Analysis of LoRaWAN 1.0 and 1.1 Protocols Security Mechanisms
:1. Introduction
- (i)
- Provide a comprehensive overview of the two LoRaWAN architectures’ communication protocols with a focus on security aspects.
- (ii)
- Highlight security-related compatibility issues between the two LoRaWAN major versions, v1.0 and v1.1.
- (iii)
- Analyze the compatibility issues within the two architecture components by interchanging NS and ED versions (homogeneity and heterogeneity). Furthermore, we analyze how security session keys are generated and how integrity and confidentiality are guaranteed in LoRaWAN.
2. LoRaWAN
2.1. LoRaWAN-Alliance
2.2. LoRa Technology
2.3. LoRaWAN Protocol
- LoRaWAN version 1.0 (January 2015) [19]: The first approved version of LoRaWAN 1.0.
- LoRaWAN version 1.0.1 (February 2016) [20]: This minor revision clarified some points that were not clear in the previous version, added some frequency plans, and made some modifications to MAC commands.
- LoRaWAN version 1.0.2 (July 2016) [21]: This minor revision added more MAC commands, fixed some errors in the previous version, and moved the Section "Physical Layer" to a separate document.
- LoRaWAN version 1.1 (October 2017) [22]: This major revision presented a new architecture by adding a new server called Join Server (JS), provided many enhancements in the security mechanism, such as using two root keys instead of one to derive the session security keys, and adding many countermeasures to avoid some vulnerabilities reported in the previous versions.
- LoRaWAN version 1.0.3 (July 2018) [23]: This minor revision related to v1.0.2 reused the same specifications for the class B devices mentioned in LoRaWAN version 1.1, added some MAC commands for class A devices, and deprecated some others.
- LoRaWAN version 1.0.4 (October 2020) [24]: This minor revision related to v1.0.3 provided some clarification on matters such as FCnt usage and behaviors, ADR behavior, channel selection procedure during joining, and retransmission backoff. We noticed two major security-related changes in this release: DevNonce generation is incremental instead of random, and AppEUI and AppNonce were replaced with JoinEUI and JoinNonce.
2.4. LoRaWAN Limitations
2.5. LoRaWAN Architectures
2.5.1. LoRaWAN v1.0.x Architecture
2.5.2. LoRaWAN v1.1 Architecture
2.6. Basic Messages with LoRaWAN
2.6.1. Message Structures Used in LoRaWAN v1.0.x
- Join-request: This type of message is used each time an end-device (ED) wants to join the network server (NS) in order to open a new session with it. This message is sent by an ED after powering on or resetting, or when the terminal wants to change its security session keys.
- Join-accept: This type of message is a response to the join-request message. It is created and sent by JS if the ED has permission to join the network.
- Unconfirmed dataUp: this type of message is sent by an ED to an NS when the terminal decides to send data that do not require acknowledgment.
- Unconfirmed dataDown: this type of message is sent by an NS to an ED when the NS has data to send which does not require acknowledgment. It can only be sent during one of the two reception windows opened by an ED after an uplink communication.
- Confirmed dataUp: This type of message is distinguished from unconfirmed dataUP by the need for an acknowledgment from the receiver (NS).
- Confirmed dataDown: This type of message is distinguished from unconfirmed dataDown by the need for an acknowledgment from the receiver (ED).
2.6.2. Message Structure Used in LoRaWAN v1.1 Architecture
3. Related Works
4. LoRaWAN Compatibility Scenarios: Basic Security Concepts
4.1. First Scenario: ED v1.0 with NS v1.0
- Sixteen-byte wide security session keys (NwkSkey and AppSkey),
- Two or three-byte frame counters (FCntUp and FCntDown),
- A four-byte address (DevAddr) to identify the ED in the network.
4.1.1. Security Session Context Generation (OTA Activation)
4.1.2. Security Session Context Generation (ABP Activation)
4.1.3. Confidentiality of Messages
- a
- Defining a sequence of blocks /i = 1 k (k = ceil(len(FRMPayload)/16)) that mainly contains Dir (0 for dataUp or 1 for dataDown), DevAddr, a counter (FCntUp for dataUp or FCntDown for dataDown), and i. Each block has a size of 128 bits.
- b
- Calculating a stream of keys (a sequence S of blocks ) by encryption the sequence of blocks , already calculated above, using the AES algorithm.
