RH ARKITEKTER proudly celebrates the 10-year anniversary of two of our talented and dedicated architects: Nina Ter-Borch and Louise Krog Poulsen. Nina possesses a unique ability to analyze and optimize processes, regardless of the project's complexity. She has extensive experience in facilitating user processes and working with user involvement, from the project's initiation to the handover of the completed construction. At RH ARKITEKTER, Nina focuses on the design and planning of large construction projects, particularly the new construction and renovation of laboratories and production facilities. Nina plays a significant role at RH ARKITEKTER. She shares her knowledge and experience and provides guidance to all our employees, contributing to the studio's development and progress. “The past 10 years at RH ARKITEKTER have been both inspiring and rewarding. Through each project, we have developed value-creating solutions in close dialogue with all involved stakeholders, making my work both exciting and meaningful. Contributing with high professionalism and quality brings me great joy, and I truly value the collaboration with my amazing and dedicated colleagues.” Nina Ter-Borch, Lead Architect / Senior Laboratory Specialist. #RHArchitects #Architecture #LifeScienceArchitecture #Anniversary #laboratories
Om os
RH ARKITEKTER specializes in Life Science, pharma, biotech and sustainable green solutions. We have solid knowledge in design of laboratories and development of workspace for scientists, researchers and laboratory technicians. Our dedicated staffs of designers, planners and architects have vast experience in collaborations with companies, building contractors, engineers and suppliers in all stages of the creation process. We are committed to system design, logistics and product- and personnel safety. We are experts in project design of clean rooms as classified within GMP/ISP standards. Our work combines the artistic process with a functional, straightforward and beautiful architectural style. Trust, history and quality Bo Ramlyng and Arne Hansen founded RH ARKITEKTER in 2001. Today we are more than 30 employees. Our architectural expression is founded in the Scandinavian tradition with focus on aesthetics and functionality. Since the beginning RH ARKITEKTER has developed solutions for large multinational Pharma & Life Science companies as well as institutions within design of laboratories, manufacturing facilities, clean rooms, pilot plants, medical- and health facilities, hospitals as well as education- and university facilities. We want to inspire and creatively challenge our customers. This is best done by quickly presenting different ideas respecting the physical and financial limitations. Our approach to the task at hand will ensure thorough and future proof solutions. We have developed a series of tools, methods and systems for modular design and construction. We believe in continuous improvement and we invest in developing ourselves and in inspiring new ways of thinking laboratory- and office design.
- Websted
Eksternt link til RH ARKITEKTER
- Branche
- Arkitektur og planlægning
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 11-50 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- København V
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2001
- Specialer
- Life Science, Pharma, Biotech og Sustainable green solutions
Meldahlsgade 5, 3.
København V, 1613, DK
Medarbejdere hos RH ARKITEKTER
RH ARKITEKTER proudly celebrates the 10-year anniversary of two of our talented and dedicated employees, Louise and Nina. In her work, Louise demonstrates great oversight, an energetic drive, and a strong ability to think in both details and the larger context, always with a focus on functionality and aesthetics. The complexity of Louise's tasks places significant demands on her ability to communicate effectively with a diverse range of stakeholders, including clients, users, and collaborators. This is a skill she masters with expertise. At RH ARKITEKTER, Louise primarily works with laboratory construction, production, and In Vivo projects. Through this, she has developed unique specialist knowledge and excels at creating the best physical environments for both humans and animals in perfect balance. “It has been 10 truly exciting years at RH ARKITEKTER. Each project comes with its own requirements, and the collaboration with various clients, users, and consultants makes the work dynamic, educational, and challenging. In addition, I have a solid foundation with my fantastic colleagues, whom I truly enjoy working with.” Louise Krog Poulsen, Senior Lead Architect / Associate Partner. #RHArchitects #Architecture #LifeScienceArchitecture #Anniversary #invivoprojects
RH ARKITEKTER proudly celebrates the 10-year anniversary of two of our talented and dedicated employees, Nina Ter-Borch, Lead Architect / Senior Laboratory Specialist, and Louise Krog Poulsen, Senior Lead Architect / Associate Partner. Nina and Louise are both highly qualified specialists who contribute to exceptional professional expertise and personal commitment to our studio. They collaborate with the world’s leading researchers, transforming their needs into physical frameworks. Both possess a deep understanding of the complexity involved in creating the best architecture for Life Science and Pharma companies, navigating this field with an inquisitive and assured approach. Their experience and efforts are of great importance to the daily operations, development, and success of our studio. We deeply value their contributions over the years at RH ARKITEKTER. #RHArchitects #Architecture #LifeScienceArchitecture #Anniversary
RH wishes you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 2024 has been an eventful year for RH Architects. At the studio the year has been characterized by renewal and transformation. We have expanded our circle of partners, welcomed several talented new employees, and after more than 22 years at the same address, we have moved to new premises. It has been an inspiring renewal. High activity within Life Science and Pharma provides us with many exciting and challenging projects to work on. We are constantly enhancing our extensive expertise, skills and experience in this field. Thanks to all our clients, partners and employees for a fantastic collaboration and for the contributions each of you makes to ensure the success of our projects. We look forward to continuing this valuable collaboration in the year to come.
