Universal Design Hub - Bevica Fonden genopslog dette
Guest lecture by Camilla Ryhl from the Bevica Foundation on “Universal Design” for our Urban Design and Architecture students! #aaucreate #bevica #universaldesign
Understøtter forskning i og formidling af universal design i Danmark. Del af #BevicaFonden #UniversalDesign #SDGs
Universal Design Hub - Bevica Fonden genopslog dette
Guest lecture by Camilla Ryhl from the Bevica Foundation on “Universal Design” for our Urban Design and Architecture students! #aaucreate #bevica #universaldesign
What does it take to design an accessible world? Labs for Liberation has just announced their Summer Institute on Disability and Design, which is an intensive program bringing together researchers, designers, and activists to explore how design can be a tool for liberation. The Summer Institute offers a collaborative, generative, theoretically-rigorous, and lab-based space for integrating accessibility theory and practice. The program includes a six-week series of free, online, and accessible programming offering lectures and panel discussions. Applications for the program are due on March 7, 2025. Learn more here: https://lnkd.in/g5WevjCz #Inclusion #LeaveNoOneBehind
”Ingen over og ingen ved siden af: Ingen skriver med indlevelse og forståelse for vigtigheden af vores sanser som Camilla Ryhl” De fine ord stammer fra en anmeldelse i Arkitektur af Camilla Ryhls nye bog Universal Design in Architecture – On enabling and empowering a diverse population. Bogen indeholder interviews med arkitekter fra både Norge og Danmark, der deler deres erfaringer med universelt design i forskellige projekter. Anmeldelsen præsenterer Camillas forskning og belyser forskellen i tilgangen til universel udformning i de to lande. Norge har integreret begrebet i lovgivningen, mens Danmark primært anvender begrebet tilgængelighed, dog med en voksende interesse for universelt design, særligt i lyset af FN’s bæredygtighedsmål. Bogen fremhæves som en værdifuld ressource for alle, der ønsker at skabe inkluderende og sanselige arkitektoniske løsninger. Læs anmeldelsen her: https://lnkd.in/d9vXZisr #UniversalDesign #Arkitektur
Universal Design Hub - Bevica Fonden genopslog dette
Last week I joined the Bevica Scholarship Programme. I participated in a workshop on the themes of 'Universal Design Learning' taught by Louise Bøttcher, a lecture on 'Norms and normativity' by Jannick Friis Christensen, ph.d., and I got to meet all the other amazing scholars from across Denmark and educational institutions. I look forward to utilizing more of this knowledge at Royal Danish Academy - Institute of Architecture and Technology, and to take part in the rest of the programme. Thank you Bevica Fonden - Universal Design Hub - Bevica Fonden, Camilla Ryhl, Marie Engberg Eiriksson, Mads Stampe and the rest of the team for hosting the event. #BevicaScholarshipProgramme Photos by Trine, Bevica
"You are the Bevica Scholarship Programme Ideators 2025-2026." With theese words, Research Director Camilla Ryhl Bevica Fonden opened the Bevica Scholarship Program 2025-2026. We met with the new participants on Saturday for the first workshop in the programme. And what a day! We look forward to following them over the coming time and seeing their journey into universal design and how they develop ideas that can steer society in a more inclusive direction. Follow along here to learn more. #BevicaScholarshipProgramme
We’re kicking off the New Year with quite an offer! 🎉 Camilla Ryhl, Research Director at Bevica Fonden, has been invited to give an online presentation based on her new book Universal Design in Architecture by the prestigious Institute for Human Centered Design. Under the leadership of Valerie Fletcher, who has been a pioneer in Universal Design and an international expert in the field since the 1990s, IHCD is dedicated to enhancing the experiences of people of all ages, abilities, and cultures through excellence in design. 📅 On Wednesday, January 15, at 12:00 noon EST (6:00 PM Danish time), Camilla will share insights from her new book under the headline: Are we missing out on a decisive potential of Universal Design to change how we practice architecture and, in the process, increase architectural quality and sensory experiences for everyone? The presentation will be broadcast online via Zoom and is held in English. Participation is free and open to all, but registration is required. 👉 Read more and register here: https://lnkd.in/dQSVZMaV
