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Isogeny formulas for Jacobi intersection and twisted hessian curves

The first author is supported by Intel/FAPESP grant 14/50704-7 under project "Secure Execution of Cryptographic Algorithms"

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  • The security of public-key systems is based on the difficulty of solving certain mathematical problems. With the possible emergence of large-scale quantum computers several of these problems, such as factoring and computing discrete logarithms, would be efficiently solved. Research on quantum-resistant public-key cryptography, also called post-quantum cryptography (PQC), has been productive in recent years. Public-key cryptosystems based on the problem of computing isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves appear to be good candidates for the next generation of public-key cryptography standards in the PQC scenario. In this work, motivated by a previous work by D. Moody and D. Shumow [17], we derived maps for elliptic curves represented in Jacobi Intersection and Twisted Hessian models. Our derivation follows a multiplicative strategy that contrasts with the additive idea presented in the Vélu formula. Finally, we present a comparison of computational cost to generate maps for isogenies of degree $ l $, where $ l = 2k + 1 $. In affine coordinates, our formulas require $ 46.8 \% $ less computation than the Huff model and $ 48\% $ less computation than the formulas given for the Extended Jacobi Quartic model when computing isogenies of degree $ 3 $. Considering higher degree isogenies as $ 101 $, our formulas require $ 23.4\% $ less computation than the Huff model and $ 24.7 \% $ less computation than the formula for the Extended Jacobi Quartic model.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 58F15, 58F17; Secondary: 53C35.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  Operation Counting for Isogenies Evaluation in Alternative Models in affine coordinates

    Edwards [17] $ (3k+1)M+2S+3kC+I $
    Huff [17] $ (4k-2)M+2S+2kC+2I $
    Ext. Jacobi Quartic [24] $ (4k+2)M+3S+(7k+4)C+2I $
    Weierstrass [17] $ (3+o(1))(2k+1)M+S+(3+o(1))(2k+1)C+I $ 1
    Intersec. de Jacobi $ (4k+2)M+3S+(5k+1)C+I $
    Twisted Hessian $ (5k+2)M+3S+(9k)C+I $
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    Table 2.  Operations Counting for Evaluation of Isogenies in Alternative Models, given in affine coordinates, as a function of the number of multiplications in the base field

    $S=0, 8M$,
    $S=0, 67M$,
    Edwards [17] $(3k+103)M$ $(3k+102.6)M$ $(3k+102.34)M$
    Huff [17] $(4k+200)M$ $(4k+199.6)M$ $(4k+199.34)M$
    Ext. Jacobi Quartic [24] $(4k+205)M$ $(4k+204.4)M$ $(4k+204.01)M$
    Weierstrass [17] - - -
    Jacobi Intersection $(4k+105)M$ $(4k+104.4)M$ $(4k+104.01)M$
    Twisted Hessian $(5k+105)M$ $(5k+104.4)M$ $(5k+104.01)M$
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    Table 3.  Operations Counting for Isogenies Evaluation in Alternative Models using Projective Coordinates

    Edwards [17] $ (3k+3)M+4S+3kC $
    Huff [17] $ (4k+3)M+3S+4kC $
    Ext. Jacobi Quartic [24] -
    Weierstrass [17] -
    Jacobi Intersection $ (4k+7)M+5S+(6k+2)C $
    Twisted Hessian $ (5k+2)M+3S+(9k)C $
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    Table 4.  Operations Counting for Isogeny Evaluation on Alternative Models, using projective coordinates, as a function of the number of multiplications in the base field

    $S=0, 8M$,
    $S=0, 67M$,
    Edwards [17] $(3k+7)M$ $(3k+6.2)M$ $(3k+5.68)M$
    Huff [17] $(4k+6)M$ $(4k+5.4)M$ $(4k+5.01)M$
    Ext. Jacobi Quartic [24] - - -
    Weierstrass [17] - - -
    Jacobi Intersection $(4k+12)M$ $(4k+11)M$ $(4k+10.35)M$
    Twisted Hessian $(5k+5)M$ $(5k+4.4)M$ $(5k+4, 01)M$
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