Gradle User Guide

Version 4.4.1

Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.

Table of Contents

I. About Gradle
1. Introduction
2. Overview
II. Working with existing builds
3. Installing Gradle
4. Using the Gradle Command-Line
5. The Gradle Console
6. The Gradle Wrapper
7. The Gradle Daemon
8. Dependency Management Basics
9. Introduction to multi-project builds
10. Continuous build
11. Composite builds
12. The Build Environment
13. Troubleshooting
14. Embedding Gradle using the Tooling API
15. Build Cache
III. Writing Gradle build scripts
16. Build Script Basics
17. Build Init Plugin
18. Writing Build Scripts
19. More about Tasks
20. Working With Files
21. Using Ant from Gradle
22. The Build Lifecycle
23. Wrapper Plugin
24. Logging
25. Dependency Management
26. Multi-project Builds
27. Gradle Plugins
28. Standard Gradle plugins
29. The Project Report Plugin
30. The Build Dashboard Plugin
31. Comparing Builds
32. Publishing artifacts
33. The Maven Plugin
34. The Signing Plugin
35. Ivy Publishing (new)
36. Maven Publishing (new)
37. The Distribution Plugin
38. The Announce Plugin
39. The Build Announcements Plugin
IV. Extending the build
40. Writing Custom Task Classes
41. Writing Custom Plugins
42. The Java Gradle Plugin Development Plugin
43. Organizing Build Logic
44. Lazy Configuration
45. Initialization Scripts
46. The Gradle TestKit
V. Building JVM projects
47. Java Quickstart
48. The Java Plugin
49. The Java Library Plugin
50. Web Application Quickstart
51. The War Plugin
52. The Ear Plugin
53. The Jetty Plugin
54. The Application Plugin
55. The Java Library Distribution Plugin
56. Groovy Quickstart
57. The Groovy Plugin
58. The Scala Plugin
59. The ANTLR Plugin
60. The Checkstyle Plugin
61. The CodeNarc Plugin
62. The FindBugs Plugin
63. The JDepend Plugin
64. The PMD Plugin
65. The JaCoCo Plugin
66. The OSGi Plugin
67. The Eclipse Plugins
68. The IDEA Plugin
VI. The Software model
69. Rule based model configuration
70. Software model concepts
71. Implementing model rules in a plugin
72. Building Java Libraries
73. Building Play applications
74. Building native software
75. Extending the software model
VII. Appendix
A. Gradle Samples
B. Potential Traps
C. The Feature Lifecycle
D. Gradle Command Line
E. Documentation licenses

List of Examples

