Recurrent somatic mutations reveal new insights into consequences of mutagenic processes in cancer
Fig 5
Overview of the 42 features and their association with each cluster.
Red and green squares indicate statistically significant negative and positive associations, respectively, where the gradient indicates the strength of the association. White coloured squares indicate no significant association (adjusted p-value > 0.05). For deletions a ‘no homopolymer context’ means that the base next to the deleted one is not of the same type. For insertions this refers to a base inserted 5’ to either a base of a different type or a single base of the same type. Note that we do not have to consider preceding bases as all SIM calls were left aligned. A short homopolymer context is defined as a 2–4 bp mononucleotide repeat of the same type of base as the 1 bp SIM, midsize is 5–7 bp in length and long ≥ 8 bp.