Part II. Working with existing builds
Table of Contents
3. Installing Gradle
3.1. Prerequisites
3.2. Download
3.3. Unpacking
3.4. Environment variables
3.5. Running and testing your installation
3.6. JVM options
4. Using the Gradle Command-Line
4.1. Executing multiple tasks
4.2. Excluding tasks
4.3. Continuing the build when a failure occurs
4.4. Task name abbreviation
4.5. Selecting which build to execute
4.6. Forcing tasks to execute
4.7. Obtaining information about your build
4.8. Dry Run
4.9. Summary
5. The Gradle Console
5.1. Overview
5.2. Command-line feedback
5.3. Look & feel in non-interactive environments
6. The Gradle Wrapper
6.1. Executing a build with the Wrapper
6.2. Adding the Wrapper to a project
6.3. Configuration
6.4. Authenticated Gradle distribution download
6.5. Verification of downloaded Gradle distributions
6.6. Unix file permissions
7. The Gradle Daemon
7.1. Why the Gradle Daemon is important for performance
7.2. Running Daemon Status
7.3. Disabling the Daemon
7.4. Stopping an existing Daemon
7.5. FAQ
7.6. Tools & IDEs
7.7. How does the Gradle Daemon make builds faster?
8. Dependency Management Basics
8.1. What is dependency management?
8.2. Declaring your dependencies
8.3. Dependency configurations
8.4. External dependencies
8.5. Repositories
8.6. Publishing artifacts
8.7. Where to next?
9. Introduction to multi-project builds
9.1. Structure of a multi-project build
9.2. Executing a multi-project build
10. Continuous build
10.1. How do I start and stop a continuous build?
10.2. What will cause a subsequent build?
10.3. Limitations and quirks
11. Composite builds
11.1. What is a composite build?
11.2. Defining a composite build
11.3. Interacting with a composite build
11.4. Declaring the dependencies substituted by an included build
11.5. Depending on tasks in an included build
11.6. Current limitations and future plans for composite builds
12. The Build Environment
12.1. Configuring the build environment via
12.2. Gradle properties and system properties
12.3. Accessing the web via a proxy
13. Troubleshooting
13.1. Working through problems
13.2. Getting help
14. Embedding Gradle using the Tooling API
14.1. Introduction to the Tooling API
14.2. Tooling API Features
14.3. Tooling API and the Gradle Build Daemon
14.4. Quickstart
14.5. Gradle version and Java version compatibility
14.6. Java version
15. Build Cache
15.1. Overview
15.2. Enable the Build Cache
15.3. Task Output Caching
15.4. Configure the Build Cache
15.5. How to set up an HTTP build cache backend
15.6. Implement your own Build Cache