Municipal and Urban Renewal Development Index System: A Data-Driven Digital Analysis Framework
:1. Introduction
2. Municipal and Urban Renewal Development Index (MUDI) System
2.1. MUDI Data Model Building
2.2. MUDI Design and Specification
2.3. MUDI System Dimensionality and Correlation Study
2.4. AI-Driven Temporal Land Change Study by Applying MUDIs to Evaluate Urban Renewal Progress
3. MUDI System Setup: Study Area and Datasets
3.1. MUDI Study Area
3.2. Datasets
4. MUDI System Setup and Study for 337 Cities and Xiamen’s Yingping District and 285 Residential Communities
4.1. MUDI Setup
4.1.1. MUDIs for 337 Cities
4.1.2. Yingping District’s Data Model and MUDI Setup
4.1.3. MUDI Green Ecology Index-Based Land Change Study for 285 Residential Communities
4.2. MUDI System Methodology and Analysis
4.2.1. UMAP Classification and Correlation Study for 337 Cities
- The original data were processed with missing values and standardization.
- The UMAP algorithm was applied to the data, mapping high-dimension data to a 2D space and classifying the data.
- We selected 34 group 1 cities and 34 group 2 cities based on the results. The data of the selected cities were further analyzed by means of a dimension reduction and main components study.
4.2.2. PCA Dimension Reduction and Main Components Study for Group 1 and 2 Cities
- 4.
- The original data were processed with missing values and standardization.
- 5.
- The PCA algorithm was applied to the data, determining the number of principal components according to whether the eigenvalue was greater than 1.
- 6.
- We calculated the index weights based on the principal components’ load matrixes, eigenvalues, and variances. Then, we rank the indexes from high to low to compare and analyze the importance of the MUDIs of the group 1 cities and group 2 cities.
4.2.3. PCA–UMAP Analysis for Group 1 and 2 Cities
4.2.4. MUDI Analysis for Yingping District’s Urban Renewal Development
4.2.5. MUDI Green Ecology Index-Based Land Change Analysis for 285 Residential Communities in Xiamen
5. Results and Analysis
5.1. MUDI Experiments and Analysis
5.1.1. MUDI Classification and Correlation Analysis for 337 Cities
5.1.2. MUDI Component and Correlation Analysis
Group 1 Cities Analysis
Group 2 Cities Analysis
5.1.3. MUDI PCA Dimension Reduction and UMAP Finer Classification Analysis
5.2. MUDIs for Yingping District’s Urban Renewal Development Analysis in Xiamen
5.3. MUDI Green Ecology Index-Based Land Change Analysis for 285 Residential Communities
6. Discussion
6.1. MUDI-Based Dimensionality and Correlation Analysis
6.2. MUDI-Based City Finer Classification Analysis
6.3. MUDI-Based Yingping District’s Urban Renewal Analysis
6.4. MUDI Green Ecology Index-Based Land Change Analysis for 285 Residential Communities
6.5. Limitations and Future Research
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Level I Index | Level II Index |
Urban Vitality | Economic vitality | Foreign direct investment |
R&D expenditure ratio to GDP | ||
Number of top 500 private-owned enterprises | ||
Number of unicorn enterprises | ||
Number of high-tech enterprises | ||
Population vitality | Working age population ratio | |
Working age average education level | ||
Number of R&D personnel per 10,000 people | ||
Full-time R&D equivalent of scientific researchers | ||
Labor force demand ratio for higher education personnel | ||
Innovation vitality | Patent applications | |
PCT patent applications | ||
Certified ICT patents | ||
Contract amount of technology transactions | ||
Urban land output coefficient | ||
Fixed assets investment output for GDP | ||
Industrial vitality | Value increase in high-tech industry | |
Ration of value increase in high-tech industry | ||
Exports ratio of high-tech product | ||
Ratio of value increase in cultural and creative industries to GDP | ||
Market vitality | Number of universities and research institutions | |
Business environment index | ||
Market economy index | ||
Number of national free-trade zones | ||
Number of market economy entities | ||
Number of mobile phone users | ||
Number of Internet users |
Categories | Level I Index | Level II Index |
Ecological and Living Environment | Ecological environment | Coverage rate of green space per neighborhood area |
Coverage rate of building space per neighborhood area | ||
Proportion of roads length with poor lighting | ||
Proportion of roadway with wet ground | ||
Proportion of roadways with environmental noise conforming to standard | ||
Habitat sanitation | Number and coverage of garbage collection stations | |
Number and coverage of sanitation facilities | ||
Health and Comfort | Senior and elderly facilities | Number and coverage of convenient community commercial service facilities |
Number and coverage of elderly community service stations | ||
Proportion of the number of beds in elderly community service stations to the number of elderly people | ||