- S =
- = aes128_encrypt(K,) i = 1 k
- K = NwkSKey or AppSkey
- c
- The encryption or decryption is calculated by truncating (FRMPayload) XOR S to the first len(FRMPayload) bytes.
4.1.4. Integrity and Authenticity of Messages
- cmac = aes128_cmac(AppKey, X)
- MIC = cmac[0…3]
- Defining block which is mainly composed Dir (0: dataUp, 1: dataDown), DevAddr, FCntUp or FCntDown and len(X).
- cmac = aes128_cmac(NwkSKey, X)
- MIC = cmac[0…3]
4.2. Second Scenario: ED v1.1 with NS v1.1
4.2.1. LoRWAN Enhancements in v1.1
- fNS: only forward messages exchanged between ED and sNS or EDs and hNS.
- sNS: forwards messages between hNS and EDs directly or via fNS and sends MAC commands to EDs directly or via fNS
- hNS: forwards messages between EDs and the application server (AS) directly or via sNS or fNS, and sends MAC commands to ED directly or via sNS or fNS
- AppSKey: derived from AppKey and used for data encryption,
- NwkSEncKey: derived from NwkKey used for MAC command encryption,
- SNwkSIntKey: derived from NwkKey used by hNS or SNs for checking message integrity,
- FNwkSIntKey: derived from NwkKey used by hNS or FNs for checking message integrity.
4.2.2. Security Session Context Generation: OTA Activation
- A.
- Activation a new session for the first time
- B.
- Reactivation During an Ongoing Session
4.2.3. Security Session Context Generation (ABP Activation)
4.2.4. Confidentiality of Messages
- a
- A single block A (16 bytes wide) mainly contains Dir (Dir is 0x00 for uplink frames; otherwise 0x01), DevAddr, and a frame counter (FCntUp for dataUp, NFCntDwn for dataDown carrying MAC Commands, or AFCntDwn for dataDown carrying data application).
- b
- Calculating block S by encryption block A using the AES algorithm. The encryption key used is NwkSEncKey generated in the activation phase.
- c
- Encryption or decryption is calculated by truncating (FOpts) XOR S to the first “FOptsLen” bytes.
- a
- Defining a sequence of blocks /i = 1 ceil(len(FRMPayload)/16) mainly containing Dir, DevAddr, frame counter (FCntUp, NFCntDown, or AFCntDown), and i. Each block has a size of 16 bytes.
- b
- Calculating a stream of keys (a sequence S of blocks ) by encryption a sequence of blocks using AES algorithm:
- S =
- = aes128_encrypt(K,) i = 1 k
- K = NwkSEncKey or AppSkey
- c
- Encryption or decryption is calculated by truncating (FRMPayload) XOR S to the first len(FRMPayload) bytes.
4.2.5. Integrity and Authenticity of Messages
- cmac = aes128_cmac(NwkKey, MHDR∣JoinEUI∣DevEUI∣DevNonce)
- MIC = cmac[0…3]
- cmac = aes128_cmac(SNwkSIntKey, MHDR∣Rejoin Type= 0 or 2∣NetID∣DevEUI∣RJCount0)
- MIC = cmac[0…3]
- cmac = aes128_cmac(JSIntKey, MHDR∣Rejoin Type = 1∣JoinEUI ∣DevEUI∣RJCount1)
- MIC = cmac[0…3]
- cmac=aes128_cmac(JSIntKey, JoinReqType∣JoinEUI∣DevNonce∣MHDR∣JoinNonce∣NetID∣DevAdd∣DLSettings∣RxDelay∣CFList)
- MIC=cmac[0…3]
- Defining block which is mainly composed of ConfFCnt, Dir, DevAddr, AFCntDown or NFCntDown, and len(msg).
- cmac = aes128_cmac(SNwkSIntKey, msg).
- MIC=cmac[0…3]
- Defining block , which is mainly composed of Dir, DevAddr, FCntUp, and len(msg).
- Defining block , which is mainly composed of ConfFCnt, TxDr (data rate for uplink transmission), TxCh (index of the channel used for transmission), Dir, DevAddr, FCntUp, and len(msg).
