1.IntroductionFrom a land-planning perspective, cropland diversity is vital and crop cover maps provide information for estimating potential harvest and agricultural field management. To document field properties, such as cultivated crops and locations, some local governments in Japan have been using manual methods.1 However, more efficient techniques are required to reduce the high expense of these methods. Thus, satellite data-based cropland mapping has gained attention. Some spectral indices, which are combinations of spectral measurements at different wavelengths, have been used to evaluate phenology or quantify biophysical parameters.2–5 As a result, they have also made crop maps more accurate in previous studies,6 and the abilities of optical remote sensing data have been improved for monitoring agricultural fields. The opportunities to obtain optical remote sensing data have improved due to the Sentinel-2A satellite launch on June 23, 2015. Now, it is collecting multispectral data including 13 bands covering the visible, shortwave infrared bands (SWIR) wavelength regions. Sentinel-2B, which possesses the same specifications, was launched on March 7, 2017, and creates greater opportunities for monitoring agricultural fields. Furthermore, various spectral indices can be extracted including indices based on SWIR, which are influenced by plant constituents, such as pigments, leaf water contents, and biochemicals.7,8 Furthermore, vegetation indices derived from reflectance data acquired from optical sensors have been widely used to assess variations in the physiological states and biophysical properties of vegetation.9–11 Specifically, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI),12 soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI),13 and enhanced vegetation index (EVI)14 have been used for monitoring vegetation systems or ecological responses to environmental change.15 Multispectral sensor (MSI) data have been used for identifying crop types,16–18 plastic-covered greenhouses,19 water bodies,20 and some previous studies showed the potential of VIs calculated from MSI data. However, it is possible to calculate a vast number of VIs from MSI data and most of them have been ignored in the previous studies. In this study, 82 published indices and original reflectance data sources were evaluated to classify six crop types including beans, beetroot, grass, maize, potato, and winter wheat, which are dominant crops on the western Tokachi plain, Hokkaido, Japan. In addition to qualities of remote sensing data, classification algorithms are important to improve classification accuracies of crop maps. Recently, random forests (RF) is a widely used machine learning algorithm consisting of an ensemble of decision trees, and it has been an extremely successful machine learning algorithm for classification and regression method.21 It has been applied for generating land cover maps22,23 and reached around 65% (tree species identification),17 76% (crop types identification),17 and 90% (greenhouse detection)19 using MSI data in the previous studies. Some studies showed that support vector machine (SVM) performed better than RF for this purpose, and it has been widely applied for crop-for-crop classification.22,24–26 Its robustness to outliers has been demonstrated and SVM is an excellent classifier when the number of input features is large.27 The superlearner (SL) methodology,25 also called stacking, is an ensemble learning method in which the user-supplied library of algorithms is combined through a convex weighted combination, with the optimal weights to make the cross-validated empirical risk smaller. Therefore, SL could be expected to classify crop types more accurately than the single use of RF or SVM, both considered in this study. Next, an ensemble approach based on SL was applied for improving classification accuracies. Within this framework, the main objectives of the present study were to evaluate the potential of Sentinel-2 data for crop-type classification and the potential of ensemble learning based on RF and SVM. 2.Materials and Methods2.1.Study AreaThe study area was located in the western part of Tokachi plain, Hokkaido, Japan (Fig. 1, 142°42′51″ to 143°08′47″ E, 42°43′20″ to 43°07′24″ N). Main cultivated crop types are beans, beetroots, grasses, maize, potatoes, and winter wheat. The average monthly temperatures were 8.3°C to 21.8°C and monthly precipitation was 12.0 to 94.5 mm from May to October. Fig. 1Study area and the distribution of croplands (background map shows Sentinel-2A data obtained on August 11, 2016, R: band 4, G: band 3, and B: band 2). ![]() Field location and attribute data, such as crop types, were based on manual surveys and provided by Tokachi Nosai (Obihiro, Hokkaido) as a polygon-shaped file. A total of 12,639 fields [2265 beans fields, 1548 beetroot fields, 2110 grasslands (timothy and orchard grass), 1000 maize fields, 2452 potato fields, and 3264 winter wheat fields] were observed. The fields ranged from 0.05 to 18.21 ha with an averaged value of 2.54 ha. Grasslands were located on the outskirts of the built-up area. 2.2.Remote Sensing DataThe data acquired from Sentinel-2 MSI contained blue, green, red, and near-infrared-1 bands at 10 m; red edge 1 to 3, near-infrared-2, and SWIR 1 and 2 at 20 m; and three atmospheric bands (band 1, band 9, and band 10) at 60 m. In this study, the three atmospheric bands were removed, because they were dedicated to atmospheric corrections and cloud screening.28 Although Sentinel-2A imagery was gathered seven times from May to September 2016, for the whole site, all images were covered with clouds except for one acquired on 11 August. The level 1C data acquired on August 11, 2016, were downloaded from EarthExplorer.29 All bands were converted to 10-m resolution with a cubic convolution resampling method and average reflectance values of each band were calculated for each field using the field polygons to compensate for spatial variability and to avoid problems related to uncertainty in georeferencing. Some vegetation indices, such as NDVI, have been used for improving classification accuracies in previous studies.16,22,30,31 About 82 published vegetation indices for evaluating various vegetation properties were calculated in this study (Table 1). Table 1Vegetation indices calculated from Sentinel-2 MSI data.