4.1. Executing multiple tasks
4.2. Excluding tasks
4.3. Abbreviated task name
4.4. Abbreviated camel case task name
4.5. Selecting the project using a build file
4.6. Selecting the project using project directory
4.7. Forcing tasks to run
4.8. Obtaining information about projects
4.9. Providing a description for a project
4.10. Obtaining information about tasks
4.11. Changing the content of the task report
4.12. Obtaining more information about tasks
4.13. Obtaining detailed help for tasks
4.14. Obtaining information about dependencies
4.15. Filtering dependency report by configuration
4.16. Getting the insight into a particular dependency
4.17. Information about properties
6.1. Running the Wrapper task
6.2. Wrapper task
6.3. Wrapper generated files
6.4. Specifying the HTTP Basic Authentication credentials using system properties
6.5. Specifying the HTTP Basic Authentication credentials in distributionUrl
6.6. Configuring SHA-256 checksum verification
8.1. Declaring dependencies
8.2. Definition of an external dependency
8.3. Shortcut definition of an external dependency
8.4. Usage of Maven central repository
8.5. Usage of JCenter repository
8.6. Usage of a remote Maven repository
8.7. Usage of a remote Ivy directory
8.8. Usage of a local Ivy directory
8.9. Publishing to an Ivy repository
8.10. Publishing to a Maven repository
9.1. Listing the projects in a build
11.1. Dependencies of my-app
11.2. Declaring a command-line composite
11.3. Declaring a separate composite
11.4. Depending on task from included build
11.5. Build that does not declare group attribute
11.6. Declaring the substitutions for an included build
11.7. Depending on a single task from an included build
11.8. Depending on a tasks with path in all included builds
12.1. Setting properties with a file
12.2. Configuring an HTTP proxy
12.3. Configuring an HTTPS proxy
14.1. Using the tooling API
15.1. Configure the local cache
15.2. Pull from HttpBuildCache
15.3. Configure remote HTTP cache
15.4. Allow untrusted SSL certificate for HttpBuildCache
15.5. Recommended setup for CI push use case
15.6. Consistent setup for buildSrc and main build
15.7. Init script to configure the build cache
16.1. Your first build script
16.2. Execution of a build script
16.3. A task definition shortcut
16.4. Using Groovy in Gradle's tasks
16.5. Using Groovy in Gradle's tasks
16.6. Declaration of task that depends on other task
16.7. Lazy dependsOn - the other task does not exist (yet)
16.8. Dynamic creation of a task
16.9. Accessing a task via API - adding a dependency
16.10. Accessing a task via API - adding behaviour
16.11. Accessing task as a property of the build script
16.12. Adding extra properties to a task
16.13. Using AntBuilder to execute ant.loadfile target
16.14. Using methods to organize your build logic
16.15. Defining a default task
16.16. Different outcomes of build depending on chosen tasks
18.1. Accessing property of the Project object
18.2. Using local variables
18.3. Using extra properties
18.4. Configuring arbitrary objects
18.5. Configuring arbitrary objects using a script
18.6. Groovy JDK methods
18.7. Property accessors
18.8. Method call without parentheses
18.9. List and map literals
18.10. Closure as method parameter
18.11. Closure delegates
19.1. Defining tasks
19.2. Defining tasks - using strings for task names
19.3. Defining tasks with alternative syntax
19.4. Accessing tasks as properties
19.5. Accessing tasks via tasks collection
19.6. Accessing tasks by path
19.7. Creating a copy task
19.8. Configuring a task - various ways
19.9. Configuring a task - with closure
19.10. Defining a task with closure
19.11. Adding dependency on task from another project
19.12. Adding dependency using task object
19.13. Adding dependency using closure
19.14. Adding a 'must run after' task ordering
19.15. Adding a 'should run after' task ordering
19.16. Task ordering does not imply task execution
19.17. A 'should run after' task ordering is ignored if it introduces an ordering cycle
19.18. Adding a description to a task
19.19. Overwriting a task
19.20. Skipping a task using a predicate
19.21. Skipping tasks with StopExecutionException
19.22. Enabling and disabling tasks
19.23. Custom task class
19.24. Ad-hoc task
19.25. Ad-hoc task declaring a destroyable
19.26. Using runtime API with custom task type
19.27. Using skipWhenEmpty() via the runtime API
