Single-query quantum algorithms for symmetric problems
Bucicovschi, Daniel Copeland, David Meyer, and James Pommersheim
Given a unitary representation of a finite group on a
finite-dimensional Hilbert space, we show how to find a state whose
translates under the group are distinguishable with the highest
probability. We apply this to several quantum oracle problems, including
the GROUP MULTIPLICATION problem, in which the product of an ordered n-tuple
of group elements is to be determined by querying elements of the tuple.
For any finite group G, we give an algorithm to find the product of two
elements of G with a single quantum query with probability 2/|G|. This
generalizes Deutschs Algorithm from Z2 to an arbitrary finite group. We
further prove that this algorithm is optimal. We also introduce the
HIDDEN CONJUGATING ELEMENT PROBLEM, in which the oracle acts by
conjugating by an unknown element of the group. We show that for many
groups, including dihedral and symmetric groups, the unknown element can
be determined with probability 1 using a single quantum query.
Key words: quantum state
discrimination, quantum algorithms |