driver vores branche fremad. Denne pris anerkender ikke kun individuelle præstationer, men har også til formål at inspirere fremtidige generationer af lærlinge til at stræbe efter ekspertise, innovation og integritet i deres arbejde.      Tillykke til Anders og Oliver med denne velfortjente anerkendelse 🎉   ------------------------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH VERSION Recognizing extraordinary talent at Orskov Yard 🌟   Today, we celebrate two apprentices at Orskov Yard: Anders Volkmann Nielsen and Oliver Thomsen. Both have received the Ann Birgitte and Niels Ørskov Christensen Family Foundation Apprenticeship Award.      The Ann Birgitte and Niels Ørskov Christensen Family Foundation is co-owner of Orskov Yard, and the award is given as a recognition of an apprentice who has demonstrated dedication, commitment, and skills during their training at Orskov Yard. Alongside the honor, each recipient receives a financial grant of DKK 40,000.     Maritime blacksmith apprentice Anders Volkmann Nielsen was nominated for being hard-working, eager to learn, and reliable. He is known for his positive attitude, strong sense of responsibility, and team spirit.   Shipfitter apprentice Oliver Thomsen was nominated for his hands-on skills and understanding of tasks. He has earned the respect of his colleagues for his calm character, strong work ethic, and subtle but infectious humor.     At Orskov Yard, we are proud to nurture talent and celebrate the dedication that drives our industry forward. This award recognizes individual achievement and aims to inspire future generations to pursue excellence, innovation, and integrity in their work.     Congratulations to Anders and Oliver on this well-deserved recognition 🎉 #OrskovYard #apprentice #maritimeindustry #maritimejobs #shipyard #maritimeeducation

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  • Se organisationssiden for Orskov Yard, grafik

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    On-time vessel maintenance helps Fugro contribute to a more sustainable future 🌍   As a leading Geo-data specialist, Fugro operates a comprehensive fleet of specialized vessels designed to collect and provide highly accurate and reliable geotechnical data of the seabed and subsurface, often in challenging and remote offshore environments. “Fugro Synergy”, a multi-purpose drilling and well services vessel, has been docked at Orskov Yard for thoroughly maintenance, including a complete overhaul of its thrusters and propeller. This comprehensive dry-docking fully demonstrated the range of expertise at Orskov Yard, as it also involved the servicing of drilling equipment, onboard relocation of cranes, and installation of new bathroom flooring. One of the most complex tasks was exchanging the two Azipull thrusters to new Azimuth thrusters. The new advanced thruster, supplied by Kongsberg Maritime, is optimized for low-power operation, enabling the Fugro Synergy to minimize fuel consumption while keeping station at sea. As a trusted partner in ship maintenance, Orskov Yard has provided service and repair for several Fugro vessels. They choose us because of our flexibility, know-how, and vast experience in maintaining heavy, highly advanced equipment on specialized vessels.   Fugro's fleet is central to their mission to ensure a safe and livable world. At Orskov Yard, we are proud to support Fugro's leadership as pioneers in Geo-data solutions. 📸 Fugro Synergy at Orskov Yard, Frederikshavn, Denmark, 2024. Fugro Synergy – specifications: ⛴️ Length (OA): 103.70 meters ⛴️ Breadth: 19.70 meters ⛴️ Max draft: 6.50 meters ⛴️ Deadweight: 5,500 tonnes ⛴️ Accommodation: 84 persons ⛴️ Year built: 2009 ⛴️ Drill tower for geotechnical drilling to depths of 2,000 meters below the seabed. ⛴️ AUVs and ROVs for underwater inspections and geophysical surveys. #OrskovYard #shipyard #shiprepair #drydock #vessel #vessels #offshore #offshorevessel #geotechnical

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  • Great to see the success of Wind Pioneer, in the growing offshore wind market.

