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Low-Frequency Dynamic Ocean Response to Barometric-Pressure Loading

Christopher G. Piecuch aWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts

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Ichiro Fukumori bJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

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Rui M. Ponte cAtmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts

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Michael Schindelegger dUniversität Bonn, Bonn, Germany

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Ou Wang bJet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

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Mengnan Zhao cAtmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts

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Changes in dynamic manometric sea level ζm represent mass-related sea level changes associated with ocean circulation and climate. We use twin model experiments to quantify magnitudes and spatiotemporal scales of ζm variability caused by barometric pressure pa loading at long periods (1 month) and large scales (300km) relevant to Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) ocean data. Loading by pa drives basin-scale monthly ζm variability with magnitudes as large as a few centimeters. Largest ζm signals occur over abyssal plains, on the shelf, and in marginal seas. Correlation patterns of modeled ζm are determined by continental coasts and H/f contours (H is ocean depth and f is Coriolis parameter). On average, ζm signals forced by pa represent departures of 10% and 1% from the inverted-barometer effect ζib on monthly and annual periods, respectively. Basic magnitudes, spatial patterns, and spectral behaviors of ζm from the model are consistent with scaling arguments from barotropic potential vorticity conservation. We also compare ζm from the model driven by pa to ζm from GRACE observations. Modeled and observed ζm are significantly correlated across parts of the tropical and extratropical oceans, on shelf and slope regions, and in marginal seas. Ratios of modeled to observed ζm magnitudes are as large as ∼0.2 (largest in the Arctic Ocean) and qualitatively agree with analytical theory for the gain of the transfer function between ζm forced by pa and wind stress. Results demonstrate that pa loading is a secondary but nevertheless important contributor to monthly mass variability from GRACE over the ocean.

© 2022 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (

Corresponding author: Christopher G. Piecuch,


Changes in dynamic manometric sea level ζm represent mass-related sea level changes associated with ocean circulation and climate. We use twin model experiments to quantify magnitudes and spatiotemporal scales of ζm variability caused by barometric pressure pa loading at long periods (1 month) and large scales (300km) relevant to Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) ocean data. Loading by pa drives basin-scale monthly ζm variability with magnitudes as large as a few centimeters. Largest ζm signals occur over abyssal plains, on the shelf, and in marginal seas. Correlation patterns of modeled ζm are determined by continental coasts and H/f contours (H is ocean depth and f is Coriolis parameter). On average, ζm signals forced by pa represent departures of 10% and 1% from the inverted-barometer effect ζib on monthly and annual periods, respectively. Basic magnitudes, spatial patterns, and spectral behaviors of ζm from the model are consistent with scaling arguments from barotropic potential vorticity conservation. We also compare ζm from the model driven by pa to ζm from GRACE observations. Modeled and observed ζm are significantly correlated across parts of the tropical and extratropical oceans, on shelf and slope regions, and in marginal seas. Ratios of modeled to observed ζm magnitudes are as large as ∼0.2 (largest in the Arctic Ocean) and qualitatively agree with analytical theory for the gain of the transfer function between ζm forced by pa and wind stress. Results demonstrate that pa loading is a secondary but nevertheless important contributor to monthly mass variability from GRACE over the ocean.

© 2022 American Meteorological Society. For information regarding reuse of this content and general copyright information, consult the AMS Copyright Policy (

Corresponding author: Christopher G. Piecuch,

1. Introduction

Understanding the ocean’s response to forcing by the atmosphere has been a longstanding goal in ocean physics (Gill and Niiler 1973; Magaard 1977; Philander 1978; Willebrand et al. 1980; Frankignoul et al. 1997). There is a rich literature on the oceanic response to barometric pressure pa forcing (Brown et al. 1975; Close 1918; Doodson 1924; Ponte 1992; Proudman 1929; Wunsch and Stammer 1997). Surface loading by pa is generally thought to drive an isostatic ocean response, which is described in terms of sea level ζ by the inverted-barometer (IB) effect
where ρ0 is surface density, g is gravitational acceleration, and overbar is global ocean average. Altimetry largely corroborates an IB paradigm (Fu and Pihos 1994; Gaspar and Ponte 1997; Ponte and Gaspar 1999; vanDam and Wahr 1993; Wunsch 1991). Under a perfect IB response, ζ changes compensate the surface load, subsurface density and pressure gradients are unchanged, and ocean currents are largely unaffected. Since ocean circulation is mostly unperturbed in the IB scenario, pa is often omitted from the surface boundary conditions used in data-constrained global ocean state estimates and reanalyses (Ferry et al. 2012; Forget et al. 2015; Köhl 2015; Storto et al. 2016).

While it provides a useful approximation, the IB assumption seldom holds strictly. How accurately the IB effect describes the ocean’s response to pa depends on frequency, wavenumber, and location (Wunsch and Stammer 1997). At short periods of days to weeks and on subbasin scales, the IB assumption breaks down, and prominent dynamic ζ responses to pa occur from wave adjustments and basin modes as well as frictional effects on the shelf and in marginal seas (Greatbatch et al. 1996; Hirose et al. 2001; Mathers and Woodworth 2001; Ponte 1993, 1994, 1997; Ponte et al. 1991; Tierney et al. 2000; Wright et al. 1987). Such deviations from isostasy are well known, and partly motivate the use of models driven by pa and winds to simulate <20-day nonequilibrium signals for dealiasing satellite-altimetry ζ data (Carrère and Lyard 2003; Carrère et al. 2016).

Even excluding high-frequency resonant responses and frictional effects over shallow bathymetry, a purely isostatic response to pa forcing is generally not expected (Brown et al. 1975; Ponte et al. 1991). When interrogating such departures from isostasy, it is instructive to consider dynamic manometric sea level (see appendix A for a discussion of this quantity)
where pb is ocean bottom pressure. Changes in ζm identify ζ changes from mass changes relevant to ocean circulation and climate. No ζm changes occur for an IB response (Ponte et al. 2007). Consideration of ζm may thus inform interpretation of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow-On (FO) ocean data (Landerer et al. 2020; Tapley et al. 2019).
Some rough orders of magnitude are instructive. For a linear, inviscid, barotropic ocean forced by pa at long periods (1 month) and large scales (300km) relevant to GRACE, potential vorticity conservation is written in terms of ζm as (see appendix B for a derivation)
where J is Jacobian determinant, H is ocean depth, f is Coriolis parameter, and t is time. The balance in (3) is between forcing displacement and motion across H/f contours, analogous to a Sverdrup balance—the changing load stretches or squashes the water column similar to Ekman pumping by wind stress curl (Gill 1982). While the forcing displacement on the right side of (3) is written in terms of ζib for convenience, ζm is driven causally by the variable surface load, not the ocean’s isostatic response per se. According to (3), the admittance (or transfer) function between ζm and ζib is (appendix B)
where F is Fourier transform, ω is angular frequency, K is the projection of the wavenumber vector along H/f contours, and γ is the magnitude of the H/f gradient. From (4), we see that magnitudes of ζm variations relative to ζib fluctuations increase with higher frequencies, larger scales, and weaker H/f gradients. Depending on K and γ, (4) predicts that monthly ζm signals can be as large as 10% of ζib fluctuations (Fig. 1). For example, variations of ζib ∼ 5 cm over abyssal plains where γ2s (Fig. 2) translate to fluctuations of ζm5mm. Such signals are not negligible relative to variability from GRACE (Quinn and Ponte 2012), hinting that such effects may indeed be relevant for interpreting satellite-gravimetric mass data over the ocean. Revisiting departures from isostasy may be timely more generally given the increasing use of models for assimilating ocean observations (Heimbach et al. 2019).
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1.

