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Triple-Frequency Radar Reflectivity Signatures of Snow: Observations and Comparisons with Theoretical Ice Particle Scattering Models

Mark S. Kulie Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

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Michael J. Hiley Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

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Ralf Bennartz Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

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Stefan Kneifel Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany

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Simone Tanelli Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

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An observation-based study is presented that utilizes aircraft data from the 2003 Wakasa Bay Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Precipitation Validation Campaign to assess recent advances in the modeling of microwave scattering properties of nonspherical ice particles in the atmosphere. Previous work has suggested that a triple-frequency (Ku–Ka–W band) reflectivity framework appears capable of identifying key microphysical properties of snow, potentially providing much-needed constraints on significant sources of uncertainty in current snowfall retrieval algorithms used for microwave remote sensing instruments. However, these results were based solely on a modeling framework. In contrast, this study considers the triple-frequency approach from an observational perspective using airborne radar observations from the Wakasa Bay field campaign. After accounting for several challenges with the observational dataset, such as beam mismatching and attenuation, observed dual-wavelength ratio results are presented that confirm both the utility of a multifrequency approach to snowfall retrieval and the validity of the unique signatures predicted by complex aggregate ice particle scattering models. This analysis provides valuable insight into the microphysics of frozen precipitation that can in turn be applied to more readily available single- and dual-frequency systems, providing guidance for future precipitation retrieval algorithms.

Corresponding author address: Mark S. Kulie, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Madison-Wisconsin, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706. E-mail:


An observation-based study is presented that utilizes aircraft data from the 2003 Wakasa Bay Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Precipitation Validation Campaign to assess recent advances in the modeling of microwave scattering properties of nonspherical ice particles in the atmosphere. Previous work has suggested that a triple-frequency (Ku–Ka–W band) reflectivity framework appears capable of identifying key microphysical properties of snow, potentially providing much-needed constraints on significant sources of uncertainty in current snowfall retrieval algorithms used for microwave remote sensing instruments. However, these results were based solely on a modeling framework. In contrast, this study considers the triple-frequency approach from an observational perspective using airborne radar observations from the Wakasa Bay field campaign. After accounting for several challenges with the observational dataset, such as beam mismatching and attenuation, observed dual-wavelength ratio results are presented that confirm both the utility of a multifrequency approach to snowfall retrieval and the validity of the unique signatures predicted by complex aggregate ice particle scattering models. This analysis provides valuable insight into the microphysics of frozen precipitation that can in turn be applied to more readily available single- and dual-frequency systems, providing guidance for future precipitation retrieval algorithms.

Corresponding author address: Mark S. Kulie, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Madison-Wisconsin, 1225 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706. E-mail:

1. Introduction

The ability to accurately quantify snowfall from remote sensing instruments is critical for various reasons. A significant portion of precipitation at middle and high latitudes falls as snow (Liu 2008b; Hiley et al. 2011), and thus high-resolution knowledge of the temporal and spatial variability of snowfall is crucial for water cycle considerations, as well as quantifying the impacts of climate change at high latitudes where changes are already particularly evident (Hinzman et al. 2005; Luckman et al. 2006; Choi et al. 2010). Spaceborne microwave remote sensing instruments are extremely valuable tools that can be utilized to retrieve snowfall estimates globally, and much work has been accomplished in the field of microwave remote sensing of ice clouds and frozen precipitation; however, large retrieval uncertainties remain (Liu 2008b; Kulie and Bennartz 2009; Hiley et al. 2011). These uncertainties arise from the inability to directly measure various critical microphysical parameters associated with ice–snow particles, such as snow–particle size distribution (SSD), particle mass-size and fall speed–size relationships, and particle habit.

Compared to liquid cloud and raindrops, ice cloud particles and precipitation-sized snowflakes are difficult to study due to their complex geometry. Ice habits can vary from simple needles, columns, rosettes, and hexagonal plates to complex dendrites, as well as aggregates composed of differently shaped basis components. These different ice habits can have significantly different microwave scattering properties, and no reliable method to explicitly determine ice habit from microwave remote sensing instruments currently exists. Therefore, assumptions about ice habit and corresponding scattering properties must be made that result in large uncertainties in key derived parameters such as ice water content (IWC) and liquid equivalent snowfall rate.

In quantifying these scattering properties of ice particles, investigators have developed ice models such as solid ice spheres (e.g., Liu and Curry 2000; Evans et al. 2002) and spherical particles consisting of a mixture of air and ice with a specified overall density (e.g., Bennartz and Petty 2001; Liu 2004). These methodologies were useful because they explicitly calculated scattering properties from Mie theory. Other investigators have employed oblate spheroid models to account for nonsphericity in aggregate snowflakes (e.g., Matrosov et al. 2005; Matrosov 2007). Recent studies have discovered, though, that spherical ice models are unable to accurately quantify ice scattering properties over a wide range of microwave frequencies (Petty and Huang 2010; Kulie et al. 2010; Hogan et al. 2012). Accordingly, much work has been accomplished in recent years in characterizing the scattering properties of more realistic ice model shapes. As a result, many scattering databases are now available that provide key scattering parameters such as backscatter cross section and extinction coefficient as a function of particle size for various nonspherical ice models (Hong 2007; Kim et al. 2007; Liu 2008a; Petty and Huang 2010). Aggregate models with increased structural complexity and possessing presumably more realistic microwave scattering properties have recently been developed to mimic naturally occurring aggregate snowflakes. These aggregate models are especially valuable achievements that enable a systematic assessment of a wider population of candidate ice models (e.g., Petty and Huang 2010; Botta et al. 2010; Tyynelä et al. 2011).

These databases represent an important step forward in realistically modeling ice particle properties and continue to be improved. However, if useful snowfall and ice content parameters are to be derived, one must still either 1) arbitrarily choose a single ice model to be representative of the population of ice particles under consideration or 2) average multiple ice models together to statistically account for the possible range of scattering properties. Recent modeling work has shown that ice habit—especially larger, nonspherical aggregate particles—might be determined by combining multiple radar frequencies (e.g., Ku, Ka, and W bands), thus serving as a valuable constraint to reduce precipitation retrieval uncertainties (Kneifel et al. 2011).

