ProPublica Public Communications coverbillede
ProPublica Public Communication

ProPublica Public Communication


Reliable government communication and democratic debate for everyone

Om os

We are a new (est. 2022), independent non-profit organization working to strengthen our democracies by developing public communication from governments, ministries, agencies, regions and municipalities that is relevant, impartial and for all. We do that through education, network and a think tank.

2-10 medarbejdere
Public communication and press, Democratic governance, Openness and transparency, Risk and crisis communication, Digital transformation og Civic tech


Medarbejdere hos ProPublica Public Communication


  • The ambitions are grand, even if the hands are few. Our vision is to create a meeting place for public sector communicators across Europe, where we can learn from one another to increase trust and improve communication within and from the public sector. The board spent a day in Malmö to discuss further steps, not least in gathering even more volunteers to the cause. 👉🏻 Now we’re curious. What would make you take the decision to become a volunteer? #communication #ngo #volounteer Katrine Mølgaard Thielke Johanna Lindell Thomas Dybro Lundorf Ida Jost

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  • "The link between democracy and communication is more important than ever. And I believe it’s becoming increasingly apparent to most in this social climate that we cannot take democracy for granted; it’s something we must create together every day,” says Ida Jost, board member of ProPublica Public Communication, during an interview with the Swedish Magasin K this week. The article describes how ProPublica Public Communication, for now, consists of four board members and three members of an advisory board, along with a number of volunteers. But we are aiming high. There are about 100,000 potential members, considering the number of professional communicators within the public sector in Europe. “It would be cool if we could gather everyone. But it’s more a direction than a static goal; now we have set a structure and are laying the foundation together. It feels fun and it feels important,” says Ida Jost while ending the interview. Source: Magasin K interview with Ida Jost. You’ll find a link to the full article in the comments below.

    • Ida Jost, board member of ProPublica Public Communication
  • Tomorrow is our yearly general assembly at ProPublica Public Communication. Want to check out how things are going for us? Take a sneak peek in the attached chairperson's report for Monday's assembly. If you want to participate in deciding who will be on the board, and what our future priorities should be, you can become a member (it's free 🎉) and join the assembly by checking out the event in the comments. We hope to see you online tomorrow! 🤗

  • It only happened twice in world history! Third edition coming up 😱 On June 17 at 16:00 (CET) it's on: ProPublica's general assembly!👩🏭👩🍳👩👨🚀👩🎨🤵👳♀️🤶🙋♀️ As you might know, our non-profit NGO is about promoting world-class democratic standards for government and public authority communication in Europe. Reliable and inclusive. Clear and accessible. For everyone on the continent. The general assembly is for members only, but it's free to become one. Write to us at info(at) and we'll sign you up. For the most part, to be honest, general assemblies are not excessively exciting. Unless you are a somewhat boring person maybe. To honour that fact, we will go through agenda point classics like "Election of moderator and vote counters" and "Submission of financial account for approval." On the other hand, you will have the opportunity to elect new members of the board, put forth proposals or vote for or against proposals of others. Shaping the future of an important profession in our democracy? Not small things we think. Proposals should be sent to info(at) two weeks before the assembly, June 3 that is. You don't have to send us proposals to join of course. Check out the full agenda in the event description below. Don't miss out (unless you want to; then it's okay). The 17th!

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  • ProPublica Public Communication genopslog dette

    Åbenhedstræning skal styrke den offentlige debat 📣 💪    Mandag var de første ledere og medarbejdere i Sundhed og Omsorg til åbenhedstræning – et tiltag der skal give flere offentligt ansatte mod og tryghed til at hæve deres faglige stemmer i den offentlige debat på sundhed- og omsorgsområdet.    ”Alle skal være trygge ved at blande sig i den offentlige debat, når man er ansat i Sundhed og Omsorg i Aarhus Kommune”, siger rådmand Christian Budde: ”Mit mål er at skabe en arbejdsplads, hvor der er psykologisk tryghed nok til at vi tør tale højt om vores egne fejl. Man kan kun lære af sine fejl, hvis man får talt om dem.”  Åbenhedstræningen er udviklet i samarbejde med ProPublica Public Communication, der er verdens første NGO for demokratisk regerings- og myndighedskommunikation.    Thomas Dybro Lundorf, Sara Gundelach Vergo, Thune Korsager

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  • PROMOTING OPENNESS AND FAIR AND BALANCED GOVERNMENT COMMUNICATION IN DENMARK’S SECOND-LARGEST CITY Today, Aarhus Municipality's health and care sector is launching an openness training course for about 200 of its managers and employees. The goal is to have a more open public administration and a better public debate. One of the means to achieve this is a local government communication policy aiming at telling things as they are – not better, not worse. Another is a focus on developing a culture of trust in the municipality's health and care organisation so that more managers and employees share their personal opinions with the public about their workplace and field of work. At ProPublica Public Communication, we have developed the openness training concept and a train-the-trainers session in cooperation with the City of Aarhus. The municipality's own communication and press advisors and HR staff are carrying out the training in-house of their colleagues. If it goes well, the plan is to share the teaching materials with other public authorities for free. The project is one of several initiatives Aarhus Municipality has put into place to build better relations with the press and to support that more health and care sector managers and employees raise their voices in the public debate about their field of work and/or their workplace. Check out our news article in the comments below. Thanks to everyone involved in the project from the City of Aarhus. Among them, Svend Aage Mogensen Cecilie Winding Camilla Steskow Helle Erenbjerg Maria Fast Lindegaard Maria Bach Ekermann Jannie Lindberg Sundgaard Betina Gammelgaard #ChristofferPedersen Anne Fogh Lone Bredal Thune Korsager & Christian Budde... ... and those around or following the project, including Constructive Institute, Djøf, Tanja Nielsen, FOA and others. #openness #govcomms #publiccommunication #publicdebate #democracy Photo: Downtown Aarhus. Pixabay

