Downloading TED Notices in XML Format

To download XML files (packages) via the TED Website:

  1. From the TED Website home page, and under "Reuse notices" click on "Developers' corner for Reusers".


Select "Download XML notices in bulk" from the sub-menu and click on the link "XML bulk download" link.

  1. From ‘Download XML notices in bulk’ page:

    1. select the tab ‘Daily packages’ or ‘Monthly packages’

  1. select the year and month required

  2. scroll down the page to select the package

  3. click on the Download button to download the package


Daily packages: files containing all the notices in xml format submitted on a particular day.

Monthly packages: files containing all the notices, in xml format, submitted in a particular month.

(No need to sign in to download the daily or monthly packages.)


The ftp service is not available on the TED Website. Archived schema resources can be found via the link in the left-hand menu.

Any comments on the documentation?
