Great news for the "Grupo de investigación en Ingeniería del transporte GIIT" of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana 🎉🚀. Lubricants MDPI has recognized two recent works in the lubricants line🛢️✨ We congratulate and recognize the work of our professors Milton Garcia Tobar and Rafael Wilmer Contreras Urgiles 👏🎓. #Investigación #Ingeniería #UPS #Reconocimiento #Lubricants #Innovación #Excelencia #OrgulloUPS #GIIT #Éxito
Lubricants (IF: 3.1, ISSN 2075-4442) -- an Open Access Tribology Journal, indexed by SCIE (WoS) and Scopus (CiteScore 3.6)
Check out our recently published papers by Professor Milton Garcia Tobar's research team! 👇 📑 Title: Nanotechnology in Lubricants: A Systematic Review of the Use of Nanoparticles to Reduce the Friction Coefficient 🖋 by Milton Garcia Tobar, Rafael Wilmer Contreras Urgiles, Bryan Jimenez Cordero, and Julio Guillen Matute 🔗 📑 Title: Impact of Oil Viscosity on Emissions and Fuel Efficiency at High Altitudes: A Response Surface Methodology Analysis 🖋 by Milton Garcia Tobar, Oscar Cabrera Ojeda, and Fredy Crespo Montaño 🔗