Paving the Way for Patient Pathways: Synthesizing a User-Centered Method Design with Results from a Systematic Literature Review


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						@Select Types{,
							Journal   = "Band-1",
							 Title= "Paving the Way for Patient Pathways: Synthesizing a User-Centered Method Design with Results from a Systematic Literature Review", 
							Author= "Peggy Richter, Hannes Schliete", 
							Doi= "", 
							 Abstract= "Patient pathways are recognized as a valuable governance instrument to increase standardization, quality, comparability, and transparency of care in comprehensive care networks. Yet, methodological support is lacking. This paper aims to support their development, implementation and continuous maintenance. Therefore, a systematic literature review of existing pathway methods was conducted and a consolidated pathway framework was derived. The framework was complemented by additional steps specific for patient pathways, which were derived in workshops with potential end users of the method proposed. Therefore, a qualitative content analysis was conducted. The additional steps emphasize the longing for generic patient pathway templates and their adaptation to national, regional, and local conditions of care networks. This work is a step forward towards standardized patient pathway development, their large-scale implementation and digitization. In the next step, the proposed method will be applied and tested in the European iPAAC Joint Action addressing innovations in cancer control.

							 Keywords= "care networks, method development, patient pathways, systematic literature review, user requirements
Peggy Richter, Hannes Schliete: Paving the Way for Patient Pathways: Synthesizing a User-Centered Method Design with Results from a Systematic Literature Review. Online: (Abgerufen 06.03.25)



Patient pathways are recognized as a valuable governance instrument to increase standardization, quality, comparability, and transparency of care in comprehensive care networks. Yet, methodological support is lacking. This paper aims to support their development, implementation and continuous maintenance. Therefore, a systematic literature review of existing pathway methods was conducted and a consolidated pathway framework was derived. The framework was complemented by additional steps specific for patient pathways, which were derived in workshops with potential end users of the method proposed. Therefore, a qualitative content analysis was conducted. The additional steps emphasize the longing for generic patient pathway templates and their adaptation to national, regional, and local conditions of care networks. This work is a step forward towards standardized patient pathway development, their large-scale implementation and digitization. In the next step, the proposed method will be applied and tested in the European iPAAC Joint Action addressing innovations in cancer control.



care networks, method development, patient pathways, systematic literature review, user requirements



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