Information and Media Technologies
Online ISSN : 1881-0896
ISSN-L : 1881-0896
Media (processing) and Interaction
Toolbar to Highlight Important Expressions in Scientific Articles on Atomic and Molecular Physics
Masaki MurataAkira SasakiToshiyuki KanamaruTamotsu ShiradoHitoshi Isahara
Author information

2008 Volume 3 Issue 4 Pages 858-863

We introduce software that recognizes, extracts, and displays expressions concerning atomic and molecular data from academic papers in the electronic form. This software includes a toolbar application that can be installed in Internet Explorer (IE). This toolbar can be used by scientific readers and researchers to highlight, color-code, and collect important expressions more easily. Those expressions include atomic and molecular symbols (e.g., Xe+ and H2O) and electron configurations(e.g., 4d95s25p) from the atomic and molecular data of a large number of academic papers. We confirmed by experiments that the software could find important expressions with high precision (0.8-1.0). This software is also useful for compiling databases of atomic and molecular data, which is important for plasma simulations, because the simulations critically depend on atomic and molecular data, including the energy levels and collisional and radiative rate coefficients.
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© 2008 by Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
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