OSAIA Health

OSAIA Health

Hospitaler og sundhedspleje

Middelfart, South Denmark 472 følgere

Improving lives of osteoporosis patients through digital therapeutics

Om os

OSAIA is an online osteoporosis clinic who has developed the first online course for patients suffering from osteoporosis aiming to reduce the risk of fractures and improving self-management. The platform is based on more than 7 years of research within design, development and test of an mHealth app to support patients with osteoporosis in self-management of the disease. Our vision is to provide targeted and tailored online support to help the patients live a better life with osteoporosis and prevent fractures. Our vision is to be a thrust worthy partner to everyone in the osteoporotic ecosystem and our mission is to collaborate and co-create new and innovative digital healthcare solutions that can support both patients and healthcare professionals in optimizing the treatment of osteoporosis in Denmark and worldwide. Our patient-facing app ("Mine Knogler") is part of the National Treatment Guidelines for postmenopausal osteoporosis in Denmark, and part of the established health system.

Hospitaler og sundhedspleje
2-10 medarbejdere
Middelfart, South Denmark
Digital health, mHealth, eHealth, co-creation, participatory design, osteoporosis support, Targeted and tailored support og Research and innovation


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    Nørre Alle 21

    Middelfart, South Denmark 5500, DK

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    Vi gentager succes’en og afholder igen webinar hos OSAIA Osteoporoseklinik. Denne gang får vi besøg af Pernille Hermann som er endokrinolog og overlæge på Odense Universitetshospital. Pernille vil snakke om hormonernes betydning for udvikling af osteoporose. Et af de spørgsmål vi ofte får fra vores brugere af appen Mine Knogler. Kom med - men vent ikke for længe med at tilmelde dig. De første 300 pladser er booket 😊 Vi ses online 😊 Hilsen OSAIA Osteoporoseklinik

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  • Vi gentager succes’en og afholder igen webinar hos OSAIA Osteoporoseklinik. Denne gang får vi besøg af Pernille Hermann som er endokrinolog og overlæge på Odense Universitetshospital. Pernille vil snakke om hormonernes betydning for udvikling af osteoporose. Et af de spørgsmål vi ofte får fra vores brugere af appen Mine Knogler. Kom med - men vent ikke for længe med at tilmelde dig. De første 300 pladser er booket 😊 Vi ses online 😊 Hilsen OSAIA Osteoporoseklinik

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  • Today our CEO and co-founder Pernille Ravn Jakobsen discussed the importance of investing more in diseases that affect women disproportionately in a panel discussion at the LSX - partnering for Life Science eXecutives Nordic Congress ⭐️

    Se profil for Pernille Ravn Jakobsen, grafik

    CEO, Co-founder & PhD, OSAIA Health

    Panel discussion on stage at the LSX Nordic Congress done ✔️ Some key points: ✔️ Women’s health needs differ from men’s. Especially due to hormonal fluctuations across life stages, such as menopause and post-menopause. This need to be addressed and prioritized to a higher degree. ✔️ In the Nordics we are already global leaders in gender equality - but we need to integrate this into healthcare, research and diagnosis to ensure more equality in health. In the Nordics we have a strong cultural foundation to show the world how to improve women’s health. ✔️ Diseases that affect women disproportionately (such as osteoporosis) are underserved and undiagnosed despite being a major health issue and is a blue ocean. ✔️ We need earmarked funding for development of new treatments and services focused on women’s health. ✔️ Women’s health is a huge market opportunity. Women represent 50% of the global population and women are increasingly seeking personalized solutions for their own and their families health. Women are the primary healthcare decision makers and by developing solutions that better meet their needs, you are tapping into a big market. ✔️ Women’s health is one of the most promising and underserved areas in life sciences. ✔️ Investing in women’s health is not only the right thing to do - it’s smart business and an opportunity for investors to become first movers. Thank you Anette Steenberg for a great facilitation. And thank you Ulrika Ringdahl, Sana Alajmovic and Ina Laura Perkins for an inspiring discussion. Let’s show the world the way in how to improve women’s health ⭐️

