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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
EQAVET at VET provider level

The EQAVET Framework can be used at both the system and the VET provider level. The approach used by VET providers depends on the VET provider’s degree of autonomy, flexibility, support, and funding. These characteristics are set at the national or regional level and influence each VET organisation’s ability to adapt their provision to meet emerging skills and labour market needs. 

Indicative descriptors at the VET provider level 

The EQAVET Framework includes indicative descriptors which help VET providers to analyse their approach to quality assurance and gauge how much progress has been made in improving the quality of provision. The EQAVET Network agreed a methodology for this analysis. It invites EQAVET users to consider their quality assurance approach by reflecting on two contrasting statements for each indicative descriptor e.g. in the ‘implementation’ stage of the quality assurance cycle, one of the indicative descriptors states that ‘Resources are appropriately internally aligned/ assigned with a view to achieving the targets set in the implementation plans’. 

EQAVET users are invited to consider whether they would describe their approach as one where: 

  • Staff and other resources are assigned effectively. 
  • Resources are not assigned in line with the VET provider’s targets as set out in an implementation plan. 

Contrasting statements can be created for every indicative descriptor. The approach helps VET providers to identify areas where they could make changes and improvements. 

Indicators for VET providers 

In addition to the indicative descriptors, EQAVET’s reference indicators can support each VET provider in developing, evaluating, and improving their provision. The same indicators are used to measure the quality of provision at the system and provider level. In many contexts, the use of commonly agreed definitions enables information from individual VET providers to be collated and analysed to provide system-level data. 

The 2022 report from the EQAVET Secretariat highlighted how VET providers’ approach to quality assurance uses the main features of the EQAVET Framework. 

Further information  

Member States have undertaken work to implement the EQAVET Framework at VET provider level.  

For example, Greece has undertaken work to introduce a new quality assurance system approach for the implementation in initial vocational training institutes. Germany has undertaken recent research to look at quality initiatives of intermediary institutions in their dual VET system.  

Find out more by reading the case studies, available on the virtual library.  

Read how Member States are implementing quality assurance at provider level by accessing the country factsheets, available in the EQAVET virtual library.  

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