19.28. Inferred task dependency via task outputs
19.29. Inferred task dependency via a task argument
19.30. Declaring a method to add task inputs
19.31. Declaring a method to add a task as an input
19.32. Failed attempt at setting up an inferred task dependency
19.33. Setting up an inferred task dependency between output dir and input files
19.34. Setting up an inferred task dependency with files()
19.35. Setting up an inferred task dependency with builtBy()
19.36. Ignoring up-to-date checks
19.37. Runtime classpath normalization
19.38. Task rule
19.39. Dependency on rule based tasks
19.40. Adding a task finalizer
19.41. Task finalizer for a failing task
20.1. Locating files
20.2. Creating a file collection
20.3. Using a file collection
20.4. Implementing a file collection
20.5. Creating a file tree
20.6. Using a file tree
20.7. Using an archive as a file tree
20.8. Specifying a set of files
20.9. Copying files using the copy task
20.10. Specifying copy task source files and destination directory
20.11. Selecting the files to copy
20.12. Copying files using the copy() method without up-to-date check
20.13. Copying files using the copy() method with up-to-date check
20.14. Renaming files as they are copied
20.15. Filtering files as they are copied
20.16. Nested copy specs
20.17. Using the Sync task to copy dependencies
20.18. Creating a ZIP archive
20.19. Creation of ZIP archive
20.20. Configuration of archive task - custom archive name
20.21. Configuration of archive task - appendix & classifier
20.22. Activating reproducible archives
21.1. Using an Ant task
21.2. Passing nested text to an Ant task
21.3. Passing nested elements to an Ant task
21.4. Using an Ant type
21.5. Using a custom Ant task
21.6. Declaring the classpath for a custom Ant task
21.7. Using a custom Ant task and dependency management together
21.8. Importing an Ant build
21.9. Task that depends on Ant target
21.10. Adding behaviour to an Ant target
21.11. Ant target that depends on Gradle task
21.12. Renaming imported Ant targets
21.13. Setting an Ant property
21.14. Getting an Ant property
21.15. Setting an Ant reference
21.16. Getting an Ant reference
21.17. Fine tuning Ant logging
22.1. Single project build
22.2. Hierarchical layout
22.3. Flat layout
22.4. Modification of elements of the project tree
22.5. Adding of test task to each project which has certain property set
22.6. Notifications
22.7. Setting of certain property to all tasks
22.8. Logging of start and end of each task execution
24.1. Using stdout to write log messages
24.2. Writing your own log messages
24.3. Using SLF4J to write log messages
24.4. Configuring standard output capture
24.5. Configuring standard output capture for a task
24.6. Customizing what Gradle logs
25.1. Definition of a configuration
25.2. Accessing a configuration
25.3. Configuration of a configuration
25.4. Module dependencies
25.5. Artifact only notation
25.6. Dependency with classifier
25.7. Iterating over a configuration
25.8. Client module dependencies - transitive dependencies
25.9. Project dependencies
25.10. File dependencies
25.11. Generated file dependencies
25.12. Gradle API dependencies
25.13. Gradle's Groovy dependencies
25.14. Excluding transitive dependencies
25.15. Optional attributes of dependencies
25.16. Collections and arrays of dependencies
25.17. Dependency configurations
25.18. Dependency configurations for project
25.19. Configuration.copy
25.20. Accessing declared dependencies
25.21. Configuration.files
25.22. Configuration.files with spec
25.23. Configuration.copy
25.24. Configuration.copy vs. Configuration.files
25.25. Adding central Maven repository
25.26. Adding Bintray's JCenter Maven repository
25.27. Using Bintrays's JCenter with HTTP
25.28. Adding Google Maven repository
25.29. Adding the local Maven cache as a repository
25.30. Adding custom Maven repository
25.31. Adding additional Maven repositories for JAR files
25.32. Accessing password protected Maven repository
25.33. Flat repository resolver
25.34. Ivy repository
25.35. Ivy repository with named layout
25.36. Ivy repository with pattern layout
25.37. Ivy repository with multiple custom patterns
25.38. Ivy repository with Maven compatible layout
25.39. Ivy repository
25.40. Declaring a Maven and Ivy repository
25.41. Providing credentials to a Maven and Ivy repository