Values of the transfer function h = ω/gKγ for variable K and γ (4). Values are averaged over frequencies between ω = 0 and ω = 2π/2 months (the Nyquist angular frequency of GRACE and GRACE-FO). White contours identify values of 0.01 and 0.14, which are the 0.5th and 99.5th percentiles of values in Fig. 5.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

Fig. 2.
Fig. 2.

Color shading indicates values of γ (the magnitude of the H/f gradient). Units are seconds. Note the logarithmic color scale. Black contours indicate H contours between 0 and 6000 m at 1000-m increments.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

Thus, while the dynamic ζ response to pa has been studied using altimetry or numerical models with an emphasis on weekly and shorter periods, it remains to probe monthly and longer periods in the context of ζm and gravimetry. As part of recent Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) efforts (Fukumori et al. 2021), we started including pa as one of the boundary conditions to force a general circulation model for ocean state estimation. This effort offers a timely opportunity to revisit the ocean’s dynamic response to pa loading. Here we interrogate twin model experiments to quantify magnitudes and spatiotemporal scales of the ζm response to pa loading, and establish the relevance for interpreting satellite-gravity mass data over the ocean.

2. Methods

a. ECCO state estimate

We use the latest (Release 4) ocean state estimate from the ECCO Version 4 nonlinear inverse modeling framework. The solution and approach are detailed elsewhere (Forget et al. 2015; Fukumori et al. 2021; Wunsch and Heimbach 2013), but we give a short description for completeness. The estimate is a solution to a Boussinesq general circulation model (Marshall et al. 1997) constrained to modern ocean observations (e.g., altimetry, GRACE, Argo) through an iterative procedure that preserves physical consistency—initial conditions, boundary conditions, and mixing coefficients are adjusted within acceptable bounds until agreement between model and data is sufficiently good (Heimbach et al. 2005; Wunsch and Heimbach 2007).

Release 4 is an update to earlier ECCO Version 4 state estimates (Forget et al. 2015, 2016; Fukumori et al. 2017). It spans 1992–2017 and covers the global ocean. The spatial grid has ∼1° horizontal resolution and 50 vertical levels with variable thickness from 10 m near the surface to ∼460 m at depth. Partial cells are used to represent topography. Unresolved small-scale effects are parameterized (Redi 1982; Gent and McWilliams 1990; Gaspar et al. 1990). Surface forcing is based on atmospheric variables from a reanalysis (Dee et al. 2011), some of which are adjusted as part of the estimation. Results here are based on detrended monthly output over 1993–2017.

Unlike past ECCO Version 4 solutions, Release 4 includes 6-hourly pa in the surface boundary conditions. Periodic pa signals from diurnal and semidiurnal atmospheric tides are removed prior to the simulations. Otherwise, no adjustments are made to this forcing. As context for results below, the pa forcing is summarized in Fig. 3 in the form of standard deviations σ of monthly ζib values. Similar maps are published elsewhere (Ponte 2006, their Fig. 2). Values show clear large-scale spatial structure, increasing from σζib1cm at low latitudes to σζib5cm at high latitudes. Enhanced variability σζib7cm appears over the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, extratropical North Pacific Ocean, Yellow Sea, Persian Gulf, Nordic seas, and Arctic Ocean. These regional ζib features likely identify variations in semipermanent pa centers (e.g., Aleutian low, Icelandic low) or the East Asian monsoon. Given (1), since p¯a contributions to ζib are small and relatively unimportant outside the tropics1 (Wunsch and Stammer 1997; Ponte 2006), Fig. 3 can be qualitatively interpreted in terms of local pa variability, with an increase in ζib of 1 cm equating to a drop in pa of ∼1 hPa.

Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

Color shading indicates values of σζib (the standard deviation of the IB effect). Units are centimeters. Values are based on monthly model output during 1993–2017.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

We use twin model simulations to quantify the ζm response to pa forcing. The first simulation is the ECCO Version 4 Release 4 solution itself, which includes variable pa loading among the surface boundary conditions. The second simulation is nearly identical to the first, only now the model omits pa forcing. In all other respects, the two simulations are the same. We isolate ζm changes caused by pa loading by differencing the two solutions under the assumption of a linear response.2 All modeled results in the text are based on differences taken between simulations.

b. GRACE satellite gravimetry

We also use GRACE ocean data (Tapley et al. 2019). These data reflect changes in the local mass of the water–ice–air column above the seafloor. Fields covering the time period from April 2002 to May 2021 were downloaded from the GRACE Tellus website hosted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Jet Propulsion Laboratory on 25 August 2021 (data version GRCTellus.JPL.200204_202105.GLO.RL06M.MSCNv02CRI). Data are defined based on 3° spherical-cap mass-concentration-block gravity-field basis functions and given on a 0.5° global spatial grid. Note that GRACE does not resolve surface mass redistribution on spatial scales 300km. Fields are given in terms of the quantity pb/ρ0g and have equivalent water thickness units. See Watkins et al. (2015) and Wiese et al. (2016) for technical details on the GRACE estimation process (spatial constraints, scale factors, leakage errors, coastline resolution, etc.). To compute ζm from GRACE retrievals, we subtract a time series of p¯a/ρ0g from the mass data at each ocean grid cell after Eq. (2) using p¯a from reanalysis provided by GRACE Tellus.

