Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
Online ISSN : 2186-9057
Print ISSN : 0026-1165
ISSN-L : 0026-1165
Sky Radiometer Measurements of Aerosol Optical Properties over Sapporo, Japan
Author information

2003 Volume 81 Issue 3 Pages 493-513

Ground-based sky radiometers were used to measure direct solar irradiance and solar aureole radiance for several years at Sapporo, Tsukuba, and Tokyo, Japan. From these measurements, we computed aerosol optical thickness at 0.5 μm, τ(0.5), and the A° ngstro¨m exponent, α, and volume size distributions within a column. The optical thickness at Sapporo increased markedly over a short period of time following Asian dust events, and a forest fire in Siberia. The columnar volume size distributions observed during the Asian dust events showed a peak radius of 2.0-3.0 mm. Backward trajectory analyses suggest that the particles producing this springtime event originated in the Loess Plateau and Gobi Desert, and reached Sapporo via southern China. The columnar size distribution during the forest fire case showed an increase in the density of particles with a peak radius ∼0.2 μm. Trajectory analysis clearly linked the atmospheric changes over Sapporo with a forest fire in Siberia.
The aerosol optical thickness, τ(0.5), has a clear seasonal cycle at Sapporo, with a vernal maximum and an autumnal minimum. The Ångström exponent, α, has a clear seasonal cycle at both Tokyo and Tsukuba, where early-winter maxima and springtime minima are observed, but at Sapporo the seasonal cycle is weaker, with a summer maximum and a vernal minimum. Aerosols were classified into four types (Types I∼IV) based on τ(0.5), and α data observed at the three sites. Aerosols with a τ(0.5) smaller than the total mean of τ(0.5), but greater than or equal to the total mean of α τ(0.5) < τ(0.5), α ≥ α were classified as Type I; aerosols with τ(0.5) ≥ τ(0.5) and α ≥ α were Type II;those with τ(0.5) < τ(0.5) and α < α were Type III; and those with τ(0.5) ≥ τ(0.5), α < α were Type IV.The most common aerosol type, that is, the background aerosol, was Type I (∼40%) at all three sites.Type-IV aerosols at all three sites showed the same seasonal cycle (spring maximum), suggesting largescalephenomena such as Asian dust events may contribute to the production and transport of thisaerosol type. The behavior of Type-II aerosols differed at the three sites, indicating that local phenomenaare important in the production and transport of Type-II aerosols. The emission of manufactured aerosolsand subsequent gas-to-particle processes may contribute to Type-II aerosol formation. Type-III aerosolsat Sapporo were characterized by a seasonal cycle opposite to that of Type-IV aerosols, suggestingthat large particles have different sources and/or transport processes in spring and autumn.
The atmospheric turbidity retrieved from the sky radiometer is compared, β(SR), at Sapporo with that calculated using direct solar radiation measurements, β(DSR). Both showed the same seasonal cycle, but β(SR) was slightly smaller (∼0.02) than β(DSR). Sky radiometers can retrieve the optical properties of aerosols under cloudy conditions if there are no clouds around the solar aureole. The seasonal mean of τ(0.5) (or α) under cloudy conditions was 1.5 to 1.8 (1.1 to 1.2) times larger (smaller) than under clear sky conditions. In other words, the direct effect of aerosols that exist in clear air between clouds cannot be ignored. We call this the hybrid effect of aerosols.
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© 2003 by Meteorological Society of Japan
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