To date, limited work has been accomplished considering three radar frequencies and its potential benefits for snowfall retrievals. Yoshida et al. (2006) utilized a triple-frequency approach to discriminate between different ice habits in cirrus clouds, but considered only simple spherical and hexagonal ice particle models and required the accuracy of dual-wavelength ratio (DWR) measurements to exceed 0.1 dB—an extremely challenging requirement for current cloud or precipitation radars—for the results to be useful. Leinonen et al. (2012) also performed a three-frequency analysis using numerous ice particle models (nonspherical aggregate and spheroids) combined with airborne Ku–Ka–W-band snowfall observations. While spheroid models produced decent comparisons to differential DWR observations for some snowfall profiles, Leinonen et al. (2012) also importantly illustrated triple-frequency observational modes that best conformed to nonspherical aggregate models and cannot be adequately described by spheroid ice models. Using a similar dataset as Leinonen et al. (2012), the primary goal of this work is to further explore observational triple-frequency signatures of frozen hydrometeors and explicitly compare them to the modeling results presented in Kneifel et al. (2011). Major conclusions from Leinonen et al. (2012) will also be verified in this study. Furthermore, new case studies illustrating results from different precipitation modes (e.g., frozen hydrometeor datasets associated with cold season stratiform rain events) and incorporating new analysis techniques that utilize radar-native quantities (e.g., integrated reflectivity above the freezing level) will be presented to share further useful microphysical insights in this combined observational-modeling study. Implications for snowfall rate retrieval techniques for current and future observation platforms will also be considered.

Section 2 describes the triple-frequency radar data used in this study, and section 3 details the methodology used to calculate DWR from observed radar reflectivities. An analysis of the results within the triple-frequency framework is presented in section 4, and concluding remarks are given in section 5.

2. Data

a. Scattering databases

Kneifel et al. (2011) utilized precomputed ice scattering model databases to calculate theoretical DWR results for a variety of ice habits assuming an inverse exponential SSD of the form
where N(D) (m−4) is the particle concentration within a particle bin size, and No (m−4) and Λ (m−1) are the intercept and slope parameters, respectively. Backscatter cross sections from various spherical, spheroidal, and nonspherical ice models were integrated over a wide range of particle size distribution realizations using Eq. (1), with values for No and Λ ranging from 105 to 109 m−4 and from 500 to 5000 m−1, respectively, in the Kneifel et al. (2011) simulations to mimic results reported in observational SSD studies (e.g., Braham 1990; Brandes et al. 2007; Woods et al. 2008; Molthan and Petersen 2011; Löhnert et al. 2011). DWR calculations are mathematically insensitive to the choice of No, so any DWR sensitivities to SSD assumptions are directly linked to Λ variability (and particle size variability since Λ is inversely proportional to the particle population mean size). While measured SSDs have commonly been fitted to inverse exponential relationships—including the first observational SSD study conducted by Gunn and Marshall (1958)—that conveniently facilitate analytical solutions for SSD-dependent integrated quantities, nonexponential SSD behavior has been reported in the literature (e.g., Gordon and Marwitz 1984; Herzegh and Hobbs 1985; Mitchell 1991; Field et al. 2005, 2007). Recent work by Heymsfield et al. (2008) indicates that ice particle shattering may be responsible for some instances of elevated particle concentrations at smaller particle sizes (thus producing substantial nonexponential behavior), although naturally occurring nonexponential SSDs caused by inflection points in the size distribution at precipitation-sized particles (e.g., ~1-mm maximum dimension) produced nonexponential behavior in observational studies [e.g., see Fig. 2 in Kulie et al. (2010) for derived SSDs using the Field et al. (2007) parameterization]. However, most observational studies characterize the tail end of the SSDs that contain larger, aggregated particles as following an inverse exponential form, and these larger particles strongly influence the DWR signals. The effect of significant SSD deviations from an inverse exponential form will therefore not be addressed in this study and will follow other recent radar modeling studies in this respect (e.g., Matrosov 2007; Matrosov and Battaglia 2009; Liao and Meneghini 2011). Furthermore, direct observational comparisons to the Kneifel et al. (2011) results are the primary focus of this investigation. The interesting simulated DWR behavior using three common radar bands (Ku, Ka, and W) in Kneifel et al. (2011) is particularly compelling to study using observational datasets. More specifically, complex aggregate models were found to occupy a distinct region of this triple-frequency space compared to pristine particles and spherical models. Figure 1 is an adaptation of the Kneifel et al. (2011) approach, using scattering properties from two nonspherical particle databases and various spherical and spheroid models integrated across a wide range of inverse exponential SSDs, as described above. The slope parameter Λ (mean particle size) decreases (increases) as Ku–Ka DWR values progressively increase along each individual ice model line shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

Triple-frequency DWR calculations for various ice particle scattering models: NA and DA1–DA3 from Petty and Huang (2010); 3BR–6BR, SEC, and DEN from Liu (2008b); T-matrix spheroids for aspect ratios of 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7 (T-MAT_0.5-T–MAT_0.7); Mie spheres with densities varying from 30 to 200 kg m−3 (MIE_30 – MIE_200). [Adapted from Kneifel et al. (2011) (see section 2a for a summary of key differences).]

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

The first nonspherical database used in the Kneifel et al. (2011) study was developed by Petty and Huang (2010), which consists of four models of aggregate snowflakes (DA1, DA2, DA3, and NA). For the dendritic aggregate (DA1–DA3) models, a photograph of a single dendrite was digitized into a format suitable for discrete dipole approximation (DDA) calculations. The single dendrite was then assembled stochastically with three different levels of complexity. The simplest model is DA1 and consists of only a few dendrites, while the most complex is DA3 and consists of roughly 10 dendrites. In addition, the needle aggregate (NA) model consists of multiple pristine needle particles assembled stochastically.

Scattering properties of ice models from the Liu (2008a) database were also used. Specifically, various bullet rosette models (3BR–6BR), a sector snowflake (SEC), and a simple dendrite model (DEN) were included, as these particular ice models have been extensively used as proxies for snowflakes in previous microwave remote sensing studies (e.g., Noh et al. 2006; Liu 2008b; Kulie and Bennartz 2009; Kulie et al. 2010; Molthan and Petersen 2011; Skofronick-Jackson and Johnson 2011). The behavior of these particles in triple-frequency space is represented slightly differently here than by Kneifel et al. (2011) due to recent updates to the database [see Liu (2008a) for information on obtaining this database].