25.42. Declaring a S3 backed Maven and Ivy repository
25.43. Declaring a S3 backed Maven and Ivy repository using IAM
25.44. Declaring a Google Cloud Storage backed Maven and Ivy repository using default application credentials
25.45. Configure repository to use only digest authentication
25.46. Configure repository to use preemptive authentication
25.47. Accessing a repository
25.48. Configuration of a repository
25.49. Definition of a custom repository
25.50. Forcing consistent version for a group of libraries
25.51. Using a custom versioning scheme
25.52. Blacklisting a version with a replacement
25.53. Changing dependency group and/or name at the resolution
25.54. Substituting a module with a project
25.55. Substituting a project with a module
25.56. Conditionally substituting a dependency
25.57. Specifying default dependencies on a configuration
25.58. Enabling dynamic resolve mode
25.59. 'Latest' version selector
25.60. Custom status scheme
25.61. Custom status scheme by module
25.62. Ivy component metadata rule
25.63. Rule source component metadata rule
25.64. Component selection rule
25.65. Component selection rule with module target
25.66. Component selection rule with metadata
25.67. Component selection rule using a rule source object
25.68. Declaring module replacement
25.69. Dynamic version cache control
25.70. Changing module cache control
26.1. Multi-project tree - water & bluewhale projects
26.2. Build script of water (parent) project
26.3. Multi-project tree - water, bluewhale & krill projects
26.4. Water project build script
26.5. Defining common behavior of all projects and subprojects
26.6. Defining specific behaviour for particular project
26.7. Defining specific behaviour for project krill
26.8. Adding custom behaviour to some projects (filtered by project name)
26.9. Adding custom behaviour to some projects (filtered by project properties)
26.10. Running build from subproject
26.11. Evaluation and execution of projects
26.12. Evaluation and execution of projects
26.13. Running tasks by their absolute path
26.14. Dependencies and execution order
26.15. Dependencies and execution order
26.16. Dependencies and execution order
26.17. Declaring dependencies
26.18. Declaring dependencies
26.19. Cross project task dependencies
26.20. Configuration time dependencies
26.21. Configuration time dependencies - evaluationDependsOn
26.22. Configuration time dependencies
26.23. Dependencies - real life example - crossproject configuration
26.24. Project lib dependencies
26.25. Project lib dependencies
26.26. Fine grained control over dependencies
26.27. Build and Test Single Project
26.28. Partial Build and Test Single Project
26.29. Build and Test Depended On Projects
26.30. Build and Test Dependent Projects
27.1. Applying a script plugin
27.2. Applying a core plugin
27.3. Applying a community plugin
27.4. Applying plugins only on certain subprojects.
27.5. Using plugins from custom plugin repositories.
27.6. Plugin resolution strategy.
27.7. Complete Plugin Publishing Sample
27.8. Applying a binary plugin
27.9. Applying a binary plugin by type
27.10. Applying a plugin with the buildscript block
30.1. Using the Build Dashboard plugin
32.1. Defining an artifact using an archive task
32.2. Defining an artifact using a file
32.3. Customizing an artifact
32.4. Map syntax for defining an artifact using a file
32.5. Configuration of the upload task
33.1. Using the Maven plugin
33.2. Creating a standalone pom.
33.3. Upload of file to remote Maven repository
33.4. Upload of file via SSH
33.5. Customization of pom
33.6. Builder style customization of pom
33.7. Modifying auto-generated content
33.8. Customization of Maven installer
33.9. Generation of multiple poms
33.10. Accessing a mapping configuration
34.1. Using the Signing plugin
34.2. Signing a configuration
34.3. Signing a configuration output
34.4. Signing a task
34.5. Signing a task output
34.6. Conditional signing
34.7. Signing a POM for deployment
35.1. Applying the “ivy-publish” plugin
35.2. Publishing a Java module to Ivy
35.3. Publishing additional artifact to Ivy
35.4. customizing the publication identity
35.5. Customizing the module descriptor file
35.6. Publishing multiple modules from a single project
35.7. Declaring repositories to publish to
35.8. Choosing a particular publication to publish