What a year it's been! Thank you all for making it possible. See you in 2025 for yet another exciting year 👨🎓👩🎓
Hold nu op et år, det har været! 2024 har på overvældende vis gjort det tydeligt, at samtalen om universelt design, blinde vinkler og menneskesyn ikke bare er noget, vi er optagede af i Bevica Fonden. Det er der mange af jer derude, der også er 👏 Sammen med en række af vores gode partnere har vi skabt virkelig interessant indhold til scener mange forskellige steder, og vi har lagt os i selen for at formidle universelt design på nye måder. Fx gennem universelt designede koncerter og i publikumsinddragende rapbattle. Vores gode kollegaer i Universal Design Hub - Bevica Fonden har desuden holdt mere end 50 oplæg om universelt design i løbet af 2024 for partnere og andre interesserede 🙌 Vi har også indgået nyt spændende partnerskab med AAU Innovation og fortsætter partnerskabet med Københavns Kommune med nye tiltag. Tak til alle jer, der har været med i samtalerne og samarbejderne. Vi glæder os til at fortsætte i 2025. Tak for i år!
Our Scholarship alumni Marek Kuzminski was recently nominated as a Danish Design Award finalist in the Young Ideas Category 2024. Marek was nominated for his project HandsUp, which was also the project for which he received a Bevica Scholarship Programme grant in 2023. HandsUp allows children to design and 3D print their own “super-power” prostheses, boosting self-confidence and turning disability into a source of strength. 🦸 🦾 Read more about the project here 👉 https://lnkd.in/dTwnzj4c Marek has just embarked on his Scholarship-funded research tour of India, where he will continue his investigation into how the active involvement of children with congenital upper limb differences in the design of their prosthetic devices contribute to their psychological well-being. Safe travels to you Marek – we look forward to following your work in years to come. Read more about the Bevica Scholarship Programme at 👉 www.bevicascholarship.dk.
Universal Design Hub - Bevica Fonden genopslog dette
Alert ‼️ The best scholarship for students and lecturers from all backgrounds to explore the world and make a difference is open for applications! It takes just 1 minute to sign up, with only basic information required. The deadline is 1st December, so don’t miss out! I say this as a proud recipient of the Bevica Scholarship Travel Grant and a member of the Bevica Fonden network, which constantly challenges and inspires me. Most recently, I had the incredible opportunity to speak about my research at the first-ever Universal Design Hub - Bevica Fonden Summit, organized as part of the Bevica Fonden network for architects. I cannot stress how amazing the experience have been to be part of such a community of forward-thinking researchers and students. The opportunities that came from Bevica Fonden ‘s Scholarship of 30 000 DKK were endless and are still coming to me today. Find out more and sign up for the Bevica Scholarship Programme here: www.bevicascholarship.dk P.S. There’s also a chance to win 350,000 DKK for students and 150,000 DKK for lecturers!
🏆 Så er det snart sidste chance for at blive en del af Bevica Scholarship Programme 2025-2026! Er du studerende eller underviser fra en dansk professionsskole, designskole eller universitet, og vil du være med til at skabe et mere ligeværdigt samfund for fremtiden? Så meld dig til Bevica Scholarship Programme! 🎓 Du behøver ikke at have viden eller erfaring om universelt design før du melder dig, men blot en interesse i at udforske dit eget fagområde med de briller på. Som deltager får du mulighed for at forme og forfine dit projektforslag gennem flere workshops og dialog med ligesindede deltagere, brugere og eksperter. Sidste frist for tilmelding er på søndag d. 1. december. Læs mere og meld dig til her 👉 www.bevicascholarship.dk #UniversalDesign #BevicaScholarshipProgramme