1. Introduction
Passive microwave temperature and water vapor sounding instruments have been providing information on the atmospheric state from space on a global basis for over 40 years and are now critical for accurate forecasts from numerical weather prediction models (Bormann et al. 2013; Doherty et al. 2015; Li et al. 2016). The global operational record began with the Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) and continued with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) (Homan and Soltis 1977; Aumann et al. 2003; Kim et al. 2014). While the technology has evolved over time, the basic calibration approach has remained the same. Spaceborne microwave radiometers are typically calibrated to determine antenna brightness from the measured voltage (or counts) using frequent observations of two points that bound the range of Earth-viewing brightness temperatures. Most often they comprise an ambient temperature free-space blackbody absorber and the cosmic microwave background using a clear view to cold space. Radiometers are generally designed to be linear systems, so only two points are needed to characterize the receiver gain (slope) and receiver noise temperature (offset). However, there are certain instances when one or the other target becomes corrupted, such as direct solar illumination of the blackbody load or lunar/solar intrusion in the cold space view (Kunkee et al. 2008). In these cases, the calibration is typically degraded for a period of an orbit. Methods to correct for or interpolate across these degraded periods have been developed with some success (Kigawa and Mo 2002; Mo and Kigawa 2007; Hu and Weng 2015). However, an alternative, computationally straightforward calibration approach capable of producing the same quality of calibration as the two-point approach would be desired.
In this study, we investigate a single-point calibration approach using on-orbit data from the Temporal Experiment for Storms and Tropical Systems Demonstration (TEMPEST-D) CubeSat microwave radiometer/sounder (Reising et al. 2018; Padmanabhan et al. 2021). This approach has been applied to the L-band Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) radiometer on the Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite, demonstrating that it is equivalent to or better than the two-point calibration approach for that receiver (Corbella et al. 2020). However, it has yet to be applied to microwave sounders operating at higher microwave frequencies up to 183 GHz. This study compares the calibration quality between the single-point and two-point calibration methods as applied to the TEMPEST-D sensor operating from 87 to 181 GHz. This study is motivated by the Space Test Program Houston-8 (STP-H8) mission which has deployed the TEMPEST flight spare unit on the International Space Station (ISS). TEMPEST-H8 uses the same blackbody target/cold space calibration approach as prior sounders; however, the cold space view is expected to be blocked by visiting spacecraft for periods of 3 or more months as well as at certain points in each orbit by the ISS solar arrays. During this time, only the warm blackbody target is available for calibration, and an alternative single-point calibration approach is required.
2. TEMPEST instrument description
The TEMPEST mission was originally conceived to provide greatly improved temporal resolution of global observations from LEO of convective precipitation over the ocean and the surrounding water vapor profile. The TEMPEST-D CubeSat demonstration satellite was designed, built, and deployed from the ISS in July 2018. It operated continuously on-orbit until it reentered Earth’s atmosphere on 21 June 2021. TEMPEST-D is a 6U CubeSat carrying a cross-track-imaging, five-channel passive microwave radiometer with bands from 87 to 181 GHz. Critical to the TEMPEST design is the ability to accurately resolve the time derivative of the scene brightness temperature. This is facilitated by the inclusion of high-quality, blackbody calibration sources viewed through the antenna, end to end (Padmanabhan et al. 2021). In this way, the sensor design and data quality are similar to the ATMS on the NOAA LEO polar-orbiting operational satellites (Kim et al. 2014). A comprehensive intercalibration study using the double-difference method demonstrated that the TEMPEST-D calibration is statistically identical to the Global Precipitation Mission Microwave Imager (GMI) and the Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) sensors on ESA/EUMETSAT MetOp series satellites (Berg et al. 2021).
The TEMPEST-D CubeSat instrument, illustrated in Fig. 1, comprises a scanning antenna assembly, a single multifrequency feed horn, and five direct-detection microwave receivers. The five center frequencies are 87, 164, 174, 178, and 181 GHz. The antenna scans at 30 RPM in the cross-track direction, providing views of the Earth scene and two calibration targets. A blackbody absorber is viewed at the top of the scan in the zenith direction, and cold space is viewed approximately 90° from nadir. The blackbody absorber temperature is continuously monitored by thermistors mounted on the aluminum backplane. The radiometer integrates samples for 5 ms. The receivers use indium phosphide HEMT low-noise amplifiers, reducing the receiver noise temperature compared to other spaceborne radiometers at similar frequencies. The sensor mass is 3.8 kg, and it operates using only 6.5 W of power. The spatial resolution at nadir is 25 km for the 87-GHz channel and 12.5 km for the 164–181-GHz channels. The swath width is 1400 km.