For purposes of comparison, we make some adjustments to the ECCO and GRACE ζm fields. To focus on dynamics, we remove from GRACE ζm data at each ocean grid cell the time series of ζ¯m related to changes in global ocean mass from freshwater fluxes between the ocean and other elements of the climate system. No such adjustment is made for ECCO because, given the design of the experiments, modeled ζm values arise almost entirely from redistribution of mass in the ocean—effects of surface freshwater flux included in the model forcing largely cancel out between the two experiments. We also interpolate the ECCO solutions onto the GRACE space–time intervals. For each monthly average, we bilinearly interpolate the ECCO solution from its ∼1° native grid onto the GRACE 0.5° global grid, and for each grid cell, we linearly interpolate monthly ζm from ECCO onto the increments of the GRACE data, which are gappy and have nominal monthly frequency, over the common period between April 2002 and June 2017. Finally, we remove local linear temporal trends from GRACE at each grid cell.

3. Results

a. Magnitudes

Magnitudes of ζm signals forced by pa vary by an order of magnitude over the ocean (Fig. 4a). Typical σζm values are on the order ∼1 mm. Larger values appear in semienclosed marginal seas including the Arctic Ocean, Hudson Bay, and the Mediterranean Sea, on broad shelf regions including the Scotian and Patagonian Shelves, and over deep midlatitude abyssal plains including the Amundsen–Bellingshausen, Australian–Antarctic, Weddell–Enderby, and Pacific Basins. Especially noteworthy are signals σζm1cm evident along the Kara, Laptev, East Siberian, and Bering Seas on the continental shelf of the Russian sector of the Arctic Ocean. In contrast, ζm behavior is more muted in the tropics and on the equator. Qualitative similarities are observed between Figs. 3 and 4a (e.g., both display values that generally increase from low to high latitude), but the spatial patterns of σζib and σζm feature important differences that suggest the role of dynamical mechanisms in mediating the ocean’s response to pa forcing.

Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.

(a) Color shading indicates values of σζm (the standard deviation of manometric sea level). Units are centimeters. Values are based on monthly model output during 1993–2017. (b) Color shading indicates ratios of σζib to γ (Fig. 3 divided by Fig. 2). We set min(γ) = 1 s to avoid overly large values of σζib/γ. Values are scaled, and units are arbitrary.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

Variations in ζm are one or two orders of magnitude smaller than ζib fluctuations (Fig. 5). By comparing σζm to σζib, we quantify the fractional deviation from isostasy. Ratios of σζm to σζib can be relatively small 0.02 in regions where σζib values are the largest, such as the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Yellow Sea, northeast Pacific Ocean along the Aleutian Islands, and northeast Atlantic Ocean. Comparatively large values σζm/σζib0.05 are apparent along the equator, where σζib values are particularly small, as well as across parts of the Amundsen–Bellingshausen, Australian–Antarctic, Weddell–Enderby, and Argentine Basins, on the American continental shelf, in Hudson Bay and the Mediterranean Sea, and broadly over the Nordic seas and Arctic Ocean, most notably along the East Siberian and Laptev Seas, where σζm values are the largest.

Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.

Color shading indicates ratios of σζm to σζib (Fig. 4a divided by Fig. 3).

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

Ratios of σζm to σζib determined from the model are qualitatively consistent with expectations from basic theory. Ninety-nine percent of the values shown in Fig. 5 are between 0.01 and 0.14. A similar range is anticipated from (4) for 2π/K ∼ 1000–20 000 km and γ ∼ 1–10 s (Fig. 1). Using the quasigeostrophic theory developed by Brown et al. (1975), Ponte et al. (1991) report similar deviations from isostasy on the order of a few percent at monthly periods (their Table 1). But, since their theory applies to a flat-bottom midlatitude β-plane ocean, they do not predict the larger deviations that we observe at higher and lower latitudes, on the shelf, and in marginal seas.

The rough agreement between model and theory (Figs. 1, 5) does not establish that (3) fully describes the physics responsible for the detailed σζm/σζib patterns. To test the ability of (3) to predict the modeled σζm spatial structure (Fig. 4a), we consider patterns of σζib/γ (Fig. 4b). Ratios of σζib to γ can be interpreted in terms of the low-frequency, large-scale ζm response to local pa at fixed frequency and wavenumber (3) and (4). Patterns of σζib/γ reproduce some qualitative features of the σζm structure, including elevated values over abyssal plains, marginal seas, and shelf regions identified earlier. The correlation coefficient between Figs. 4a and 4b is ∼0.6, suggesting that the physics embodied by (3) and local pa indeed explain some of the spatial variance in σζm patterns. However, there are clear differences between the two maps. For example, the σζib/γ pattern is less smooth and shows more small-scale noise than the σζm structure. These differences may implicate remote effects, such as free motions along H/f contours.

b. Horizontal scales

To quantify the dominant horizontal scales of ζm variability, we compute the cross-correlation matrix between all pairs of ζm time series over the ocean. This provides a test of our anticipation that ζm signals due to pa have large spatial scales. Instances are provided in Fig. 6, which shows global maps of correlation coefficients between ζm time series from six example locations and ζm everywhere else. These example locations were chosen from the different basins, including ones with relatively strong σζm values in the Arctic, Southern, and extratropical North Pacific Oceans, as well as ones with comparatively weak σζm values in the western equatorial Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (cf. Fig. 4a). For reference, given time series with 300 degrees of freedom, correlation coefficients with magnitudes 0.17 are distinguishable from zero at the 99% confidence level.

Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.

Color shading indicates correlation coefficients between ζm over the global ocean and ζm in the (a) Amundsen–Bellingshausen Basin, (b) Australian–Antarctic Basin, (c) extratropical North Pacific Ocean, (d) Beaufort Sea, (e) western equatorial Atlantic Ocean, and (f) western equatorial Pacific Ocean (see white circles in the various panels). Lightly shaded values have magnitudes 0.17 and are not distinguishable from zero at the 99% confidence level. Black contours indicate H/f contours between 2 × 107 and 12 × 107 m s at increments of 2 × 107 m s.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

Fluctuations in ζm covary across basin scales (Fig. 6). For example, ζm variations over the Amundsen–Bellingshausen and Australian–Antarctic Basins are coherent with ζm broadly over the Southern Ocean (Figs. 6a,b). We also see that ζm changes over the extratropical North Pacific Ocean are correlated with ζm elsewhere over the entire Pacific Ocean, and that ζm behavior over the Beaufort Sea covaries with ζm not only across the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas, but also on the shelf and slope of eastern North America and the tropical Atlantic Ocean (Figs. 6c,d). Interrogating low-latitude behavior, we find that ζm variability in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean off Brazil is correlated with ζm over the Atlantic Ocean and, to a lesser extent, Indian and Arctic Oceans, whereas ζm behavior in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean near Papua exhibits coherence with ζm across the Pacific Ocean (Figs. 6e,f). These basin-scale ζm signals imply subtle mass convergences and divergences. For example, a ∼1-mm monthly ζm anomaly over the Pacific Ocean (surface area ∼ 2 × 1014 m2) requires a monthly transport anomaly of just ∼0.1 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1).