In addition to the nonspherical ice models outlined above, scattering properties for Mie spheres of various densities (MIE30–MIE200) and T-matrix spheroids of various aspect ratios (T-MAT_0.5–T-MAT_0.7) were computed as in Kneifel et al. (2011) for further comparison. The aspect ratio for the T-matrix models follows work by Matrosov (2007) that indicated an aspect ratio of ~0.6 to most effectively model dual-wavelength radar observations of ice clouds during a particular field campaign. The soft oblate T-matrix models used in Kneifel et al. (2011) also followed the mass–size relationships published in Matrosov (2007). Furthermore, both the T-matrix and Mie spheres employed Maxwell Garnett mixing rules to calculate the refractive index of the mixed air–ice medium used to represent aggregates. Figure 1 illustrates the dual Ka–W/Ku–Ka DWR signatures displayed by the nonspherical versus spherical models whereby the respective Ka–W DWRs peak at habit-dependent values, then continue decreasing with increasing Ku–Ka DWR values. This Ka–W DWR peak is nonexistent for the spherical–spheroid models in the dual-DWR range shown in Fig. 1 since the highly symmetrical models (spheres–spheroids) contain pronounced resonance effects at wavelength-dependent larger particle sizes that dampen the backscatter cross section (and, thus, radar reflectivity factor) at W-band frequencies more effectively compared to the nonspherical particle models (e.g., see Fig. 4 in Kneifel et al. 2011). Therefore, Ka–W DWR values associated with the nonspherical models correspondingly begin to decrease as Ku–Ka DWR continues increasing and produce the distinctive “hook” feature in dual-DWR space shown in Fig. 1 that distinguishes nonspherical and spherical–spheroid particles.

Finally, an important difference in Fig. 1 compared to Kneifel et al. (2011) is the maximum particle sizes used to truncate the SSD. The choice of maximum particle size is often arbitrary but can significantly impact radar reflectivity factor calculations. This choice is particularly important for the Liu (2008a) database because this database includes scattering calculations that might be considered unrealistic for larger particle sizes associated with some of the ice models. For example, scattering properties for the bullet rosettes were calculated up to a maximum diameter of 10 mm, a size that would not typically be found in nature for nonaggregated renditions of this particular ice habit (e.g., Locatelli and Hobbs 1974). The truncation maximum particle diameter limit for the Liu (2008a) particles was therefore reduced to 5 mm—a more realistic, but still conservative, upper limit for most of the rosette, dendrite, and sector snowflake models. Since the SSDs are truncated at a maximum particle dimension of 5 mm, the simulated DWR values shown in Fig. 1 are reduced compared to the aggregate, sphere, and spheroid models since particles that are larger than 5 mm do not influence the simulated DWR values as the inverse exponential slope parameter is increased in the SSD population [see also Kneifel et al.’s (2011) Fig. 10a and associated discussion for further details]. On the other hand, aggregate snowflakes can grow to a centimeter or larger in nature, so sizes up to the maximum allowed by the Petty and Huang (2010) database were included in this study. Scattering calculations for Mie spheres and spheroids were truncated at 10 mm, though in these cases the choice of maximum size does not have a significant effect on triple-frequency behavior. For further discussion of the effects of truncation size, see Kneifel et al. (2011).

b. Wakasa Bay observations

This work uses data from the 2003 Wakasa Bay Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer Precipitation Validation Campaign (Lobl et al. 2007). The Wakasa Bay dataset is uniquely applicable to this study because it not only provides aircraft radar observations at similar frequencies considered by Kneifel et al. (2011) but also includes data from a variety of precipitation events, ranging from stratiform rainfall to widespread snow and light snow showers (Lobl et al. 2007). Two radars were flown on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) P-3 research aircraft: the scanning Airborne Precipitation Radar-Second Generation (APR-2; Sadowy et al. 2003), which operates at 13.4 GHz (Ku band) and 35.6 GHz (Ka band) with a vertical resolution of 60 m and nominal sensitivity of ~5 dBZ, and the nadir-only Airborne Cloud Radar (ACR; Sadowy et al. 1997), which operates at 94 GHz (W band) with a 120-m vertical resolution and sensitivity exceeding −40 dBZ (Table 1). The APR-2 scans up to 25° off-nadir, with both radar beams pointing in the same direction. However, the APR-2 to ACR collocation procedure described in section 3 only uses nadir APR-2 profiles. Both radars also provide dual-polarization information. Tanelli et al. (2004a,b) exhaustively describe Wakasa Bay APR-2 observations and data processing, including overall data quality, calibration, and radar sensitivity discussions.

Table 1.

Relevant instrument characteristics for the APR-2 and ACR radars. See Lobl et al. (2007) for more detailed specifications.

Table 1.

The Wakasa Bay dataset is publicly available online from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), and this study utilizes version 28 of the radar observational dataset, which includes more quality control and a minor revision (<1 dB) to the calibration based on the analysis described in Tanelli et al. (2006) in comparison with the original version hosted at the NSIDC data repository until 2013. The estimated maximum APR-2 calibration anomaly between the two radars is ±1.5 dB. ACR calibration details are also exhaustively discussed in Leinonen et al. (2012).

The dataset was thoroughly explored to identify portions that would be most amenable to analysis. A predominant mode of observed precipitation throughout the Wakasa Bay campaign was stratiform rainfall with a readily identifiable bright band around 2–3 km. These cases are still useful for ice microphysical studies because the bright band can be identified (see section 3d) and observations from within the bright band or below can be discarded to focus on the snow-bearing cloud above it. Three separate days of stratiform rainfall observations were chosen for analysis. The first case on 19 January consisted of stratiform rainfall with some embedded convection (see the top two panels in Fig. 2 for an example of W- and Ku-band cross sections that are representative of this day’s precipitation). The 23 January observations consisted of lighter stratiform rainfall (Fig. 3). Finally, the 27 January case was also a stratiform rainfall case with a consistent melting level near 2 km and no apparent embedded convection (Fig. 4).

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

Example cross sections from the 19 Jan case. Note that this is only a subset of the 19 Jan data and was chosen to be representative of observations from that day: (top) W-band reflectivity with no attenuation correction (dBZ), (middle) Ku-band reflectivity with no smoothing, collocated to W band (dBZ), and (bottom) integrated Ku-band reflectivity (dBZint). Gray shading represents either missing data or observations that were rejected because of collocation issues; white indicates that the observations are either greater or less than the range of the color scale. The horizontal green line represents the altitude of the aircraft.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

As in Fig. 2, but for the 23 Jan case.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

As in Fig. 2, but for the 27 Jan case.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

Two oceanic surface snowfall cases on 28 and 29 January were also observed during the Wakasa Bay campaign. The 28 January case consisted of shallow (2–3 km) snow showers (Fig. 5), while the 29 January case exhibited deeper cloud-top heights (4–5 km) and consistently higher radar reflectivities (Fig. 6). Nearby soundings and 1000–500-hPa thickness charts were inspected to confirm that temperatures in the precipitating layers were below freezing for these snowfall events. The presence of supercooled cloud liquid water and rimed particles cannot be discounted for the surface snowfall cases, and these potential complicating factors will be discussed in later sections.