    Se organisationssiden for ZITON A/S, grafik

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    WIND PIONEER HAS COMPLETED HER 350th MAJOR COMPONENT REPLACEMENT 🔴 Earlier this month, WIND PIONEER successfully completed her 350th major component replacement, making her the third most experienced O&M vessel in the industry - just behind our own WIND and WIND SERVER 🥇🥈🥉 WIND PIONEER was purchased in South Korea back in 2012 and transported to Denmark where she underwent a major rebuild and upgrade including the installation of her crane at Orskov Yard enabling her to service the offshore wind turbines in Europe 🌍🏗️ Over the years, she has primarily been working on Danish wind farms for most of our good business partners, but her specifications also make her a perfect fit for several UK east coast sites with shallow water - like on these photos ⚓✅ 📸 Luke Martin

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  • Successful drydocking marks the beginning of a trusted partnership with Anthony Veder ⛴️ With a mission of offering safe, reliable, and flexible services, the gas shipping company Anthony Veder builds all its relations on working together as partners. At Orskov Yard, we are proud to be entrusted with the ethylene tanker “Coral Lacera”, which has been in our care for its intermediate survey over the past two weeks. Anthony Veder has chosen Orskov Yard for ship repairs and maintenance because – just like them – we stand for safety, reliability, and flexibility. Drawing on decades of experience, we handle all aspects of ship repair and refitting – supported by a network of trusted suppliers, conveniently located within short range of our docks. Thank you to the Coral Lacera crew for your excellent cooperation during the docking. We look forward to welcoming the next Anthony Veder vessel and crew to our yard at the northern tip of Europe 🌍 📸 Coral Lacera (ethylene carrier, 2006) in Dock 4 at Orskov Yard, Frederikshavn. #OrskovYard #shipyard #shiprepair #drydock #tanker #tankers #vessel #vessels #shipping #shippingindustry

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  • Preben Dennis Thomsen: 50 years of unwavering commitment at Orskov Yard🏅️ Thursday marked a remarkable milestone at Orskov Yard as we celebrated the 50th work anniversary of Preben Dennis Thomsen. Preben joined Orskov Yard on October 3rd, 1974, and over the decades, he has become an invaluable part of our daily operations. From his early days as a workman to his current role as a rigger, Preben has been nothing but valued. He visits every department daily, so it's no surprise that he is well-known and respected by everyone at the yard. In honor of his extraordinary contribution, Preben was awarded the Royal Medal of Recompense, which we proudly handed to him yesterday — a well-deserved recognition of his dedication over half a century 🏅️ Preben has always taken pride in everything he does, but one thing is particularly close to his heart, The Royal Yacht Dannebrog, which has been maintained at Orskov Yard for many years. “I have always had a special connection to The Royal Yacht Dannebrog. Every time it docks at the yard, I have had the privilege of working with it, and I know the ship inside out. Every task on the vessel is done with great respect, and over the years, the crew has come to request my work. That is something I am very proud of”, Preben says with a smile. At Orskov Yard, we are dedicated to preserving our proud maritime heritage while constantly evolving with the industry. This mix of tradition and innovation is what makes us thrive, and our Preben and his colleagues are at the heart of it all. “When I first started at Orskov Yard back in the 1970ies, space was limited, and we worked out of small shacks used as makeshift offices. Over the years, I have seen the yard grow, as ships became larger, and our facilities expanded to meet the increasing demands. I think that this constant development at the yard reflects our deep respect for the ships we work with and the industry we are part of, Preben says. Congratulations, Preben, and thank you for 50 years of unwavering commitment at Orskov Yard. Your dedication and hard work have been an invaluable part of our company's journey and success. 🎊👏 #OrskovYard #shipyard #shiprepair #maritime #maritimeindustry