- cmacS = aes128_cmac(SNwkSIntKey, msg)
- cmacF = aes128_cmac(FNwkSIntKey, msg)
- MIC = cmacS[0…1]∣cmacF[0…1]
4.3. Third Scenario: ED v1.1 with NS v1.0
4.3.1. Message Structure
4.3.2. Security Session Context Generation (ABP Activation)
4.3.3. Security Session Context Generation (OTA Activation)
- FNwkSIntKey = aes128_encrypt(Nwkkey, 0x01∣AppNonce∣NetID∣DevNonce )
- SNwkSIntKey = NwkSEncKey = FNwkSIntKey
- AppSKey = aes128_encrypt(NwkKey, 0x02∣AppNonce∣NetID∣DevNonce )
4.3.4. Confidentiality of Messages
4.3.5. Integrity and Authenticity of Messages
- cmac = aes128_cmac(RootKey,X)
- MIC = cmac[0…3]
- on the NS side
- -
- Defining block which is mainly composed of Dir (0: uplink, 1: downlink), DevAddr, FCntUp or FCntDown, and len(X).
- -
- cmac = aes128_cmac(NwkSKey, X)
- -
- MIC = cmac[0…3]
- on the ED side
- -
- Defining block which is mainly composed of Dir (0: uplink, 1: downlink), DevAddr, FCntUp or FCntDown, and len(X).
- -
- cmacF = aes128_cmac(FNwkSIntKey, X)
- -
- MIC = cmacF[0…3]
4.4. Fourth Scenario: ED v1.0 with NS v1.1
4.4.1. Message Structure
4.4.2. Security Session Context Generation (OTA Activation)
4.4.3. Security Session Context Generation (ABP Activation)
4.4.4. Confidentiality of Messages
4.4.5. Integrity and Authenticity of Messages
4.5. Synthesis
5. Current Research Directions in LoRaWAN
5.1. Network Scalability
5.2. Power Consumption
5.3. Security
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ABP | Activation By Personalization |
ADR | Adaptive Data Rate |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
AFCntDwn | Application Frame Counter Down |
AppEUI | Application Extended Unique Identifier |
AppKey | Application Key |
AppSkey | Application Session Key |
AS | Application Server |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CSS | Chirp Spread Spectrum |
DevAddr | Device Address |
DevEUI | Device Extended Unique Identifier |
ED | End-Node |
FCntDown | Frame Counter Down |
FCntUP | Frame Counter UP |
fNS | forward Network Server |
FNwkSIntKey | Forwarding Network Session Integrity Key |
GW | GateWay |
hNS | home Network Server |
IoT | Internet of Things |
ISM band | Industrial, Scientific and Medical band |
JoinEUI | Join Server Extended Unique Identifier |
JS | Join Server |
JSEncKey | Join Server Encryption Key |
JSIntKey | join Server Integrity Key |
LoRa | Long Range |
LPWAN | Low Power Wide Area Network |
MCU | Micro-Controller Unit |
MAC | Media Access Control |
MIC | Message Integrity Code |
NS | Network Server |
NFCntDwn | Network Frame Counter Down |
NwkKey | Network Key |
NwkSEncKey | Network Session Encryption Key |
NwkSkey | Network Session Key |
OTAA | Over-The-Air Activation |
OTP | One Time Password |
sNS | serving Network Server |
SNwkSIntKey | Serving Network Session Integrity Key |
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Frequency Band | Common Name |
863–870 MHz | EU868 |
902–928 MHz | US915 |
779–787 MHz | CN779 |
433 MHz | EU433 |
915–928 MHZ | AU915 |
470–510 MHz | CN470 |
923 MHz | AS923 |
920–923 MHz | KR920 |
865–867 MHZ | IN865 |
864–870 MHZ | RU864 |
Scenario 1 | Scenario 2 | |||
Root Keys Lifetime Keys | AppKey - - | AppKey NwkKey JSEncKey (from NwkKey) JSIntKey (from NwkKey) | ||
Identifiers | DevEUI - AppEUI | DevEUI JoinEUI AppEUI (storage on NS) | ||
Nonce used for deriving security session | DevNonce (randomly) AppNonce (randomly) | DevNonce (Incremental) JoinNonce (Incremental) RJcount0 (Incremental) RJcount1(Incremenatl) | ||