35.9. Publishing all publications via the “publish” lifecycle task
35.10. Generating the Ivy module descriptor file
35.11. Publishing a Java module
35.12. Example generated ivy.xml
36.1. Applying the 'maven-publish' plugin
36.2. Adding a MavenPublication for a Java component
36.3. Adding additional artifact to a MavenPublication
36.4. customizing the publication identity
36.5. Modifying the POM file
36.6. Publishing multiple modules from a single project
36.7. Declaring repositories to publish to
36.8. Publishing a project to a Maven repository
36.9. Publish a project to the Maven local repository
36.10. Generate a POM file without publishing
37.1. Using the distribution plugin
37.2. Adding extra distributions
37.3. Configuring the main distribution
37.4. publish main distribution
38.1. Using the announce plugin
38.2. Configure the announce plugin
38.3. Using the announce plugin
39.1. Using the build announcements plugin
39.2. Using the build announcements plugin from an init script
40.1. Defining a custom task
40.2. A hello world task
40.3. A customizable hello world task
40.4. A build for a custom task
40.5. A custom task
40.6. Using a custom task in another project
40.7. Testing a custom task
40.8. Defining an incremental task action
40.9. Running the incremental task for the first time
40.10. Running the incremental task with unchanged inputs
40.11. Running the incremental task with updated input files
40.12. Running the incremental task with an input file removed
40.13. Running the incremental task with an output file removed
40.14. Running the incremental task with an input property changed
40.15. Creating a unit of work implementation
40.16. Submitting a unit of work for execution
40.17. Waiting for asynchronous work to complete
40.18. Submitting an item of work to run in a worker daemon
41.1. A custom plugin
41.2. A custom plugin extension
41.3. A custom plugin with configuration closure
41.4. Evaluating file properties lazily
41.5. Mapping extension properties to task properties
41.6. A build for a custom plugin
41.7. Wiring for a custom plugin
41.8. Using a custom plugin in another project
41.9. Applying a community plugin with the plugins DSL
41.10. Testing a custom plugin
41.11. Using the Java Gradle Plugin Development plugin
41.12. Nested DSL elements
41.13. Managing a collection of objects
42.1. Using the Java Gradle Plugin Development plugin
42.2. Using the gradlePlugin {} block.
43.1. Using inherited properties and methods
43.2. Using injected properties and methods
43.3. Configuring the project using an external build script
43.4. Custom buildSrc build script
43.5. Adding subprojects to the root buildSrc project
43.6. Running another build from a build
43.7. Declaring external dependencies for the build script
43.8. A build script with external dependencies
43.9. Ant optional dependencies
44.1. Using a read-only and configurable property
44.2. Using file and directory property
44.3. Implicit task dependency
44.4. List property
45.1. Using init script to perform extra configuration before projects are evaluated
45.2. Declaring external dependencies for an init script
45.3. An init script with external dependencies
45.4. Using plugins in init scripts
46.1. Declaring the TestKit dependency
46.2. Declaring the JUnit dependency
46.3. Using GradleRunner with JUnit
46.4. Using GradleRunner with Spock
46.5. Making the code under test classpath available to the tests
46.6. Injecting the code under test classes into test builds
46.7. Injecting the code under test classes into test builds for Gradle versions prior to 2.8
46.8. Using the Java Gradle Development plugin for generating the plugin metadata
46.9. Automatically injecting the code under test classes into test builds
46.10. Reconfiguring the classpath generation conventions of the Java Gradle Development plugin
46.11. Specifying a Gradle version for test execution
46.12. Testing cacheable tasks
47.1. Using the Java plugin
47.2. Building a Java project
47.3. Adding Maven repository
47.4. Adding dependencies
47.5. Customization of MANIFEST.MF
47.6. Adding a test system property
47.7. Publishing the JAR file
47.8. Eclipse plugin
47.9. Java example - complete build file
47.10. Multi-project build - hierarchical layout
47.11. Multi-project build - settings.gradle file
47.12. Multi-project build - common configuration