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  • ✨ Bone Turnover Markers are live in OSAIA Health! ✨ Yesterday, we hosted our first webinar on Bone Turnover Markers—an emerging topic in osteoporosis care and now available in OSAIA Health—and we were thrilled to see over 450 participants sign up! Pernille Ravn Jakobsen facilitated the session, while our expert speaker, Michael Schønemann Rand, guided patients through how Bone Turnover Markers can be used to monitor disease progression. The level of engagement, with numerous insightful questions, highlights the growing interest among osteoporosis patients. Since the webinar, we’ve seen a significant increase in patients visiting our clinic, eager to explore Bone Turnover Markers as part of their care journey. At OSAIA, we’re proud to offer a comprehensive blended care model. This includes DXA scans, blood tests like Bone Turnover Markers, and personalized support from our team of doctors, nurses, and physiotherapists—all tailored to each patient’s needs. By leveraging Bone Turnover Markers, patients can gain a clearer understanding of their treatment's effectiveness, potentially empowering them to take greater control of their health. We’re excited to continue delivering innovative solutions that enhance patient care and improve disease management. Together, we’re helping patients live better with osteoporosis! #OsteoporosisCare #BoneTurnoverMarkers #PatientEmpowerment #HealthcareInnovation #OSAIAHealth Rasmus Dahl-Larsen Benjamin Suhr Henrik Rindel Gudbergsen Claus Rømer Andersen pernille hermann

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  • What an great first day at TechBBQ! 🎉 We had the pleasure of presenting alongside Health Tech Hub Copenhagen in the red corner 🔴, and it was a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with new and familiar faces in the digital health, women's health, life sciences, and investment communities. We're excited to continue the conversations tomorrow with investors, industry partners, and anyone passionate about improving our healthcare system through innovation in digital health and women's health. If you'd like to connect, feel free to reach out here or via the Brella app to set up a meeting. Looking forward to seeing you there! 👋 #TechBBQ #Womenshealth #DigitalHealth #HealthTech #Innovation Pernille Ravn Jakobsen Rasmus Dahl-Larsen Benjamin Suhr

  • Vores første webinar hos OSAIA Osteoporoseklinik fuldt booket på under 24 timer ⭐️

    Se profil for Pernille Ravn Jakobsen, grafik

    CEO, Co-founder & PhD, OSAIA Health

    ⭐️ Fuldt booket på under 24 timer ⭐️ Onsdag morgen sendte vi information ud til alle de brugere, der har oprettet en profil i Mine Knogler appen om, at OSAIA Health (Danmarks eneste online osteoporoseklinik) afholder et webinar om knoglemarkører. Årsagen er, at vi har flere og flere patienter der spørger til knoglemarkører. Hos OSAIA Osteoporoseklinik tilbyder vi monitorering af knoglemarkører i hele Danmark, men det er ikke alle patienter det er relevant for. Så derfor besluttede vi os for at invitere til et webinar, hvor en af vores læger Michael Schønemann Rand, der forsker i knoglemarkører, dels vil fortælle om knoglemarkører og dels vil svare på spørgsmål fra deltagerne. Det var første gang vi skulle teste denne kanal og spændingen var derfor stor da vi trykkede send onsdag morgen kl 08.15. På under 24 timer var de 300 pladser booket! En venteliste er oprettet og den vokser hver dag. Vi har lovet at gøre webinaret tilgængeligt i vores app, så alle vores brugere kan få adgang til den nyeste viden om knoglemarkører. Lessons learned: Vores brugere er klar på webinarer og mere online kontakt med os, som supplement til vores app og online konsultationer. Vi glæder os til at teste dette af d. 23. september. To be continued….. ⭐️ Rasmus Dahl-Larsen Benjamin Suhr

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  • Vores app “Mine Knogler” er en af de udvalgte apps, som er med i projekt “Apps i Almen Praksis”. Udover nedenstående skriver evalueringsrapporten fra Deloitte bl.a. også følgende: “Sundhedsapps har potentiale til at flytte behandling tættere på patienten og muliggøre en mere fleksibel, personlig og borgercentrisk tilrettelæggelse af sundheds- og behandlingstilbud i almen praksis og det nære sundhedsvæsen. Fx. er funktionerne i appen #MineKnogler, som er hyppigt anbefalet i pilotperioden, at patienter får adgang til viden om osteoporose, kan indtaste daglig kost til beregning af kalkindtag og kan få hjælp til at forstå T-score ud fra resultatet af DXA-scanning” Vi ser frem til at der forhåbenligt i kølevandet på projektet også laves en finansieringsmodel for disse apps der kan aflaste et presset sundhedsvæsen 🤞🏻 #sundpol

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    Vi fortsætter nu fra teknisk afprøvning til teknisk storskalaafprøvning med løsningen Apps i Almen Praksis! Siden januar har en mindre gruppe læger og patienter afprøvet PLSPs løsning, hvor lægerne kan anbefale apps via Klinik+-universets samspil med patientens Min Læge-app. Og det er nu muligt for flere klinikker at komme i gang med Apps i Almen Praksis 📲 Evalueringsrapporten fra Deloitte skriver bl.a at “løsningen i høj grad er teknisk effektiv […]. Læger og klinikpersonale anvender løsningen i Klinik+, og evalueringen viser, at løsningen fra lægers og klinikpersonales perspektiv er brugervenlig og intuitiv at navigere i.“ Det kan vi jo godt lide at høre 😊 Tak til MedCom Praktiserende Lægers Organisation (PLO) - The Danish Organization of General Practitioners Trifork Digital Health for et godt samarbejde.