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

As in Fig. 2, but for the 28 Jan case.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

As in Fig. 2, but for the 29 Jan case.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

For each day considered, certain flight legs were discarded due to obvious quality control issues. In addition, only over-ocean data were considered in the following analysis. The exact time ranges considered for each case are shown in Table 2.

Table 2.

Exact time ranges and numbers of DWR points for each case.

Table 2.

3. Methods

The Wakasa Bay radar dataset was preprocessed to prepare it for the analyses presented in section 4. The following subsections present details related to the four primary preprocessing steps undertaken: 1) collocating the dual-frequency APR-2 data with the single-frequency ACR data, 2) correcting for W-band attenuation due to frozen hydrometeors in the ACR dataset, 3) first-order beamwidth difference corrections using a spatiotemporal smoothing technique, and 4) brightband identification to better ensure that only the subfreezing sections of the datasets are included in the final multifrequency radar analysis.

a. Collocation

Because of the differing resolutions and scanning characteristics of the two radars (see section 2b), collocation steps are necessary to facilitate Ka–W DWR calculations (recall that the Ku- and Ka-band APR-2 radar beams are aligned). A straightforward, two-step algorithm was used to accomplish this task using nadir-only APR-2 profiles (off-nadir APR-2 observations are discarded):

  1. For each ACR profile, the nadir-pointing APR-2 profile closest in time is located and only ACR–APR-2 profiles with a time difference of less than 1 s are considered in the ensuing analyses.

  2. For each ACR height bin, the APR-2 height bin from the time-collocated profile with the closest height, using the radar-based altitude (as opposed to aircraft pressure altitude) for both radars, is found.

b. Attenuation correction

Attenuation by liquid water, water vapor, and hydrometeors at cloud radar wavelengths can be significant, particularly at shorter (W band) wavelengths (e.g., Lhermitte 1990). Furthermore, previous studies have documented elevated cloud liquid water levels in convective snow clouds similar to the two surface snowfall events analyzed in this study (e.g., Braham 1990; Katsumata et al. 2000; Barthold and Kristovich 2011), and two-way total path-integrated (specific) attenuation values near or exceeding ~2 dB (~2 dB km−1) due solely to cloud water can be expected under such circumstances (Hiley et al. 2011; Kneifel et al. 2011). Matrosov (2009) also report simulated W-band specific attenuation values due to cloud liquid water between ~1 and ~4 dB km−1 for liquid water contents between 0.1 and 0.4 g m−3. Similar values are also provided in Kneifel et al. (2011). The W-band specific attenuation values associated with aggregate models are much lower than for cloud liquid water, and Kneifel et al. (2011) published values ranging from ~0.2 to 1 dB km−1 for snow water contents ranging between 0.1 and 0.5 g m−3. Given the nature of the precipitation events under consideration in this study, the impact of attenuation on DWR calculations clearly must be considered. Since the radar signal is dominated by precipitation-sized frozen hydrometeors, and not supercooled liquid water, in mixed-phase clouds [e.g., Kneifel et al. (2011) show that the radar reflectivity factor for liquid cloud contents lower than 0.5 g m−3 does not exceed −20 dBZ], a first-order correction can be made for attenuation due to snow particles since snow water content can be derived directly from the radar signal. This attenuation correction, however, is associated with some uncertainty due to ice model scattering disparities. No attenuation correction for supercooled water can be attempted, however, since the amount and vertical distribution of supercooled liquid water is not independently known from the radar signal alone and remains a source of attenuation correction uncertainty. Although passive microwave instruments were present on the aircraft that would have made liquid water content retrievals possible, unreliable instrumentation during the field campaign has made these retrievals infeasible. Despite the potentially significant impact on these results, the effect of supercooled water must be inferred and considered a source of uncertainty in the attenuation-corrected observed ACR reflectivities used in the following analyses. The W-band water vapor attenuation is not considered in the correction scheme since its effect is minimal [e.g., Leinonen et al. (2012) estimated two-way total path integrated attenuation due to water vapor of 0–0.6 dB for the Wakasa Bay cases they investigated].

Modeling results show that attenuation due to snow should be negligible at the Ku and Ka bands but is potentially significant at W band (e.g., Hiley et al. 2011; Kneifel et al. 2011). Thus, we consider Ku-band integrated reflectivity Zint,Ku as simply the sum of reflectivity above a given height bin, increasing downward from the aircraft:
where Zlinear,Ku is the observed Ku reflectivity observations in linear units (mm6 m−3). Although it is illustrated in various figures throughout the manuscript using logarithmic units, Zint,Ku possesses the same units as Zlinear,Ku. Integrated reflectivity (for the remainder of this paper, it is assumed that “integrated reflectivity” refers to Ku band) is plotted in Figs. 26 to give the reader an idea of its behavior in a variety of situations. Elevated integrated reflectivity values are also associated with increased W-band attenuation by frozen hydrometeors and thus serve as a convenient illustrative quantity directly associated with attenuation. Integrated reflectivity, however, is defined in a slightly different manner for this study relative to its usage in other recent studies (e.g., Kulie et al. 2010; Battaglia et al. 2011) since no dz factor is used to account for the radar vertical bin size; however, both versions of integrated reflectivity provide a convenient metric for the total scattering optical depth throughout a defined layer of the atmosphere (in this case, from flight level to each respective radar observation bin).

The W-band attenuation for the Petty and Huang (2010) aggregates and the Liu (2008a) particle subset highlighted in section 2a can be directly related to Ku-band reflectivity via the extinction coefficients provided by the same scattering models used to calculate DWR. Spheroid models are excluded from the ensemble of models used in this W-band attenuation calculation, but sensitivity tests showed their inclusion did not significantly impact the calculations. An additional assumption must be made for the SSD intercept parameter No; however, this SSD property has minimal impact on attenuation calculations compared to the choice of scattering model. Thus, No was fixed at 107 m−4 and is within the range of ~(105–109) m−4, as indicated by observational studies (Braham 1990; Brandes et al. 2007; Woods et al. 2008; Molthan and Petersen 2011; Löhnert et al. 2011).