47.13. Multi-project build - dependencies between projects
47.14. Multi-project build - distribution file
48.1. Using the Java plugin
48.2. Custom Java source layout
48.3. Accessing a source set
48.4. Configuring the source directories of a source set
48.5. Defining a source set
48.6. Defining source set dependencies
48.7. Compiling a source set
48.8. Assembling a JAR for a source set
48.9. Generating the Javadoc for a source set
48.10. Running tests in a source set
48.11. Declaring annotation processors
48.12. Filtering tests in the build script
48.13. JUnit Categories
48.14. Grouping TestNG tests
48.15. Preserving order of TestNG tests
48.16. Grouping TestNG tests by instances
48.17. Creating a unit test report for subprojects
48.18. Customization of MANIFEST.MF
48.19. Creating a manifest object.
48.20. Separate MANIFEST.MF for a particular archive
48.21. Configure Java 6 build
49.1. Using the Java Library plugin
49.2. Declaring API and implementation dependencies
49.3. Making the difference between API and implementation
49.4. Declaring API and implementation dependencies
49.5. Configuring the Groovy plugin to work with Java Library
50.1. War plugin
50.2. Running web application with Gretty plugin
51.1. Using the War plugin
51.2. Customization of war plugin
52.1. Using the Ear plugin
52.2. Customization of ear plugin
54.1. Using the application plugin
54.2. Configure the application main class
54.3. Configure default JVM settings
54.4. Include output from other tasks in the application distribution
54.5. Automatically creating files for distribution
55.1. Using the Java library distribution plugin
55.2. Configure the distribution name
55.3. Include files in the distribution
56.1. Groovy plugin
56.2. Dependency on Groovy
56.3. Groovy example - complete build file
57.1. Using the Groovy plugin
57.2. Custom Groovy source layout
57.3. Configuration of Groovy dependency
57.4. Configuration of Groovy test dependency
57.5. Configuration of bundled Groovy dependency
57.6. Configuration of Groovy file dependency
57.7. Configure Java 6 build for Groovy
58.1. Using the Scala plugin
58.2. Custom Scala source layout
58.3. Declaring a Scala dependency for production code
58.4. Declaring a Scala dependency for test code
58.5. Declaring a version of the Zinc compiler to use
58.6. Forcing a scala-library dependency for all configurations
58.7. Forcing a scala-library dependency for the zinc configuration
58.8. Adjusting memory settings
58.9. Forcing all code to be compiled
58.10. Configure Java 6 build for Scala
58.11. Explicitly specify a target IntelliJ IDEA version
59.1. Using the ANTLR plugin
59.2. Declare ANTLR version
59.3. setting custom max heap size and extra arguments for ANTLR
60.1. Using the Checkstyle plugin
60.2. Using the config_loc property
60.3. Customizing the HTML report
61.1. Using the CodeNarc plugin
62.1. Using the FindBugs plugin
62.2. Customizing the HTML report
63.1. Using the JDepend plugin
64.1. Using the PMD plugin
65.1. Applying the JaCoCo plugin
65.2. Configuring JaCoCo plugin settings
65.3. Configuring test task
65.4. Configuring violation rules
65.5. Configuring test task
65.6. Using application plugin to generate code coverage data
65.7. Coverage reports generated by applicationCodeCoverageReport
66.1. Using the OSGi plugin
66.2. Configuration of OSGi MANIFEST.MF file
67.1. Using the Eclipse plugin
67.2. Using the Eclipse WTP plugin
67.3. Partial Overwrite for Classpath
67.4. Partial Overwrite for Project
67.5. Export Dependencies
67.6. Customizing the XML
68.1. Using the IDEA plugin
68.2. Partial Rewrite for Module
68.3. Partial Rewrite for Project
68.4. Export Dependencies
68.5. Customizing the XML
69.1. applying a rule source plugin
69.2. a model creation rule
69.3. a model mutation rule
69.4. creating a task
69.5. a managed type
69.6. a String property
69.7. a File property
69.8. a Long property
69.9. a boolean property
69.10. an int property
69.11. a managed property
69.12. an enumeration type property
69.13. a managed set
69.14. strongly modelling sources sets
69.15. a DSL example applying a rule to every element in a scope
69.16. DSL configuration rule
69.17. Configuration run when required
69.18. Configuration not run when not required
69.19. DSL creation rule
69.20. DSL creation rule without initialization
69.21. Initialization before configuration
69.22. Nested DSL creation rule