Er du vores nye laboratorie arkitekt? Har du solid erfaring med laboratorie byggeprojekter? Ser du en udfordring i at løse såvel små som store opgaver med samme høje faglige engagement? Arbejder du metodisk og er du i stand til at stå for projektering, herunder detaljering, projektopfølgning og økonomi på vores byggesager? Læs mere her: https://lnkd.in/dCiFMuBx Har du spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte partner og Head of Office Tine Simon på tlf. 30 707 675. Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig! #Ledigestillinger #Arkitekt #Architect #Laboratorie #Laboratory #Laboratoriearkitekt #Jobmulighed #Jobalert #Lifescience #Pharma #Architecture #Tegnestue RH ARKITEKTER Tine Simon Simon Skriver Mette Hanghøj Malte Johannesen Bülow Maarja Miller
Er du vores nye projektleder/sagsarkitekt? Brænder du for at udvikle projekter fra start til slut? Har du erfaring med at styre sagsforløb - herunder bemanding og styring af projektøkonomi? Arbejder du metodisk, og er du i stand til at stå for projektering, udbud og projektopfølgning på byggesagerne? Læs mere her: https://lnkd.in/dCiFMuBx Har du spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte partner og Head of Office Tine Simon på tlf. 30 707 675. Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig! #Ledigestillinger #Sagsarkitekt #Projektleder #Projectmanager #Leadarchitect #Jobmulighed #Jobalert #Lifescience #Pharma #Architecture #Tegnestue RH ARKITEKTER Tine Simon Simon Skriver Mette Hanghøj Malte Johannesen Bülow Maarja Miller
GAZELLEVIRKSOMHED 2024 For andet år i træk kan vi stolt meddele, at RH ARKITEKTER er blevet udnævnt til Gazellevirksomhed af Børsen. Denne anerkendelse er et stærkt bevis på vores målrettede indsats og den imponerende vækst, vi har opnået sammen. I mere end 20 år har vi rådgivet og designet faciliteter til danske og internationale virksomheder indenfor Life Science og Pharma industrien. Vi har opbygget stor viden, kompetencer og erfaring indenfor området, og ser ind i en spændende tid, hvor vi fortsat bidrager med at udvikle produkter og løsninger, som mange mennesker er afhængige af for at kunne leve et godt og sundt liv. Tak til kunder, samarbejdspartnere og medarbejdere for det gode samarbejde, og de mål vi når i fællesskab. #børsengazelle #gazellevirksomhed #RHARKITEKTER #architectsforlifescience #Pharma #lifecsience #danisharchitecture #Danskarkitektur
Er du vores nye HR Manager? Har du stærke kommunikationsevner og gode menneskelige kompetencer? Er du passioneret kulturbærer, som driver initiativer, der fremmer medarbejderengagement, -tilfredshed og -trivsel? Læs mere her: https://lnkd.in/dCiFMuBx Har du spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte HR & Head of Administration Mai Loan Le på tlf. 27 732 174. Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig! #Ledigestillinger #HR #Jobmulighed #Administration #Jobalert #Lifescience #Pharma #Architecture #Tegnestue RH ARKITEKTER Tine Simon Simon Skriver Mette Hanghøj Malte Johannesen Bülow Maarja Miller
RH ARKITEKTER fejrede fødselsdag i går! Vi har igennem 23 år opbygget en specialiseret viden, kompetence og erfaring med arkitektur inden for Life Science og det gør os til en af de mest foretrukne tegnestuer i Danmark i denne branche. Essensen af vores arkitektur er at skabe æstetiske, enkle og funktionelle rammer inden for alle de mange forskellige aspekter af Life Science. #RHARKITEKTER #LifeScience #anniversary #jubilæum #23 #architecture #arkitektur
Velkommen til Mads! Mads er netop blevet færdig som bygningskonstruktør på KEA, men han er ikke helt ny hos RH ARKITEKTER – han har arbejdet hos os i halvandet år som studentermedhjælper. Vi ser frem til nu at have Mads på fuld tid. Han er allerede godt i gang med at føre tilsyn, bygherrerådgivning, projektering mm. på de sager han har været tilknyttet under sit studie. #nykollega #velkommen #architectsforlifescience #architect #newemployee #newteammember RH ARKITEKTER