3. Single-point calibration
a. Motivation
Microwave radiometers are typically calibrated using at least two well-characterized sources to determine the receiver gain (slope) and noise temperature (offset). However, if one of these parameters is already known, then only a single point is needed. A single-point calibration technique was suggested and applied to the MIRAS radiometer (Corbella et al. 2020). In this study, the technique is applied to the TEMPEST-D microwave radiometer over its 3-yr mission. The original motivation for this study is the TEMPEST-H8 microwave radiometer.
TEMPEST-H8 was launched to the ISS on 21 December 2021 for a 3-yr Space Force technology demonstration mission. It was installed and powered up on 7 January 2022. TEMPEST-H8 was built as a flight spare to TEMPEST-D and is nearly identical, with only minor differences in radiometer passband response due to fabrication tolerances. TEMPEST-H8 is calibrated in the same manner as TEMPEST-D, using a free-space blackbody target and view to cold space. However, on the ISS, the cold space view can be blocked by docked spacecraft for several months at a time. Additionally, the ISS solar arrays rotate during an orbit and partially obstruct the cold space view for periods of an orbit. During these times, only the blackbody target is available for calibration, and a single-point calibration approach must be implemented. This study compares one-point calibration to two-point calibration using TEMPEST-D data, to quantify the expected sensor error during times of cold space blockage.
b. Single-point calibration technique
c. Receiver noise temperature parameterization
4. Application to TEMPEST-D
a. TEMPEST-D receiver noise temperature characterization
A two-step process is used to determine the final set of ai coefficients. A first set of coefficients is fit by least squares regression to all the data over the 2018–20 time period using a single time-independent value for a0. Next, the measured receiver noise temperatures are differenced from this initial parameterization to remove the temperature dependence leaving a time-dependent residual. A monthly average of this residual is shown in Fig. 3. The trends in Fig. 3 nominally represent the time-dependent component of the a0(t) term, a temporal drift in the receiver noise temperature. This drift is not unexpected for a component aging. For TEMPEST-D, it was found that time dependence could be adequately characterized by monthly averages. Other sensors may require higher- or lower-order parameterizations for the time dependence based on the amplifier behavior. For TEMPEST-D, the a0(t) term is represented by a lookup table comprising the monthly average values shown in Fig. 3. Linear interpolation is used for times between the monthly values. A second fit is performed to fine tune the ai terms. The time-dependent biases from Fig. 3 [a0(t)] are subtracted from the measured receiver noise temperatures to which the ai terms are fit. The differences between the first and second fit were minor, as shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 3 shows that the receiver noise temperatures are remarkably stable in time. The 87 and 164 GHz channels are stable to approximately 1 K over the 3-yr dataset (<0.3%). The largest variation of about 22 K is observed in the 181-GHz channel (<3% of Trec). The InP HEMT LNAs used in TEMPEST-D have an upper design limitation near 183 GHz and the gain begins to decrease over the 181-GHz channel bandwidth, which may explain this observation.
The error bars in Fig. 4 represent the standard deviation of all measured receiver noise temperature per 0.5-K bin of LNA temperature after removal of the time-dependent offset in Fig. 3. The residual difference between the parameterized Trec using monthly updated offsets and the once per scan measured Trec is 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.2, and 2.3 K for the 87-, 164-, 174-, 178-, and 181-GHz channels, respectively. The white noise component of the measured Trec has been removed when computing these values.
b. Comparison of single-point and two-point calibration
To perform a direct comparison, TEMPEST-D data are calibrated using the nominal two-point method and the single-point method for 2018–20. Figure 5 shows the root-mean-square error between the two-point and single-point method as a function of antenna temperature for each channel. The slope of the error with antenna temperature is consistent with that predicted from Eq. (4) using the residual Trec errors given above. Figure 6 shows the mean difference and standard deviation between single-point and two-point calibration for each 5-ms sample and for each month of the mission (all antenna temperatures). It should be noted that the radiometric resolution of the antenna temperature (NEDT) is common to both the single-point and two-point calibrated TA in this comparison, so the standard deviation represents only the difference between the two calibration methods. The data are divided into ascending and descending passes. It is remarkable that the residual difference within a month is typically less than 0.05 K (1σ) for the 87–178-GHz channels and is less than 0.1 K (1σ) at 181 GHz. These results are consistent with the observed performance of the single-point calibration technique applied to the 1.4-GHz MIRAS radiometer (Corbella et al. 2020).