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  • Giving students a glimpse of a maritime future 🚀 ⚓ Yesterday, we participated in 'Maritime Career Day' as a member of Maritime Network Frederikshavn. Along with 20+ other local companies, we welcomed over 500 9th and 10th-grade students to give them a firsthand look behind the scenes in the maritime industry and show them the exciting career opportunities it offers. During the day, the students engaged in company visits and participated in an educational race highlighting our industry's dynamic and varied opportunities. They met apprentices, trainees, and young role models—all from the seats of bikes that were provided for the young students during the day 🚴♂️ For many, this may have been their first introduction to an industry that could lead them into the world of Blue Denmark. Maritime Career Day is more than just an event; it’s an opportunity to inspire the next generation by showing them how diverse the maritime industry is and emphasizing the vital role vocational education plays in the maritime food chain. At Orskov Yard, we're committed to developing skilled labor right here in Northern Jutland, ensuring that our industry thrives locally and beyond in a region with a proud maritime heritage and a bright future.    – Maritime Career Day is a great way of ensuring that the maritime industry remains a cornerstone of local employment and growth, empowering young people to build careers in their own backyard. By participating in this event, we’re doing our part to ensure that young people see the value of vocational education, particularly in the maritime sector, says our Director, Christina Ørskov.    #maritimecareerday #OrskovYard #maritimeindustry #maritimejobs #shipyard #maritimeeducation

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  • A sight for sore eyes: The Orskov Yard cranes got a makeover 🏗️ At Orskov Yard, we take pride in our skilled personnel and state-of-the-art facilities. To us, upholding the highest standards means dedicating ourselves to thorough maintenance and further advancements. Our daily operations depend heavily on our docks, quays, and cranes, all part of our on-site infrastructure in Frederikshavn. This summer, our four tower cranes got a noticeable makeover, now proudly sporting the Orskov Yard colors. Additionally, one of our cranes underwent a significant upgrade with the installation of a new slewing ring, among others. The replacement was a complex process involving removing the crane’s upper structure from the legs to replace the worn-out slewing ring. Maintaining our facilities is a crucial part of servicing customers at Orskov Yard. This way, we ensure that the more than 100 ships we welcome each year are met with facilities we proudly call high-class. In addition to the crane maintenance, we have also spent the past years meticulously maintaining our dry docks and quays. Here, we have upgraded and replaced all fenders at our quays. At the same time, our expertise in steelwork allows us to perform significant maintenance on the dock gates, lifting and refurbishing the massive steel structures and changing the gaskets. Now, seeing our giants stand tall, freshly painted in Orskov colors, is a proud reminder of our commitment to providing superior ship repair and conversion services that always exceed our customers’ expectations.   #OrskovYard #shipyard #shiprepair #drydock #floatingdock

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  • Se organisationssiden for Orskov Yard, grafik

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    SMM 2024 has kicked off – 3 reasons why Orskov Yard is a must-visit 🚢 We continue our series of inspiring exhibitions, and this week, we are thrilled to be part of SMM Hamburg, the world’s leading trade fair for the maritime industry. Swing by stand 101 in Hall B1 GF and meet our CEO Lars Fischer, Director Christina Ørskov, Sales Manager Martin Christensen, and Head of Project Department Ole Gammelgaard, alongside our valued partners and colleagues from Scanel International A/S, Hytek A/S, CRALOG, and Norisol A/S.     Why Orskov Yard is a must-visit at SMM 2024: 🔧 Expertise: Whether you are focused on tankers, ferries, cruise ships, offshore-, ro/ro-, or specialized vessels, Orskov Yard is your trusted partner for ship repair and refitting. With decades of experience across all vessel types, we understand the unique needs of your vessel, ensuring top-quality service each time. Come learn more about how we can help you with your next project. 🏠 Convenience: Located right by the yard in Frederikshavn, our accommodation options provide easy access to and from the yard for superintendents. Our network of trusted suppliers is placed right beside us, close to our docks and facilities. This ensures that we can deliver rapidly. 🏝️ Location: Fun fact. Did you know that Orskov Yard is the only shipyard in Northern Europe with a palm beach as next-door neighbor? Come by the Pavilion of Denmark and see how we celebrate this 🍹 Now that the SMM is officially open, let’s connect and discuss your next project with us. We are looking forward to seeing you in Hall B1! #OrskovYard #shipyard #shiprepair #maritime #maritimeindustry #SMM #SMM2024 #SMMfair #SMMHamburg

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