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Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data - HOAPS 4.0
Andersson, Axel; Graw, Kathrin; Schröder, Marc; Fennig, Karsten; Liman, Julian; Bakan, Stephan; Hollmann, Rainer; Klepp, Christian (2017): Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data - HOAPS 4.0, Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring, DOI:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/HOAPS/V002, [BibTeX entry]
Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF)
Publication year
Andersson, Axel; Graw, Kathrin; Schröder, Marc; Fennig, Karsten; Liman, Julian; Bakan, Stephan; Hollmann, Rainer; Klepp, Christian
Werscheck, Martin (ProjectLeader); Fuchs, Petra (DataManager)
The Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite data record (HOAPS) is a completely satellite based climatology of precipitation, evaporation and freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation) as well as of latent heat flux, total column water vapour, near surface specific humidity and near surface wind speed over the global ice free oceans. All variables are derived from recalibrated and intercalibrated measurements from SSM/I and SSMIS passive microwave radiometers, except for the SST, which is taken from AVHRR measurements. The data record includes multi-satellite averages and an efficient sea ice detection procedure. Main changes in this version are a prolonged time series, now containing data for the time period from July 1987 until December 2014, the utilisation of an updated SSM/I and SSMIS FCDR, the provision of uncertainty estimates for latent heat flux, evaporation, near surface specific humidity and near surface wind speed and the implementation of a 1D-Var retrieval scheme for the retrieval of total column water vapour and near surface wind speed. Other retrieval algorithms remain unchanged compared to HOAPS 3.2. All HOAPS products have global coverage, i.e., within ±180° longitude and ±80° latitude and are only defined over the ice-free ocean surface. The products are available as monthly averages and 6-hourly composites on a regular latitude/longitude grid with a spatial resolution of 0.5° x 0.5° degrees. Along with the data and the uncertainty estimates, a comprehensive documentation including user manual, algorithm descriptions, reprocessing layout and extensive validation studies, are provided.
Temporal coverage
1987-07-01 - 2014-12-31
Geographic coverage
Latitude: -80.0° S to 80.0° N
Longitude: -180.0° W to 180.0° E
202 GiB
- Product User Manual SSM/I and SSMIS data record products HOAPS version 4.0
- Validation Report SSM/I and SSMIS products HOAPS version 4.0
- Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document HOAPS version 4.0
Related publications
- Andersson, A., Fennig, K., Klepp, C., Bakan, S., Graßl, H., and Schulz, J., 2010: The Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data – HOAPS-3, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 2, 215-234.
- Andersson, A., Klepp, C., Fennig, K., Bakan, S., Graßl, H. and Schulz, J., 2011: Evaluation of HOAPS-3 ocean surface freshwater flux components, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 50, 379-398.
- Kinzel, J., K. Fennig, M. Schröder, A. Andersson, K. Bumke, R. Hollmann, 2016: Decomposition of Random Errors Inherent to HOAPS-3.2 Near-Surface Humidity Estimates Using Multiple Triple Collocation Analysis. J. Atm. Oceanic Tech., 1455-1471, 33 (7).
- Kinzel, J., M. Schröder, K. Fennig, A. Andersson, R. Hollmann, 2018: Uncertainty characterization of HOAPS-3.3 latent heat flux related parameters. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 1793-1815.
- Schröder, M., Jonas, M., Lindau, R., Schulz, J., and Fennig, K., 2013: The CM SAF SSM/I-based total column water vapour climate data record: methods and evaluation against re-analyses and satellite. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 765–775.
Related Data Records
- A previous version of this data record is available from here: DOI:10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/HOAPS/V001.
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