Cross-correlation patterns in Fig. 6 hint at mechanisms that may mediate the ζm response. Basin-scale regions of coherent ζm variation are essentially bounded by H/f contours and coasts, suggesting that barotropic planetary waves are involved in facilitating the transient ocean adjustment process (Hughes et al. 2019, their Fig. 1). In the Southern Ocean, H/f contours largely conform to bathymetry, and continental boundaries are absent at the latitudes of Drake Passage. Thus, spatial correlation patterns of ζm signals there are strongly influenced by the Chile, Pacific Antarctic, Southeast Indian, and Southwest Indian Ridges, which isolate the Australian–Antarctic, Amundsen–Bellingshausen, and Weddell–Enderby Basins from other deep ocean basins.

Correlation patterns elsewhere can be understood in terms of equatorial, coastal, and Rossby wave propagation. Figure 6f gives an instructive example. Equatorial Kelvin waves propagating eastward across the equatorial Pacific Ocean, coastal Kelvin waves progressing poleward in the cyclonic sense along the west coast of the Americas, and Rossby waves radiating westward into the interior from the eastern boundary could explain the enhanced correlations observed between ζm in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean and ζm elsewhere over the Pacific Ocean.3 The abrupt change in correlation between the North Pacific and Arctic Oceans may reflect a communication barrier between the two basins related to the shallow depth or narrow width of the Bering Strait relative to relevant barotropic length scales. Signals appear to exit the Pacific Ocean following the coastal waveguide. Elevated correlations persist along Chile, through northern Drake Passage, and across the Patagonia shelf, dissipating downstream off Brazil where the shelf narrows. The southern boundary of the region of coherence seems to be set by H/f contours rather than by continental coastlines. A correlation gradient exists between the southwest Pacific and Amundsen–Bellingshausen Basins across H/f contours demarcated by the Pacific Antarctic and Chile Ridges. Importantly, the Chile Ridge intersects the slope off southwestern South America, hinting that the H/f contours that set the region’s southern boundary are the southernmost H/f contours emanating from around South America along which Rossby waves propagate from the eastern boundary. Similar reasoning can be used to interpret the correlation patterns for signals in other basins (Figs. 6c–e).

The spatial patterns in Fig. 6 also imply interbasin mass exchange. In addition to large-scale regions with positive correlations, there are also broad ocean areas with negative correlations. For example, ζm in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean is anticorrelated with ζm across the Pacific Ocean, and ζm in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean is in antiphase with ζm across the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans (Figs. 6e,f). These correlation patterns are similar to covariance structures reported by Stepanov and Hughes (2006) in their study of basin-scale signal propagation from a barotropic model. They identify a primary exchange between the Southern and Pacific Oceans at intraseasonal periods, which they interpret in terms of circumpolar wind and form stress around Drake Passage. By elucidating these subtle interbasin exchanges and basin modes forced by pa at monthly and longer periods, our results thus complement the earlier findings of Stepanov and Hughes (2006), which emphasize the wind-driven ocean response on these time scales. Note that Chambers and Willis (2009) also discuss mass exchange between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans using monthly GRACE data over 2002–08, but they do not identify the underlying forcing and dynamics.

We also interrogate cross-correlation patterns determined from ζib (Fig. 7). Comparing Figs. 6 and 7, we observe that spatial covariance structures typifying the atmospheric forcing and oceanic response are distinct. On the one hand, regions of coherent ζm variations have larger basin scales, are simply connected (contiguous), and feature more abrupt boundaries determined by H/f and coastlines. On the other hand, areas of correlated ζib fluctuations are relatively more localized or regionalized, show smoother, more gradual boundaries, and are multiply connected, with apparent far-field teleconnections. This underscores the role of ocean dynamics and nonlocal effects in establishing the dominant ζm spatial covariance structure.

Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.

Color shading indicates correlation coefficients between ζib over the global ocean and ζib in the (a) Amundsen–Bellingshausen Basin, (b) Australian–Antarctic Basin, (c) extratropical North Pacific Ocean, (d) Beaufort Sea, (e) western equatorial Atlantic Ocean, and (f) western equatorial Pacific Ocean (see white circles in the various panels). Lightly shaded values have magnitudes 0.17 and are not distinguishable from zero at the 99% confidence level.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

c. Vertical scales

Our interpretation mainly in terms of barotropic dynamics is corroborated by comparing modeled ζm to simulated ocean dynamic sea level ζ′. Changes in ζ′ identify changes in sea surface height above the geoid with the IB correction made (Gregory et al. 2019). For a purely barotropic response, subsurface pressure signals are vertically uniform (Gill 1982), and ζ′ and ζm variations are equal (Vinogradova et al. 2007). Differences between ζ′ and ζm changes, which represent changes in steric sea level ζρ arising from density changes at constant mass (Gregory et al. 2019), indicate baroclinic contributions to the ocean’s adjustment. Since our model simulations represent the full primitive equations, including density and stratification effects, the ζ′ response to pa can, in principle, involve both ζm and ζρ processes.

Over much of the ocean, ζm explains a majority of local monthly ζ′ variability (Fig. 8), indicating a largely barotropic response. More quantitatively, ζm accounts for >80% of the ζ′ variance in 88% of grid cells, where we define the percent variance V in x explained by y as
where σ2 is variance. These results are qualitatively consistent with basic expectations from analytical theory for a stratified ocean forced by pa (Ponte 1992; Wunsch and Stammer 1997). However, in some regions, ζm fails to account for most of the ζ′ variance. Across parts of the extratropical Pacific Basin, Arabian Sea, southern tropical Indian Ocean, Wharton Basin abutting the Indonesian Throughflow, extratropical North Atlantic and Iberian Basins, slope regions of the Argentine Basin and Scotia Sea adjacent to the Patagonia Shelf, and parts of the South Australian Basin and Tasman Sea around Tasmania, ζm explains 60% of the local ζ′ variance (Fig. 8). In these regions, σζρ values can be 60% as large as σζ values (Fig. 9).
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.

Color shading indicates the percentage variance V in monthly ζ′ explained by ζm.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.