The W-band attenuation results are shown in Fig. 7. The dense Liu (2008a) particles attenuate at W band more severely than the less dense Petty and Huang (2010) aggregates, illustrating the inherent uncertainty in any attenuation correction scheme, with the spread in modeled W-band attenuation increasing with increasing Ku-band reflectivity. Thus, the exact relationship used to correct W-band observations for attenuation is somewhat arbitrary. As a result, the average relationship for all ice models considered is used as a first-order attenuation correction (blue line in Fig. 7). The effect of this attenuation correction scheme is shown in Fig. 8 for the 27 January case (bottom). All valid DWR points were overlaid onto the triple-frequency modeling results and colored by integrated reflectivity, such that the warmer colored points are subject to greater W-band attenuation correction. As expected, attenuation correction results in data points being shifted to the left in the triple-frequency plot due to increased attenuation-corrected W-band reflectivities (and correspondingly reduced Ka–W DWR values), especially data points associated with higher integrated reflectivity values. Further attenuation correction due to cloud liquid water, if applied, would accentuate this shift of observed data points to the left, with attenuation-corrected W-band reflectivities conceivably increasing by as much as 2–4 dB in the lowest levels of clouds laden with supercooled water.

Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.

Relationship between Ku-band reflectivity and W-band specific attenuation for Liu (2008b) particle models (black lines) and Petty and Huang (2010) aggregate models (green lines). The blue line is the average of all models shown in this plot. Model abbreviations are the same as in Fig. 1.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.

Computed DWR values for the 27 Jan case. Scatter points are colored by Ku-band integrated reflectivity (dB). Ice models are overlaid as in Fig. 1. Shown are cases with: (top) no smoothing, no attenuation correction; (middle) with smoothing, no attenuation correction; and (bottom) with smoothing, with attenuation correction.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

c. Smoothing

For optimal accuracy of DWR calculations, radar reflectivity observations at each frequency would optimally sample the exact same volume; that is, the observations would have perfectly matched horizontal and vertical resolutions, and scan simultaneously. This is clearly not the case with the Wakasa Bay dataset due to mismatched radar beamwidths and vertical resolutions (Table 1), as well as mismatches in the time stamps of the scans.

A boxcar-average smoothing strategy was therefore applied to the dataset to provide a first-order correction for the effects of these resolution issues. The details are complicated slightly by the preprocessing applied to the ACR product: “Vertical profiles were recorded every 0.3 seconds and then averaged in post-processing to one profile every 3 seconds” (from the ACR documentation available online at Based on the vertical resolution differences between the APR-2 and ACR results, and manual inspection of the time resolution characteristics of each radar, smoothing was therefore applied to the APR-2 observations (before collocation), with a smoothing width of three data bins temporally (the horizontal axis in the time–height plots shown in Figs. 26) and six data bins in the vertical. While the smoothing approach adopted in this study addresses first-order beamwidth mismatches between the APR-2 and ACR radar observations, it should be noted that further errors due to inherent radar beamwidth differences are possible. For instance, even though the dual APR-2 radar beams are aligned, they possess different beamwidths and subsequent sampling volumes. These errors, however, are minimized at the rather short ranges sampled from the radar during the Wakasa Bay field campaign [generally ~(5.5–6)-km flight level in the cases presented in this study].

This simple smoothing algorithm produced encouraging results, as shown in Fig. 8 (middle) for the 27 January case. From Rayleigh scattering theory, both the Ku–Ka and Ka–W DWR results should approach zero for hydrometeors that are small compared to the radar wavelength. The scattering models shown in Fig. 1 agree with this prediction, generally converging at a DWR of zero for small size distribution slope parameters. This provides a useful constraint for analyzing whether our DWR calculations are physically realistic, because for small Ku–Ka DWR, the Ka–W DWR should also approach zero. Since the smoothing procedure reduces the spread at small DWR values in Fig. 8, the smoothing algorithm correspondingly reduces beam-mismatching errors that are inherent in this dataset. Therefore, all results shown in the following sections will include data smoothing.

d. Brightband identification

For the stratiform cases with clear bright bands, it is necessary to identify the top of the bright band in order to isolate observations above the freezing level. An algorithm similar to that of Liao and Meneghini (2011) was used: starting at the bin nearest the aircraft and moving downward, the first occurrence of the Ku-band linear depolarization ratio greater than −25 dB was considered to be the top of the bright band, and all data points at and below this level were discarded. For cases where the algorithm did not identify a bright band, the entire profile was discarded. Given the relatively small amount of data under consideration, it was possible to confirm that the algorithm produced reasonable results by visually inspecting all stratiform flight-leg cross sections.

4. Results

a. 27 January: Stratiform precipitation with bright band

The results for the 27 January stratiform rainfall case are shown in Fig. 9. All DWR data points are overlaid onto the triple-frequency modeling results and each point is colored by its Ku-band integrated reflectivity in order to illustrate both the amount of attenuation correction applied and to serve as a proxy for the distance of each data point from cloud top. Figure 9 also shows the corresponding normalized data density plot.

Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.

Results for the 27 Jan case (light stratiform precipitation), with APR-2 smoothing and W-band attenuation correction (see Table 2 for exact time ranges and numbers of points): (top) As in bottom panel of Fig. 8, and (bottom) normalized frequency of occurrence in 1 dB × 1 dB bins.

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

Initially, a striking feature of Fig. 9 is the peak in data density (bins containing more than 5% of all data points each) where Ku–Ka (Ka–W) DWR values are generally less than 2 dB (5 dB). These results suggest that many of the observed data points associated with the 27 January event exist in a dual-DWR region that can be adequately described by the scattering properties of several different ice models and suggest that the choice of ice model is not particularly important under such circumstances.

The observed DWR values, however, diverge within a few zones in dual-DWR space, which suggests distinctive scattering regimes associated with unique scattering properties of different ice habits. For instance, there are the multiple peaks evident in Fig. 9 associated with higher (greater than ~5 dB) Ku–Ka DWR values. Though a relatively small number of data points compose this feature, it is particularly interesting because only the Petty and Huang (2010) aggregate models overlap with these data points. Leinonen et al. (2012) also indicate similar regimes of data points that are best simulated with aggregate ice models, albeit from surface snowfall cases (e.g., see sections 4c and 4d) and not from the subfreezing portions of stratiform rainfall events. Additionally, the observed data tend to agree with the behavior of the scattering models at high Ka–W and low Ku–Ka DWRs; that is, the particle models under consideration successfully describe a lower bound on DWR values for the bottom-right portion of the triple-frequency plot. While the Petty and Huang (2010) NA and DA1–DA2 aggregate models can only realistically explain the two respective peaks near the ~(6–7)- and ~(9–11)-dB Ka–W DWR ranges, note that a large cluster of data points with elevated Ka–W DWR values still lie within the spheroid and variable density sphere regime and indicate a frozen hydrometeor mode that may be represented better by spheres–spheroids for radar applications. Leinonen et al. (2012) also find similar favorable DWR comparisons to spheroids in portions of their Wakasa Bay dataset analysis.

