2021-2027 Technical seminars
The European Commission is organising a series of technical webinars focused on the management of EU funds for the 2021-2027 programming period.
The agendas, presentations and recordings of past meetings can be consulted.
- Webinar on Mid-term review of cohesion policy programmes 2021-2027
- Webinar on Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) in cohesion policy - 25-04-2024
- Webinar on conflict of Interest - 08-06-2023
- Webinar for MS on how to implement SAFE - 14-03-2023
- Project management in cohesion policy in the context of public procurement rules and cost increases - 12/07/2022
- Simplified Cost Options to address migratory challenges resulting from the military aggression by the Russian Federation - 18/05/2022
- Webinar on 2021-2027 programming - VOL 3 - 16/06/2021
- Just Transition Fund (JTF) - Webinar - 25/02/2021
- Designing & implementing SCOs and FNLC - Webinar - 23/02/2021
- Programming of the REACT-EU resources - Webinar - 09/02/2021
- Horizontal enabling conditions - Webinar - 19/10/2020
- InvestEU programme and financial instruments under shared management - Webinar - 15/09/2020
- Technical assistance and capacity building - Webinar - 26/06/2020
- Programming of 2021-2027 period - Webinar - 05-06/03/2020
Further information: regio-coordination-of-programmes@ec.europa.eu
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