Color shading indicates ratios of σζρ to σζ.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

The relative contributions of ζρ to ζ′ variability here are larger than reported in past studies. In their global modeling investigation of stratification effects on the large-scale ocean response to pa, Ponte and Vinogradov (2007) find σζρ/σζ values up to ∼0.1–0.2 but more typically ∼0.01–0.02. This contrasts with σζρ/σζ values in Fig. 9, which have a spatial mean of ∼0.3 and can reach >1 in the most extreme cases. Importantly, whereas we analyze monthly model output generated from a 25-yr numerical integration, Ponte and Vinogradov (2007) study 6-hourly values from a 1-yr simulation. Since baroclinic effects generally become more important at longer periods (Vinogradova et al. 2007), such contrasts are therefore not entirely surprising. Even so, the details of the patterns of ζρ contributions to ζ′ variability are nontrivial and warrant further investigation. A thorough inquiry into ζρ is beyond our scope, given our primary focus on ζm and the small amplitudes of these ζρ signals. However, we speculate that topographic interactions may be involved where ζρ effects are important and bathymetry is abrupt (e.g., Indonesian Throughflow), and vertical heaving may be implicated where background stratification is strong (e.g., southern tropical Indian Ocean). Small differences in surface heat and freshwater fluxes between the two simulations, touched on earlier, may also be involved.

d. Time scales

Spectral analysis sheds more light on ζm variability and its relation to ζib and ζ′ fluctuations. Figure 10 shows power spectral densities of ζib, ζm, ζ′, and ζρ spatially averaged over the ocean. Aside from clear annual and semiannual signals, and possibly a harmonic partial at the 4-month period, the global-mean power spectral density of ζib looks essentially white, with roughly equal power across all nonseasonal frequencies. This corroborates basic expectations for white-noise atmospheric spectra at periods longer than a couple weeks (Frankignoul and Hasselmann 1977; Frankignoul and Müller 1979; Willebrand 1978). In contrast, while it also exhibits seasonal peaks,4 the globally averaged spectrum of ζm features decreasing power with decreasing frequency. Global-mean power in ζm is ∼1% as large as ζib power at time scales ∼2 months and 0.1% as large at time scales 2 years (Fig. 10). Generally, such spectral behavior is predicted from the ω dependence in (4) and agrees with intuition that deviations from an isostatic response to pa, quantified in terms of ζm, become smaller at longer periods (Ponte et al. 1991).

Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.

Global-mean power spectral densities for ζib (blue), ζ′ (red), ζm (yellow), and ζρ (purple). The cpy acronym stands for cycles per year.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

For periods from a couple months to a few years, global-mean spectra of ζm and ζ′ are basically identical (Fig. 10). Since ζm and ζ′ variance is concentrated at short periods, this reemphasizes that monthly ζ′ variance is largely barotropic and explained by ζm (Fig. 8). However, the tight coupling between global-mean ζm and ζ′ spectra breaks down for periods longer than a few years. At the longest periods ∼1 decade, ζ′ power increases with decreasing frequency, such that power spectral densities for ζ′ and ζρ are comparable to one another, and larger than for ζm (Fig. 10). The “crossover time scale” is when ζm and ζρ effects on pa-driven ζ′ are about equal is ∼5–7 years. This is somewhat different from past studies reasoning that the ocean’s response to atmospheric forcing becomes essentially baroclinic by shorter time scales ∼1 year (Willebrand et al. 1980; Quinn and Ponte 2012; Vinogradova et al. 2007). The reason for this difference may be that pa has larger scales and projects more strongly onto the barotropic mode than do other forcing functions like wind stress and buoyancy flux that tend to be the focus in studies on the vertical structure of ocean variability.

e. Relation to observations

Having established the dominant magnitudes and scales of low-frequency ζm variability due to pa loading, it remains to determine whether such behavior is relevant for interpretation of satellite gravimetry data over the ocean. To quantify the correspondence between modeled and observed signals in terms of phase and amplitude, we compute Pearson correlation coefficients and ratios of modeled to observed σζm between ECCO simulations and GRACE observations (Figs. 11 and 12). To avoid confusion, we use E and G superscripts to identify ζm from model and data, respectively. Whereas ζmE fluctuations arise solely from pa forcing, ζmG variations result from pa forcing as well as other dynamic and isostatic effects, such as the ocean response to wind and freshwater flux, and changes in Earth’s gravitation, rotation, and deformation. If correlation coefficients and σζmE/σζmG values are both ∼1, it means that pa forcing makes primary contributions to behavior observed by GRACE, while σζmE/σζmG and correlations both ∼0 imply that pa contributions to GRACE signals are negligible compared to other driving mechanisms.

Fig. 11.
Fig. 11.

(a) Color shading indicates correlation coefficients between ζmE from the model simulations and ζmG from GRACE mass data. Lightly shaded values have magnitudes 0.15 and are not distinguishable from zero at the 95% confidence level. (b) As in (a), but with a 10° isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel applied to ECCO and GRACE before calculating correlation coefficients.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

Fig. 12.
Fig. 12.

Color shading indicates ratios of σmE to σmG. The right panel shows zonally averaged values.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

Significant correlations are observed between ζmE and ζmG across broad swaths of the ocean (Fig. 11a). For reference, values with magnitudes 0.15 are distinguishable from zero at the 95% confidence level. Elevated values 0.2–0.3 are apparent in open-ocean regions, including over the Amundsen–Bellingshausen Basin in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, and across much of the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Strong correlations 0.2–0.4 are also found in marginal seas in the western Pacific Ocean such as the Gulf of Thailand, Yellow Sea, and Sea of Okhotsk. Shelf and slope regions in the North Atlantic Ocean also feature enhanced coefficients 0.2–0.3, namely, small areas over the Greenland–Scotland Ridge, within the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay, and over the Grand Banks off Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada. Significant negative correlations appear in the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf, off South Africa, and over the Nordic Seas—such behavior may reflect random chance given the confidence levels used to assess significance, and it remains to be determined whether these instances identify true antiphase relationships between ζmE and ζmG. If fields are spatially smoothed, correlation coefficients between ζmE and ζmG increase (Fig. 11b), consistent with theoretical expectations [cf. Fig. 13 and Eq. (6) below].

Fig. 13.
Fig. 13.

Values of the gain of the transfer function G=ωf3ρa/(23/2gCDL3p˜a) for variable L and latitude (6). Values are averaged over frequencies between ω = 0 and ω = 2π/2 months (the Nyquist angular frequency of GRACE). White contours identify values of 0.01 and 0.19, which are the 0.5th and 99.5th percentiles of values in Fig. 12.

