Proactive Agent Behaviour in Dynamic Distributed Constraint Optimisation Problems
:1. Introduction
- The dynamic interaction graph method in [21] is extended to a complete graph setting whilst maintaining the multi-agent hierarchy or variable ordering that enables the execution of DCOP algorithms. This resolves the limitation in [21], where constraints or message-passing can only exist is parent–child relationships.
- A temporal experience-sharing algorithm, based on dynamic multi-agent connections, is proposed to enable information propagation across agents in different parts of the environment. This experience-sharing algorithm relies on a distance metric defined in the observation space to limit redundant experiences in an agent’s buffer due to perceptual aliasing.
- The temporal experiences are then used to train an autoregressive model to predict the future states of random variables in a constraint function, given the previous observation. This addresses the transition model requirement in Proactive Dynamic DCOP (PD-DCOP) algorithms. We demonstrate how this model can be used with traditional DCOP algorithms to facilitate proactive agent behaviour in dynamic environments.
2. Related Work
3. Background
3.1. RoboCup Rescue Simulation
3.2. Distributed Constraint Optimisation Problem
- is a finite set of agents,
- is a finite set of variables,
- is a set of variable domains such that the domain of is ,
- is a set of constraint functions defined on where each is defined over a subset , with , determines the cost of value assignments of the variables in as , where ⊥ denotes utility for infeasible configurations. Here, the cardinality of is the arity of . The global cost of the values assigned to variables in is ,
- is an “onto” function that assigns the control of a variable to an agent .
- The set of variables is extended to compose random variables to model stochastic events in the environment (e.g., device malfunctioning, weather, and temperature).
- The domain set is also composed of the event spaces for the random variables .
- is the horizon of the environment.
- The variables in the of a constraint function may be a mixed set of decision variables and random variables. We denote the set of constraint functions whose scope contains a random variable as , where , which is associated with at most a single random variable.
- is a set of transition functions for the random variables . A transition function specifies the probability that a random variable changes value in future time steps.
- is a switching cost function that assigns a cost to a decision variable for changing values between time steps. This study views this cost term as a unary constraint function. High switching costs discourage agents from frequently switching values. Hence, the agents have to be purposeful with any potential change in decision in time step 2.
- is a discount factor that is used to control the significance of future rewards or costs. We set in this study.
- is a set of priors of the random variables .
- The onto function assigns only decision variables to agents .
4. Proposed Approach
4.1. Dynamic Multi-Agent Connections
4.2. Temporal Experience Sharing
Algorithm 1 Temporal Experience Sharing Algorithm |
4.3. Temporal Experience Modelling
Algorithm 2 Temporal Experience Modelling Algorithm |
5. Theoretical Properties
- In the worst case, all agents in the MAS are within communication range of one another.
- Each agent communicates its experiences with all other agents in the system.
- The communication overhead per message exchange is known and is constant.
- The number of experiences shared in each message exchange is proportional to the size of the experience buffer.
- Experience Disclosure Phase: In the worst case, each agent sends its experiences to all other agents. Hence, the communication complexity is .
- Experience Sharing with Request Phase: Each agent requests experiences from other agents. The communication complexity is in this case.
- Experience Sharing Phase: Each agent shares experiences with other agents, resulting in .
- Neighbor Update Phase: Each agent sends the most recent experience to its neighbours with a complexity of .
- We assume a constant communication cost for message exchanges.
- Calculating similarity measures between experiences involves comparing each new experience with a subset of experiences in the buffer. We assume that the computation of the similarity measure is pairwise and requires comparing each new experience with a subset of experiences in the buffer.
- Simple random sampling selects a subset of experiences in the buffer.
- The merging of experiences involves searching for and removing possibly duplicate experiences. This involves iterating through the experiences in the buffer (in the worst case) and comparing them with the new experiences.
- Message-passing has a constant computational complexity .
- For each new experience, the computational complexity for comparing with all experiences in the buffer is .
- Under simple random sampling, the complexity is linear in the size of the experience buffer .
- Assuming there are Q new experiences to merge, the complexity is .
6. Experimental Setup
- Unburnt
- Burning slightly
- Burning more
- Burning severely
- Not burning (water damage)
- Extinguished (minor damage)
- Extinguished (moderate damage)
- Extinguished (severe damage)
- Completely burnt
6.1. Modelling the Search-and-Extinguish Problem as a D-DCOP
- Agents: The fire brigade agents in the environment shown in Figure 3 served as the agents in the DCOP. These agents interact with the environment by receiving local observations and sending commands. Agent-to-agent communication was enabled using an implementation of RabbitMQ’s AMQP messaging protocol.
- Variables: We mapped each agent to a single decision variable that determines the building selected by the agent to either move to or extinguish the building’s fire. The random variable in this setting is the temperature of buildings in the environment.
- Domain: Each agent’s domain was the set of all buildings in the environment whose fieriness was either burning severely or lower.
- Constraint functions: Constraints existed between agents that shared parent–child relationships.
6.2. Model Training
7. Results and Discussion
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
DCOP | Distributed Constraint Optimisation Problem |
D-DCOP | Dynamic Distributed Optimisation Problem |
PD-DCOP | Proactive Dynamic Distributed Constraint Optimisation Problem |
MAS | Multi-Agent System |
MDP | Markov Decision Process |
DDFS | Distributed Depth First Search |
Mobed | Multi-agent Organization with Bounded Edit |
HARP | Hybrid Algorithm for Reconstructing Pseudo-trees |
RCRS | RoboCup Rescue Simulation |
COCOA | Cooperative Constraint Approximation |
DPOP | Distributed Pseudo-tree Optimisation Problem |
AMQP | Advanced Message Queuing Protocol |
LA-COCOA | Lookahead COCOA |
LA-DPOP | Lookahead DPOP |
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Agyemang, B.; Ren, F.; Yan, J. Proactive Agent Behaviour in Dynamic Distributed Constraint Optimisation Problems. Information 2024, 15, 255.
Agyemang B, Ren F, Yan J. Proactive Agent Behaviour in Dynamic Distributed Constraint Optimisation Problems. Information. 2024; 15(5):255.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAgyemang, Brighter, Fenghui Ren, and Jun Yan. 2024. "Proactive Agent Behaviour in Dynamic Distributed Constraint Optimisation Problems" Information 15, no. 5: 255.
APA StyleAgyemang, B., Ren, F., & Yan, J. (2024). Proactive Agent Behaviour in Dynamic Distributed Constraint Optimisation Problems. Information, 15(5), 255.