Latitudinal and temporal distributions of CH4 emission were estimated by an iterative inverse method using a two-dimensional atmospheric transport model and the 1983-1994 CH4 concentration data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory Global Sampling Network. The atmospheric transport of the model was validated by simulating the concentrations of 85Kr, CFC-11, CFC-12 and CO2 observed at various locations world wide. A zonally averaged OH field for the destruction of CH4 in the atmosphere, originally derived from a three-dimensional photochemical transport model, was adjusted to simulate the observed concentration of atmospheric CH3CCl3. A calculated average latitudinal distribution of CH4 emission showed a large north-south difference, with about 75% of the total global emission residing in the northern hemisphere. The CH4 emission varied seasonally in high latitudes of the northern hemisphere, with a maximum in the summer season, while no seasonality of the CH4 release was found in the southern hemisphere. Averaged global emission of the natural and anthropogenic CH4 for the period 1984-1994 was estimated to be 559±9Tg/yr, with chemical loss of 528±10Tg/yr and the atmospheric increase of 31Tg/yr. In sensitivity experiments of the model results, the global emission of CH4 was found to be sensitive to the OH concentration and the atmospheric temperature but less to the atmospheric transport coefficients and the CH4 concentration data used. The latitudinal CH4 emission distribution was dependent largely on the specification of the horizontal transport coefficients. It was also found that the δ13C value of a bacterial source associated with a large amount of CH4 emission, as well as the soil absorption process of CH4 with a large kinetic isotopic fractionation, significantly impacts the determination of δ13C in atmospheric CH4.