Citation: Journal of Physical Oceanography 52, 11; 10.1175/JPO-D-22-0090.1

Ratios of σζmE to σζmG range between <0.01 and >0.20 depending on location (Fig. 12). Typical σζmE/σζmG values over the ocean are 0.05–0.08. Basin-scale structure is apparent, such that ratios over the Atlantic and Southern Oceans 0.07–0.08 are generally larger than those over the Pacific and Indian Oceans 0.04–0.05. The largest values σζmE/σζmG0.15 are observed over the Arctic Ocean, Nordic Seas, and Hudson Bay. Especially noteworthy are ratios 0.20 around the Canadian Archipelago and Greenland, namely, in the Beaufort Sea, Canadian Basin, Lincoln Sea, Fram Strait, and Greenland Sea. Other areas with elevated values ∼0.10 include the slope of the Grand Banks and midocean ridges in the Southern Ocean. In contrast, smaller values σζmE/σζmG0.03 are seen over the Zapiola Rise in the Argentine Basin, across the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Arafura Sea north of Australia, along the Izu Arc off Japan, within the Gulf of Thailand and around Indonesia, as well as inside the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. These ratios may signify strong ocean variation due to other forcing mechanisms, or nonocean signals in GRACE mass data over the ocean (e.g., Tōhoku and Sumatra–Andaman earthquakes, leakage of terrestrial water storage).

Most past studies interpret intraseasonal-to-interannual ζmG variations in terms of wind stress τ forcing (see discussion for more details). Assuming that τ is the most important driver of ζmG on these time scales, and assuming that τ-driven and pa-forced ζm signals have comparable spatial scales, we develop a simple theory for the ratio of local pa to τ forcing to interpret the σζmE/σζmG values in Fig. 12. It follows from mass and momentum conservation in a linear, frictionless, barotropic ocean that the gain of the transfer function between ζm signals forced by pa and τ is (see appendix C for a derivation)
where ρa is air density, CD is a drag coefficient, and L and p˜a are a dominant wavenumber and representative magnitude of pa variation, respectively. As defined in (6), for fixed p˜a, G increases (meaning that pa becomes relatively more important compared to τ) with latitude, scale, and frequency. Consistent with (6), σζmE/σζmG values show latitudinal dependence, increasing from an average value of ∼0.05 between 0° and 20° latitude to ∼0.07 between 30° and 50° and ∼0.09 between 60° and 80° (Fig. 12). More quantitatively, 99% of σζmE/σζmG values shown in Fig. 12 fall between 0.01 and 0.19. A similar range of values is anticipated from (4) at monthly and longer time scales outside of the tropics for spatial scales 2π/L 2000–10 000 km assuming a representative amplitude of p˜a5hPa (Fig. 13). Note that pa fluctuations show similar spatial correlation scales on the order of a few thousand kilometers (Fig. 7).

These results suggest that theory embodied by (6) provides a lowest-order description of the relative role of pa loading in generating mass signals over the ocean observed by GRACE. While they are less important than τ contributions, pa contributions to monthly ζm fluctuations are on the same order of magnitude as contributions from surface freshwater fluxes (Dobslaw and Thomas 2007; Peralta-Ferriz and Morison 2010; Piecuch and Wadehra 2020) and changes in Earth gravitation, rotation, and deformation (Adhikari et al. 2019). Thus, loading by pa constitutes a secondary but nevertheless important contributor to monthly ζm variability, which should be accounted for in comprehensive, quantitative attributions of mass changes observed by GRACE satellite gravimetry over the ocean.

4. Discussion

We used twin global ocean model experiments, performed in the context of the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) project, to quantify the dominant magnitudes and scales of the low-frequency dynamic manometric sea level ζm response to barometric-pressure pa loading (Figs. 310). We also determined the correspondence between modeled ζm fluctuations driven by variable pa and variations in ζm from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) arising from changes pa and other dynamic and isostatic processes (Figs. 11, 12). Findings were interpreted in light of simple scaling arguments from barotropic potential vorticity conservation (Figs. 1, 13). Our results complement past studies, identify open questions, and point to possible avenues of future work.

Past studies of the large-scale, intraseasonal-to-interannual ocean response based on satellite gravimetry find elevated ζm signals in the same continental-shelf, marginal-sea, and abyssal-plain regions highlighted here, largely ascribing them to wind forcing (Bingham and Hughes 2006; Boening et al. 2011; Bonin and Chambers 2011; Chambers 2011; Fukumori et al. 2015; Landerer and Volkov 2013; Quinn and Ponte 2011, 2012; Peralta-Ferriz et al. 2014; Piecuch et al. 2013; Piecuch and Ponte 2015; Ponte et al. 2007; Ponte and Piecuch 2014; Volkov 2014; Volkov and Landerer 2013). Likewise, past ζ studies using altimetry and models also point to the Amundsen–Bellingshausen, Australian–Antarctic, Weddell–Enderby, and Pacific Basins as hotspots of barotropic variability on periods ranging from hours to months, with most interpreting these regional features in terms of highly damped geostrophic modes or topographically trapped Rossby waves forced by wind stress (Chao and Fu 1995; Fu 2003; Fu and Smith 1996; Fukumori et al. 1998; Stammer et al. 2000; Vivier et al. 2005; Webb and de Cuevas 2002a,b, 2003; Weijer 2010; Weijer et al. 2009). By quantifying the secondary influence of pa loading, we complement the literature stressing the primary role of wind forcing on the continental shelf, in marginal seas, and over abyssal plains.

Modeling studies on the ocean’s dynamic response to variable pa loading similarly identify strong ζm variation on the continental shelf, in marginal seas, and over midlatitude abyssal plains (Greatbatch et al. 1996; Hirose et al. 2001; Mathers and Woodworth 2001; Ponte 1993, 1994, 1997, 2009; Ponte et al. 1991; Ponte and Vinogradov 2007; Stepanov and Hughes 2004, 2006; Tierney et al. 2000; Wright et al. 1987). These studies typically consider high-frequency output from short model integrations (e.g., 6-hourly values from a 1-yr simulation), which tend to emphasize shorter-period behavior. Models used in many of these studies also omit the Arctic Ocean. By interrogating lower-frequency output from a multidecadal global ocean model run, we thus add value to the literature by showing that subtle ζm signals driven by pa persist at monthly and longer periods, with strongest variability in and around the Arctic Ocean.