69.23. Nested DSL configuration rule
69.24. DSL configuration rule for each element in a map
69.25. Nested DSL property configuration
69.26. a DSL example showing type conversions
69.27. a DSL rule using inputs
69.28. model task output
72.1. Using the Java software plugins
72.2. Creating a java library
72.3. Configuring a source set
72.4. Creating a new source set
72.5. The components report
72.6. Declaring a dependency onto a library
72.7. Declaring a dependency onto a project with an explicit library
72.8. Declaring a dependency onto a project with an implicit library
72.9. Declaring a dependency onto a library published to a Maven repository
72.10. Declaring a module dependency using shorthand notation
72.11. Configuring repositories for dependency resolution
72.12. Specifying api packages
72.13. Specifying api dependencies
72.14. Main sources
72.15. Client component
72.16. Broken client component
72.17. Recompiling the client
72.18. Declaring target platforms
72.19. Declaring binary specific sources
72.20. Declaring target platforms
72.21. Using the JUnit plugin
72.22. Executing the test suite
72.23. Executing the test suite
72.24. Declaring a component under test
72.25. Declaring local Java installations
73.1. Using the Play plugin
73.2. The components report
73.3. Selecting a version of the Play Framework
73.4. Adding dependencies to a Play application
73.5. A Play 2.6 project
73.6. Adding Guice dependency in Play 2.6 project
73.7. Adding extra source sets to a Play application
73.8. Configuring Scala compiler options
73.9. Configuring routes style
73.10. Configuring a custom asset pipeline
73.11. Configuring dependencies on Play subprojects
73.12. Add extra files to a Play application distribution
73.13. Applying both the Play and IDEA plugins
74.1. Defining a library component
74.2. Defining executable components
74.3. Sample build
74.4. Dependent components report
74.5. Dependent components report
74.6. Report of components that depends on the operators component
74.7. Report of components that depends on the operators component, including test suites
74.8. Assemble components that depends on the passing/static binary of the operators component
74.9. Build components that depends on the passing/static binary of the operators component
74.10. Adding a custom check task
74.11. Running checks for a given binary
74.12. The components report
74.13. The 'cpp' plugin
74.14. C++ source set
74.15. The 'c' plugin
74.16. C source set
74.17. The 'assembler' plugin
74.18. The 'objective-c' plugin
74.19. The 'objective-cpp' plugin
74.20. Settings that apply to all binaries
74.21. Settings that apply to all shared libraries
74.22. Settings that apply to all binaries produced for the 'main' executable component
74.23. Settings that apply only to shared libraries produced for the 'main' library component
74.24. The 'windows-resources' plugin
74.25. Configuring the location of Windows resource sources
74.26. Building a resource-only dll
74.27. Providing a library dependency to the source set
74.28. Providing a library dependency to the binary
74.29. Declaring project dependencies
74.30. Creating a precompiled header file
74.31. Including a precompiled header file in a source file
74.32. Configuring a precompiled header
74.33. Defining build types
74.34. Configuring debug binaries
74.35. Defining platforms
74.36. Defining flavors
74.37. Targeting a component at particular platforms
74.38. Building all possible variants
74.39. Defining tool chains
74.40. Reconfigure tool arguments
74.41. Defining target platforms
74.42. Registering CUnit tests
74.43. Running CUnit tests
74.44. Registering GoogleTest tests
75.1. an example of using a custom software model
75.2. Declare a custom component
75.3. Register a custom component
75.4. Declare a custom binary
75.5. Register a custom binary
75.6. Declare a custom source set
75.7. Register a custom source set
75.8. Generates documentation binaries
75.9. Generates tasks for text source sets
75.10. Register a custom source set
75.11. an example of using a custom software model
75.12. components report
75.13. public type and internal view declaration
75.14. type registration
75.15. public and internal data mutation
75.16. example build script and model report output
B.1. Variables scope: local and script wide
B.2. Distinct configuration and execution phase