As an EU national you are entitled to take up work or look for a job in another EU country. 17 million of EU citizens are currently living or working abroad. The EU promotes fair employment conditions for people working abroad, as part of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
This section provides information on the rights of workers moving within the EU and the other rights linked to it, as well as on the restrictions that apply to workers from the countries that joined the EU more recently.
A short overview of the rights of nationals from countries outside the EU regarding work in an EU country is also available.
You will also find details on the conditions applying if you are temporarily sent by your employer to carry out your work in another Member State as a posted worker.
The EURES network, with its more than 1000 EURES staff and the EURES web portal with job vacancies and practical advice, are available to help you find a job and to prepare your move abroad.
The European Labour Authority (ELA) ensures that EU rules on labour mobility and social security coordination are enforced in a fair and effective way.