Aflatoxins belong to a group of highly carcinogenic mycotoxins, produced mainly byAspergillus flavus andAspergillus parasiticus in various agricultural food commodities. It is hard to eliminate them from food and feed due to their high stability. Aflatoxin contamination in food grains, particularly peanut and maize, continues to cause significant health concerns in the population of developing nations. They can be fatal to humans and animals. Several actions can be taken to protect both humans and animals by following all applicable laws and regulations controlling aflatoxins, preventing pre- and post-harvest contamination, reducing the synthesis of aflatoxins, decontamination, and detoxification. This review will focus on the occurrence of aflatoxins, factors affecting aflatoxin production, worldwide regulations of aflatoxins, adverse effects on health and economy, prevention, and control strategies for aflatoxins, specifically in peanuts and corn, to assure food safety and security. This review is intended to be educational not just for health-conscious consumers but also for authorities in the field to pave the path for future research to address the gaps in knowledge about mycotoxins and food safety.
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Aflatoxins belong to a group of highly carcinogenic mycotoxins, produced mainly byAspergillus flavus andAspergillus parasiticus in various agricultural food commodities. It is hard to eliminate them from food and feed due to their high stability. Aflatoxin contamination in food grains, particularly peanut and maize, continues to cause significant health concerns in the population of developing nations. They can be fatal to humans and animals. Several actions can be taken to protect both humans and animals by following all applicable laws and regulations controlling aflatoxins, preventing pre- and post-harvest contamination, reducing the synthesis of aflatoxins, decontamination, and detoxification. This review will focus on the occurrence of aflatoxins, factors affecting aflatoxin production, worldwide regulations of aflatoxins, adverse effects on health and economy, prevention, and control strategies for aflatoxins, specifically in peanuts and corn, to assure food safety and security. This review is intended to be educational not just for health-conscious consumers but also for authorities in the field to pave the path for future research to address the gaps in knowledge about mycotoxins and food safety.
All Time | Past 365 days | Past 30 Days | |
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