Statistical errors of rain rate estimators due to natural variations in raindrop size distribution (DSD) are studied for 3-cm wavelength polarimetric radar. Four types of estimators are examined: A classical estimator R(ZH), and three types of polarimetric radar estimators R(KDP), R(ZH, ZDR), and R(KDP, ZDR), where R is the rain rate, ZH is the reflectivity factor at horizontal polarization, KDP is the specific differential phase, and ZDR is the differential reflectivity. The T-matrix method is employed for the scattering calculations, and a total of 7,664 one-minute raindrop size spectra, measured with a Joss-Waldvogel type disdrometer are used.
According to simulation results, the normalized errors (NEs) of R(ZH), R(KDP), R(KDP,ZDR), and R(ZH,ZDR) for all DSD samples are 25%, 14%, 9%, and 10%, respectively. The NEs of all estimators, except R(ZH), tend to decrease with increasing rain rate. For rain rates larger than 10 mmh−1, e.g., the average NEs of R(ZH), R(KDP), R(KDP, ZDR), and R(ZH,ZDR) are 25%, 9%, 5%, and 7%, respectively. The simulation results show that the classical estimator R(ZH) is the most sensitive to variations in DSD and the estimator R(KDP, ZDR) is the least sensitive.
The lowest sensitivity of the rain estimator R(KDP, ZDR) to variations in DSD can be explained by the following facts. The difference in the forward-scattering amplitudes at horizontal and vertical polarizations, which contributes KDP, is proportional to the 4.78th power of the drop diameter. On the other hand, the exponent of the backscatter cross section, which contributes to ZH, is proportional to the 6.38th power of the drop diameter. Because the rain rate R is proportional to the 3.67th power of the drop diameter, KDP is less sensitive to DSD variations than ZH. However, DSD spectra with unusually large median volume diameter D0 can increase the estimation error of R(KDP). The differential reflectivity ZDR reduces the effect of unusual D0 and is useful for further improvement of the estimator R(KDP). This is due to the fact that ZDR itself is a good measure of D0.