Also of note is the fairly smooth trend in integrated reflectivity with increasing DWR. Most points with an integrated reflectivity greater than 30 dB lie in an area of Ka–W DWR that peaks near 10 dB and gradually decreases with increasing Ku–Ka DWR and thus conform better to the aggregate models. This stratification of the data by integrated reflectivity agrees with the conceptual stratiform precipitation model where smaller particles (e.g., plates, columns, sideplanes, bullets, etc.) associated with lower integrated reflectivity values are formed at colder cloud-top temperatures, while higher integrated reflectivity values are located deeper in the cloud at warmer in-cloud temperatures where dendritic growth and aggregation processes substantially increase the particle sizes (e.g., Evans et al. 2005; Woods et al. 2005).

While the distinctive zones where dual-DWR values compare well between the observations and aggregate models are a compelling result, there is also a cluster of points associated with lower integrated reflectivity values (dark blue data points in Fig. 9) that quickly diverge from the Rayleigh scattering regime and immediately display stronger DWR differences (e.g., both Ku–Ka and Ka–W DWR results between ~2 and 5 dB). These dual-DWR observations align well with the Liu (2008a) particles and may highlight a discernable scattering mode of presumably nonspherical particles near cloud top. As will be discussed in section 4b, these values near cloud top may also be more susceptible to possible beam mismatching and/or data processing artifacts that could be responsible for the larger DWR values.

Likely the most notable triple-frequency feature of the Petty and Huang (2010) aggregate models is their distinctive “hook” shape at high values of Ku–Ka DWR. An important motivator of this study was to determine whether this hook feature could be found in observations. In this particular case, the scatterplot in Fig. 9 provides two hints of this hook shape, particularly for the NA needle and dendritic DA1–DA2 aggregates. However, the number of data points in these regions is relatively small, so it is difficult to draw conclusions based on this case alone; further analyses will be provided in the following sections.

b. 19 and 23 January: Stratiform rainfall with bright band at 2–3 km

Results for 19 and 23 January are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, respectively. While the results are quite similar for both cases, they are plotted in separate figures so integrated reflectivity trends are not obscured. The locations of peak frequency in the data density plots are shifted to the right in dual-DWR space compared to the 27 January case and tend to overlap with the Mie, T-matrix, NA, and DA1 models more than the Liu (2008a) particles. Given the increased reflectivities and embedded convection in these cases, it does seem plausible that simpler, more pristine particles would be less predominant. Furthermore, the presence of graupel in convective cores not only cannot be discounted, but should actually be expected, and the spheroid models may more effectively represent the scattering characteristics of graupel compared to the aggregate models. Figure 10 also contains a subset of data points associated with elevated integrated reflectivities that lies noticeably to the right of the Mie–spheroid models (i.e., elevated Ka–W and low Ku–Ka DWR results). This observational cluster is associated with an embedded convective element within the larger stratiform precipitation field and hints at highly attenuated observations, most likely due to the more complex absorption and scattering differential cross sections that are expected in mixed-phase convective cores (where, e.g., the scattering cross section of large frozen or partially frozen hydrometeors can indeed be comparable at the Ka and W bands, while being small at Ku band).

Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.

As in Fig. 9, but for the 19 Jan case (stratiform precipitation).

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

Fig. 11.
Fig. 11.

As in Fig. 9, but for the 23 Jan case (stratiform precipitation).

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

An additional prominent feature of this case is the stratified nature of the results as a function of integrated reflectivity and their behavior at high values of Ku–Ka DWR. Both cases exhibit the distinct “hook to the left” in dual-DWR space suggested by the Petty and Huang (2010) models. In particular, the observations follow the NA and DA3 model results quite well. Once again, the number of data points in this region of large Ku–Ka DWR is quite small relative to the total number of observations under consideration. However, the presence of the hook feature in all stratiform cases considered is further evidence that the Petty and Huang (2010) models can realistically simulate this distinctive dual-DWR behavior that is not suggested by spheres and oblate spheroid models.

While cloud-top structures with lower DWR values and their associated microphysical features are not the primary focus of this study, Figs. 10 and 11 (and Fig. 9 to a lesser extent) do interestingly contain small data point clusters exhibiting negative DWR values that coincide with low integrated reflectivity values. Inherent instrument noise and residual calibration uncertainties (typically of 1 dB at least) should produce some negative DWR values even in Rayleigh-scattering situations in which minimal reflectivity differences between different radar frequencies are expected, and numerous slightly negative (~1 dB) Ku–Ka DWR data points exist in Figs. 10 and 11. The negative Ka–W DWR values approaching ~4 dB, however, are larger than expected from instrument noise effects and indicate other complicating factors like residual beam mismatching. The Ka-band partial beam filling may also account for some of these discrepancies, as the W-band scan volumes should be more consistently filled with hydrometeors due to its smaller beamwidth, especially near fragmented cloud tops and edges, compared to the larger Ka-band sampling volumes. Furthermore, recent observational studies have reported elevated nadir W-band reflectivities due to oriented ice particles (Matrosov et al. 2012), so microphysical features could also be partially responsible for inflated W-band reflectivities and negative Ka–W DWR values. Further investigations are warranted to examine these interesting cloud-top DWR features and are beyond the scope of the current study.

c. 28 January: Shallow snow showers

Figure 12 shows the results for the shallow snow showers with radar-indicated cloud-top heights between ~2 and 3 km and lower integrated radar reflectivity values observed on 28 January. The location of the data density peak is markedly different than the 27 January stratiform rain case. Instead of occurring in the low DWR space occupied primarily by Liu (2008a) particles, this case displays relatively high DWR in an area occupied primarily by the aggregate models. Comparing this case to the results for 27 January, the observations suggest that the 27 January stratiform case consists mostly of smaller ice particles, while the 28 January case consists of larger particles that are more likely to be aggregated snowflakes. The agreement in these observations with a simple conceptual model of convective snowflake populations being dominated by aggregates while stratiform precipitation consists primarily of smaller particles is an exciting result of this work and will be discussed further in the concluding section of the paper.

Fig. 12.
Fig. 12.

As in Fig. 9, but for the 28 Jan case (shallow snow showers).