The findings of our spectral analysis are consistent with, but build upon, past modeling results. Earlier spectral analyses by Hirose et al. (2001), Ponte (1993), and Ponte and Vinogradov (2007), based on short integrations of global ocean models forced by pa loading, establish that ζm and ζ′ power increases with decreasing frequency for periods from ∼1 day to ∼1 week, and thereafter decreases with decreasing frequency for periods from a couple weeks to a few months. They also clarify that ζρ effects on ζ′ variations are small on these time scales. By showing that ζm and ζ′ have decreasing power with decreasing frequency and are tightly coupled to each other on periods from a couple months to a few years, and demonstrating that ζρ changes and baroclinic effects contribute more importantly to ζ′ variations at longer time scales approaching ∼1 decade, we thus corroborate and extend previous findings.

The dynamic ocean response to variable pa loading in the Arctic Ocean over monthly and longer periods has not received much attention in the literature. Past studies on the dynamic ocean response to pa may have overlooked these signals because models used in those studies often omit the Arctic Ocean. An exception is Stepanov and Hughes (2006), whose barotropic model includes the Arctic Ocean. However, their discussion focuses on exchange between the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans, and only peripherally addresses behavior in the Arctic Ocean. The Stepanov and Hughes (2006) model also includes wind forcing, so the role of pa cannot be inferred unambiguously from their results. Past GRACE studies also largely omit discussion of pa forcing in this region. The only exception we are aware of is Peralta-Ferriz and Morison (2010), who include pa in their analytical model of the annual cycle in pb averaged over the Arctic Ocean from GRACE during 2002–08. However, the annual cycle only accounts for 15% of the monthly data variance in their study, so it remains to be determined whether the frictional processes described by those authors apply to other time scales more generally. Furthermore, since their model is formulated in terms of a basin average, it does not shed light onto the spatial structure of the oceanic response within the Arctic Ocean. Thus, future studies should interrogate pa-driven ζm variability in the Arctic Ocean in more detail, identifying the relevant forcing regions and elucidating the details of the dynamic response.

Our interpretation of the low-frequency dynamic ocean response to pa was largely in terms of barotropic processes. This interpretation was supported by comparison between ζm and ocean dynamic sea level ζ′ from the ECCO experiments (Fig. 8). However, we found that baroclinic effects and changes in steric sea level ζρ can be important for understanding the ζ′ response to pa in some regions and on longer time scales, generally (Fig. 9). Since our primary focus was on ζm behavior and satellite gravity data on monthly to decadal time scales, we deferred a thorough investigation of the mechanisms of ζρ variability due to variable pa loading. This topic could be taken up in future studies.

Contrary to popular belief that floating ice has no effect on sea level, past studies establish that sea ice drives a thermodynamic ocean response and ζρ changes. Specifically, melting ice freshens the ocean, leading to ζρ increase related to the salinity decrease (Fukumori et al. 2021; Jenkins and Holland 2007; Munk 2003; Noerdlinger and Brower 2007; Shepherd et al. 2010). What has not, to our knowledge, been recognized is that changes in sea ice may also excite a dynamic ocean adjustment and ζm changes. Changes in sea ice loading due to melting and freezing from freshwater fluxes with the ocean have no dynamical effect—since changes in the sea ice load are exactly balanced by the variable load implied by the surface freshwater flux itself, the ocean responds isostatically (Campin et al. 2008; Gill 1982; Gregory et al. 2019; Griffies and Greatbatch 2012). In contrast, any changes in sea ice loading related to sublimation and snowfall or lateral convergence or divergence of sea ice and snow that are not balanced by compensating pa changes would imply a net load on the ocean that forces a dynamic ocean response analogous to the effects of pa studied here. A follow-on study should be undertaken using model experiments to establish magnitudes and spatiotemporal scales of the dynamic ocean response to net loading by sea ice changes and ice–ocean freshwater fluxes in combination with pa loading, and if such effects are relevant to interpretation of GRACE data over the Arctic and Southern Oceans.


The time series of p¯a is dominated by the seasonal cycle, which has an amplitude ∼1 hPa (e.g., Fig. 3a in Wunsch and Stammer 1997).


Strictly speaking, since the model is forced by bulk formulas, differences may exist between the two simulations in terms of surface heat and freshwater fluxes, which may influence our results. However, since we anticipate a mostly linear response, and because model results are consistent with basic considerations from pa-forced ocean dynamics (see below), we assume that such nonlinear effects have a small effect and do not pursue them further.


Given the rapid phase speeds of barotropic waves, time scales of the transient adjustment process are generally much shorter than the monthly periods being studied here.


Averaging over the ocean, we find that the seasonal cycle typically explains ∼10% of the total variance in monthly ζm at the model grid cell.


The authors acknowledge support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through the GRACE Follow-On Science Team (Grant 80NSSC20K0728) and the Sea Level Change Team (Grant 80NSSC20K1241). The contribution from I. F. and O. W. represents research carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant 80NM0018D0004).

Data availability statement.

Observational data and model output studied here are available through and MATLAB codes used to produce the results are available from C. G. P. upon request.


Dynamic Manometric Sea Level ζm

The definition of ζm in Eq. (2) is equivalent to the “dynamic bottom pressure” from Stepanov and Hughes (2006) and identical to the “dynamic bottom pressure … in terms of the equivalent sea level” from Ponte and Vinogradov (2007). While “dynamic” appears in its name, ζm is not a purely dynamical quantity. For example, a horizontally uniform global-mean ζm rise resulting from melting glaciers and ice sheets does not participate in ocean dynamics. The definition of ζm in Eq. (2) is similar to the definition of manometric sea level from Gregory et al. (2019) [see their note (N18) and Eqs. (33) and (36)]. The difference between the definitions is that manometric sea level includes the IB effect (Fig. 3 in Gregory et al. 2019) whereas ζm does not. In other words, manometric sea level measures the mass of the oceanic water column whereas ζm measures the mass of the combined oceanic–atmospheric fluid column above the seafloor. We consider ζm rather than manometric sea level given our focus on ocean dynamics.


Derivation of Potential Vorticity Equation and Transfer Function

Starting from the depth-integrated linear momentum and mass continuity equations
Hughes (2008) derives the following form of potential vorticity equation for depth-integrated flow

Here UHζρudz is depth-integrated mass transport with horizontal velocity u and density ρ, FτHζpdz is horizontal force per unit area with wind stress τ, Q is mass source per unit area, M(pbpa)/g is ocean mass per unit area, EH0ρgzdz is potential energy per unit area, and z^ is the vertical unit vector. All other symbols are defined above. As explained by Hughes (2008), (B3) is, “the most general form of a linear barotropic potential vorticity equation in a single scalar variable,” applicable to subinertial motions. Interested readers are referred to Hughes (2008) for details on the derivation of (B3) from (B1) and (B2).