Health care | Number and coverage of community medical service stations | |
Number of beds in community medical service station | ||
Per capita area of community sports venues | ||
Education facilities | Coverage of inclusive kindergartens | |
Number of kindergarten student permissions per thousand | ||
Primary school coverage | ||
Number of primary school student permissions per thousand | ||
Safety and Resilience | Facility security | Intactness rate of important pipeline network |
Density of waterlogging points in the neighborhood area | ||
Area of emergency shelter per capita | ||
Coverage of fire service stations | ||
Annual number of safety accidents in the neighborhood | ||
Residential safety | Number of dilapidated houses in the neighborhood | |
Proportion of the area of dilapidated buildings to the total area of buildings | ||
Transportation Convenience | Transportation convenient | Public transport station coverage |
Proportion of continuous pedestrian road facilities to the total number of roads | ||
Proportion of cut-off roads to total roads | ||
Parking facilities | Parking area per capita | |
Proportion of residential parking space to total number of households in the neighborhood | ||
Proportion of commercial and public parking spaces | ||
Cultural Characteristics | Cultural characteristics | Cultural presenting building area per 10,000 people |
Historical buildings protection | Listing rate of historic buildings in the neighborhood | |
Vacancy rate of historic buildings in the neighborhood | ||
Protection and repair rate of historic buildings in the neighborhood | ||
Street style | Proportion of streets with distinctive features in the neighborhood | |
Distinctive cultural area that is in poor-quality conditions | ||
Area with well-preserved historical features | ||
The largest single area of the neighborhood with well-preserved historical features | ||
Tidiness | Street tidiness | Street pole and skyline regularity |
Tidiness ratio of buildings | ||
Orderliness of street vehicle parking | ||
Diversity and Inclusivity | Group inclusivity | Rate of barrier-free roads |
Proportion of people living on subsistence allowances in the neighborhood | ||
Proportion of migrant workers in the neighborhood | ||
Elderly population ratio in the neighborhood | ||
Proportion of the per capita housing area of public housing in the neighborhood is lower than the national standard | ||
Housing guarantee | Proportion of guaranteed housing in the neighborhood | |
Vitality and Innovation | Existing commercial and industrial status | Main store types in the neighborhood |
Emerging commercial and industrial development | Proportion of special-characteristics shops in key commercial streets to total shops | |
Proportion of creative and innovative shops in key streets | ||
Proportion of mobile street stalls in the neighborhood | ||
Store customer flow | ||
High-quality brand ratio | ||
Number of business types | ||
Shopping environment evaluation |
Beijing | Tianjin | Shanghai | Chongqing | Shijiazhuang | Taiyuan | Harbin |
Changchun | Shenyang | Dalian | Jinan | Qingdao | Nanjing | Hefei |
Hangzhou | Ningbo | Fuzhou | Xiamen | Zhengzhou | Wuhan | Changsha |
Guangzhou | Shenzhen | Nanning | Kunming | Chengdu | Xi’an | Urumqi |
Nanchang | Guiyang | Wuxi | Suzhou | Foshan | Dongguan |
Tangshan | Jincheng | Hohhot | Baotou | Daqing | Siping | Dongying |
Xuzhou | Bozhou | Quzhou | Jingdezhen | Ganzhou | Luoyang | Huangshi |
Changde | Haikou | Sanya | Liuzhou | Lincang | Anshun | Suining |
Yan’an | Lanzhou | Baiyin | Yinchuan | Wuzhong | Karamay | Xining |
Lhasa | Mudanjiang | Zhoushan | Lijiang | Jiuquan | Turpan |
Building | Green Space | Parking and Others | OA | Kappa |
72.75% | 78.30% | 68.50% | 72.79% | 0.5839 |
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Share and Cite
Wang, X.; Li, X.; Wu, T.; He, S.; Zhang, Y.; Ling, X.; Chen, B.; Bian, L.; Shi, X.; Zhang, R.; et al. Municipal and Urban Renewal Development Index System: A Data-Driven Digital Analysis Framework. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 456.
Wang X, Li X, Wu T, He S, Zhang Y, Ling X, Chen B, Bian L, Shi X, Zhang R, et al. Municipal and Urban Renewal Development Index System: A Data-Driven Digital Analysis Framework. Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(3):456.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Xi, Xuecao Li, Tinghai Wu, Shenjing He, Yuxin Zhang, Xianyao Ling, Bin Chen, Lanchun Bian, Xiaodong Shi, Ruoxi Zhang, and et al. 2024. "Municipal and Urban Renewal Development Index System: A Data-Driven Digital Analysis Framework" Remote Sensing 16, no. 3: 456.
APA StyleWang, X., Li, X., Wu, T., He, S., Zhang, Y., Ling, X., Chen, B., Bian, L., Shi, X., Zhang, R., Wang, J., Zheng, L., Li, J., & Gong, P. (2024). Municipal and Urban Renewal Development Index System: A Data-Driven Digital Analysis Framework. Remote Sensing, 16(3), 456.