2.3.Classification AlgorithmAll samples were divided into the following three groups using a stratified random sampling approach: training data (50%) for developing classification models, validation data (25%) for hyperparameter tuning, and test data (25%) for evaluation of classification accuracies86 and Table 2 shows the numbers of fields of each crop type. Table 2Crop type and number of fields.
SVM partitions data using maximum separation margins87 and the “kernel trick” has frequently been applied instead of attempting to fit a nonlinear model in previous studies.30 In this study, the Gaussian radial basis function kernel, which has mostly been used for classification purposes,30 was used as a kernel and two parameters were tuned to control the flexibility of the classifier, the regularization parameter , and the kernel bandwidth . If the value is too large, there is a high penalty for no separable points, and we may store many support vectors and overfit. If it is too small, there may be underfitting. It controls the trade-off between errors of the SVM on training data and margin maximization ( leads to hard margin SVM). The value defines how far the influence of a single training example reaches, with low values meaning “far” and high values meaning “close.” RF is an ensemble learning technique composed of multiple decision trees based on random bootstrapped samples of the training data.88 The output is determined by a majority vote of the results of decision trees. There are two user-defined hyperparameters including the number of trees (ntree) and the number of variables used to split the nodes (mtry). If ntree is made larger, the generalization error always converges, and over-training will not be a problem. On the other hand, a reduction in mtry makes each individual decision tree weaker. The best combinations of these hyperparameters were determined using the Gaussian process, Bayesian optimization,89 which has been widely applied for hyperparameter tuning of machine learning algorithms.1 Ensemble machine learning methods have been used to obtain better predictive performance than from single learning algorithms, and the SL methodology has been proposed.90 In this method, given algorithms are combined through a convex weighted combination to minimize cross-validated errors. First, classification models based on RF or SVM were trained as the base algorithms using the training data. Next, a 10-fold cross validation was performed on each and the cross-validated predicted results were obtained. is the number of rows in the training data, cross-validated predicted results were combined, and an by two matrices was obtained as the “level-one” data and meta-learning model was generated. To predict the test data, the predictions from the base learners were fed into the metalearning model to generate the ensemble prediction. The data-based sensitivity analysis (DSA),91 which performs a pure black box use of the fitted models by querying the fitted models with sensitivity samples and recording their responses, was applied for assessing the sensitivity of the classification models. 2.4.Accuracy AssessmentClassification accuracies were evaluated based on the simple measures of quantity disagreement (QD) and allocation disagreement (AD).92 They provide an effective summary of confusion matrices.93 The proportion of fields that are classified as crop and their actual classes are crop () is expressed in the following where is the fields classified as crop , is the number of fields classified as crop , and their actual classes are crop . is the row totals of the confusion matrix. In this case, AD and QD are calculated using the following: where is the number of classes (six in this study), and are the row and column totals of the confusion matrix, is the allocation disagreement of crop , and is the quantity disagreement of crop , respectively. The sum of (QD) and (AD) are calculated and the total disagreement can be evaluated by the sum of QD and AD.92In addition, three indicators including overall accuracy [OA, Eq. (6)], producer’s accuracy [PA, Eq. (7)], and user’s accuracy [UA, Eq. (8)] were calculated because they have widely been applied for assessing classification accuracies where is the number of fields, and represent the total number of crop in the correct data and the total number from the classification results, respectively. McNemar’s test94 has been used to judge whether the differences between two given classification results were significant,95 and it was also applied in this study.3.Results and Discussion3.1.Classification AccuracyCrop classification maps are shown in Fig. 2, the maximum, minimum, and averaged accuracies of 10 repetitions and confusion matrices when all the repetitions were merged are shown in Tables 3 and 4. Averaged OAs were 89.0% for RF, 90.6% for SVM, and 91.6% for the ensemble machine learning method and the mean PAs and mean UAs derived using the machine learning algorithms were , excepting those of RF (mean UA for maize was 0.797). All machine learning algorithms performed well in classifying croplands. Especially, the good accuracies were confirmed for the PAs and UAs for wheat () and beet (). However, the chi-square values based on McNemar’s tests were 12.02 to 40.60, 27.78 to 62.43, and 17.00 to 51.60 for R—SVM, RF—SL, and SVM—SL, respectively. As a result, significant differences were confirmed among the results of three machine learning algorithms (). Table 3Classification accuracies of each algorithm.
Table 4Confusion matrices for (a) RF, (b) SVM, and (c) SL.