We derive a reduced form of (B3) for studying the large-scale, low-frequency ζm response to pa in the context of satellite gravimetry. Ignoring mass sources, wind stress, and stratification, we obtain a potential vorticity equation for a barotropic ocean forced by pa loading
Dividing by ρ0 and subtracting p¯at from both sides, we express (B4) in terms of ζm and ζib
by virtue of (1) and (2). Note that, to write relative-vorticity generation (second term on the left) and the Jacobian determinant (third term on the left) in terms of ζm, we subtract p¯at and p¯a from under their respective spatial derivatives, which is allowed as both are horizontally uniform.
We perform a dimensional analysis to simplify (B5) for the space and time scales under study. The ratio of relative-vorticity generation to the Jacobian determinant goes like ω/f, whereas the ratio of stretching (first term on the left of B5) to the Jacobian determinant goes like ω2/fR2, where is a length scale and RgH/f is the barotropic Rossby radius of deformation. Considering the monthly periods and basin scales observed by GRACE, and assuming a typical midlatitude value of f ≈ 1 × 10−4 s−1 and representative ocean depth H ≈ 4000 m, we obtain that ω/f ≪ 1 and ω2/fR21, meaning that stretching and relative-vorticity generation are small compared to the Jacobian determinant. Ignoring the former terms in (B5) gives the lowest-order potential vorticity equation in (3)
To obtain the transfer function in (4), we assume that ζm and ζib are given by Fourier components (plane waves) of the form exp[i(kx + lyωt)] where kkx^+ly^ is horizontal wavenumber with zonal and meridional unit vectors x^ and y^, respectively, and i1. Inserting wave forms into (3) and dividing by ζib yields
Defining γ|(H/f)| the magnitude of the H/f gradient and K the projection of k along H/f contours [i.e., perpendicular to ∇(H/f)], we rewrite (B7) in the form of (4) from the main text


Transfer Function between ζm due to pa to τ Forcing

To understand the relationship between ζm signals from the model and GRACE (Fig. 12), we formulate a theory for the transfer function between pa-driven and τ-forced ζm variation. According to (B3), the transfer function of pa to τ forcing of ζm is
Note that the denominator of (C1) omits a term related to the divergence of τ tendency [cf. (B3)], which is small relative to τ curl on monthly and longer time scales of interest here. To simplify (C1), we write τ in terms of wind v
where ρa is air density, CD is drag coefficient, and we ignore surface currents. We also assume that winds are geostrophic
Inserting (C2) and (C3) into (C1), assuming pa is given by plane waves, simplifying the resulting expression, and taking the magnitude yields the gain from (6) in the main text
where p˜a is a real constant representing the magnitude of pa variation and we define the isotropic wavenumber k = l = L. According to (C4), pa becomes important relative to τ for higher latitude, shorter periods, and larger scales. Figure 13 shows G(pa,τ) values averaged over all frequencies between ω = 0 and ω = 2π/2 months as a function of latitude and L assuming reasonable values ρa ∼ 1 kg m−3, CD ∼ 1 × 10−3, g ∼ 10 m s−2, and p˜a5.


  • Fig. 1.

    Values of the transfer function h = ω/gKγ for variable K and γ (4). Values are averaged over frequencies between ω = 0 and ω = 2π/2 months (the Nyquist angular frequency of GRACE and GRACE-FO). White contours identify values of 0.01 and 0.14, which are the 0.5th and 99.5th percentiles of values in Fig. 5.

  • Fig. 2.

    Color shading indicates values of γ (the magnitude of the H/f gradient). Units are seconds. Note the logarithmic color scale. Black contours indicate H contours between 0 and 6000 m at 1000-m increments.

  • Fig. 3.

    Color shading indicates values of σζib (the standard deviation of the IB effect). Units are centimeters. Values are based on monthly model output during 1993–2017.

  • Fig. 4.

    (a) Color shading indicates values of σζm (the standard deviation of manometric sea level). Units are centimeters. Values are based on monthly model output during 1993–2017. (b) Color shading indicates ratios of σζib to γ (Fig. 3 divided by Fig. 2). We set min(γ) = 1 s to avoid overly large values of σζib/γ. Values are scaled, and units are arbitrary.

  • Fig. 5.

    Color shading indicates ratios of σζm to σζib (Fig. 4a divided by Fig. 3).

  • Fig. 6.

    Color shading indicates correlation coefficients between ζm over the global ocean and ζm in the (a) Amundsen–Bellingshausen Basin, (b) Australian–Antarctic Basin, (c) extratropical North Pacific Ocean, (d) Beaufort Sea, (e) western equatorial Atlantic Ocean, and (f) western equatorial Pacific Ocean (see white circles in the various panels). Lightly shaded values have magnitudes 0.17 and are not distinguishable from zero at the 99% confidence level. Black contours indicate H/f contours between 2 × 107 and 12 × 107 m s at increments of 2 × 107 m s.

  • Fig. 7.

    Color shading indicates correlation coefficients between ζib over the global ocean and ζib in the (a) Amundsen–Bellingshausen Basin, (b) Australian–Antarctic Basin, (c) extratropical North Pacific Ocean, (d) Beaufort Sea, (e) western equatorial Atlantic Ocean, and (f) western equatorial Pacific Ocean (see white circles in the various panels). Lightly shaded values have magnitudes 0.17 and are not distinguishable from zero at the 99% confidence level.

  • Fig. 8.

    Color shading indicates the percentage variance V in monthly ζ′ explained by ζm.

  • Fig. 9.

    Color shading indicates ratios of σζρ to σζ.

  • Fig. 10.

    Global-mean power spectral densities for ζib (blue), ζ′ (red), ζm (yellow), and ζρ (purple). The cpy acronym stands for cycles per year.

  • Fig. 11.

    (a) Color shading indicates correlation coefficients between ζmE from the model simulations and ζmG from GRACE mass data. Lightly shaded values have magnitudes 0.15 and are not distinguishable from zero at the 95% confidence level. (b) As in (a), but with a 10° isotropic Gaussian smoothing kernel applied to ECCO and GRACE before calculating correlation coefficients.

  • Fig. 12.

    Color shading indicates ratios of σmE to σmG. The right panel shows zonally averaged values.

  • Fig. 13.

    Values of the gain of the transfer function G=ωf3ρa/(23/2gCDL3p˜a) for variable L and latitude (6). Values are averaged over frequencies between ω = 0 and ω = 2π/2 months (the Nyquist angular frequency of GRACE). White contours identify values of 0.01 and 0.19, which are the 0.5th and 99.5th percentiles of values in Fig. 12.

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