Session context -address of device -frame counters -security session keys | DevAddr FCntUp FCntDown AppSKey (from AppKey) NwkSKey (from AppKey) | DevAddr FCntUp NFCntDwn AFCntDwn AppSKey (from AppKey) NwkSEncKey (from NwkKey) SNwkSIntKey (from NwkKey) FNwkSIntKey (from NwkKey) | ||
Exchanged messages | Ciphered by | Signed by | Ciphered by | Signed by |
-Join-request -Rejoin-request type 0, 2 -Rejoin-request type 1 -Join-accept (reply to Join-request) -Join-accept (reply to Rejoin-request) -Data Up FRMPayload (MAC Commands) FRMPayload (Data) FOpts -Data Down FRMPayload (MAC Commands) FRMPayload (Data) FOpts | Plain Text Not used Not used AppKey Not used NwkSKey AppSkey Plain Text NwkSKey AppSkey Plain Text | AppKey Not used Not used AppKey Not used NwkSKey NwkSkey | Plain Text Plain Text Plain Text NwkKey JSEncKey NwkSEncKey AppSKey NwkSEncKey NwkSEncKey AppSkey NwkSEncKey | NwkKey SNwkSIntKey JSIntKey JSIntKey JSIntKey SNwkSIntKey + FNwkSIntKey SNwkSIntKey |
Scenario 3 | Scenario 4 | |||||||
ED v1.1 Side | NS v1.0 Side | ED v1.0 Side | NS v1.1 Side | |||||
Root Keys Lifetime Keys | NwkKey - | AppKey - | AppKey - | NwkKey - | ||||
Identifiers | DevEUI JoinEUI | DevEUI AppEUI | DevEUI AppEUI | DevEUI JoinEUI (out-of-band mechanism) | ||||
Nonce used for deriving security session | DevNonce (Incremental) JoinNonce(keep track) | DevNonce (keep track) appNonce(randomly) | DevNonce (randomly) AppNonce(No track) | DevNonce (Keep track) JoinNonce(Incremental) | ||||
Session context -address of device -frame counters -security session keys | DevAddr FCntUp FCntDown AppSkey(from NwkKey) | DevAddr FCntUp FCntDown AppSKey(from AppKey) | DevAddr FCntUp FCntDown AppSKey(from AppKey) | DevAddr FCntUp FCntDown AppSKey(from NwkKey) | ||||
FNwkSIntKey(from NwkKey) = SNwkSIntKey = NwkSEncKey | NwkSKey(from AppKey) | NwkSKey(from AppKey) | NwkSKey(from NwkKey) | |||||
Exchanged messages | Ciphered by | Signed by | Ciphered by | Signed by | Ciphered by | Signed by | Ciphered by | Signed by |
-Join-Request (JR) -ReJoin-Request(RJR) type 0, 2 -ReJoin-Request(RJR) type 1 -Join-accept (reply to JR) -Join-accept (reply to RJR) -Data Up FRMPayload (MAC Commands) FRMPayload (Data) FOpts -Data Down FRMPayload (MAC Commands) FRMPayload (Data) FOpts | Plain Text Not used Not used NwkKey Not used - NwkSEncKey AppSKey Plain Text - NwkSEncKey AppSkey Plain Text | NwkKey Not used Not used NwkKey Not used FNwkSIntKey SNwkSIntKey | Plain Text Not used Not used AppKey Not used - NwkSKey AppSKey Plain Text NwkSKey AppSkey PlainText | AppKey Not used Not used AppKey NwkSkey NwkSKey | Plain Text Not used Not used AppKey Not used - NwkSKey AppSKey Plain Text - NwkSKey AppSkey Plain Text | AppKey Not used Not used AppKey Not used NwkSKey NwkSKey | Plain text Not used Not used NwkKey Not used - NwkSEncKey AppSKey Plain Text - NwkSEncKey AppSkey Plain Text | NwkKey Not used Not used NwkKey Not used NwkSKey NwkSKey |
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Loukil, S.; Fourati, L.C.; Nayyar, A.; Chee, K.-W.-A. Analysis of LoRaWAN 1.0 and 1.1 Protocols Security Mechanisms. Sensors 2022, 22, 3717.
Loukil S, Fourati LC, Nayyar A, Chee K-W-A. Analysis of LoRaWAN 1.0 and 1.1 Protocols Security Mechanisms. Sensors. 2022; 22(10):3717.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLoukil, Slim, Lamia Chaari Fourati, Anand Nayyar, and K.-W.-A. Chee. 2022. "Analysis of LoRaWAN 1.0 and 1.1 Protocols Security Mechanisms" Sensors 22, no. 10: 3717.
APA StyleLoukil, S., Fourati, L. C., Nayyar, A., & Chee, K.-W.-A. (2022). Analysis of LoRaWAN 1.0 and 1.1 Protocols Security Mechanisms. Sensors, 22(10), 3717.