Classification results by SL had the best OA and AD + QD (8.5%) and SVM had a slightly better PA of wheat (97.1%). On the contrary, identifying maize fields was difficult due to the similarity in their reflectance. Grasses cultivation employs fewer controls and then a lot of weeds were mixed with timothy and orchard grass in grasslands. As a result, variation in reflectance features was larger than in other crop types, causing misclassifications of relatively large fields. Figure 3 shows the relationship between field area and misclassified fields for each algorithm after 10 repetitions (i.e., the total number is 10 times of that of the test data). More than 75% of the misclassified fields were a in area for all algorithms, and 95.1% (RF), 95.5% (SVM), and 96.1% (SL) of misclassified fields were below 450 a. Applying stacking made the model more robust for classifying smaller fields and the number of misclassified croplands decreased (813 fields for smaller than 50 a) compared with the results by RF (909 fields for smaller than 50 a) and SVM (855 fields for smaller than 50 a). It was especially useful for identifying beans fields. It was not effective for identifying small grasslands as grass cultivation employs fewer controls and many weeds were present in grasslands. However, stacking was useful for identifying grasslands more than 500 a, which had a certain homogeneity with Dactylis glomerata or Phleum pretense in the MSI image. 3.2.Sensitive Factor AnalysisReflectance values obtained from Sentinel-2A are shown in Fig. 4. Differences in reflectance were particularly clear between wheat and beans as the wheat harvest was finished on 11 August and the reflectance of wheat fields was similar to that of bare soil. Beetroot had the steepest gradient between bands 5 and 6 and some differences in the reflectance values at band 11 were confirmed between maize and potato. Differences in the reflectance patterns between grass and beans were not clear. To clarify which variables contributed to identifying each crop type, DSA was conducted for each algorithm and their importance values were calculated. For identifying beans fields, Datt3 (6.0%, 6.6%, and 6.3% for RF, SVM, and SL, respectively) and REIP (6.4%, 8.2%, and 7.3% for RF, SVM, and SL, respectively) played important roles in the three algorithms. Some variables (the reflectance values at bands 2 and 3, AFRI2.1, CVI and NDSI) possessed importance values of in the RF-based model, whereas no variables except for Datt3 and REIP had importance values of for SVM and SL. Even though the importance values of GEMI, Maccioni, and MNSI in SVM were , they were more than five times those in RF. AFRI1.6 and SIWSI were useful for identifying beetroot fields and AFRI1.6 occupied 11.1%, 6.8%, and 9.0% and SIWSI occupied 10.6%, 7.1%, and 8.9% of the importance for RF, SVM, and SL, respectively. GEMI and NDSI also had importance values of for RF, but were for the others. In contrast, REIP was useful in SVM and it occupied 9.1% of the importance in SVM. AFRI1.6, REIP, and MNSI were effective for identifying grassland for all algorithms, whereas SIWSI played an important role (7.8%) for RF and the reflectance at band 6 played an important role (8.2%) for SVM. For identifying maize fields, no variable had importance values for any algorithm, but the importance value of REIP was 25.3% for SVM (2.9% for RF). CRI550, CRI700, and MSBI were 9.1%, 12.9%, and 5.6% in RF, respectively (those in SVM were 2.4%, 2.2%, and 3.6%, respectively). REIP played the greatest role for identifying potato fields in all algorithms (12.8%, 6.9% and 9.9% for RF, SVM, and SL, respectively). The importance values of CCCI and CVI were also high in RF (9.9%) but those in SVM were . In contrast, Maccioni had an importance of 6.9% in SVM but in RF was 1.4%. REIP also played a great role for identifying wheat fields in SVM, but 1.2% of the importance value was confirmed in RF while AVI occupied 15.1% in RF (1.2% in SVM). However, the original reflectance values possessed importance values of . In this season, the photosynthetic activities of each crop type were different; maize is a C4 plant, beans and beetroot were in their growing season, grassland was after second harvest, potato growth was inhibited by chemicals for easy harvesting, and wheat fields were cultivated. In addition to indices related to chlorophyll content, the additional use of shortwave infrared data contributed to the estimation of photosynthetic pigments, water, nitrogen, cellulose, lignin, phenols, and leaf mass per area (e.g., NDSI). As a result, vegetation indices had greater influence on the classification results than the original reflectance. However, there were differences among algorithms in which vegetation indices were more important. The importance values in SL were near the averaged values of RF and SVM. So, the differences in importance between RF and SVM were useful when stacking was applied, and the modification contributed to identifying croplands with higher accuracies. 4.Conclusions and Future WorkCropland classifications were conducted using a single image from Sentinel-2 MSI and the suitability and accuracy of vegetation indices from the original reflectance data from Sentinel-2 MSI were assessed. Of the two algorithms applied (RF and SVM), the accuracy of SVM was superior and 89.3% to 92.0% of OAs were confirmed. Furthermore, stacking contributed to higher OAs (90.2% to 92.2%) and significant differences were confirmed with the results of SVM. Based on DSA, the vegetation indices calculated from the original reflectance from Sentinel-2 MSI data were useful to identify the specific crop types. Although the vegetation indices that played the largest roles were different between RF and SVM, stacking helped to modify and reduce the importance of specific variables, which might prevent overfitting. Stacking should be utilized to monitor agricultural fields for improving classification accuracies. The field is used as a basic unit in classification and some problems related to the borders of fields remain to be resolved. We are planning to evaluate the potential of geographic object-based image analysis in conjunction with MSI data and address this question in future work. ReferencesR. Sonobe et al.,
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