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

d. 29 January: Deeper snow showers

Figure 13 shows the results for the deeper 29 January snowfall case with radar-indicated cloud tops as high as 5 km and large integrated reflectivity values. Here, the location of peak data density occupies a region in between those of the 27 January stratiform case and the 28 January light snow shower cases. Similar to previous cases, there are numerous data points at elevated integrated reflectivity values that mimic the aggregate modeling scattering characteristics and cannot be plausibly modeled by spherical–spheroid models. Additionally, a handful of data points associated with extremely large integrated reflectivity values exhibit extremely low Ka–W DWRs, but elevated Ku–Ka DWRs. These extreme outlier data points may indicate very large aggregate particles. Conversely, the outlier data points—combined with an increase in the observed data variance—may also indicate that deep, heavy, convective snowfall amplifies many of the complicating issues and sources of uncertainty inherently associated with the study, or may simply indicate data artifacts that are not captured during the data quality control step. The high spatial variability of intense, convective snow amplifies imperfect beam matching and any small collocation problems. In addition, the convective updrafts are more likely to contain elevated amounts of supercooled water, causing greater attenuation at W band than would be accounted for by our consideration of attenuation by snow alone.

Fig. 13.
Fig. 13.

As in Fig. 9, but for the 29 Jan case (deep convective snowfall).

Citation: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53, 4; 10.1175/JAMC-D-13-066.1

As indicated in Fig. 6, significant W-band attenuation is most likely associated with these heavy snow showers. While Mie scattering effects act to depress the W-band radar returns compared to coincident Ka- and Ku-band reflectivities, the W-band signal degradation is arguably too intense to be caused solely by Mie scattering effects. For instance, the W-band radar signal peaks near ~20 dBZ—a reflectivity level that generally describes the maximum W-band reflectivity associated with snow (see Kulie and Bennartz 2009)—at ~3.5 km above ground level at ~UTC time 5.8 in Fig. 6 and then consistently decreases to ~5 dBZ just above the ocean’s surface. The coincident attenuation-insensitive Ku-band reflectivity profile, however, indicates generally increasing reflectivity values throughout the same column that indicate large frozen hydrometeors (Ku-band reflectivities exceed ~30 dBZ for this case). If no attenuation were occurring in this case, the W-band reflectivities should remain near ~20 dBZ throughout the entire column. As previously mentioned, graupel and/or heavily rimed particles could also be present in strong convective cores and explain the cluster of data points that more closely follow the spheroid models’ triple-frequency signature. A subset of data points from this the 29 January case that matched better with spheroid models was also analyzed by Leinonen et al. (2012) with similar conclusions (see their case E analysis). Thus, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions from this case without the benefit of additional in situ or synergistic remote sensing observations, but it is still useful to illustrate many of the inherent caveats of this study.

5. Conclusions

Despite the multitude of challenges associated with this dataset, such as W-band attenuation, the inability to quantify supercooled water effects, imperfect collocation between radars, and beam-matching issues, several useful conclusions can be drawn from the three-frequency Wakasa Bay field campaign radar analysis of frozen hydrometeors associated with surface snowfall and the subfreezing portions of mostly stratiform rainfall events.

First, a large number of data points have a DWR signature that can only be explained by aggregate models. These results independently confirm results presented in Leinonen et al. (2012), but also expand the analysis to the frozen portions of stratiform rainfall events. The dual-DWR analysis of the subfreezing portion of the 28 January stratiform rain case, in particular, indicates that the maximum frequency of occurrence occurs in the modeled aggregate region of the triple-frequency plots. Perhaps more important, the select regions above the bright band in stratiform cases consistently demonstrate the characteristic hook shape of the Petty and Huang (2010) aggregate models, with the Ka–W DWR trending back toward the negative direction as Ku–Ka DWR becomes larger. This finding is significant because it provides a result that is insensitive to a potentially major issue with the current methodology: the results are quite sensitive to the calibration of the ACR relative to the APR-2. Specifically, while the absolute location of maximum frequency in triple-frequency space is sensitive to discrepancies in radar calibration, the hook back toward smaller Ka–W DWR will be preserved even if the ACR calibration is changed relative to the APR-2. In other words, in triple-frequency space, a hypothetical increase in W-band calibration would shift the observations to the left in triple-frequency space; however, their shape would be preserved. This important finding shows that the unique triple-frequency behavior of the Petty and Huang (2010) scattering models can be found in observations and indicates that the current trend toward the development of increasingly complex and realistic snowflakes is both useful and necessary.

The finding that the Petty and Huang (2010) aggregates are crucial for explaining triple-frequency radar observations of frozen particles also has implications for current and near-future snowfall-rate retrieval algorithms. Algorithms based on single- and dual-frequency radar reflectivity observations, such as those from CloudSat and the upcoming Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, should consider incorporating the latest aggregate models to derive radar reflectivity–snowfall-rate relationships. This is perhaps more relevant in the realm of microwave radiometer radiative transfer calculations, where accurate scattering properties across a range of frequencies is particularly important. This work serves as further evidence that Mie-scattering-based calculations of microwave scattering properties are insufficient under certain circumstances to characterize the multifrequency scattering characteristics of larger aggregate snowflakes. In addition, it appears that of currently available scattering models, recently developed aggregate models (e.g., Petty and Huang 2010; Tyynelä et al. 2011) may be appropriate choices due to both their realistic behavior across multiple frequencies (including combined radar and microwave radiometer) compared to, for example, Mie spheres, and their enhanced ability to accurately represent snowflake aggregates that may be more consistently representative of snowfall. The Tyynelä et al. (2011) aggregate models offer further advantages since they possess other qualities of naturally occurring aggregates (e.g., mass-size dimension) that allow for more accurate calculations of important bulk microphysical quantities (e.g., ice water content, snowfall rate), although both the Petty and Huang (2010) and Tyynelä et al. (2011) aggregate models produce distinctive curved dual-DWR features (whereby the Ka–W DWR values peak, then decrease with increasing Ku–Ka DWR values) relative to spherical and spheroid models irrespective of their different mass-size relations. The microphysical complexity associated with observed precipitation events is evident, though, in instances where the spherical and spheroid models successfully characterized the observed dual-DWR data points from the Wakasa Bay field campaign dataset. Further integrated observational work is necessary to understand what specific microphysical conditions produce dual-DWR signatures that align better with the spherical–spheroid models versus the nonspherical aggregate renditions, or whether the spherical models are susceptible to additional significant attenuation corrections due to cloud liquid water that are unaccounted for in the current study.