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  • FFN - Fragility Fracture Network conference 2024 Today we presented our pilot project of online osteoporosis consultations as a supplement to our app “Mine Knogler” in collaboration with Osteoporoseforeningen at the FFN konference in Aarhus. Our abstract was accepted for a poster presentation. Both Rasmus Dahl-Larsen & Pernille Ravn Jakobsen were participating and had a lot of good dialogues with the participating clinicians and researchers. Also representatives from our advisory board pernille hermann and Michael Schønemann Rand participated in the conference and as co-authors of the abstract and poster. Nice to meet so many skilled people in the osteoporosis ecosystem again. The future really looks bright with all the promising projects going on within osteoporosis ⭐️ And thank you for all the nice feedback on our online osteoporosis support. We keep on trying to optimize osteoporosis care by using personalized data and digital support. See you next year 😊

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  • Thanks a lot for arranging and hosting this great event Health Tech Hub Copenhagen. It is really important that you gather all the different stakeholders working in Healthcare and Healthtech, so that we can move this forward together. And great to see multiple foreign delegations participating this year as well. And thank you for the invitation of Pernille Ravn Jakobsen to be part of highlighting the important topic of "Advancing women's health through investment". There are so many things to be done in women's health and getting more female founders in Healthtech. In OSAIA Health we look forward to participating again next year. 😊 Pernille Ravn Jakobsen Rasmus Dahl-Larsen Benjamin Suhr

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    🎥 Official Event Video Alert | Copenhagen Health Tech Summit 2024 🚀 We are thrilled to share our video recap of Copenhagen Health Tech Summit 2024! Dive into the highlights of this year’s summit, where we explored how #healthtech can help alleviate #healthcare's most pressing needs while enabling better, more efficient healthcare - for the benefit of patients, healthcare professionals and society. Watch now to see the magic of #CHTS2024 unfold and catch a glimpse of this dynamic and engaging day: creating new insights and shaping new connections across all parts of the health ecosystem. 🙏 A massive thank you to all our participants, speakers, partners and supporters who made this event a success! Thank you to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for co-hosting #CHTS2024 with us. And to all our 2024 attendees - thank you for being active, curious and open to new knowledge and new opportunities! See you in 2025! 💬 Let’s keep the momentum going! Join the conversation and share your favourite moments from the summit using #CHTS2024. #globalhealth #nordichealth #digitalhealth Anett Falussy | Jesper Grønbæk | Amelie Sophie Lohse | Line Knoop-Henriksen | Nicolas Bouchet | Line Rasmussen | Mafalda Camara | Giulia Galimberti | Sean Aleksej Rehn | Oded Yair Menuhin | Martin Broch Pedersen | Jannik Topgaard Zeuthen | Lonni Kirsten Nielsen | Sissel Mai Ødegaard Flemmingson Thank you to EASY corporate video and photo for capturing the essence of the Summit on film!

  • Expansion of the OSAIA Health founder team and establishment of the Osteoporosis Clinic. 😊 We are thrilled to welcome Rasmus Dahl-Larsen to the founder team of OSAIA Health where he will take on the position as Chief Medical Officer. Rasmus is a medical doctor, and has worked as a general practitioner for more than 10 years and brings valuable experience in managing patients with osteoporosis in primary care. Furthermore, Rasmus is “Mr. Videoconsultation” where he has extensive medical knowledge in seeing patients online. We are also pleased to be introducing the Osteoporosis Clinic as a one-stop-shop where we will now be supporting the patients throughout the entire journey. From risk screening through the first diagnostic DXA-scan and blood tests to managing treatment and support in bone healthy life style. Furthermore, we will be monitoring Bone Turnover Markers to measure if the patients are responding appropriately to medical treatment. We are very exited about the path ahead and to support more patients live a better life with osteoporosis. #osteoporosis #womenshealth Pernille Ravn Jakobsen Rasmus Dahl-Larsen Benjamin Suhr pernille hermann Michael Schønemann Rand Henrik Rindel Gudbergsen Claus Rømer Andersen Carina Rebsdorf

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