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Juhls, Bennet; Morgenstern, Anne; Chetverova, Antonina; Eulenburg, Antje; Hölemann, Jens A; Povazhnyi, Vasily; Overduin, Pier Paul (2020): Lena River surface water monitoring near the Samoylov Island Research Station [dataset publication series]. PANGAEA,

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Published: 2020-03-06DOI registered: 2020-03-13

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Current warming, shifting hydrological regimes and accelerated permafrost thaw in the catchment of the Arctic rivers will affect their water biogeochemistry. The Lena River is the second largest Arctic river and 71 % of its catchment is characterized by continuous permafrost. Monitoring of Arctic rivers will enable to observe expected changes in matter transport such as an increase of dissolved organic matter (DOM) re-mobilization from permafrost. A number of biogeochemical variables are presented here in a unique high frequency throughout the whole year. The sampling of Lena River water is done near the Research Station Samoylov Island in the central Lena River Delta. The Samoylov research station allows a unique chance for continuous sampling since it operates throughout the year.
biogeochemistry; CDOM; DOC; DOM; major ions; stable water isotopes
Related to:
El Kassar, Jan; Juhls, Bennet; Hieronymi, Martin; Preusker, Rene; Morgenstern, Anne; Fischer, Jürgen; Overduin, Pier Paul (2023): Optical remote sensing (Sentinel-3 OLCI) used to monitor dissolved organic carbon in the Lena River, Russia. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1082109,
Juhls, Bennet; Stedmon, Colin A; Morgenstern, Anne; Meyer, Hanno; Hölemann, Jens A; Heim, Birgit; Povazhnyi, Vasily; Overduin, Pier Paul (2020): Identifying Drivers of Seasonality in Lena River Biogeochemistry and Dissolved Organic Matter Fluxes. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8, 53,
Latitude: 72.367977 * Longitude: 126.459550
Date/Time Start: 2018-04-20T21:00:00 * Date/Time End: 2022-08-16T09:00:00
Olenekskaya_Ch * Latitude: 72.367977 * Longitude: 126.459550 * Method/Device: Sampling river (RIVER)
Change history:
2024-04-23T09:28:18 – Additional datasets were added (publication year 2024)
10 datasets

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Datasets listed in this publication series

  1. Juhls, B; Overduin, PP; Morgenstern, A et al. (2024): Colored dissolved organic matter of Lena River water from 11.04.2019 (#79) to 11.09.2019 (#201).
  2. Juhls, B; Overduin, PP; Morgenstern, A et al. (2024): Colored dissolved organic matter of Lena River water from 13.09.2019 (#202) to 23.08.2021 (#487).
  3. Erina, O; Tereshina, M; Chalov, SR et al. (2024): Colored dissolved organic matter of Lena River water from 26.08.2021 (#488) to 16.08.2022 (#612).
  4. Povazhnyi, V; Juhls, B; Overduin, PP et al. (2024): Dissolved inorganic nutrient concentration of Lena River water from 20.04.2018 (#1) to 11.09.2019 (#201).
  5. Juhls, B; Overduin, PP; Morgenstern, A et al. (2024): Dissolved elemental and dissolved ion concentrations of Lena River water from 11.04.2019 (#79) to 23.08.2021 (#487).
  6. Juhls, B; Overduin, PP; Morgenstern, A et al. (2024): Dissolved organic carbon concentration of Lena River water from 11.04.2019 (#79) to 23.08.2021 (#487).
  7. Tereshina, M; Erina, O; Chalov, SR et al. (2024): Dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen concentration of Lena River water from 26.08.2021 (#488) to 16.08.2022 (#612).
  8. Opfergelt, S; Gaspard, F; Hirst, C et al. (2024): Silicon isotope composition and Ge/Si ratio of Lena River water from 20.04.2018 (#1) to 28.03.2019 (#77).
  9. Juhls, B; Overduin, PP; Morgenstern, A et al. (2024): Temperature of Lena River water from 11.04.2019 (#79) to 16.08.2022 (#612).
  10. Juhls, B; Morgenstern, A; Chetverova, A et al. (2020): Temperature, electrical conductivity, DOC, CDOM, stable water isotopes and major ions of Lena River water from April 2018 to April 2019.