Analysis and Prediction of User Sentiment on COVID-19 Pandemic Using Tweets
:1. Introduction
- We examined people’s emotions with COVID-19 by considering neutral, positive, and negative labels.
- We used ML models to calculate the accuracy of various ML approaches to classify the user’s feelings about COVID-19 and show that the random forest provides a better result than other ML models.
- We have expanded our focus on exploring DL models to classify the user’s sentiment about COVID-19, compute the DL models’ predictive performance, compare the ML models’ results, and show that Maximum times DL models provide a better result than ML models.
- We try to relate COVID-19 outbreak cases and COVID-19-related tweets among the nine states in the USA.
2. Related Works
3. Methodology
3.1. Data Acquisition
3.2. Data Processing
- Firstly, we removed all forms of symbols such as #,@,!,$,%,&, HTML tags, and numbers included in the whole dataset. We used a regular expression module from the Python language to perform these steps.
- Our collected dataset contains both lower case and upper case words. We convert all words into lower case words.
- Then, we performed tokenization on our whole text data. Tokenization means the division of smaller units of a comprehensive text document, such as individual terms or phrases [38].
- Finally, we utilized stemming on our whole text dataset to get clean tweet text. Stemming is an approach for obtaining the root shape of terms by eliminating their affixes [39]. We utilized the NLTK library from Python to perform tokenization and stemming.
3.3. Sentiment Analysis
- tweet1 = TextBlob (“The older people and others who have serious health problems are at higher risk of getting very sick from COVID-19”);
- print(format(tweet1.sentiment))
- Sentiment(polarity = −0.2113, subjectivity = 0.625)
- tweet2= TextBlob(“COVID-19 is bringing people closer during lockdown period.”);
- print(format(tweet2.sentiment))
- Sentiment(Polarity = 0.0, Subjectivity = 0.0)
3.4. Feature Extraction
3.5. Classifier Models
3.5.1. Machine Learning (ML) Techniques
3.5.2. Deep Learning (DL) Techniques
3.6. Evaluation Criteria
4. Experimental Results Analysis
4.1. Setup for the Experiment
Parameters Setting
4.2. Sentiment Analysis
4.3. Machine Learning Analysis
4.4. Deep Learning Analysis
4.5. Infected COVID-19 Cases vs. Estimated COVID-19 Cases Using Twitter Dataset
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Name of the State | Number of Tweets |
Arizona | 34,588 |
California | 195,602 |
Florida | 105,525 |
Georgia | 51,098 |
Illinois | 63,110 |
Nevada | 24,926 |
New York | 104,874 |
Texas | 158,319 |
Washington | 84,960 |
Name of the State | Number of Covid Cases |
Arizona | 238 |
California | 791 |
Florida | 977 |
Georgia | 2302 |
Illinois | 1164 |
Nevada | 140 |
New York | 874 |
Texas | 2471 |
Washington | 569 |
Feature Extraction | Algorithms | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | -Score |
bag-of-words | Logistic Regression | 93.76% | 95.08% | 89.28% | 91.85% |
SVM | 93.97% | 95.49% | 89.66% | 92.25% | |
Naïve Bayes | 90.44% | 89.10% | 86.05% | 87.46% | |
k-NN | 88.84% | 93.29% | 81.06% | 85.73% | |
Decision Tree | 95.69% | 94.98% | 94.39% | 94.68% | |
Random Forest | 97.09% | 97.68% | 95.21% | 96.39% | |
XGBoost | 84.25% | 91.07% | 72.17% | 78.06% | |
TF-IDF | Logistic Regression | 90.88% | 93.46% | 84.18% | 87.98% |
SVM | 93.75% | 95.10% | 89.27% | 91.85% | |
Naïve Bayes | 90.83% | 91.79% | 84.67% | 87.70% | |
k-NN | 90.23% | 93.04% | 83.96% | 87.68% | |
Decision Tree | 95.91% | 95.44% | 94.41% | 94.91% | |
Random Forest | 97.11% | 97.83% | 95.13% | 96.41% | |
XGBoost | 83.46% | 90.91% | 70.82% | 76.88% |
Algorithms | Feature Extraction | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | -Score |
CNN | GloVe with 100d | 98.51% | 98.00% | 98.00% | 98.00% |
GloVe with 200d | 98.89% | 98.00% | 98.00% | 98.00% | |
GloVe with 300d | 99.07% | 99.00% | 98.00% | 98.00% | |
Encoding Techniques | 99.34% | 99.00% | 99.00% | 99.00% | |
word2vec | 99.89% | 99.91% | 99.99% | 99.99% | |
LSTM | GloVe with 100d | 61.74% | 21.00% | 33.00% | 26.00% |
GloVe with 200d | 61.74% | 21.00% | 33.00% | 26.00% | |
GloVe with 300d | 61.74% | 21.00% | 33.00% | 26.00% | |
Encoding techniques | 99.24% | 99.00% | 99.00% | 99.00% | |
word2vec | 99.88% | 99.99% | 99.99% | 99.99% |
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Share and Cite
Yeasmin, N.; Mahbub, N.I.; Baowaly, M.K.; Singh, B.C.; Alom, Z.; Aung, Z.; Azim, M.A. Analysis and Prediction of User Sentiment on COVID-19 Pandemic Using Tweets. Big Data Cogn. Comput. 2022, 6, 65.
Yeasmin N, Mahbub NI, Baowaly MK, Singh BC, Alom Z, Aung Z, Azim MA. Analysis and Prediction of User Sentiment on COVID-19 Pandemic Using Tweets. Big Data and Cognitive Computing. 2022; 6(2):65.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYeasmin, Nilufa, Nosin Ibna Mahbub, Mrinal Kanti Baowaly, Bikash Chandra Singh, Zulfikar Alom, Zeyar Aung, and Mohammad Abdul Azim. 2022. "Analysis and Prediction of User Sentiment on COVID-19 Pandemic Using Tweets" Big Data and Cognitive Computing 6, no. 2: 65.
APA StyleYeasmin, N., Mahbub, N. I., Baowaly, M. K., Singh, B. C., Alom, Z., Aung, Z., & Azim, M. A. (2022). Analysis and Prediction of User Sentiment on COVID-19 Pandemic Using Tweets. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6(2), 65.