Some interesting microphysical inferences can be also made by comparing the 27 January and 28 January cases. The stratiform precipitation of 27 January exhibits a large proportion of DWR observations in the region where several models overlap, particularly the Liu (2008a) and Petty and Huang (2010) particles, suggesting that this snowfall event was primarily composed of simpler particle habits and/or smaller aggregate particles where the modeled dual-DWR signature between different habits is not as distinctive. By contrast, observations of the more convective snow showers of 28 January have predominantly larger DWR values and primarily occupy the region of triple-frequency space covered by the Petty and Huang (2010) models. These findings are consistent with the general expectation that convective snow showers would be composed primarily of larger aggregated, and possibly graupel and rimed, particles while light stratiform precipitation would have a larger quantity of smaller, more simply shaped particles, especially at colder in-cloud temperatures. These broad distinctions hint at the potential utility of a triple-frequency approach to retrieving snowfall parameters like ice habit and some properties of the size distribution for future observation platforms.

This work also leads to several avenues of future research. Ground-based multifrequency radar observations, such as those from the recently upgraded facilities at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) sites, which operate Ku–Ka–W-band radars (e.g., North Slope Alaska and Southern Great Plains), would be particularly useful, especially for vertically pointing radar observations of surface snowfall events. Unlike airborne observations, such ground-based datasets are less susceptible to attenuation due to in-cloud liquid water, especially if observations from the subcloud layer nearest to the surface are only considered. Synergistic radar–lidar datasets will be extremely useful in discerning where supercooled water exists in mixed-phase clouds that produce surface snowfall [e.g., see Battaglia and Delanoe (2013) for a spaceborne example of synergistic radar–lidar snowfall studies]. Sustained ground-based observations would allow for a clearer analysis of multifrequency observations in the lowest atmospheric layers where near-surface snowfall growth processes are still poorly understood and where aggregated particles contribute to the surface snowfall flux. In addition, ground-based datasets have other potential benefits such as longer-term seasonal and yearly datasets, which would provide more robust statistics and a wider variety of snowfall cases. Recent field campaigns such as the GPM Cold-Season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) should also be explored for potential multifrequency studies, and future field campaigns should be aware of the utility of collocated multifrequency observations as instrumentation and scanning strategies are planned. A major deficiency in the current study is the lack of in situ or other remotely sensed datasets, which can provide crucial information about snowflake habits for verification purposes, as well as supercooled water amounts and vertical distributions within precipitating cloud structures for better attenuation correction calculations. We strongly encourage further dedicated multifrequency microwave observations with coincident in situ microphysical measurements to study the variability and explicitly constrain the SSD and predominant ice habit, better characterize the microphysical (e.g., snowflake growth and riming) and attenuating role of supercooled water, and facilitate radiative closure studies that incorporate simultaneous multifrequency radar and microwave radiometer observations. SSDs collected in field campaigns have historically been fitted to inverse exponential functions, and the current investigation adhered to this standard by integrating particle model backscatter properties over SSDs with varying slope and intercept parameters that are supported by the extensive observational SSD record. While the Leinonen et al. (2012) study employed three-parameter normalized gamma SSDs that produced similar DWR findings (e.g., the general shape of the dual-DWR simulations for nonspherical aggregate models), further work should be undertaken to study the effects of markedly nonexponential SSD behavior on simulated multifrequency radar reflectivities that may produce alternative DWR signatures. Finally, as work on developing increasingly complex aggregate snowflake scattering models continues, the latest models can be incorporated into this triple-frequency modeling framework to add further valuable insights to the results presented in this study.


This work was partially supported by NASA Grants NNX10AG83G, NNX12AQ76G, and NNX13AG47G. A portion of this research (Tanelli) was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Support by the Precipitation Measurement Mission Program and the Aerosol Clouds and Ecosystems Science Working Group are acknowledged. Data for the ACR during the Wakasa Bay Experiment were acquired and processed by Dr. Richard Austin. The APR-2 deployment was made possible by Dr. Eastwood Im and Dr. Stephen L. Durden. Constructive comments by three anonymous reviewers are also gratefully recognized.


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  • Fig. 1.

    Triple-frequency DWR calculations for various ice particle scattering models: NA and DA1–DA3 from Petty and Huang (2010); 3BR–6BR, SEC, and DEN from Liu (2008b); T-matrix spheroids for aspect ratios of 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7 (T-MAT_0.5-T–MAT_0.7); Mie spheres with densities varying from 30 to 200 kg m−3 (MIE_30 – MIE_200). [Adapted from Kneifel et al. (2011) (see section 2a for a summary of key differences).]

  • Fig. 2.

    Example cross sections from the 19 Jan case. Note that this is only a subset of the 19 Jan data and was chosen to be representative of observations from that day: (top) W-band reflectivity with no attenuation correction (dBZ), (middle) Ku-band reflectivity with no smoothing, collocated to W band (dBZ), and (bottom) integrated Ku-band reflectivity (dBZint). Gray shading represents either missing data or observations that were rejected because of collocation issues; white indicates that the observations are either greater or less than the range of the color scale. The horizontal green line represents the altitude of the aircraft.

  • Fig. 3.

    As in Fig. 2, but for the 23 Jan case.

  • Fig. 4.

    As in Fig. 2, but for the 27 Jan case.

  • Fig. 5.

    As in Fig. 2, but for the 28 Jan case.

  • Fig. 6.

    As in Fig. 2, but for the 29 Jan case.

  • Fig. 7.

    Relationship between Ku-band reflectivity and W-band specific attenuation for Liu (2008b) particle models (black lines) and Petty and Huang (2010) aggregate models (green lines). The blue line is the average of all models shown in this plot. Model abbreviations are the same as in Fig. 1.

  • Fig. 8.

    Computed DWR values for the 27 Jan case. Scatter points are colored by Ku-band integrated reflectivity (dB). Ice models are overlaid as in Fig. 1. Shown are cases with: (top) no smoothing, no attenuation correction; (middle) with smoothing, no attenuation correction; and (bottom) with smoothing, with attenuation correction.

  • Fig. 9.

    Results for the 27 Jan case (light stratiform precipitation), with APR-2 smoothing and W-band attenuation correction (see Table 2 for exact time ranges and numbers of points): (top) As in bottom panel of Fig. 8, and (bottom) normalized frequency of occurrence in 1 dB × 1 dB bins.

  • Fig. 10.

    As in Fig. 9, but for the 19 Jan case (stratiform precipitation).

  • Fig. 11.

    As in Fig. 9, but for the 23 Jan case (stratiform precipitation).

  • Fig. 12.

    As in Fig. 9, but for the 28 Jan case (shallow snow showers).

  • Fig. 13.

    As in Fig. 9, but for the 29 Jan case (deep convective snowfall).

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