Phase diagrams of one-, two-, and three-dimensional quantum spin systems (pp0885-0899)
Braiorr-Orrs, Michael Weyrauch, and Mykhailo V. Rakov
We study the bipartite entanglement per bond to determine
characteristic features of the phase diagram of various quantum spin
models in different spatial dimensions. The bipartite entanglement is
obtained from a tensor network representation of the ground state
wave-function. Three spin-1/2 models (Ising, XY, XXZ, all in a
transverse field) are investigated. Infinite imaginary-time evolution (iTEBD
in 1D, simple update in 2D and 3D) is used to determine the ground
states of these models. The phase structure of the models is discussed
for all three dimensions.
Key words: tensor
networks, quantum entanglement, quantum phase transitions |