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  • Did you miss the International Day of Press Freedom on May 3rd? Don't worry. It's always relevant to highlight the state of press freedom worldwide. A free and independent press is a cornerstone of democratic societies, and those of us working with public communications bear a significant responsibility. European countries lead the way in the 2024 Press Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders. But the global outlook appears grim. We can all support and raise awareness about press freedom right where we are. As public communication officers, we make an impact every day and many of us work closely with media for the sake of openness and democracy on an everyday basis. Could this map perhaps help you make your organisation even braver? Learn more about the World Press Freedom Index at Reporters Without Borders (RSF) #pressfreedom #publiccommunications #govcomms #rsf

  • JOINT SEMINAR ON 7 MAY: HOW DOES PUBLIC COMMUNICATION IMPACT DEMOCRACY? Does your government obscure or enlighten public debate on the issues you find most important? Climate, the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, technology, health, social security, housing, elderly care, schools and educational systems, wages, work/life balance; you name it. When we discuss and disagree on matters such as these, how and with what impact do governments and public authorities then contribute to the public debate? Do they make it better or worse? We (almost) don't have a clue. The decline of legacy media and the rise of social media often figure centrally in discussions of democratic developments and the state of the public debate. The role of government and public sector communication, however, has not been scrutinized to the same extent. Therefore, we're excited to announce that on the 7th of May, we will be joining a seminar at Roskilde University from 10-12 AM organized by the university's Centre for Digital Citizenship in collaboration with the Algoritmer, Data og Demokrati - ADD projektet and ourselves here at ProPublica Public Communication. The ambition is to set the agenda for and invite a debate on the nature of democratic public communication: how can ministries, government agencies, and other public authorities support and strengthen democracy in the current communicative climate? Speakers at the seminar: Pernille Almlund, Caspar Strand, Peter Aagaard, Sine Nørholm Just and Thomas Dybro Lundorf. Moderator: Chris Peters Read more and sign up here: #govcomms #democracy #publicdebate #publiccommunication

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  • "As public communicators, we have a responsibility to promote openness and democracy." ProPublica Public Communication board member Ida Jost's words at Publikom's recent conference for public communicators in Stockholm, Sweden. We believe this is true for all European public communicators. Do you want to join our efforts? Reach out and help building a community 🙌🏼 Thanks to DIK and Johanna Lindell for the invitation! #govcomms #publiccommunication #democracy #openness

    Se profil for Ida Jost

    ✨ Strategic Communications I Media Relations I Change Communications ✨ Certified NLP Practitioner

    🎤 Idag på #publikoms andra dag bytte jag åhörarstolen mot panelsoffan på scenen. Det blev ett samtal om hur vi kan värna demokratin i ett hårdnande samhällsklimat. Tack Pascal Tshibanda, Kristin Ek och Johanna Lindell för att jag fick vara en del av det samtalet. 🤝 Värna verkligheten och låt oss mötas på riktigt. Vi lever i en tid där information flödar snabbare än någonsin. Sociala medier, nyhetsflöden och algoritmer formar våra världsbilder. Men mitt i allt detta digitala brus finns en längtan efter äkthet, möten ansikte mot ansikte och verkliga samtal. 🗽Frihet är friktion. Frihet handlar inte bara om att göra vad vi vill utan också om att möta utmaningar. Friktionen som uppstår när vi möter olika åsikter, kulturer och perspektiv är en del av den mänskliga erfarenheten. Genom att vara tryggast i rummet kan vi våga möta denna friktion. 🌍 En global desinformationskampanj som påverkar människor lokalt. Tack Lisa Andersson och Ylva Carlheim-Gyllensköld för att ni berättade om Socialstyrelsens arbete med att följa och hantera den omfattande desinformationskampanj som riktats mot er och svensk socialtjänst. 🤍 Att dela det svåra. ”När huden runt hjärtat är som tunnast ska du vara som starkast." Jag hade aldrig anat omfattningen av det mediala tryck ni hanterade och de vägval ni behövde göra. Tack Mårten Westlund för att du ärligt och känslosamt delade med dig av era lärdomar av att befinna sig mitt i krisens epicentrum när Oceana försvann i lågor. 👩💻Vårt uppdrag som kommunikatörer. Som kommunikatörer har vi ett ansvar att värna demokratin och öppenheten. Att skapa förutsättningar för ärliga, konstruktiva samtal och att koppla ihop oss med andra är avgörande. Jag är stolt över att vara en del av initiativet ProPublica Public Communication, som stärker offentliga kommunikatörer i Europa och främjar demokratin. Låt oss fortsätta vara modiga, kloka och engagerade. Tillsammans kan vi göra skillnad. #kommunikation #ledarskap #demokrati #öppenhet

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