Monthly maps of the residual between the single-point and two-point calibration for the 87- and 164-GHz channels are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The residuals are generally in the range of 0.05 K and have a clear geographic dependence. This dependence is not correlated with the LNA temperature. The systematic nature of this dependence suggests that there are small, but detectable errors in the knowledge of the TEMPEST-D calibration targets. A probable explanation is subtle variations in three-dimensional thermal gradients of the TEMPEST-D blackbody calibration target not tracked by the thermistors on the backside as the environmental forcing changes during the year (e.g., solar illumination angle, Earth infrared flux). A detailed explanation for these residuals is beyond the scope of this paper; however, it suggests that the single-point calibration method can be applied to other spaceborne microwave radiometers to better characterize the quality of the onboard calibration sources.
5. Outlook for TEMPEST-H8
This study has demonstrated that the difference in TB computed using a single-point and two-point calibration approach is between 0.05 and 0.1 K (1σ) over the 3 years of the TEMPEST-D mission in low Earth orbit, with monthly updates to the receiver noise temperature. For TEMPEST-H8 on the ISS, the cold space view is expected to be blocked for periods of up to 3 months. The impact on calibration accuracy is conservatively assessed for a field-of-view blockage of up to 6 months. We estimate the worst-case residual receiver noise temperature temporal variation over any 6-month period from Fig. 3. The values range from less than 1 K at 90, 164, and 174 GHz to less than 7 K at 181 GHz. Using a calibration target temperature of 290 K, the error is estimated for sounding and for precipitation measurement using Eq. (4). A typical TB for atmospheric sounding is 250 K and a typical value for deep convective precipitation is 150 K. We note that the 181-GHz channel will rarely see TBs as low as 150 K, making this a conservative assessment for the channels closer to line center. The resulting errors are shown in Table 1. For a 250-K TB, the errors are in the range of 0.05–0.25 K. For a 150-K TB, which would be observed in deep convection, the error ranges from 0.2 to 0.9 K. These errors are nearly within the range of the single sample NEDT, and radiative transfer uncertainty for the two applications and would not appreciably degrade the respective retrievals. The errors would be about half of those listed in Table 1 for the anticipated 3-month blockage. It is noted that this analysis assumes TEMPEST-H8 will have similar Trec stability as TEMPEST-D did.
Estimated error (K) for TEMPEST-H8, based on TEMPEST-D data, for a 6-month cold space field-of-view blockage for TA = 150 and TA = 250 K.
6. Discussion and conclusions
This study has shown that a single-point calibration approach is a viable method for calibrating a microwave sounder using direct-detection receivers with 35-nm InP LNA front ends. The results from the TEMPEST-D CubeSat mission suggest that the method is equivalent to the two-point calibration approach when the receiver noise temperature is updated at least monthly. While the traditional two-point calibration approach will typically be superior to the single-point approach and is recommended for those sensors relied upon operationally for weather prediction and climate studies, there are cases where the single-point approach is beneficial. For example, future compact sensor designs (i.e., those on CubeSats or SmallSats) may consider a single calibration source if inclusion of two sources is impractical. In this case, a blackbody absorber source would be closer to the measured antenna temperatures, making it preferable to using cold space as the single calibration source. In practice, the receiver noise temperature time dependence (a0) can be tracked by periodic two-point calibration by spacecraft maneuver to point to cold space or by using vicarious methods, such as comparison to a radiative transfer model. Several cold sky calibrations could be performed at different instrument temperatures to verify the temperature dependence. This could be performed by taking advantage of environmentally induced in-orbit thermal variations or by changing radiometer temperature set points if active thermal control is available, with the former method preferable since it best preserves the correlation between the thermistor measurement and amplifier temperature. This method can be used as an alternative to correction or interpolation techniques for two-point calibration sensors for periods when one of the calibration sources is degraded, due to solar/lunar intrusion or degraded thermal stability, a situation common even with operational sensors (Kigawa and Mo 2002; Mo and Kigawa 2007; Hu and Weng 2015). This method is also a useful diagnostic tool for assessing the quality of the sensor calibration targets. The residual difference between the two calibration methods applied to TEMPEST-D show a clear systematic geographic dependence. This suggests that the approach may be used to investigate or characterize uncertainties in the knowledge of on-orbit calibration target temperatures. Here also is an area where this methodology may benefit operational sensors, since characterizing systematic calibration errors is critical to accurate use in numerical weather prediction. It is noted that these results are particular to the InP HEMT front-end LNAs flown in TEMPEST-D. Future studies that perform this analysis with other spaceborne microwave radiometers, such as SSMIS, AMSU, and ATMS, would provide additional insight.
The research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004) and at Colorado State University.
Data availability statement.
All data used in this paper are publicly available after user registration at https://tempest.colostate.edu/data.
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